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On 12/27/2022 at 12:07 PM, sasa965 said:

Sa inflacijom od deset posto kakva je posledni put zabeležena pedesetih.



Odnosilo se na 10 tačaka iz članka, o inflaciji nije bilo reči. Što je još jedan dokaz da je članak senzacionalistički jer umesto da se uhvate upravo za inflaciju, skup gas i struju, poskupljenje životnih namirnica, itd... Što zaista jesu aktuelni problemi, članak se dotiče nekakvih stvari koje niti su novi niti gorući problemi. 

1 hour ago, Eddard said:

članak se dotiče nekakvih stvari koje niti su novi niti gorući problemi.

Namera pisca je bila da piše o nebitnim stvarima.Plus bombastični naslov.

Bitni problemi se zaobilaze .

6 hours ago, sasa965 said:

Namera pisca je bila da piše o nebitnim stvarima.Plus bombastični naslov.

Bitni problemi se zaobilaze .

Namera pisca je bila da kroz overdramatizovanje malih problema pokaže kako je Nemačka na rubu propasti i puca po šavovima. Zašto, nemam pojma.

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On 12/27/2022 at 12:07 PM, sasa965 said:

Sa inflacijom od deset posto kakva je posledni put zabeležena pedesetih.


Što se tiče inflacije, sada se zbog ruske invazije na Ukrajinu dešava isto što se desilo čitavoj centralnoj Evropi nakon propasti komunizma - mijenjaju i adaptiraju se value chains (i ponuda i potražnja) i sve je to normalna adaptacija na eksterni šok koja će trajati godinu ili dvije. Poljska je 1990. imala inflaciju 86%, 1991. 60%, pa nisu propali nego 30 godina nakon toga imaju 12x veći BDP po glavi stanovnika nego 1990.



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5 hours ago, Beonegro said:

Što se tiče inflacije, sada se zbog ruske invazije na Ukrajinu dešava isto što se desilo čitavoj centralnoj Evropi nakon propasti komunizma - mijenjaju i adaptiraju se value chains (i ponuda i potražnja) i sve je to normalna adaptacija na eksterni šok koja će trajati godinu ili dvije. Poljska je 1990. imala inflaciju 86%, 1991. 60%, pa nisu propali nego 30 godina nakon toga imaju 12x veći BDP po glavi stanovnika nego 1990.


Pa Poljska je bila propala drzava 1990.

Kolika je bila inflacija u Njemackoj 1990? 

2 hours ago, Amigo said:

Pa Poljska je bila propala drzava 1990.

Brkaš pojmove siromašan i propao. Poljska je bila siromašna država 1990., ali imajući u vidu njen kapacitet da donosi ispravne odluke oličen u ekonomskom razvoju u narednim godinama, post-komunistička Poljska očito nije bila propala država.


Njemci su svoj pik inflacije oko ponovnog ujedinjenja imali 1992. godine, tada je inflacija bila 6% na godišnjem nivou, najviše od naftnih šokova sedamdesetih i osamdesetih, pa sve do sada. Znači dosta slično ovome što se danas događa.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Teško da bi i ovaj drugi bio tu gde jeste da nije bio partijski kadar.



Born on November 1, 1961, [new Czech president Petr] Pavel attended both a military grammar school and a military university in the former Czechoslovakia, which was then ruled by Moscow-backed communists.

He joined the Communist Party and began a rapid rise through army ranks.

His critics fault him for having studied to become a military intelligence agent for the communist army.

"I was born into a family where party membership was considered normal," Pavel said on his website.

"I didn't have enough information and experience to assess the criminal nature of the regime. Now I know it was a mistake."

When communism fell in 1989, Pavel cast aside his party ID but went ahead with the intelligence course.


Edited by erwin



They saved refugees stranded at sea. Now they’re on trial

A trial of 24 rescue workers has begun in Greece, prompting criticism from human rights groups and the European Parliament, which has called the proceedings “the largest case of criminalization of solidarity in Europe.”

The trial of Sean Binder, Sarah Mardini and 22 other volunteers from the search and rescue NGO Emergency Response Center International began in Lesbos on Tuesday, according to Grace O’Sullivan, an EU lawmaker who said she accompanied Binder to court.

The two highest-profile defendants, Binder and Mardini, were arrested in 2018 after they took part in several search and rescue operations around the Lesbos island to assist refugees stranded at sea.

Binder, a trained diver, is a dual Irish and German citizen, while Mardini is a Syrian refugee who herself arrived to Europe via sea.

Mardini gained international attention after it emerged that she and her sister saved the lives of fellow asylum seekers when the boat they were traveling on from Turkey to Greece encountered difficulty. Mardini’s sister Yusra went on to swim for the Refugee team at the Olympics. The sisters’ story was recently brought to life in the Netflix film “The Swimmers.”

Mardini returned to Greece in 2016 to volunteer with Emergency Response Center International where she worked alongside Binder.

The two have been charged with felonies including espionage, assisting smuggling networks, membership of a criminal organization, and money laundering and could face up to 25 years in prison if found guilty, according to a European Parliament report published in June 2021.

Mardini’s lawyer Zacharias Kesses in 2018 called the allegations “arbitrary,” adding in a video message that the claims have “nothing to do with real evidence.” Binder has also denied the allegations, warning that their case had “frightened people away from doing this kind of work.”

The case is “currently the largest case of criminalization of solidarity in Europe,” according to the European Parliament report.

“All we are asking for, all our lawyers have demanded is that the rule of law is respected. That Greek laws are respected,” Binder told journalists on Tuesday after the court hearing wrapped for the day.

“We want the rule of law, and we will find out Friday if we will get the rule of law or the rule of flaws” Binder continued, saying the prosecution had made “flaw after flaw” in their case.

In a December 22 statement, Human Rights Watch called on the Greek prosecutor to drop the charges, saying the case “effectively criminalizes life-saving humanitarian solidarity for people on the move.”

Nils Muižnieks, Director of Amnesty International’s European Regional Office, said in a January 5 statement that the trial “reveals how the Greek authorities will go to extreme lengths to deter humanitarian assistance and discourage migrants and refugees from seeking safety on the country’s shores.”

“It is farcical that this trial is even taking place. All charges against the rescuers must be dropped without delay,” Muižnieks added.


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

legnem ja sinoc u krevet da spavam (malo kasnije nego uobicajeno) i uzmem (tradicionalno) telefon da malo ispregledam socijalne mreze..vidim da je nekolicina prijatelja/pratilaca podelila u 'storije' osudu najnovije karikature u "Charlie Hebdo"..u kojoj se (toboze) ismevaju tragediji u Turskoj..naraFski,sa sve "prigodnim" propratnim komentarima u stilu: Sledeci put nek' ih sve pobiju,da nijedan ne pretekne itd.


Karikatura je,zapravo,kritika zapadne politike u Ukrajini. Stav da pomoc u oruzju donosi samim Ukrajincima smrt i destrukciju. Pretpostavljam da se iza toga krije stav redakcije o potrebi nekakve nagodbe sa Rusijom..imam utisak da to i prolazi u jednom delu zapadnih krugova,posebno slabe i dezorijentisane levice..protivnik sam takvog misljenja,jer smatram da je pravo svake drzave da se brani i ustane protiv agresije.

Medjutim,jedno ovde treba biti jasno. Karikatura nije nikakva zapadna arogancija prema muslimanima ili izrugivanje zrtvama zemljotresa,kako kod nas to ovog jutra tumaci vec 90% javnosti..malopre sam bio na kafi u gradu i vec cujem upravo takve komentare..od mrznje ce nas jedino vise kostati neznanje..

Edited by Drug Crni
Dopuna posta
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Velika je ovo tragedija u Turskoj i Siriji.

Ali Charlie Hebdo je dosledan sebi i ne pristaje ni na kakve kompromise.

NIje za svakoga, najcesce je gorak i udara u stomak ali ne odustaje od svoje price, ne podilaze nikome.

Ja imam veliki respekt za njih i za sve sto rade.

  • Thanks 1

Zagazilo se duboko u zimu, pa da proverim kako tece zivot u EU bez ruskog gasa. Hapse li zbog termostata, koliko ima mrtvih i promrzlih?

Februar mesec , hoce li biti parenja macaka, ili ce to da se odlozi zbog ruskog gasa?

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  • Ha-ha 8
2 hours ago, DJORDJE said:

Februar mesec , hoce li biti parenja macaka, ili ce to da se odlozi zbog ruskog gasa?


Kako god okreneš, sa ruskim gasom ili bez njega, mačkama se j*** u oba smisla. :classic_tongue:

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16 hours ago, DJORDJE said:

Zagazilo se duboko u zimu, pa da proverim kako tece zivot u EU bez ruskog gasa. Hapse li zbog termostata, koliko ima mrtvih i promrzlih?

Februar mesec , hoce li biti parenja macaka, ili ce to da se odlozi zbog ruskog gasa?

Ja jos cekam austrijske Kobre da mi ulete u stan jer prehajcavam grijanje ko sto je kolega forumas najavio. 

  • Ha-ha 2
On 2/9/2023 at 6:56 PM, DJORDJE said:

Zagazilo se duboko u zimu, pa da proverim kako tece zivot u EU bez ruskog gasa. Hapse li zbog termostata, koliko ima mrtvih i promrzlih?

Februar mesec , hoce li biti parenja macaka, ili ce to da se odlozi zbog ruskog gasa?


Nama u CZ ništa ne fali, greje svako koliko hoće a benzín košta kao i pre rata. Tako da botoksirani kepec može sav svoj gas da napumpa sebi u bulju.

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