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VN Singapura 2024


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Nakon uzbudljive trke u Bakuu vec od sutra akcija se nastavlja u Singapuru. Jos jedna ulicna staza ali karakterom znacajno drugaciju u odnosu na Baku, plus nocna trka sto znaci uslovi na stazi ce biti neuporedivi. Doduse, ovo je zadnjih godina bila Ahilova peta za RBR pa se moze ocekivati da ce se taj trend nastaviti.

Staza marina Bej ce nakon proslogodisnje promene konfiguracije koja se pokazala uspesnom ove godine otici korak dalje pa ce tako na tom novom pravcu (ili "pravcu") izmedju krivina 14 i 16 biti postavljena jos jedna DRS zona za ukupno 4. Sad ce se vise od pola kruga voziti sa DRS.

Nakon Bakua i protesta RBR povela se polemika o zadnjem krilu Meklarenovih bolida, FIA je saopstila da posmatra situaciju ali da je za sada Meklarenovo resenje legalno. Videcemo da li ce tako i ostati do kraja sezone, ili do kraja ovog seta pravila. Mozda dogodine svi budu imali "mini DRS", mozda vec za mesec dana u Ostinu ne bude ga imao niko...

Sta jos? Magnusen se vraca u Has nakon odradjene kazne. Ocekuje se kisa tokom dana ali suvo kad su bolidi na stazi sto znaci staza ce biti prilicno "zelena". Meklaren dolazi sa bolidima u specijalnoj retro semi koja asocira na 80-te i rane 90-te.

Pireli nam je spremio C3-C4-C5 kombinaciju.

Satnica vikenda ovde: https://www.formula1.com/en/racing/2024/singapore


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Ne svidja mi se ni malo ta ideja sa toliko DRS zona. To ubija sansu da se vozac koji bolje vozi spore krivine istakne i zasluzeno odvoji na stazi. Ali kapiram da oni hoce DRS vozic, i guzvu sa mnogo preticanja na ulicnoj stazi.

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18 minutes ago, Juan Pablo Montoya said:

Kiša u subotu i nedelju.


Što znači da neće biti DRS-a


Što znači da ovi sa stalnim DRSom imaju finu šansu 🙂 


Koliko sam ja video prognoze su za kisu danju. Trka se vozi nocu kad ne bi trebalo da pada.

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3 minutes ago, Radoye said:


Koliko sam ja video prognoze su za kisu danju. Trka se vozi nocu kad ne bi trebalo da pada.



Friday, September 20: FP1 and FP2 Sessions

Friday's practice sessions may face unpredictable weather, with cloudy skies, possible thunderstorms, temperatures around 31°C, and a 55% chance of rain. Visitors should prepare for potential wet conditions at the track, which could affect outdoor activities. It’s a good idea to bring a raincoat or umbrella and be prepared for possible delays or changes in the schedule due to weather.

Saturday, September 21: FP3 and Qualifying

On Saturday, expect morning thunderstorms with potential for clearing skies later in the day. Temperatures will be around 27°C, and there’s a 60% chance of rain in the morning, which might lessen by the time qualifying starts. Visitors should be ready for possible wet conditions early on, so bringing a raincoat or umbrella is advisable. As the day progresses, track conditions may change, so keep an eye on updates if you plan to attend the sessions.

Sunday, September 22: Race Day

Race day is anticipated to be quite challenging, with mostly cloudy skies and a high chance of thunderstorms. Temperatures will be around 27°C, and there’s a 78% chance of rain. Be prepared for potentially wet conditions throughout the day, which could affect outdoor activities and viewing. It’s wise to come prepared for rain and check for any schedule changes or weather-related updates before heading to the track.



Ja pročitao malopre. Subota prepodne kiša, popodne razvedravanje uz moguć pljusak tokom kvalifikacija.

Nedelja kiša, sa kratkim periodima bez kiše i 70% šansa za pljuskove.

Biće vrlo nepredvidivo, posebno u nedelju. Verovatno će se kvalifikacije žrtvovati zbog setapa za kišu, pa ćemo videti ko kako prođe.

1 minute ago, Jurgen said:


FIA je donela odluku da Meklaren mora da promeni zadnje krilo. 


Kontam ne za ovu trku?

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Pa da, skoro uvek je tako. Toplo, vlažno vreme koje onda proizvede često i dva perioda pljuska tokom trke. Šansa da jednom ljuljne kiša je skoro pa zagarantovana.

Ne znam da li mogu da se potrude da promene period kada se održava ova trka, ili je možda tamo stalno ovako.

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Max Verstappen has been punished by F1’s governing body, the FIA, for using bad language during Thursday’s press conference in Singapore, with the Red Bull driver now obliged “to accomplish some work of public interest”.

Verstappen was summoned to the stewards after swearing in the pre-weekend conference, with the panel reviewing the audio transcript and hearing from the driver and Red Bull team representatives before reaching their decision.


“It is the policy of the FIA to ensure that language used in its public forums, such as press conferences, meets generally accepted standards for all audiences and broadcasts,” read the stewards’ document.

“In particular this is true of statements made by participants in the World Championships and thus being role models both inside and outside the sport.


“This is clear in the regulations of the FIA and has been reinforced through previous cases brought before the Stewards in Formula One, in particular in Las Vegas in 2023.

“The Stewards reviewed the transcript of the FIA Thursday Driver Press Conference in Singapore and Max Verstappen, driver of car 1, used language to describe his car at the Event in Azerbaijan which is generally considered ‘coarse, rude’ or may ‘cause offense’ and is not considered suitable for broadcast.


“This is ‘Misconduct’ as defined in Art 20 of the International Sporting Code, and is a breach of Art 12.2.1.k.

“The Stewards noted that the language was not directed at anyone or any group. When summoned to the Stewards the driver explained that the word used is ordinary in speech as he learned it, English not being his native language.

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Multiple teams have brought just one new item each to the Singapore Grand Prix, with a focus on developments expected ahead of the next race at Circuit of The Americas.


Red Bul modifikovao hladjenje kocnica, RB2, Ferari i Aston Martin prednja krlia, Meklaren donji element zadnjeg krila, Alpin novo zadnje krilo, Vilijams modifikovano ogibljenje.

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2 hours ago, alberto.ascari said:


Koliko psujem, pregorela bi radio stanica.


Što se tiče trkanja, ako McLaren naglo potone onda znamo "đe je zeka". Ono što bi bilo zabrinjavajuće je da bi to bio drugi tim koji tone k'o šljiva u govno u sezoni. Odjednom.

To bi bio flagrantan dokaz da "kuhinja" radi punom parom a meni se od iste interplanetarno kenja.


Da, rečnik će mi biti užasniji nego inače isprovociran ovim proseravanjem FIA.

Matori bitnik i anarhist, šta ćeš. (ovu frazu razumeju samo matori forumaši)


Radoje, briši psovačinu ako smeta, sve ok 

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Dobro su rekli vozaci, ako vam se ne svidja psovanje preko radija nemojte da ga emitujete. S jedne strane psovanje je napravilo megazvezdu od Stajnera i lansiralo Netfliksovu seriju, sam FOM ga gura maksimalno u prenose, sa druge strane FIA kaznjava za isto. Nema nikakvog smisla, osim ako opet nije neko politicko nadgornjavanje izmedju FIA i FOM kao sto smo vec mnogo puta videli otkad je Sultan zaseo na presto...

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