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IBA je sama uvela pravilo da neko sa muškim hromozima ne može da se takmiči. I sami su objasnili zašto: 


In a statement, the IBA condemned "inconsistencies in eligibility" at the Paris Games.

"Both Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting post testing, did not meet the required eligibility criteria to compete within the female category of our respective events," the body added.


"The urgent nature of the decision (to disqualify the boxers) was justified, as the safety of our boxers is our top priority."

Znači sigurno postoji naučna podloga koja tvrdi da osobe sa muškim hromozomima imaju ne fer prednost. Tu bi trebalo svaka priča da prestane.

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4 minutes ago, Chaos Is Me said:

A jel joj ova zavirivala u gaće pa da može 100% da se tvrdi da ima "nedovoljno razvijen muški polni organ koji više liči na ženski"? WTF?


Ne znam da li je zavirivala. Pitao si, dobio si odgovor. E sad, što ti se odgovor ne sviđa to je druga stvar.


Tačno je da ova osoba ne zaslužuje hejt i progon. Isto tako je tačno da je dozvola ovoj osobi da se takmiči kao žena nefer prema ostalima.

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29 minutes ago, Chaos Is Me said:

Koliko sam ispratio priču oko ove Alžirke, u pitanju je biološka žena, sa ženskim polnim i reproduktivnim organom. Ima višak nekih hormona koji su muški ali to je ne čini muškarcem. Dakle, biološka a ne "psihološka" žena, kao što je slučaj sa trans osobama. Biološke žene moraju da imaju mogućnost da se takmiče sa ženama, trans osobe ne jer su u pitanju biološki muškarci. Pučanstvo je kao po starom dobrom srednjevekovnom običaju odmah skočilo da spaljuje veštice. A kome smeta kad ga biju trebalo je da izabere neki drugi, a ne borilački sport. U borilačkom sportu se podrazumeva da možeš da popiješ batine, tako da mi je ova Italijanka ispala baš patetična a i pola sveta sa njom. Kako li je ovoj mučenici iz Alžira to se niko ne pita.

Što bi se reklo Italijanka nije imala muda da joj izađe na crtu 😄

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1 minute ago, Мџе said:

Kaže spiker 30 kila lakša kako sam ja čuo. 
Neverovatno je dobra. Ide do medalje sigurno.


Milica ima 98 kila, Kubanka, 138. Računaj sam :classic_biggrin:


Milica je možda među dve-tri na celom turniru u ovoj kategoriji koja ima ispod 100 kila.

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28 minutes ago, Beonegro said:


Uglavnom, objektivno dođe na isto kao i trans osobe, iako u nekim situacijama subjektivno nije isto, mada je i to pitanje, jer imaš primjer Kaster Semenje koji živi kao muškarac, oženjen je ženom i, koliko sam ja upoznat, sa tom ženom ima dvoje biološke djece, a hoće da se takmiči protiv žena.


Dobili su decu vestackom oplodnjom. Slucaj Kaster Semenje nije isti, i tu je velika nepravda njoj nacinjena. A i da je isti, govorimo o borilackom sportu i atletici, nije bas isto.

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Ne znam koliko ste ispratili jučerašnje javljanje MOK-a povodom situacije o kojoj se piše od juče.


Joint Paris 2024 Boxing Unit/IOC Statement


Every person has the right to practise sport without discrimination.


All athletes participating in the boxing tournament of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 comply with the competition’s eligibility and entry regulations, as well as all applicable medical regulations set by the Paris 2024 Boxing Unit (PBU) (please find all applicable rules here). As with previous Olympic boxing competitions, the gender and age of the athletes are based on their passport.


These rules also applied during the qualification period, including the boxing tournaments of the 2023 European Games, Asian Games, Pan American Games and Pacific Games, the ad hoc 2023 African qualifying tournament in Dakar (SEN) and two world qualifying tournaments held in Busto Arsizio (ITA) and Bangkok (THA) in 2024, which involved a total of 1,471 different boxers from 172 National Olympic Committees (NOCs), the Boxing Refugee Team and Individual Neutral Athletes, and featured over 2,000 qualification bouts.


The PBU used the Tokyo 2020 boxing rules as a baseline to develop its regulations for Paris 2024. This was to minimise the impact on athletes’ preparations and guarantee consistency between Olympic Games. These Tokyo 2020 rules were based on the post-Rio 2016 rules, which were in place before the suspension of the boxing International Federation by the IOC in 2019 and the subsequent withdrawal of its recognition in 2023.


We have seen in reports misleading information about two female athletes competing at the Olympic Games Paris 2024. The two athletes have been competing in international boxing competitions for many years in the women’s category, including the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, International Boxing Association (IBA) World Championships and IBA-sanctioned tournaments.


These two athletes were the victims of a sudden and arbitrary decision by the IBA. Towards the end of the IBA World Championships in 2023, they were suddenly disqualified without any due process.


According to the IBA minutes available on their website, this decision was initially taken solely by the IBA Secretary General and CEO. The IBA Board only ratified it afterwards and only subsequently requested that a procedure to follow in similar cases in the future be established and reflected in the IBA Regulations. The minutes also say that the IBA should “establish a clear procedure on gender testing”.


The current aggression against these two athletes is based entirely on this arbitrary decision, which was taken without any proper procedure – especially considering that these athletes had been competing in top-level competition for many years.


Such an approach is contrary to good governance.


Eligibility rules should not be changed during ongoing competition, and any rule change must follow appropriate processes and should be based on scientific evidence.


The IOC is committed to protecting the human rights of all athletes participating in the Olympic Games as per the Olympic Charter, the IOC Code of Ethics and the IOC Strategic Framework on Human Rights. The IOC is saddened by the abuse that the two athletes are currently receiving.


The IBA’s recognition was withdrawn by the IOC in 2023 following its suspension in 2019. The withdrawal of recognition was confirmed by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). See the IOC’s statement following the ruling.


The IOC has made it clear that it needs National Boxing Federations to reach a consensus around a new International Federation in order for boxing to be included on the sports programme of the Olympic Games LA28.

Meni je ovaj poslednji pasus onako dosta jak. Mada, da mene neko pita (a ne pita me, naravno), ovo što se danas podvodi pod amaterski boks i ne mora da postoji na Igrama. 

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11 minutes ago, Chaos Is Me said:

Mislim da sam negde pročitao da ima ženski polni organ, a ne neke varijacije na temu.


Sve ok. Napisao sam ti iznad, odličan je ovaj post koji je fancy postavio. Organi ove osobe liče na ženske više nego na muške, ali nisu ni jedno ni drugo. A genetski je muško.


Hajka je nešto drugo i svakako je nezaslužena. Ali to je na MOK-u. Ovo nije smelo da se desi, kapiram ja nepravdu ka jednoj osobi, ali je to ipak bolje nego nepravda ka svim ostalima. 


Da ne tupim više o ovome, sve je rečeno.

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3 minutes ago, Beonegro said:

Ova borba Tedija Rinera i emiratočečena u apsolutnoj kategoriji u džudou je najpatetičniji trenutak Igara do sada. Dva vepra drže glave jedan drugome na ramenu i prave se da nešto rade.


Džudo i jeste sport kome je glavnu maksimu osnivač Džigoro Kano osmislio kao "popusti da bi pobedio".


To jest, koristi protivnikov napad protiv njega.


Da je po džudistima, oni bi čekali napad onog drugog dok vreme ne istekne. Ali pošto niko ne želi da gleda dvojicu rmpalija kako se gledaju u ringu četiri minuta, morali su da im uvedu "aktivnost" i "napadanje" u sport. A pošto je takvo nešto protiv same prirode ovog sporta, dolazimo do kamare kazni za "neaktivnost" po džudoki 😄

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2 minutes ago, McLeod said:


Dobili su decu vestackom oplodnjom. Slucaj Kaster Semenje nije isti, i tu je velika nepravda njoj nacinjena. A i da je isti, govorimo o borilackom sportu i atletici, nije bas isto.

Nema veze koja je tehnikalija, Kaster je biološki otac te djece, sam kaže u intervjuu za BBC da ima testise


"At the end of the day, I know I am different. I don't care about the medical terms or what they tell me. Being born without a uterus or with internal testicles. Those don't make me less of a woman," added Semenya.

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1 minute ago, Beonegro said:


Nigde nisam nasao da je ona bioloski otac, i ovde ne kaze da ima testise nego je ili ili (nemati matericu ili imati unutrasnje testise). Ako nadjes bas podatak da je ona bioloski otac okaci, posto me zanima.

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9 minutes ago, McLeod said:


Nigde nisam nasao da je ona bioloski otac, i ovde ne kaze da ima testise nego je ili ili (nemati matericu ili imati unutrasnje testise). Ako nadjes bas podatak da je ona bioloski otac okaci, posto me zanima.


Semenya told BBC Sport that she was "born without a uterus" and born "with internal testicles" and said: "I am a woman and have a vagina".


Za to da je biološki otac zaista nigdje ne piše, ali, pošto ne piše ni da je postojao donor povezao sam neke činjenice (imanje mudiju) sa nekim procedurama (vještačkom oplodnjom, koju nedostatak piše čini nezaobilaznom).

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