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jedina prednost jonesa je sto je duzi pa to u nekim situacijama u odbrani moze da vise posluzi. inace ako bih mogao birati uzeo bih marshalla.


ajde da vidimo sta ce denver uraditi. ide prica da su nudili slicne pare kao orlando (u sta malo sumnjam) i da je kcp i dalje izabrao floridu. posle boothovih reci od pre neki dan se mozda i moglo naslutiti da ce otici ali sam i dalje mislio da ce denver na kraju da ga plati. sada im treba ono sto treba svakoj ekipi. elitna odbrana i sut. zanima me kako ce to izvesti

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Evo ga thread neki oko njih dvojice al sustinski nije neka razlika bez vs kakvih igraca je ko bolji defanzivni fit, to moze da se pokaze kao dobar potez ako im zapadnu ovi sto je Marshall bolji a moze i losiji ako im bude falio neki elitni atleta koji je bolji finiser za slucaj DJJ. Pogotovo kad je u pitanju timska hemija.

Po nekim pisanjima prakticno je citava stvar bila dogovorena sa DJJ dan nakon zavrsetka finala dok se nije ukljucio tu Rich Paul koji ga je preuzeo par dana pred početak FA (po pravilima mora da se nakon promjene agenta ceka 15 dana da bi moglo da se potpise nesto sa tim igracem) i onda tehnički onemogućio da ostane u DAL i pregovara sa njima dok su ovi jurili više stvari odjednom uključujući i ovo jurenje Klaya pod pretpostavkom da su se osigurali za potpis Jonesa. Ovako se moralo trazit drugo rjesenje i izbor pao na Najia.

Inače, ne znam kako je izdržao ovoliko dugo al kapiram da je donosio pare pa se nije niko cimao oko toga, istog Rich Paula tuzi jedan od glavnih partnera u Klutch sportu koji je zapravo radio taj agentski prljavi posao i zavšavao potpise ugovora vrijednosti vise od milijardu ipo dolara, dok se ovaj sa Lebronom vozao po LA i glumio nekog power playera. Nije teško povjerovati u priču znajući kakve individue su tu uključene.

Imate odje link koga interesuje https://www.sportico.com/law/analysis/2024/mark-termini-lawsuit-klutch-rich-paul-1234785664/ al ovo je sustina.



Termini estimates he negotiated “in excess of $1.4 billion in contracts” for Klutch through the free agency period preceding the 2019-2020 season. His services were used for deals with Draymond Green, Ben Simmons, Eric Bledsoe, Tristan Thompson, J.R. Smith and, most notably, LeBron James. Termini says it was his idea to implement a “one plus one” contract strategy for James in which James earned more than $19 million over the course of three short Cavaliers contracts—instead of one longer deal—when he returned to the Cavs in 2014. 

Termini adds that not only did he negotiate contract terms but he “decided the structure and amount of all contract proposals, when to reject an offer, and when to impose a holdout.” Termini allegedly guided Paul on when to advise clients about signing, “at which time Termini would set up a verbal handshake call between the Team, the player, Termini, and Paul.”



While Termini says he was “substantively the only” negotiator of these contracts, “[Klutch] and Paul] individually and collectively took public credit in the media for the contracts negotiated by Termini.”

While Paul became famous and influential, Termini’s role appeared secondary and often without accompanying fanfare. 

Termini contends that after Paul had established himself as an industry leader, Klutch and Paul began to pay Termini less than what they owed. Termini contends he “refused to accept the reduced rates.” Termini also charges that Klutch and Paul hired third-party agents to perform the work for which he allegedly had an exclusive right to perform.


Edited by MrTwister
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2 minutes ago, Chaos Is Me said:

Teško preplaćivanje back up centra.


cenim da ce chet na 4 a hartenstein na 5. sumnjam da ce mu dati skoro 30 po sezoni da ulazi sa klupe. caruso ce verovatno biti sesti covek.


harris 2/52 u detroitu.

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OKC posle ovih poteza zadnjih nedelja,po meni favorit br 1. Strasan tim


PG: Shai Gilgeous-Alexander
SG: Alex Caruso 
SF: Jalen Williams
PF: Chet Holmgren 
😄 Isaiah Hartenstein 

PG: Cason Wallace
SG: Isaiah Joe
SF: Lu Dort
PF: Aaron Wiggins
😄 Jaylin Williams


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1 hour ago, SteveFrancis#3 said:

OKC ne spava, radi se

Ima se, može se. Pametno radili. 

E kad je Eubanks dobio 10 milki(Utah) za dve sezone za nikakvog igrača onda je sve moguće. 

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