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  On 4/14/2020 at 11:30 AM, uini said:


orlando je bio strava ekipa, iako tarme neiskusna, samo su naisli na prajm bullse prvi deo

nisam ja njih dozivljavao tako



Više lični utisak i ono što sam gledao u finalnoj seriji (svakako simpatična ekipa sa meni omiljenim Penny-jem i Sqail-om) ... Hjuston ih je počistio u finalu, a na tom putu, na istoku su izbacili Bulse i u finalu Pacerse 4-3

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  On 4/14/2020 at 12:02 PM, Shunsuke Nakamura said:

 Pogledajte dokumentarac o toj ekipi Magica. ESPN je to extra odradio. Obuhvacen je citav period od draftovanja Seka do njegovog odlaska i pocetka Penijevih problema sa povredama. Nick Anderson je posle te utakmice sa Hjustonom vjerovatno postao najveci tragicar u istoriji kosarke. 



Uspeo sam to da iskopam na torrentu i skinuo pre neki dan, to mi je sledeće na listi  :classic_smile:

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  On 4/14/2020 at 12:02 PM, Shunsuke Nakamura said:

 Pogledajte dokumentarac o toj ekipi Magica. ESPN je to extra odradio. Obuhvacen je citav period od draftovanja Seka do njegovog odlaska i pocetka Penijevih problema sa povredama. Nick Anderson je posle te utakmice sa Hjustonom vjerovatno postao najveci tragicar u istoriji kosarke. 



Misliš tokom te utakmice. Neverovatno kako se čovek usrao u gaće. Naravno, Orlando iz 95 nije ni blizu najslabijih finalista, kao što Uini kaže, bili su neiskusni, posebno dvojica udarnih igrača. Shaqu su u toj finalnoj seriji svirali gomiletinu faulova u napadu, baš ga je iškolovao Hakeem. 

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Mislim nakon. Da su oni nekim slucajem izvukli pobjedu u tom produzetku zaboravilo bi se velikim dijelom to brukanje/choke Andersona, ali posto su izgubiili na kraju postao je istorijski tragicar, sasvim opravdano ako cemo posteno. U tom dokumentarcu se bas dosta prica o njemu. Kazu da je nakon tog meca skroz potonula njegova karijera,  a bio je sasvim respektabilan igrac. I on sam govori da nikad to nije mogao da izbaci iz glave. 


Orlando nikako ne spada u tu kategoriju najgorih finalista. Dva mlada superstara+ nekoliko izuzetno dobrih igraca. Horace Grant je dosao tamo nakon 3 titule sa Bulsima, a bio je dosta vazna karika u toj ekipi.

Edited by Shunsuke Nakamura
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TITLELESS: The quest to find the best NBA team to never win a championship

We’ll be spotlighting a field of 64 teams in NBA history that did not win a title. At the end, we’ll hand out a virtual championship trophy to one hard-luck loser.




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OKC je po talentu najjaca ekipa koja nije uzela naslov. Mada treba uzeti u obzir da je taj trio kratko trajao. Imali su KD i Russ kasnije nekoliko dobrih prilika, 2016 su bili bas blizu. Vjerujem da bi igrali neki egal sa Kavsima da su prosli GSW. 


Za Jutu ne kapiram kako nijesu iskoristili onaj period kad je Jordan bio van lige da uzmu titulu. 

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beda od ekipe: hakeem, drexler, otis thorpe, kenny smith, horry, vernon maxwell, sam cassel, mario ellie


plus su na zapadu bili supersonics, suns, verovatno još neko sa jako dobrim sastavom. nije kao da je juta bila sama.

knicksi su te prve rockets sezone izgubili finale u 7 tekmi, jer je john starks šutirao nešto tipa 1-20 iz igre, bez preterivanja i uzeo poslednji šut


bile su te sezone krcate dobrim ekipama

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tuga. trebalo je još onda da znam 



Recap: The decisive game was as much about what the Rockets did, as it was about what John Starks didn’t do. The Knicks’ starting shooting guard was impossibly bad from the field; he shot 0-for-11 from three, 2-for-18 overall, and finished with just eight points and two rebounds. On the other end, Hakeem Olajuwon and Vernon Maxwell both scored more than 20 points, pacing a balanced Rockets scoring attack. Starks’ struggles — coupled with his insistence to keep shooting — allowed Houston to squeeze by the Knicks for the franchise’s first title. Houston won, 90-84.

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A to, znao sam za ponesto, ali ni blizu ovoliko detaljno. Sta znam, tesko mi je uvek bilo da se zainteresujem za razne vansportske detalje, kao i da adekvatno vrednujem privatne zivote sportista, kao i sve ostalo sto spada u ono off the court, for better or worse. Mozda neko drugi ume to da stavi na vagu, ja bas i ne. Takav sam, operisan moglo bi se reci, ali ovo jeste odvratno. Opet, krivo mi je sto nije uzeo prsten, a bolje fasovao za prestupe. 

Edited by Marko
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At the time, according to Smith, Jordan said that “when he had to talk to Rodman he’d grab him by the temples, plead for Rodman to look him in the eye, and then tell Rodman what to do. Jordan said it was how he talked to his 8-year-old.”









From Jackson’s as-told-to with Telander: “The point is Dennis has to get his motor going himself. What is helping now is this relationship he’s started with Carmen Electra, whoever she is. Is she on TV? [Editor’s note: Yep! On Baywatch. She also worked in print, so to speak, making several appearances in Playboy.] And she is his inspiration. He goes out and plays for her. But God forbid he has a bad game, because then it’s impotence time.”

Electra was on the list of interviewees for the doc. I’m guessing we’re going to hear more about, um, all of that.




Edited by uini
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