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Novak vs State

double fault

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Novak Djokovic was deported from Australia in part due to the ‘media portrayal’ of his choice not to be vaccinated, the judges have confirmed.

A week-long saga came to an end on the eve of the Australian Open with Djokovic failing in his bid to have a court rule a Ministerial order to deport him was unreasonable.

Minister for Immigration Alex Hawke cancelled Djokovic’s visa on the grounds his presence in Australia unvaccinated could fuel ant-vaccination sentiment in the country.

However, despite conceding there was ‘no evidence’ that Novak Djokovic has never ‘fostered anti-vaccination sentiment,’ the judges ruled Hawke had grounds for his decision based upon the media and public perception of the Serbian’s decision not to take the vaccine.



The ruling states: “That he had a reason not to have a vaccination at the time of the decision in January 2022, apparently having contracted COVID-19 on or about 16 December 2021, did not say anything as to the position for the many months from the availability of vaccines to December 2021.

“It was plainly open to the Minister to infer that Mr Djokovic had chosen not to be vaccinated because he was opposed to vaccination or did not wish to be vaccinated.

“Whilst the Minister had not asked Mr Djokovic about his present attitude to vaccines, that only meant that there was no express statement to the contrary of what could be inferred to be his attitude up to January 2022.

“Mr Djokovic had not volunteered any information when interviewed at the airport by officers of the Department of Home Affairs. He did not give evidence of any apparent change of attitude.


“It was also open to the Minister to infer that the public would view his attitude as the media had portrayed: that he was unwilling to be vaccinated.

“The central proposition of Mr Djokovic’s argument was that the Minister lacked any evidence and cited none that his presence may “foster anti-vaccination sentiment”.

“There was no evidence, it was submitted, that he had urged people not to be vaccinated. Nor was there any evidence that in the past his circumstances had fostered such a sentiment in other countries.

“However, it was open to infer that it was perceived by the public that Mr Djokovic was not in favour of vaccinations. It was known or at least perceived by the public that he had chosen not to be vaccinated.”









Edited by wwww
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Pa piše im to i na sajtu, eno linka na prethodnoj strani.


35 minutes ago, diego said:

Neko se kocka, neko pusi, neko konzumira drogu... Djokovic ulaze u sumnjive kompanije. Niko nije savrsen.

Alternativna medicina, ne može mu niko zameriti da nije dosledan :classic_tongue:

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20 minutes ago, Boxy said:


to je ono sto sam rekla, Rubljov je smeo pozitivan da udje u Australiju




dakle, moze da udje s pozitivnim pcr testom ako je od prvog pozitivnog pcr testa proslo bar 14 dana, ako u poslednja 72 sata (pre leta) nema simptome, i ako dobije potvrdu od lekara da je prelezao bolest i da vise nije zarazan.


ne mogu tacno da se setim kad je Rubljov rekao da je pozitivan, ali ako je npr. 14.1. bio u Australiji taj datum bi morao da bude ne kasnije od recimo 28.12. (da dodam 1 dan za let i 3 dana za ovo da nema simptoma, plus pribavljanje dokumentacije itd.).



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Sve ok, njihova država, njihova pravila - za mene Monti Pajton level. 


Đoković se sa svojim stavovima i najnovijim biznis akvizicijama ubrzano bliži tom level-u... njegova karijera, njegove pare, nek' radi više šta 'oće.

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Mislim da je faktor i nedostatak testova, sigurno nikom ne smeta ako igrači ne troše svaki dan po jedan ili više testova.

I šta im to znači mandatory symptomatic testing? Ako igrač ne prijavi simptome, a ne kašlje svuda okolo kao magarac, ko će ga naterati da se testira pred meč od koga može da zaradi velike pare?

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Брнабић: Укинута уредба Владе о просторном плану пројекта Јадар, стављена тачка на Рио Тинто

Председница Владе Србије Ана Брнабић изјавила је да је на данашњој седници Владе укинута уредба Владе о просторном плану подручја посебне намене за прераду минерала јадарит, као и све дозволе и уредбе у вези са компанијом "Рио Тинто".

"На управо завршеној седници укинута је уредба Владе о просторнoм плану подручја посебне намене за реализацију пројекта експлоатације и прераде минерала јадарит од 13. фебруара 2020. године и више не постоји. Самим тим поништени су сви управни акти везани за Рио Тинто, све дозволе, решења, дозволе. Уговоре нисмо имали", нагласила је Брнабићева.




Премијерка је позвала еколошке организације да преузму документе и анализирају их. "Нудим да мој тим из кабинета помогне у анализи ако помоћ буде била потребна", истакла је Брнабићева.

Наводи да је Александар Јовановић Ћута из Еколошког устанка већ рекао да жели докумете и да може вечерас да их преузме.

Према њеним речима, на седници је укинута одлука о образовању Радне групе за имплементацију пројекта Јадар из 2021. године.

"Испунили смо све захтеве еколошких протеста и ставили тачку на Рио Тинто у Србији. Овим је све завршено, готово је и сви захтеви су испуњени", навела је премијерка.


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