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27 minutes ago, uini said:

... tačno bih im dao sve sem grimesa i pazi sad, reddisha, pošto bi njih dvojica + barrett zapravo doneli odbranu i gabarite na SG i SF a svi su dobri šuteri sem barretta koji komotno cepa spotup i svi su dobri na ulazu sem grimesa, koji se ne stidi da upadne u reket ako mu se pruži prilika


PG brunson - rose - mitchell

SG mitchell - grimes - reddish

SF barrett - reddish - feron hunt

PF randle - reddish - hartenstein?

C mitch lob - hartenstein - jericho


12 igrača, thibs fura 10 prošle sezone, moglo bi da bude i gledljivo i smsileno


Ovo bi bila baš fina ekipa.

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Suns General Manager James Jones has long held two things for the past year:

They did not want to sign Ayton to a designated rookie max FIVE year deal, as was demanded by his agent last summer. Jones mentioned being willing to discuss a three or four year deal, but not the five year deal. He mentioned the problems with designated rookie deals (can’t have more than two at a time, can’t have more than one who was traded), which only comes into play at the five-year-max level.

Always said Ayton was an important part of the team, and hoped they would find common ground on a contract.

Today, the Suns proved it by immediately matching the first offer sheet Ayton finally signed, which is only four years and therefore not a ‘designated rookie max’.

Why does that matter? Three reasons:

Booker is the other designated rookie max, and will remain so for the next two years until that deal expires (at which time he becomes a designated veteran max player).

Now the Suns can acquire a second designated rookie max contract WHILE keeping Ayton and Booker and any and all of his teammates

Now the Suns can trade Ayton, if they still want, between six months and two years from now to a team “like” the Nets who have already acquired another designated rookie max player and/or have two of them on the team already.

You say those two would never happen, right?

Yet, that’s a HUGE holdup right now in any Nets trade of Kevin Durant, because since they already have acquired Ben Simmons’ designated rookie max extension last season, they cannot now acquire any of about 15 other really good young players like Simmons (including Booker, Bam, and Donovan Mitchell) without trading Simmons away. And no one wants Simmons right now, I’ll tell you that.

These great young players do become available. In the last year alone, both Ben Simmons and Donovan Mitchell are being traded while on one of these contracts.

Imagine making Ayton and Booker their designated players, and knowing that the summer of 2023 is a bust because they can’t replace the aging Chris Paul with, say, De’Aaron Fox. Or another young ‘designated’ player who might hit the trading block.

But now, because Ayton is on a four-year, they CAN do that next year when it’s time to move on from Paul. Right now, if Paul falls off dramatically, they could stretch Paul’s $15 guaranteed million over five years and move their roster in a new direction at point guard. And now, that could potentially include a designated guy.

For now, Ayton is STAYING with the Suns. Guaranteed, he will be on the Suns roster through the new year, which will be about the first 30 games of the season. At minimum. Maybe for all four years!

Be happy, Suns fans.

And no, this does NOT take them out of the running for Kevin Durant. Makes it a bit harder, but certainly doable.

The Nets are going to have a very hard time acquiring an All-Star level player in exchange for Durant because of those restrictions I mentioned above. They can’t take on Donovan Mitchell, for example. Could very well be that Mikal Bridges is the best headliner they will get from a team for whom Kevin Durant would be happy to play.

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Finiks uradio ono sto je morao. Stvarno bi epski zajeb bio da im je jedan od bitnijih igraca i jedan od najboljih mladih C u ligi ode za dz u Pacerse.

Ayton isto moze da bude zadovoljan, jeste da nije dobio max ugovor na 5 godina ali je dobio max na 4 godine i obezbijedio sebi dobru lovu.


Sad je vrijeme da se srede medjuljudski odnosi ukoliko ima razmirica u ekipi i da vide oko KD sta se moze uraditi.


Sad da vidimo Pacerse i SA, imaju preko 30 mil u salary capu, sigurno da ce biti ukljuceni u neke price za trejd kao pomoc.

Edited by Miki28
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5 hours ago, uini said:

tu su negde. grimes out, fournier in i cca 2x pika manje i kontam da imamo dil



Pa pazi i nije toliko Ainge zacepio sa obzirom da ce vam ostaviti coveka-zmiju.


Nema sanse 2 pika manje, eventualno 1 manje.


Ako se budu mnogo kurocbecali na kraju ce svih 8 da im pokupi...

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30 minutes ago, Wesley Sneijder said:

40+% za tri, odlican suter generalno a i vrlo dobar defanzivac. 


Kreacija mu nije jaca stana, zbog toga je na kraju i pao na trece mesto. 


Mislim da mu je idealna rola da bude druga napadacka opcija, bar dok ne razvije neku kreaciju iz driblinga.




Slazem se sa svim ovim sto si napisao zato ga i zovem glorifikovani Govnintgon.


Ali takvi likovi obicno idu od 10-15 pozicije na draftu.


Kakva crna druga napadcka opcija za lika koji ne moze da kreira nista? Mozda u G ligi...

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23 minutes ago, zastotako said:

Naravno da moze sebi da kreira sut, dobar sut svaki put kad pipne loptu, imas plus atletu, 209 visokog, i ima predispozicije da bude defanzivni stoper. Zasto ne bi uspeo da dovede ball handling u red? 


Isto pitanje zasto Ben Simmons nije postao ubitacni trojkas za vreme svog bivstvovanja u ligi? 


Jedan Durant ima problem sa ball handlingom na najvecem nivou, sumnjam da je radna etika bila problem, Kawhi isto...


Mislim moze da se ''dovede u red'' samo je pitanje do kog nivoa kad covek od 19 godina ne zna da dribla.


Moje neko shvatanje kosarke ako nekog dizes sa prvog pika ( za sta je ovaj figurisao par minuta pre drafta) jednostavno mora da ima potencijal prve napadacke opcije najskorije moguce...


Po meni je veca verovatnoca da bude neki Mikal Bridges i to best case scenario ali mozda gresim...



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6 minutes ago, LordOfTerror said:

Moje neko shvatanje kosarke ako nekog dizes sa prvog pika ( za sta je ovaj figurisao par minuta pre drafta) jednostavno mora da ima potencijal prve napadacke opcije najskorije moguce...


valjda nešto zavisi i od berbe na draftu;

pitanje je da li bilo ko sa aktuelnog drafta može da bude prva napadačka opcija neke solidne ekipe u budućnosti.

možda holmgren ako pronađe inner-nowitzkog ili onaj ludi kanađanin sharpe iz blazersa


ipak, meni se čini da će prvih 7 sa drafta biti korektni nba igrači minimum

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pa da, to sam napisao i za holmgrena a pogotovo za sharpea kao neki baš wishful thinking

nisam ni ja razumeo terora kao obavezno prvi strelac, već igrač oko kojeg se vrti napad, na ovaj ili onaj način


banchera nisam ni na hajlajcima pogledao  : i

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1 hour ago, zastotako said:

Naravno da moze sebi da kreira sut, dobar sut svaki put kad pipne loptu, imas plus atletu, 209 visokog, i ima predispozicije da bude defanzivni stoper. Zasto ne bi uspeo da dovede ball handling u red? 

Zato što se ballhandling retko do nikad dovodi u red, za razliku od npr.šuta.

Ne kažem da ne može da se igra dobar basket bez toga, ali nekako nije za top pik opciju.

Istina ova draft klasa koliko čujem nije imala nekih vrhunskih talenata pa možda zato visok plasman 

Edited by Milos 3.14
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Na kraju ispade da se Sansi i Ejton kao samo nisu slagali oko duzine ugovora, sve ostalo je bajno & sjajno. Malo suplja prica, ali OK, ako mogu da ispeglaju odnose extra. A ako i ne mogu, vidimo se dogodine na trejd bloku.


Takodje, bas bih voleo da vidim Micela u Niksima, bili bi zabavna ekipa.

Edited by Marvin
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On 7/13/2022 at 8:08 PM, Miki28 said:

“He’s bought in, and I think he’s quietly put together one of the biggest offseasons of his career,” Pelinka said. “You can just tell. He’s got a very serious tone about him. Last year didn’t unfold the way that any of us wanted, and I think everyone’s gonna come back with a chip on our shoulder, and AD’s gonna lead us with that. I think he’s working hard. I know he’s working really hard on his body. Just excited to see what he’s gonna do.”


@delgado @Dracarys samo da nekako izgura sezonu zdrav i bice to druga prica.

Ostavio sam bio isto post, kako AD sabija ofsezonu, vežba puno, pun fokus. Mislim da bi mogao da se umeša i za MVP?


Ja se samo nadam da će Irving doći i da će se smilovati vlasnica Lejkersa.

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Ne znam da li diže Nikse na TOP4, ali su definitvno TOP6 ekipa sa Mičelom. Inače mi je smešno malo što sam u ranijim postovima čitao kako je Branson defanzivna rupa. Čovek je fizički prejak i ne bih nimalo voleo da dodjem u situaciju da se guram sa njim.

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