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Message added by Lobotomija,

Ovim disclaimerom označavamo temu o Ukrajini kao "ozbiljnu". Sve što se od forumaša traži je da joj tako pristupaju. Zabranjeno je:


- Kačenje lažnih informacija.

- Relativizacije.

- Negiranje ukrajinske nacije.

- Izvrtanje činjenica.

- Floodovanje linkovima i tvitovima.

- Zabranjeno je kačenje uznemirujućih fotografija i videa.


Moderacija će zauzeti neutralni stav, što znači da su sva pisanja dozvoljena ako su u skladu sa tačkama iznad. Stavovi moderatora koji učestvuju u diskusijama se smatraju kao "lični" i nemaju veze sa obavljanjem moderatorskog posla. Potrudite se da vesti budu istinite i iz relevantnih izvora. Ako se desi da nešto imate neprovereno, samo naglasite to u postu. Zadržaćemo mogućnost nekih izmena ako bude bilo neophodno.


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ja se sve nekako nadam da je ovo dogovor koji isposlovan prethodnih dana/nedelja. 
verovatno Ukrajinci trebaju da im dopuste da se povuku i ne pucaju im u ledja.

mada, Rusi su to, ko zna na sta su sve spremni?

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Sa jedne strane, ovo je kratkoročno manje zlo za Ruse, jer je bolje da sad izvuku najveći dio vojske koja je zapadno od Dnjepra nego da čekaju januar, pa da kad krene led po Dnjepru ne mogu da izvuku nikoga. Sa druge strane, ovo je ogromna taktička pobjeda za Ukrajinu, oni sad mogu sve kvalitetne jedinice sa tog bojišta da preusmjere na istok. Tačno će sad da udare od Zaporožja ka Mariupolju i da odsijeku Krim.

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Ovo je sad gamechanger. Ostaje da se vidi da li ce mozda rusiti branu ili tako nesto (mada time ugrozavaju i vodosnabdevanje Krima) ili ce se trkati do Donjecka. Ocigledno je situacija u Lugansku i Donjecku jos gora nego sto izgleda.


Ocekujem da Ukrajinci pokusaju da oslobode sve vece gradove u Lugansku do kraja meseca.

13 minutes ago, Hamilton said:

Ne znam, ne znam… nekako mi suvise lepo zvuci sve ovo da bi bilo tako lako i/ili istina. 

nisi jedini, mozda od sutra krene nova serija bombardovanja civilnih ciljeva i infrastrukture u znak odmazde.


Eh da je tu Dok. Slavio bi sa nama, ako nas citas ponekad, veliki pozdrav.


Inace onog izdajnika je pregazio tenk, auto se prevrno tj spljosten i prepolovljen. Rusi improvizuju za "10".


Sad ih treba tuci, osloboditi Lugansk gore i krenuti na Donjeck  i Mariupolj. Kadirovce i Vagnerovce unistiti a ove postene i jadne ljude zatvoriti i vratiti kuci pisle oslobodjenja.


Kad dodje dan pobede, istog dana da udju u NATO I EU.


Sad ni slucajno da stanu...jer moze biti pirova pobeda, sad dok su osamuceni, macolom udarati i osloboditi UA od zlog okupatora.


Steta sto nema neutralnih da kazu koju..

11 minutes ago, Devil In My Pants said:

Eh da je tu Dok. Slavio bi sa nama, ako nas citas ponekad, veliki pozdrav.


Da ne delis ti mozda iste stavove kao on?

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3 minutes ago, AgroLaki said:


Da ne delis ti mozda iste stavove kao on?

Za to sto ste ga banovali ne. Kakvo je to pitanje? Mada mislim da je korektan forumas na strani UA naroda. Bio je aktivan i zeljan pisanja. Vidis po mom pisanju kakvi su mi stavovi..odmah djonom kreces.


19 minutes ago, Devil In My Pants said:

Za to sto ste ga banovali ne. Kakvo je to pitanje? Mada mislim da je korektan forumas na strani UA naroda. Bio je aktivan i zeljan pisanja. Vidis po mom pisanju kakvi su mi stavovi..odmah djonom kreces.



Pa delovalo je da se sa setom secas njega, pa je dobro znati zbog čega, i da ne deliš stavove zbog kojih je banovan, sto je ok. 


Jbg, takvo je vreme, potrebno je eksplicitno se odreci losih ideja, ne treba biti neutralan. 😉 

  • Like 2
2 hours ago, deez nuts. said:

Obavestio sam zenu da se veceras gleda Hepi. Igru sudbine moze gledati i na odlozeno. 





E u koje vreme krece ona cuvena njihova emisija, to se mora gledati, ne mogu da cekam da stave na net 😄


Just now, Devil In My Pants said:

Sta kaze. Inace?


Nije to za tebe. To je za tebe visa matematika.


Just now, Devil In My Pants said:


Salje li Kanada jos oruzja? Nisam dugo cuo nista..


Ne salje.

  • Ha-ha 1
2 hours ago, djura.net said:

sada je zanimljivo hoce li biti demonstracija u Moskvi i hoce li javnost traziti nov napad na Ukrajnu svom snagom.


Ja ocekujem demonstracije u Beogradu 






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  • Ha-ha 8
Posted (edited)
56 minutes ago, Amigo said:

Ne salje.


Mozda ne salje zadnjih mjesec dana. 



October 12, 2022

Defence Minister Anita Anand announced that Canada will provide over $47 million in new military aid that will assist the Armed Forces of Ukraine as they fight for Ukraine’s sovereignty and security.

This new military aid package includes:

$15.2 million in equipment from the Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) inventory, including 155mm NATO-standard artillery rounds, fuses, and charge bags compatible with M777 howitzer artillery guns. Canada has previously provided M777 howitzer artillery guns to Ukraine and trained Ukrainian personnel in their use;

additional specialized drone cameras with a value of $15.3 million;

approximately $2 million to provide satellite communications services to Ukraine government and non-government partners, including critical infrastructure, through a joint project between the DND/CAF, Communications Security Establishment and Telesat; and

400,000 pieces of winter clothing for a total of $15 million. This critical winter equipment includes jackets, pants, boots, gloves, and parkas sourced from Canadian companies through the Canadian Commercial Corporation. An additional 100,000 pieces will come from CAF inventory.


October 11, 2022

In Warsaw, Poland, Minister Anand announced that in the coming weeks, Canada will deploy approximately 40 combat engineers to Poland under Operation UNIFIER to support a sapper training program for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) will provide training on a range of basic and advanced engineering skills, engineering reconnaissance, the use of explosives for demolition work, and demining.


September 26, 2022

Defence Minister Anita Anand announced that the Royal Canadian Air Force is enhancing its air mobility operations based in Europe, increasing Canada’s ability to carry out support missions throughout Europe, including the delivery of Ukraine-bound military aid.

To increase capacity and operational flexibility, Canada is adding a third CC-130J Hercules aircraft and additional personnel to the detachment. To reflect this change, the Prestwick Tactical Airlift Detachment will now be known as an Air Mobility Detachment. This name change is consistent with the increased frequency of flights and use of CC-177 air mobility aircraft. Minister Anand also confirmed that the detachment has delivered over four million pounds of cargo – largely military aid to Ukraine.


August 25, 2022

The deployed CAF members began their first training serial of Ukrainian recruits in the United Kingdom as Operation UNIFIER resumes.


August 04, 2022

The Minister of National Defence, the Honourable Anita Anand, announced Canada has authorized the deployment of CAF personnel to train new recruits from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as they seek to increase the size of their ground forces in the face of Russia’s ongoing unprovoked, unjustifiable, and illegal invasion.

Under Operation UNIFIER, Canada’s military training and capacity building mission in Ukraine, the CAF will deploy up to 225 personnel to the United Kingdom, the majority of whom will work as trainers, supported by a command and control element, for an initial deployment of approximately four months.


June 30, 2022

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that Canada will donate six additional L3 Wescam drone cameras and was finalizing negotiations to provide up to 39 armoured combat support vehicles, including elements for repairs and servicing. The contract with General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada has been finalized and the vehicles have begun shipping to Europe.


June 15, 2022

The Honourable Anita Anand, Minister of National Defence, announced that Canada will provide to Ukraine 10 replacement barrels to enable the sustainment of M777 howitzer artillery guns. This military aid is valued at approximately $9 million, and it complements Canada’s previous donation of M777 howitzers, over 20,000 rounds of compatible artillery ammunition, and the Canadian Armed Forces’ training of Ukrainian Forces in the use of this equipment.


May 24, 2022

Minister Anita Anand announced that Canada will donate over 20,000 artillery rounds of 155 mm NATO standard ammunition, including fuses and charge bags. This ammunition has been sourced from the United States at a cost of up to $98 million.


May 8, 2022

The Prime Minister announced that the additional $500 million for further military aid to Ukraine announced in Budget 2022 has begun to roll out with approximately $50 million commitment to provide high-resolution satellite imagery, an additional 18 drone cameras and ammunition.


April 28, 2022

The Minister of National Defence confirmed that the Canadian Armed Forces are training Ukrainian forces on the use of M777 howitzers.


April 26, 2022

Minister of National Defence announced that Canada has finalized contracts for eight commercial pattern armoured vehicles, and a service contract for the maintenance and repair of specialized drone cameras that Canada has already supplied to Ukraine


April 22, 2022

The Government of Canada announced that Canada has now delivered a number of M777 howitzers and associated ammunition, as well as additional Carl Gustaf anti-armour ammunition, to the Security Forces of Ukraine.


March 9, 2022

The Government of Canada announced the purchase of highly specialized equipment, including cameras for surveillance drones.


March 3, 2022

The Government of Canada announced the contribution of up to 4500 M72 rocket launchers, and up to 7500 hand grenades, as well as $1 million towards the purchase of commercial satellite high resolution and modern imagery.


March 1, 2022

The Government of Canada announced the donation of 390,000 Individual Meal Packs, and approximately 1600 fragmentation vests.


February 28, 2022

The Government of Canada announced the donation of at least 100 anti-armour weapons systems - Carl Gustav M2 recoilless rifles, and 2000 rounds of 84 mm ammunition.

The Government of Canada also announced the CAF will provide two C-130J tactical airlift aircraft, and a team of 40-50 personnel, to support military aid donations within Europe.


February 27, 2022

The Government of Canada announced a donation of defensive military aid, which could include: night vision gear, helmets, and body armour.



Edited by ters
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