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Izbori u USA  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Za koga biste glasali na predsednickim izborima u USA

  2. 2. Sta mislite ko ce pobediti na predsednickim izborima u USA

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  • Poll closed on 11/03/2020 at 11:00 AM

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2 minutes ago, NMX said:

1.4m glasova u Micigenu fali da se obradi (mail in ballots). Razlika je trenutno 600k za Tramparu.




Zar nije 67 hiljada razlika? 


U Micigenu i Viskonsinu nije tako velika razlika u glasovima postom kao u Pensilvaniji npr. 

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4 minutes ago, NMX said:

1.4m glasova u Micigenu fali da se obradi (mail in ballots). Razlika je trenutno 600k za Tramparu.






Zar nije malo ispod 200k? Fali 19% glasova.




S time da su to official numbers, unofficial kažu da je razlika znatno manja kad se ubroji dio glasova koji fali. 

Edited by Sharp
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4 minutes ago, Ta'veren said:

FoxNews je brzi od NYT, a ko je brzi od njih ne znam.😄


Svako ima neki svoj izvor, a retko ko deli.


Razlika je manja od 67k.

FoxNews i AP su najbrži iz razloga što manje proveravaju informacije od ostalih, samo roknu čim imaju nešto 😄 


Edited by Nicklord
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2 minutes ago, ras kass said:

A sta je ovaj Wisconsin zaglavio?


Navodno se pokvarila masina za brojanje u Grin Beju. A druga verzija je da je prebrojano i odneto u okrug na verifikaciju.


Zasto kasni Kenosa nemam pojma. 

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Evo kako otprilike stoje stvari za one koji se sad uključuju. 



Here’s a look at what we know about the outstanding vote in each battleground state:

Arizona: While some outlets, such as the Associated Press, have projected Arizona for Biden, ABC News has not. Before the election, officials did warn that any super-close races might not be resolved until the last votes are counted on Thursday or Friday. However, the race isn’t that close right now (Biden 52 percent, Trump 47 percent), so we might see a projection sooner.
Nevada: The race is very tight — Biden has a very slight lead — and all in-person votes have been counted. But a count of late-arriving mail ballots and provisional ballots — which tend to be Democratic — is still to come.
Wisconsin: The race is very tight — tied 49 percent to 49 percent as of this writing — and it’s unclear how much of the vote remains.
Georgia: Trump is ahead in a tight race, but significant votes are outstanding. The big holdup here is Fulton County, which as of 2 a.m. was home to most of the outstanding ballots. The count there was delayed by a burst pipe (no ballots were damaged), and election officials told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution their goal was to go into Wednesday with just 20,000 ballots left to count. However, the secretary of state estimated those results would not be released until the afternoon.
Michigan: There are still hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots to be counted here, and it’s unclear if counting will continue throughout the night. Election officials did say earlier on Tuesday that they expected counting to wrap up by Wednesday night.
Pennsylvania: Trump is ahead with 75 percent of the expected vote in, but there are significant chunks of votes still to come from urban and potentially rural counties as well. Going into the election, many county and state election officials predicted that results wouldn’t approach completion until Friday.
Maine: Honestly, this is anyone’s guess. Election officials are taking much longer here than they originally expected.
North Carolina: 95 percent of the expected vote has already been counted here, so it seems quite possible that all we’re waiting on are late-arriving mail-in ballots, which have until Nov. 12 to arrive. That means we could be waiting over a week for a call here.

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