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Epidemija koronavirusa (Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2) - dnevne aktuelnosti iz zemlje i sveta

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.

- aktivno propagiranje naučno neutemeljenih (između ostalih i antivaxxerskih) stavova i pozivanje na nevakcinisanje bazirano na njima nećemo tolerisati.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92


194 members have voted

  1. 1. Da li ste vakcinisani protiv Coronavirus-a i kojom vakcinom?

    • Pfizer/Biontech
    • Sinopharm
    • Sputnik V
    • Moderna
    • AstraZeneca/Oxford
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Nisam i ne želim da se vakcinišem
    • Nisam još sigurna/an da li ću se vakcinisati
    • Preležao/la sam Covid-19, pa čekam da vidim da li i kada ću da se vakcinišem

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41 minutes ago, Wookie said:

Ako ćemo pošteno, ni Rusi ni Kinezi nisu napravili eksperiment sa vakcinom na svom narodu, kakav su tvoji Ameri napravili 1976.

Da, a ti znas zato sto oni totalno transparetno objavljuju sve sto rade :classic_biggrin:

Secam se ne tako davno, tako su i Kinezi rekli nema prenosa corone virusa na ljude....

Ajde da se ne zezamo kako je ljudski zivot u ta dva bastiona humanitarnosti jako velika stvar. nema potrebe da brljamo temu, moje misljenje - za mene.

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I Tramp je pričao da nema kovid pozitivnih u USA, pa je posle otkriveno da je verovatno značajan postotak Amerikanaca bilo pozitivno još u decembru 2019, pre prvog zvaničnog slučaja u Kini. Isto tako su i Kinezi naknadno rekli da su serološkim ispitivanjem otkrili da su u Vuhanu imali deset puta više zaraženih, nego što su mislili.

Svi su pravili greške tokom ove epidemije i davali netačne izjave, ali ne znači da je sve to bilo namerno. Mnogo toga netačnog je izrečeno iz pukog neznanja.



To come to that conclusion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention scientists analyzed American Red Cross blood donations collected between Dec. 13, 2019, and Jan. 17, 2020, and found evidence of coronavirus antibodies in 106 out of 7,389 blood donations.


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21 minutes ago, Wookie said:

I Tramp je pričao da nema kovid pozitivnih u USA, pa je posle otkriveno da je verovatno značajan postotak Amerikanaca bilo pozitivno još u decembru 2019, pre prvog zvaničnog slučaja u Kini. Isto tako su i Kinezi naknadno rekli da su serološkim ispitivanjem otkrili da su u Vuhanu imali deset puta više zaraženih, nego što su mislili.

Svi su pravili greške tokom ove epidemije i davali netačne izjave, ali ne znači da je sve to bilo namerno. Mnogo toga netačnog je izrečeno iz pukog neznanja.



Ne bih bio tako siguran, mislim da su od prvog dana političari svih boja i zastava krenuli da vagaju kako da iskoriste virus. Možda sam previše ciničan, ali ja to vidim tako. Politizacija je konstanta.
I dalje traje ta politizacija i sekuritizacija zdravstva i bez velike nevolje ne vidim da će novostvorene poluge moći biti ukinute iz ruku politike jer su društva širom planete popadala kao snoplje na elementarnim pitanjima, a tu je politika da popuni prostor sobom i zagadi ga.

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Ja sam kao isplanirao da o svakoj vakcini otkucam svoj laički stav zasnovan na onome što sam pročitao, a u stvari, kad razmislim, u Srbiju će stići vakcine onih proizvođača koji odrade prethodno ugovorene i plaćene narudžbine, znači dobijaćemo po 20, 30K kol'ko da nas skinu s vrata, za ozbiljne pošiljke su potrebne i ozbiljne šuške (Izrael ima s čime da vakciniše stanovništvo jer je odavno naručio i (pre)platio Fajzera, negde pročitah, možda i ovde, da su plaćali 43 evrića po vakcini).


E sad, da nam predsednik nije u fazonu konstantne predizborne kampanje, možda je onih 100 evrića po prijavljenoj punoletnoj osobi trebalo potrošiti na vakcine.


S obzirom na okruženje, trebalo bi da najmasovnija vakcina u Srbiji bude AZ i to tako što ćemo je dobiti od EU (a oni će za sebe Fajzera i Modernu).



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1 minute ago, stray_cat said:


Ja sam kao isplanirao da o svakoj vakcini otkucam svoj laički stav zasnovan na onome što sam pročitao, a u stvari, kad razmislim, u Srbiju će stići vakcine onih proizvođača koji odrade prethodno ugovorene i plaćene narudžbine, znači dobijaćemo po 20, 30K kol'ko da nas skinu s vrata, za ozbiljne pošiljke su potrebne i ozbiljne šuške (Izrael ima s čime da vakciniše stanovništvo jer je odavno naručio i (pre)platio Fajzera, negde pročitah, možda i ovde, da su plaćali 43 evrića po vakcini).


E sad, da nam predsednik nije u fazonu konstantne predizborne kampanje, možda je onih 100 evrića po prijavljenoj punoletnoj osobi trebalo potrošiti na vakcine.


S obzirom na okruženje, trebalo bi da najmasovnija vakcina u Srbiji bude AZ i to tako što ćemo je dobiti od EU (a oni će za sebe Fajzera i Modernu).



Mogli su da ponude da platimo

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2 minutes ago, Ruby Rhod (koji lebdi) said:


Ursula je najavila nabavku vakcina "za EU i susedne zemlje"...Nece oni zbog sebe dozvoliti da se ovde prave gluposti.


Pa neće, ali taman dok "stigne" AZ, oni će da se iscijepe mRNK vakcinama koje su već dostupne, tkd... to je to: majmunski adenovirus kao nosilac i protein omotača kovida 19 na njemu, neće trebati nikakvi posebni uslovi, frižideri, taman pogodno za nas.

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After the Mainz-based company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer initially aimed to produce 1.3 billion doses of their corona vaccine this year, they now want to produce two billion doses under certain conditions.


Mainz / New York - Mainz-based company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer want to produce two billion doses of their corona vaccine this year under certain conditions. This emerges from Biontech's documents to the US Securities and Exchange Commission that became known on Monday. So far, the companies had targeted 1.3 billion doses. The condition for the desired increase in production are further improvements and enlargements in the previous locations as well as the availability of further suppliers and contractual partners for production, it says.


The target number of two billion doses is said to include the recently approved increase from five to six doses per ampoule. Since Friday, more vaccine can be taken from the ampoules supplied by Biontech / Pfizer in the EU than before. In order to be able to better use the vials with the Biontech vaccine, the EU Medicines Agency (EMA) allowed six instead of the previous five doses to be drawn from a Biontech / Pfizer vial. The Federal Ministry of Health announced this as a possibility in December - due to an “overfilling” of the vials, six doses could be drawn from one with suitable syringes and needles.


According to Biontech's SEC filings, the two companies have so far agreed to ship a billion doses this year. The production sites in Germany include Mainz and, from the end of February, Marburg in Hessen for Biontech and Puurs in Belgium, Kalamazoo, St. Louis and Andover (all USA) for Pfizer. Biontech also announced that 32.9 million doses have been delivered so far (as of Sunday).


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tekst od 7.1.


International alliances are increasingly being formed in the development and production of corona vaccines. After BioNTech with Pfizer, CureVac is now also cooperating with Bayer.


Before the outbreak of the corona pandemic, the vaccine business was organized almost monopoly. Four corporations shared the billion-dollar market: the US pharmaceutical groups Pfizer and Merck & Co., the British GlaxoSmithKline and the French Sanofi. As the global market leader, Glaxo boasts of having found the first vaccine for infectious diseases such as measles and shingles eleven times in human history.


In the race for a vaccine against the coronavirus, Glaxo is not at the forefront this time. The drug with genetically engineered virus protein and adjuvant, which the British are researching together with Sanofi, will not be approved before the end of this year. The French media speak of a "national disgrace".


Small companies have the edge


Small, innovative biotech companies such as BioNTech, Moderna and CureVac are faster this time. With their novel mRNA technology, they are revolutionizing the vaccine market. Bernd Ziegler, pharmaceutical expert at the Boston Consulting Group, sees the potential for disruptive technology here. If the success is sustained, the vaccine manufacturers could react quickly to medical needs without a long lead time and possibly replace a large part of the classic vaccines, he said in the "Börsen-Zeitung".


In the fight against the coronavirus, however, the new vaccine pioneers depend on large partnerships. Because they have to deliver billions of doses to the world's population in a short period of time. This is only possible in conjunction with "Big Pharma".


BioNTech produces millions of doses with Pfizer


The Mainz-based company BioNTech has entered into a comprehensive cooperation with the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, number four in the global vaccine business - for the organization of the clinical studies, production and even marketing. Together they will produce 1.3 billion doses of Comirnaty this year. Pfizer provides several plants in America and in Puurs, Belgium. They serve as logistics centers and are also known as "Freezer Farms". To distribute the ultra-sensitive vaccine, Pfizer has also created a suitcase-sized box that can carry several thousand vaccine doses.


CureVac forms alliance with Bayer


Following the example of Biontech-Pfizer, the Tübingen-based biotech company CureVac is now forging an alliance with the German pharmaceutical giant Bayer. This is a cooperation and service contract. According to the spokespersons of both companies, Bayer is supporting CureVac in the phase III clinical trial, regulatory tasks and questions relating to drug safety. The Leverkusen-based pharmaceutical company helps with the packaging, processing and distribution of the vaccine. Bayer is not involved in production for the time being. The group is examining production options in its plants and will comment on this in the course of the first quarter. So far, Bayer has not produced any vaccines at all.


CureVac remains the marketing authorization holder for the product in the EU. Bayer receives the options to become a holder of the marketing authorization in other markets outside Europe. Both companies do not comment on financial details.


So far, the Tübingen-based company has been working with Wacker Chemie and the French company Fareva. Wacker will produce the vaccine in Amsterdam as soon as it is approved. In the meantime, CureVac is looking for further partners to expand its production network. In 2021, CureVac plans to produce 300 million doses of the "CVnCov" vaccine.



Moderna cooperates with Lonza, AstraZeneca with the Serum Institute


The US company Moderna also relies on partnerships in the production and distribution of its vaccine. The US company works with the Swiss pharmaceutical supplier Lonza. Lonza has plants in the USA and in Visp in Valais, Switzerland. Another partner of Moderna is the contract manufacturer Catalent, who takes care of the filling.


The British AstraZeneca is also involved in the corona vaccine race. The vector virus vaccine developed jointly with Oxford University is in Phase III and is about to be approved. The British are cooperating with the world's largest contract manufacturer, the Indian Serum Institute. It could deliver around a billion doses. AstraZeneca also works with the Dutch company Halix, which is owned by the Düsseldorf-based subsidiary Droege Group.



Partnerships with contract manufacturers


Johnson & Johnson takes a similar approach to AstraZeneca. The US company is also working on a vector virus vaccine, which is currently still in phase III and could possibly be approved in January. Partners are the contract manufacturer Catalent and suppliers such as Emergent Solutions and the German Vibalogics.


The Chinese vaccine manufacturers Sinopharm, Sinovac and CanSino also depend on partners, especially outside of the Middle Kingdom. They have signed several test and production contracts with research institutes in countries like Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Peru and Serbia.




Hope from Dessau


IDT Biologika from Dessau is still a long way from obtaining approval. Their vector virus vaccine based on MVA viruses is still in phase I of clinical development. IDT Biologika is researching the anti-corona agent together with the University of Munich, University of Marburg, the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf and the German Center for Infection Research.


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45 minutes ago, stray_cat said:


Pa neće, ali taman dok "stigne" AZ, oni će da se iscijepe mRNK vakcinama koje su već dostupne, tkd... to je to: majmunski adenovirus kao nosilac i protein omotača kovida 19 na njemu, neće trebati nikakvi posebni uslovi, frižideri, taman pogodno za nas.


Utom ce i neke druge:


"Johnson & Johnson is one of many companies hard at work on an investigational COVID-19 vaccine candidate—work that included recruiting adults of all ages and ethnicities for a Phase 3 clinical trial known as ENSEMBLE, which is now fully enrolled with approximately 45,000 participants.

With company scientists anticipating efficacy and safety data for this trial for review by the end of this month....

And due to our extensive previous experience with vaccine technology—we used the same technology to create our European Commission-approved Ebola vaccine—scientists already had a good sense of the best doses to use for the investigational COVID-19 vaccine candidate.

Once we had strong interim data from the Phase 1/2a trial, we were able to move into Phase 3 clinical trials with a chosen dose. During Phase 3, many more people receive the vaccine to thoroughly test safety and efficacy. And the more people who can be vaccinated at this point, the sooner researchers can gather conclusive results."

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1 hour ago, urosg3 said:

Mogli su da ponude da platimo


Da li se neko seća izjave Ane Brnabić, da je Srbija dala dva miliona evra za podršku vakcinama ( tako je nekako išla vest ) ?


Da li smo mi sa tim novcem dali podršku razvijanju vakcina ili smo kasnije platili neke vakcine? 

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Here is a very good illustration of what B117 could mean,⁦ @AdamJKucharski ⁩ . Red line: 50% more deadly. Orange: 50% more contagious, but not more fatal. Nevertheless, 5 times more deaths after 6 weeks. We have to achieve a combination of warmer weather plus vaccination before B117 spreads

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Ljudi, da li je stvarno bitna koja je vakcina? Razumem one koji ne mogu da prime neku zbog nekih ogranicenja. Ali nama obicnim smrtnicima, koji nemamo problema , da li je bitno? Totalno mi je glupo pisanje ovo je zapadna njima verujem, ovo je istocna njima ne verujem. Obojeni ste politikom i to je to. Treba da zelimo da se svi vakcinisemo, da se pobedi ovaj virus i da se zivot nastavi kao pre 2020. 

Edited by Slavisa iz Tavankuta
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8 hours ago, Devojka Luke Razića said:


Evo sada ću da se prijavim. Staviću Fajzer i Sputnik V- pa koja bude dostupna kada me pozovu.


Sve mogu sem kineske 🙂 


Kad mi neko kaže- Kinezi, setim se njihovog Tržnog centra na Novom Beogradu i onog smrada tamo...Vidim i prsluk koji je mama kupila kod njih prošle godine ( da prođe jeftinije ) i prsluk se oparao, a nosi se samo zimi.


Nemam poverenja u Kineze.  


7 hours ago, Devojka Luke Razića said:


@implant, @ras kass U upitniku se ne spominju psihijatrijski poremećaji.


Puno hvala na informacijama. Ja nekako mislim da se prijavim za Fajzer...ne znam sta ovima na Zapadu moze da padne na pamet, u smislu zahteva da budes vakcinisan odredjenom vakcinom. Pretpostavljam da je u tom smislu Fajzer safe bet...videcemo. 

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46 minutes ago, Devojka Luke Razića said:


Da li se neko seća izjave Ane Brnabić, da je Srbija dala dva miliona evra za podršku vakcinama ( tako je nekako išla vest ) ?


Da li smo mi sa tim novcem dali podršku razvijanju vakcina ili smo kasnije platili neke vakcine? 


Toliko je valjda bio "ufur" u Kovaks sistem.

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43 minutes ago, implant said:



Puno hvala na informacijama. Ja nekako mislim da se prijavim za Fajzer...ne znam sta ovima na Zapadu moze da padne na pamet, u smislu zahteva da budes vakcinisan odredjenom vakcinom. Pretpostavljam da je u tom smislu Fajzer safe bet...videcemo. 


Ja sam stavila i Sputnik V u slučaju da im nestanu Fajzerove vakcine..ali..verujem da će i njih biti. Strašno je što se malo zdravstvenih lekara vakcinisalo.


I mislim da će biti važno da je neko vakcinisan, a da je zemlja porekla vakcine nebitna..Ne bi smeli da insistiraju na određenoj vakcini.

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Ja bi ovog Cuoma u zatvor - nakon cele price sa starackim domovima:


On Tuesday, the Family Health Center of Harlem scheduled vaccination appointments between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. with more than 20 workers at a neighboring community health agency, said Dr. Neil Calman, president of the Institute for Family Health, a nonprofit health network that includes the Harlem clinic.

But some workers did not show, Dr. Calman said, and others decided against getting the vaccine at the last moment. That left just 12 people willing to be vaccinated.

Vials of the Moderna vaccine generally yield 10 doses, which must be used within six hours after a vial is punctured. Not wanting to turn away two people, the clinic opened a second vial, Dr. Calman said. After a quick search, the staff found three other eligible people, leaving five unused doses.

The nurse at the clinic called her supervisor at home, asking what to do with the remainder. The supervising nurse then called her contact at New York City’s health department for guidance, Dr. Calman said. She was told to find people who fit the eligibility criteria and was encouraged to contact a nearby nursing home, an urgent care center and a women’s shelter.

The nurse at the clinic set out on foot. She was turned away at a few places, including a nursing home and fire station, although she finally found one eligible health care worker willing to be vaccinated, Dr. Calman said.

He said the nurse eventually threw out the remaining doses after the health department told the clinic that it could vaccinate only members of eligible groups.


Cuomo Widens Eligibility After Vaccine Goes Unused or Is Even Thrown Out - The New York Times (nytimes.com)


I posle zasto u US vakcinacija ide sporo. Inace kaze registracija u NY za vakcinu ima 51 pitanje :classic_blink:

A stari i bolesni svakodnevno umiru.


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Kod nas je receno da nece biti mogucnosti da se bira vakcina sigurno do juna meseca, prosto jer nece biti dovoljno vakcina.


Ali sve vakcine koje ce biti u opticaju/odobrene ce sigurno biti dobro ispitane i bezbedne, te stoga nema ni smisla da obicni gradjani sad nesto biraju hoce li P&B, Moderna, AZ ili J&J, CureVac. Bitno je da se samo dobro definise da li neka od ovih vakcina ima neke nezeljene efekte kod jedne grupe ljudi (alergicnih na npr. ubod pcele, ili na one koji su imali hemoterapiju/sta god), pa da se onda tim ljudima ponudi alternativa (umesto vakcine A onda da dobiju vakcinu B koja nema takve nezeljene efekte). Ili ako je neka vakcina efikasnija za jednu grupu rizicnih pacijenata od druge (npr. kod starijih ljudi s slabijim imunitetom), onda je bolje toj grupi ljudi dati efikasniju vakcinu za tu npr. starosnu dob.

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5 minutes ago, Angelia said:

Ja bi ovog Cuoma u zatvor - nakon cele price sa starackim domovima:


zasto me ne iznenadjuje da bi ti Cuoma u zatvor :classic_rolleyes:


Elem, kod nas se desilo da su ljudi u jednom starackom domu ustanovili da mogu da izvuku 6 umesto 5 doza iz jedne flasice P&B vakcine i naravno da im je bilo zao da bace dragocenu tecnost. Pa su na licu mesta potrazili ljude koji bi primili vakcine (i vakcinisali domara, bastovana i nekog fotografa koji uopste nisu spadali u 3 prioritetne grupe). Elem, nekad se ne treba drzati propisa kao pijan plota. Ministar zdravlja je potom preporucio da se ovako radi ako se moze izvuci vise vakcina, no morali su da traze dozvolu nadleznih tela (EMA), koja je sad pre neki dan i data.


A bio je i jedan drugi slucaj kada se pokvario neki frizider s vakcinama i onda su morali po hitnom postupku da u roku od 6h nadju ljude da vakcinisu (da li nekih 400-500 vakcina, ne secam se sad tacne brojke). Svi su se razleteli, zvali koga god su uspeli da uhvate i uspeli da utrose sve vakcine. :bravo: 


Sve se moze kad se hoce, ali i kad znas da te ipak nece neko opauciti nekom tuzbom jer se ne drzis striktno propisa.

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