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Epidemija koronavirusa (Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2) - dnevne aktuelnosti iz zemlje i sveta

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.

- aktivno propagiranje naučno neutemeljenih (između ostalih i antivaxxerskih) stavova i pozivanje na nevakcinisanje bazirano na njima nećemo tolerisati.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92


194 members have voted

  1. 1. Da li ste vakcinisani protiv Coronavirus-a i kojom vakcinom?

    • Pfizer/Biontech
    • Sinopharm
    • Sputnik V
    • Moderna
    • AstraZeneca/Oxford
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Nisam i ne želim da se vakcinišem
    • Nisam još sigurna/an da li ću se vakcinisati
    • Preležao/la sam Covid-19, pa čekam da vidim da li i kada ću da se vakcinišem

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The Origin of Quarantine


In modern times, the yellow flag depicted in this cartoon (figure 1) was used to announce that a quarantine against yellow fever was in effect. Although the use of flags to signal a quarantine is a recent phenomenon, societies have, since ancient times, used strategies to isolate persons with disease from unaffected persons. Some of the earliest references to these strategies are found in the books of the Old Testament. In Leviticus, chapter 13, it is stated that anyone with leprosy remains unclean as long as they have the disease and that they must live outside the camp away from others [1, Lev. 13.46]. Numbers, chapter 5, prescribes a duty to expel from camp everyone with a dreaded skin disease or bodily discharge [1, Num. 5.2]. However, nowhere in these early accounts does the term “quarantine” appear. How, then, did the term become part of the modern lexicon? The answer to this question can be found in the history of the black death in Europe.


Cartoon courtesy of Dr. Theodore E. Woodward, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Maryland



Beginning in middle of the 14th century, repeated waves of plague swept across Europe. After arriving in southern Europe in 1347, plague spread rapidly, reaching England, Germany, and Russia by 1350 [2]. During this time, it is estimated that one-third of Europe's population died. The profound impact of the epidemic led to the institution of extreme infection-control measures. For example, in 1374, Viscount Bernabo of Reggio, Italy, declared that every person with plague be taken out of the city into the fields, there to die or to recover [3].

A similar strategy was used in the busy Mediterranean seaport of Ragusa (modern Dubrovnik, Croatia). After a visitation of the black death, the city's chief physician, Jacob of Padua, advised establishing a place outside the city walls for treatment of ill townspeople and outsiders who came to town seeking a cure [5]. The impetus for these recommendations was an early contagion theory, which promoted separation of healthy persons from those who were sick. Unfortunately, these measures proved to be only modestly effective and prompted the Great Council of the City to pursue more radical steps to prevent spread of the epidemic.

In 1377, the Great Council passed a law establishing a trentino, or thirty-day isolation period [5]. The 4 tenets of this law were as follows: (1) that citizens or visitors from plague-endemic areas would not be admitted into Ragusa until they had first remained in isolation for 1 month; (2) that no person from Ragusa was permitted go to the isolation area, under penalty of remaining there for 30 days; (3) that persons not assigned by the Great Council to care for those being quarantined were not permitted to bring food to isolated persons, under penalty of remaining with them for 1 month; and (4) that whoever did not observe these regulations would be fined and subjected to isolation for 1 month. During the next 80 years, similar laws were introduced in Marseilles, Venice, Pisa, and Genoa [4, 6]. Moreover, during this time the isolation period was extended from 30 days to 40 days, thus changing the name trentino to quarantino, a term derived from the Italian word quaranta, which means “forty” [5, 7].

The precise rationale for changing the isolation period from 30 days to 40 days is not known. Some authors suggest that it was changed because the shorter period was insufficient to prevent disease spread [8]. Others believe that the change was related to the Christian observance of Lent, a 40-day period of spiritual purification [2]. Still others believe that the 40-day period was adopted to reflect the duration of other biblical events, such as the great flood, Moses' stay on Mt. Sinai, or Jesus' stay in the wilderness [9]. Perhaps the imposition of 40 days of isolation was derived from the ancient Greek doctrine of “critical days,” which held that contagious disease will develop within 40 days after exposure [3, 9]. Although the underlying rationale for changing the duration of isolation may never be known, the fundamental concept embodied in the quarantino has survived and is the basis for the modern practice of quarantine.




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Nasu naseljenu teritoriju ne racunam kao nesto relevantno nego me cude ove ozbiljne drzave sto se ponasaju isto kao i mi. U stilu nece bas nas toliko kao Kinu i Italiju al akde kao da nesto radimo.
Znaci, nema leka, jos uvek nema vakcine, sta mozes uraditi? Imas iskustvo od pre dva meseca iz Kine kako je sve bilo, iz Koreje, iz Italije od pre 20 dana. I uvek se doslo do otkazivanaj svih javnih skupova, skola, ogranicavanja slobode kretanja kao jedini meru u suzbijanju sirenja virusa.

I sad izgleda da je jedino medjed Dodik ispao pametan i odmah presao na taj za sada jedini koliko toliko efikasan korak. 

Korak koji sprecava totalni raspad zdravstvene strukture koja, kakva god da je, za sada nosi najveci teret u borbi protiv ove pandemije.

Evo gledam Liverpul Atletiko, pun stadion. 
Kao na otvorenom je pa moze. Sta virus radi na stadionu drugacije nego u dvoranama, penje se u visinu i nestane?
A da ne pricamo da ovi na tribinama nemaju zadnju liniju odbrane, lavovske srbske gene.


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Francuzi i dalje kuliraju - skole rade, univerziteti takodje, bionje pozorista, demonstracije, sve, skupovi do hiljadu u zatvorenom prostoru a na otvorenom koliko hoces. Najinteresantnije - uporno citas komentare otprilike - sta gnjave sa ovom koronom toliko to nije ni blizu obicnom gripu - sto jes jes po ciframa umrlih, u Francuskoj tipicno desetak hiljada svake zime

Bukvalno poslednjih par dana ljudi poceli malo da kao brinu ali ne svi

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1 minute ago, ciao said:

Francuzi i dalje kuliraju - skole rade, univerziteti takodje, bionje pozorista, demonstracije, sve, skupovi do hiljadu u zatvorenom prostoru a na otvorenom koliko hoces. Najinteresantnije - uporno citas komentare otprilike - sta gnjave sa ovom koronom toliko to nije ni blizu obicnom gripu - sto jes jes po ciframa umrlih, u Francuskoj tipicno desetak hiljada svake zime

Bukvalno poslednjih par dana ljudi poceli malo da kao brinu ali ne svi


Manje-vise kao kod nas, sem na ovom forumu i nasem zenskom alter-egu 🙂


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1 hour ago, Asterion said:

Ovaj sajt je možda najbolji i najverodostojniji za pratenje statistike u vezi nove pandemije:







Ovo sam i ja citala. Fakticki moze sapunica dosta dobro da se koristi za dezinfekciju. Vezuju lipidi iz sapuna RNK virusa i dekonstruisu ga pre nego se nadje u organizmu.


@Sunshine State


Koliko ti je dugo mama bila bolesna? Rece da je bio tezak grip.

Edited by Plavi Golub
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1 hour ago, Asterion said:




Holandjani bi stvarno trebali da se uozbilje!!


@Plavi Golub kasljala je vise od mesec dana, pa je polovinom februara konacno stigla do pulmologa, dobila antibiotik (levofloksacin) i glukokortikoid (prednizon), pa je posle nedelju dana prestalo (popustilo)....sad opet pocela da kaslje 😞


Inace, u novembru vakcinisana protiv gripa

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6 minutes ago, Sunshine State said:

Inace, u novembru vakcinisana protiv gripa

Znaci, ipak i pored vakcine.
Oni su najugrozeniji uz ostale hronicare. Treba da se cuvaju i treba ih cuvati. Brinem zbog moje. Dijabeticar je. 

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2 hours ago, NMX said:

Kineske pičke 



Heroji nema sta. Jos na startu umesto sto su jurili doktore i novinare  koji su upozoravali (video dole) sta ce da se desi, oni su gledali da zastite svoju usranu ideologiju (nesto kao Chernobyl). Naravno doslo im je iz dupeta u glavu kada su poceli  ljudi da padaju po autobusima, trgovima pa su isle vesti za 7 dana nova bolnica ali tada je vec bilo kasno pa se virus prosio po Istocnoj Aziji ( i prva 3 slucaja u Nemackoj)

Jedan od 1 novinar koji je iz Wuhana izvestavao, 35 dana gurnut u karantin koji tesko da ima veze sa virusom.

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Jutros su se, odmah po objavljivanju preventivnih mera, javili Đilasovci koji su se smejali i sprdali sa Vučićevom odlukom da posluša stručnjake i lekare, pa se sada mi pitamo da li će se sprdati i posle ovoga sa Hrvatskom? 


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