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Ova izjava da će Tramp "videti da li će priznati rezultate izbora" je još jedan dokaz da čovek nije sav svoj. Praktično aludira da će posle izbora biti neki diktator koji neće predati vlast.

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8 minutes ago, Klotzen said:

Ova izjava da će Tramp "videti da li će priznati rezultate izbora" je još jedan dokaz da čovek nije sav svoj. Praktično aludira da će posle izbora biti neki diktator koji neće predati vlast.

To ti je druga vrsta igre, salje sublimiranu poruku da nista sem njegove pobede ne moze biti regularno, a on eto brani Ameriku od snaga haosa i bezumlja. Ceka da vidi da li ce rezultat da bude tesan.

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Posted (edited)

a da li to mozda znaci da ce Trump videti da li su izbori bili regularni i da ce od toga  zavisiti  priznavanje istih?

Edited by FixAMess
Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, FixAMess said:

sorry, editovao sam post. mozda ce sad biti jasnije


Realno meni i dalje nije jasno sta hoces da kazes. 
Ako pobedi, regularni su, ako ne pobedi nisu, pokraden je?

Edited by Plavi Golub
11 hours ago, Angelia said:

Nacionalni Muzej AA istorije je bio postavio ovo:


Pa to ne cudi, to je odlika najveceg broja identitetskih, kolektivistickih i komunitaristkich ideologija gde nije nikakav problem da se postavi da je recimo nauka (kao ideoloski i politicki neutralna ljudska delatnost) deo necijeg identiteta. To bi bilo isto kada bi neko rekao da su tastatura i cekic deo bele kulture, te da stoga pripadnici crne kulture koja je u prethodnim vekovima ugnjetavana ne smeju da koriste takve alate jer time opravdaju zlocine bele kulture i unistavaju svoj identitet i neke slicne fore. Naravno, znamo cemu takva ideologija vodi - opstoj propasti kako civilizacije tako i te crne kultura.


Ovo vrlo lepo ilustruje da identitetska ideologija nikada ne moze da pomogne crncima ili nekim drugim grupacijama, vec da im pravi stetu i stetu njihovoj deci, unucima i narednim generacijama. Jedino sto im zaista moze pomoci u resavanju njihovih problema jesu upravo stvari navedene u tom posteru: nauka, individualizam, racionalizam, pravni i sudski sistem zasnovan na engleskom pravnom sistemu, planiranje buducnosti i ostvarivanje svojih ciljeva i zelja i radna etika koja pomaze da se takvi ciljevi ostvare (nije nuzno protestantska). Ove ostale stvari za porodicu i religiju recimo su cist bullshit na kvadrat, mada i generalno sve ovo je dosta banalizovano i ideoloski predstavljeno.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, FixAMess said:

a da li to mozda znaci da ce Trump videti da li su izbori bili regularni i da ce od toga  zavisiti  priznavanje istih?


To bi trebalo da znaci da sumnja da ce izbori biti pokradeni. Ako je tako onda to prijavi policiji i gotova stvar. Ovako imamo predsednika koji sumnja u postene izbore kojim je i sam dosao na vlast a nema poverenja da to poveri policiji. Policiji koju koristi da bije demonstrante lako bi jos vise ppdelio drustvo i na taj nacin ocuvao svoj rejting koji se kruni vec mesecima. Neodrziv stav kako go uzmes.

Edited by Klotzen
3 hours ago, Klotzen said:


To bi trebalo da znaci da sumnja da ce izbori biti pokradeni. Ako je tako onda to prijavi policiji i gotova stvar. Ovako imamo predsednika koji sumnja u postene izbore kojim je i sam dosao na vlast a nema poverenja da to poveri policiji. Policiji koju koristi da bije demonstrante lako bi jos vise ppdelio drustvo i na taj nacin ocuvao svoj rejting koji se kruni vec mesecima. Neodrziv stav kako go uzmes.

Ne ide to tako. Mislim u principu si napisao gluposti, nije to Srbija. I policija nema veze s time. Samo sto sad nemam vremena da pisem celo objasnjenje.

Problem je u mail in glasackim listicima koje Dems guraju jer znaju da ce da bude mnogo muljanja (dokazano vec bilo)

10 hours ago, FixAMess said:

a da li to mozda znaci da ce Trump videti da li su izbori bili regularni i da ce od toga  zavisiti  priznavanje istih?


Tako nesto ne moze da se dogodi.

5 minutes ago, Amigo said:


Tako nesto ne moze da se dogodi.

:classic_unsure: Prvo Tramp nema sta da priznaje, on moze samo da izabere da ne izazove rezultate.


But whether this kind of re-do is allowed for presidential elections is a more complicated matter. Some legal scholars maintain that the language in Article II of the Constitution prevents holding a presidential election again, thus putting it beyond the power of the courts to order a re-vote, as they have occasionally done for other offices. Others suggest that there is legal precedent for a presidential re-vote if there were flaws in the process. One instance in which this question arose was the “butterfly ballot” from the 2000 election, which may have caused some voters to choose Pat Buchanan when they meant to vote for Al Gore in Palm Beach County, Florida.2

If the 2000 election had taken some different twists and turns, the re-vote question might have come up in a serious way, and it’s not clear what the courts would have decided. At least one federal court has suggested that the courts could order a new election. In 1976, a District Court in New York heard a case alleging voter fraud in several urban locations. The court’s opinion maintained that federal courts had a role to play in ensuring free and fair presidential elections, arguing: “It is difficult to imagine a more damaging blow to public confidence in the electoral process than the election of a President whose margin of victory was provided by fraudulent registration or voting, ballot-stuffing or other illegal means.” This assertion challenged the idea that presidential elections occupy a special category beyond such court remedies. However, in this case, the court didn’t find sufficient evidence that voter fraud had altered the outcome, or even occurred at all. As a result, its claims about presidential elections were not evaluated by higher courts and have never really been tested.


Znaci to bi resavali na sudu. A to da li moze da se desi:


It’s worth noting that the U.S. has been through a number of challenging presidential elections. The 1800 election ended in an Electoral College tie, and some politicians mulled over the possibility of holding a new election. Critics alleged that the 1824 election was decided through a “corrupt bargain” among elites, allowing John Quincy Adams to become president even though he won neither the popular vote nor the electoral vote. The election of 1876 had irregularities (including alleged vote suppression) in several Southern states, and an imbalanced commission ended up handing the Electoral College vote to Rutherford B. Hayes even though he had lost the popular vote. People are still debating John F. Kennedy’s razor-thin margin in 1960, the honesty of the votes in Texas and Illinois that year, and even Richard Nixon’s decision not to challenge the results. And, of course, the 2000 election presented lots of problems — confusing ballots, hanging chads, questions about recounts. 


Mali je odlucio da im svima naplati:


The Washington Post on Friday agreed to settle a monster $250 million lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann over its botched coverage of his 2019 encounter with a Native American elder.

Sandmann declared the victory in a tweet on his 18th birthday. It’s unclear how much the newspaper settled for.

“On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” he wrote.

“Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do,” he continued.

It’s the teen’s second win in a whopping $800 million defamation battle against a number of news outlets including the Washington Post, CNN, ABC, CBS, The Guardian, The Hill and NBC.

CNN agreed to settle with Sandmann in January this year as part of a separate $275 million claim.

Sandmann and a group of his Covington classmates were vilified on social media after they were filmed wearing “Make America Great Again” hats after an anti-abortion rally while being yelled at by demonstrators.


Sandmann, then 16, was singled out after footage of his confrontation with Native American activist Nathan Phillips was picked up by CNN and other outlets who claimed the incident was racially motivated.

Footage released later showed it was the Covington students who were being harassed.

In a subsequent tweet Friday, Sandmann fired a warning shot at Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

“We have settled with WAPO and CNN. The fight isn’t over. 2 down. 6 to go. Don’t hold your breath @jack,” he wrote.


Zivo me interesuje koliko je uspeo da im uzme. Nadam se da im je drago sto su ga obezbedili za ceo zivot.

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16 minutes ago, RatzenStadt said:

Kad bi uspeo nesto i od Alise Milano da naplati, srce bi mi bilo puno.

Nema ona kapital da vredi :classic_smile: I njoj je twiter glavna okupacija.

Posted (edited)
On 7/24/2020 at 1:29 AM, Angelia said:

Ne znam da li si video ovo:

Scholar forced to resign over study that found police shootings not biased against blacks



But the main thrust to oust Hsu came because the professor touted Michigan State research that found police are not more likely to shoot African-Americans.

“The victory of the Twitter mob will likely have a chilling effect on academic freedom on campus,” Hsu told The College Fix via email.

The union had taken advantage of a Black Lives Matter-linked #ShutDownStem day on June 10 to help oust him. Hsu stepped down from his vice president role on June 19 after pressure from the union and the president of the university, Samuel Stanley. Hsu will stay on as a physics professor at Michigan State, however.



“We found that the race of the officer doesn’t matter when it comes to predicting whether black or white citizens are shot,” according to the Michigan State-based research Hsu had quoted that drew the ire of many.

Hsu said that the attacks against him are baseless.

“The GEU alleged that I am a racist because I interviewed MSU Psychology professor Joe Cesario, who studies police shootings,” he wrote in an email to The College Fix. “But Cesario’s work (along with similar work by others, such as Roland Fryer at Harvard) is essential to understanding deadly force and how to improve policing.”

Cesario is the Michigan State psychology professor who co-authored the study published July 2019 that debunked the notion that police are more likely to shoot African-Americans. Hsu wrote on his blog that the paper concluded “there is no widespread racial bias in police shooting.” Professor Cesario received a small amount of funding for his research under Hsu’s leadership.

Cesario pointed out to The Wall Street Journal “we had no idea what the data was going to be, what the outcome was going to be, before we did this study.”

Cesario’s research had been cited in a widely shared Wall Street Journal op-ed headlined “The Myth of Systemic Police Racism” that was published June 3 amid racially charged protests against the death of George Floyd in police custody.


The graduate union told The Fix that administrators should not share research that runs counter to public statements by the university.

“It is the union’s position that an administrator sharing such views is in opposition to MSU’s statements released supporting the protests and their root cause and aim,” Ackles wrote in an e-mail to The College Fix.



Znaci nemoj slucajno da se bavis temom oko koje smo se dogovorili sta je prica, cak i kad podaci ne podrzavaju nasu retoriku.

Inače nije zbog toga smenjen sa VP pozicije (ostao je profesor) već zbog toga što je želeo da istražuje da li postoji IQ razlika između rasa i tako neke slične stvari. Što ne kažem da je okej, samo kažem da taj članak nije tačan uopšte 😄 


Takođe to istraživanje koje je radio Joe Cesario nije rađeno da se vidi "racial bias" niti bilo šta slično. Npr, shvatio je da crnci više ubijaju crnce i sad FOX news kaže za to "znači crnci su rasisti prema crncima" a ustvari to samo znači da ima više crnih policajaca tamo gde ima crne populacije i to je napisano u samom istraživanju.


Mnogo bitniju stvar je to istraživanje pokazalo a to je da policajci u 50% slučajeva ubijaju "mentalno poremećene" ljude što znači da policija nije obučena dobro da smiri situaciju.

Edited by Nicklord
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@Nicklord, činjenica je da policija nije dovoljno obučena, niti je psihički spremna(u globalu) da funkcioniše kao aparat. Zbog toga je brutalnost veći problem, od rasizma.

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Glupacica(u smislu politike i tema kojima se bavi), veze sa zivotom nema. Ok, probila se u kongres, svaka cast, ali gotovo svaka izjava joj odise naivnoscu, neiskustvom... A ima taj samozadovoljni izraz lica kad zavrsi neki govor, u fazonu, al sam vam pokazala, uh sto sam pametna. Nije ni blizu toliko inteligentna koliko misli da jeste. Politika joj je skup lepih zelja, mir u svetu fazon.

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Posted (edited)


3 hours ago, dude said:

Glupacica(u smislu politike i tema kojima se bavi), veze sa zivotom nema. Ok, probila se u kongres, svaka cast, ali gotovo svaka izjava joj odise naivnoscu, neiskustvom... A ima taj samozadovoljni izraz lica kad zavrsi neki govor, u fazonu, al sam vam pokazala, uh sto sam pametna. Nije ni blizu toliko inteligentna koliko misli da jeste. Politika joj je skup lepih zelja, mir u svetu fazon.


Kaka' nam je preCednik (kongitivac i nobleovac), ona je suvi genije 😁

Edited by marejosip
Obrisan deo koji se odnosi na besmislenu raspravu.
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Glupacica(u smislu politike i tema kojima se bavi), veze sa zivotom nema. Ok, probila se u kongres, svaka cast, ali gotovo svaka izjava joj odise naivnoscu, neiskustvom... A ima taj samozadovoljni izraz lica kad zavrsi neki govor, u fazonu, al sam vam pokazala, uh sto sam pametna. Nije ni blizu toliko inteligentna koliko misli da jeste. Politika joj je skup lepih zelja, mir u svetu fazon.
Izrazito sposobna, kad čujem njeno ime odmah mi se to prevede u Gorica Gajević.
Pazi sposobnosti, volontirala u campanji duže od 2 godine i pokazala se. Niko nije hteo da je zaposli, samo kao donosioc porudžbina je mogla da radi. Lažovčina, low income my ass. Pročitati biografiju. To sve ko na pečat da su štancane, isto k'o Harrisova, morili da je voze autobusom u školu da tata i mama profesori ne plaćaju privatnu školu.
Pogledaj "educator": koga je ta mogla da obučava?

Sent from my LM-G710VM using Tapatalk

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Posted (edited)

evo npr zanimljivog mišljenja (ne znam dal' ste provalili šta sam uradio ovde)


Conservative Men Are Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Science Tells Us Why.







There’s an existential, panicked tinge to the behavior here ― what you might call “AOC Derangement Syndrome.” Indeed, some experts say conservative men are obsessed with Ocasio-Cortez because they’re threatened by her.


Conservatives tend to respond to fear more strongly than liberals do, according to Bobby Azarian, a neuroscientist whose expertise in anxiety has led him to examine political behaviors. His research has found that the brains of conservative people are likely to display the same attention biases as the brains of people with anxiety.

“The one main cognitive difference is that conservatives are more sensitive to threat,” he said. “Their fears are sometimes exaggerated. I think they fear her.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s power is a direct threat to conservatives because her very existence in Congress as a young, Latina, working-class woman threatens to upend the social order that has kept white men in the ruling class for centuries. (Eighty-eight percent of House Republicans are white men, most are over the age of 50, and the party’s voters are majority white and male.) On top of that, she is using her position and platform to directly challenge that order ― to attempt to get money out of politics, raise taxes on the super-rich and level the playing field.


“She doesn’t just challenge the patriarchy, she’s challenging the race, class, and gender hierarchies all at once, as well as the capitalist system that requires member of Congress be wealthy before they get there,” said Caroline Heldman, a gender and politics professor at Occidental College. “That’s remarkably threatening.”



edit: daklem, ukoliko ima nešto istine u datom istraživanju, onda po @mrd logici muskarci konzervativne provenijencije i nazora nisu sposobni da vode bilo koga u politickom smislu  😶

Edited by uini
  • Ha-ha 1

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