Angelia Posted February 19 Posted February 19 (edited) 24 minutes ago, 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 said: RIP the USA Propala Amerika? RIP good old USA... PS: toliko godina se cekalo, I konacno je propala. Sutra sve ispocetka Edited February 19 by Angelia 1
nonick Posted February 19 Posted February 19 It represents Trump’s latest attempt to consolidate power beyond boundaries other presidents have observed and to test the so-called unitary executive theory, which states that the president has the sole authority over the executive branch. And it reflects the influence of Russ Vought, Trump’s budget chief, one of several conservatives in his orbit who have called for axing independent arms of the executive branch. The theory was long considered fringe, and many mainstream legal scholars still believe it is illegal, given that Congress set the agencies up specifically to act independently, or semi-independently, from the president. These include the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Trade Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission, all of which enact regulations and can impose hefty fines on businesses that violate the rules. Other presidents have not only declined to challenge the independence of these agencies in court, but have in many cases tried to avoid even the appearance of interference in their actions. Many leaders appointed to the agencies serve terms that last longer than a single presidency, in an effort to help shield them from political pressure. Link 1
mrd Posted February 19 Posted February 19 8 minutes ago, Angelia said: Propala Amerika? RIP good old USA... PS: toliko godina se cekalo, I konacno je propala. Sutra sve ispocetka Da li su Amerikanci ipak sleteli na mesec? Moje saučešće svima koji su pogođeni dilemom. 1
Angelia Posted February 19 Posted February 19 2 minutes ago, mrd said: Da li su Amerikanci ipak sleteli na mesec? Moje saučešće svima koji su pogođeni dilemom. Naravno da nisu. Amerika je umrla danas. Forumasi na Vox92 su odlucili. Mislim da se selimo... ako njih pitas. 1
mrd Posted February 19 Posted February 19 Just now, Angelia said: Naravno da nisu. Amerika je umrla danas. Forumasi na Vox92 su odlucili. Mislim da se selimo... ako njih pitas. Ja se selim u Australiju u penziju, da i njih upropastim. 1
Angelia Posted February 19 Posted February 19 2 minutes ago, mrd said: Ja se selim u Australiju u penziju, da i njih upropastim. Mozda te ispratim:) iako generalno sorry, ostajem ovde 1
mrd Posted February 19 Posted February 19 @Kronostime ću da primim u goste. Idemo da se boksujemo da kengurima. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 1
Darko Posted February 19 Posted February 19 2 hours ago, Angelia said: Mislim da vecina ljudi kad pricaju o "deep state" I "swamp" ne misle na neku teoriju zavere, nego bas na tu okorelu birokratiju koja je rasla decenijama. Razumem, mada mislim da bi bilo produktivnije koristiti neki drugi izraz jer podseća na Qanon gde ima neku drugu konotaciju. 2 hours ago, Angelia said: Videcemo, ali ja odgovorno tvrdim iz mog iskustva da su IRS I FDA, trule iznutra. Na to se zalim vise od decenije. Iznenadio bi se koliko dobronamernih stvari u USA radi kao da si u nekom -stanu. Verujem ti, ali takođe ima veoma korisnih i važnih usluga tu. Anyway, vreme će pokazati. 1
ters Posted February 19 Posted February 19 2 hours ago, Darko said: Razumem, mada mislim da bi bilo produktivnije koristiti neki drugi izraz jer podseća na Qanon gde ima neku drugu konotaciju. Qanon je dio MAGA 5
Darko Posted February 19 Posted February 19 (edited) 30 minutes ago, ters said: Qanon je dio MAGA Kakva je Tramp osoba pokazuje koketiranje sa Qanon-om. Mišljenja sam da oni koji u Qanon veruju imaju psihičkih problema. E sada, koliki postotak Trampovih glasača veruje u te budalaštine je drugi par cipela, ali je svakako bio deo njegove kampanje. Deep State u Qanon-u ima neko drugo značenje, zato mislim da je bolje izbegavati taj izraz iako lepo opisuje nakaradnu birokratiju. Čim ljudi čuju Deep State, prva asocijacija im je Qanon - a ne birokratija koja je sama sebi cilj. Edited February 19 by Darko
Kronostime Posted February 19 Posted February 19 4 hours ago, mrd said: @Kronostime ću da primim u goste. Idemo da se boksujemo da kengurima. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Zilavo to - k`o spoljnu gumu da zvaces. 1
Beonegro Posted February 19 Posted February 19 12 hours ago, Angelia said: Ali videcemo I po novom budzetu. Šta cemo vidjeti po novom budžetu?
Nicklord Posted February 19 Posted February 19 7 hours ago, Angelia said: Mislim da vecina ljudi kad pricaju o "deep state" I "swamp" ne misle na neku teoriju zavere, nego bas na tu okorelu birokratiju koja je rasla decenijama. Videcemo, ali ja odgovorno tvrdim iz mog iskustva da su IRS I FDA, trule iznutra. Na to se zalim vise od decenije. Iznenadio bi se koliko dobronamernih stvari u USA radi kao da si u nekom -stanu. Sigurno nisu trule zato što šalteruše, programeri i ostali službenici tako rade a to su ljudi koji dobijaju otkaze. Dobar deo njih zato što Mask i njegova ekipa ne umeju ni Excel da koriste 5
Beonegro Posted February 19 Posted February 19 Quote Jerome Powell’s press conferences—sometimes market-moving events—have attracted less notice of late. With Donald Trump in the White House, the chair of the Federal Reserve faces competition for attention. Yet a recent inflation reading has returned prices to the public eye. In January America’s “core” consumer price index, which strips out volatile food and energy costs, jumped by 5.5% at an annualised rate. In response, Larry Summers, a former treasury secretary, called this the “riskiest period for inflation policy since the early Biden administration”, after which inflation rose to its highest in four decades. Even more worrisome is that Americans are starting to expect higher inflation. In February preliminary data from the University of Michigan’s consumer survey showed that the median expectation for price growth over the next year had reached 4.3%. Since Mr Trump’s election, that figure has surged by 1.7 percentage points—the joint-largest three-month rise since 1979, when inflation hit double digits. Some market measures tell a similar story. The one- and two-year breakeven inflation rates, based on the difference between nominal and inflation-adjusted Treasury yields, are up by 1.7 and 0.8 percentage points respectively since November. Postoje indicije da inflacija ubrzava i da će ubrzavati i dalje tokom godine. Čestitke svim trumpistima koji nesu čkolovali, kao i ovdje prisutnim bezuslovnim simpatizerima volje većine. 4
Beonegro Posted February 19 Posted February 19 Is Elon Musk’s war on fraud just cover for a power grab? Quote In 1971 Richard Nixon listed the qualifications for a chief of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). “I want to be sure he is a ruthless son of a bitch,” he said, on tape. “That he will do what he’s told, that every income tax return I want to see I see, that he will go after our enemies and not go after our friends.” In the end the man he appointed, Johnnie Walters, did not comply. His copy of Nixon’s “enemies list” went into a safe until it was eventually delivered as evidence to Congress. Walters later argued that using the tax system to settle political scores would have threatened the very basis of America’s democracy. In the half-century since then, the IRS has remained immune from political interference. That is, until February 16th, when the Washington Post revealed that Gavin Kliger, a 25-year-old software engineer associated with Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) is to be given access to the IRS’s computer systems. No political appointee has had this since Nixon. The decision followed a court order which has, for now, kicked DOGE out of the equally sensitive Treasury payments system. And on February 17th it emerged that Michelle King, the acting commissioner at the Social Security Administration, had resigned over DOGE’s access to that agency’s data. DOGE’s rationale for accessing all of this information is to eliminate “waste, fraud and abuse”. Indeed, in the past few weeks this has become a MAGA obsession. Politicians across the Republican Party have argued that DOGE’s unprecedented access to government IT systems is needed to stop a tidal wave of thievery. Donald Trump himself, during an Oval Office appearance with Mr Musk on February 11th, said that the billionaire was uncovering “billions and billions of dollars in waste, fraud and abuse”. Fundraising emails sent by Republican campaign groups ask recipients to participate in “audits” themselves, by donating money. Yet the Nixon precedent helps to explain why many people—including senior civil servants—mistrust the Trump administration’s campaign. And experts say that although fraud is a big problem in the federal government, and that Mr Musk is right to raise it, what he is doing is unlikely to improve the situation. In fact, some fear that the sloganeering about “waste, fraud and abuse” is designed to create political cover for unilateral cuts of congressionally mandated spending Mr Musk and Mr Trump do not like and for gaining access to sensitive data systems. On the face of it, Mr Musk is right: fraud has boomed in recent years. The government is an especially vulnerable target. On the dark web, it is now possible to buy Social Security details online and then apply for benefits en masse. Crooked doctors can search for potential patients to claim for healthcare that is not necessary or that they do not deliver. Pandemic-era programmes have been particularly lucrative to scammers. But so too are ongoing distributions, such as disaster relief. Artificial intelligence (AI) is helping fraudsters speed up their attacks. According to a study by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) published last year, fraud could cost the Treasury between $233bn and $521bn a year. That is a lot less than the $2trn Mr Musk has claimed he can cut from the budget, but the higher figure is still nearly 8% of annual federal spending. Another survey of improper payments—including but not limited to fraud—found that the figure in 2023 came to $236bn. Until now, there has been only limited effort to fix this. “Federal government agencies would not use the word ‘fraud’,” says Linda Miller, a former GAO official. Politicians generally refused to acknowledge the extent of the problem, she says. Mr Musk, she says, is bringing focus to problems “I’ve been highlighting myself and saying in testimonies for years, and no one really listened”. Yet Mr Musk’s claims about fraud so far have had only a limited relationship with the reality of the problem. He has regularly described as “fraud” authorised programmes he doesn’t like, such as everything paid for by USAID. “You might not want the government to invest in DEI training in Ireland, but that isn’t fraud,” says Ms Miller. “Somebody made the decision to invest that money.” Mr Musk has also raised nonsensical concerns, such as the idea that there are millions of dead people claiming Social Security (the real figure is probably in the low tens of thousands), or that Democrats are conniving to give benefits to illegal immigrants. Ms Miller says she is worried that his misguided allegations may ultimately undermine the fight. There are real reasons why fraud has been tricky to take on, says Danny Werfel, until last month the commissioner of the IRS. The major one is that preventing it creates friction for beneficiaries of government services, which politicians do not like. He gives the example of power wheelchairs paid for by Medicare. Criminals realised that they could make a hefty profit finding patients to buy these and then overbilling the government. Yet closer examination of claims was rejected by Congress. They decided “too many innocent people that need their power wheelchair would have to wait”, recalls Mr Werfel. A second problem is that many of the programmes targeted by fraudsters—unemployment insurance and Medicaid, for example—are largely administered by the states. The federal government pays the bills, but it is state governments that assess whether someone is eligible and telling the truth. States have only the barest of incentives to prevent fraud, especially if it means spending their own money on bureaucrats to run audits. The “Department of Labour can’t just go to a state and go like, do a better job, right?”, says David Mader, a former chief finance officer at the Office of Budget Management. States have to be coaxed. Mr Musk may think that tech will solve these problems. And in theory, it could. AI could identify and “pre-audit” risky payments, for example. But to get there, you need civil servants who understand the systems and the laws that govern them. In reality, decades of underinvestment mean the government is not ready. What nobody can explain is why fighting fraud requires inexperienced political appointees to have direct access to IRS or Social Security data. The “IRS holds the holy grail of federal government data”, says Don Moynihan, of the Ford School at the University of Michigan. Even the IRS commissioner does not have access. Yet the DOGE man now seeking it, Mr Kliger, is a computer-science graduate with no government experience, who cites a far-right writer as his inspiration for joining Mr Musk’s new department. He is an unlikely fraud detective. 1
ras kass Posted February 19 Posted February 19 28 minutes ago, Beonegro said: Postoje indicije da inflacija ubrzava i da će ubrzavati i dalje tokom godine. Čestitke svim trumpistima koji nesu čkolovali, kao i ovdje prisutnim bezuslovnim simpatizerima volje većine. Nista, bice krivi svi osim Trumpa. 3
Dragan Posted February 19 Posted February 19 47 minutes ago, ras kass said: Nista, bice krivi svi osim Trumpa. Na primer Zelensky. Siguran sam da mi neki na forumu mogu objasniti ovu logiku. "Nikada nije trebalo da započnete" - Tramp Ukrajini Fucking idiot. 6
Beonegro Posted February 19 Posted February 19 BizMis, bajomoj, bizMis! Quote MOSCOW/RIYADH, Feb 19 (Reuters) - Russia's sovereign wealth fund expects a number of U.S. companies to return to Russia as early as the second quarter of 2025, its chief said after the highest-level U.S.-Russian meeting since the Ukraine war began. Što bi rekli kod moga oca na selu zemlja vi kosti izbačila.
Angelia Posted February 19 Posted February 19 7 hours ago, Darko said: Kakva je Tramp osoba pokazuje koketiranje sa Qanon-om. Mišljenja sam da oni koji u Qanon veruju imaju psihičkih problema. E sada, koliki postotak Trampovih glasača veruje u te budalaštine je drugi par cipela, ali je svakako bio deo njegove kampanje. Ja sam o tom Qanonu cula ovde na forumu. To su neka fringe grupa budala. Nemam pojma sta ste se toliko nakacili na njih. 7 hours ago, Darko said: Deep State u Qanon-u ima neko drugo značenje, zato mislim da je bolje izbegavati taj izraz iako lepo opisuje nakaradnu birokratiju. Čim ljudi čuju Deep State, prva asocijacija im je Qanon - a ne birokratija koja je sama sebi cilj. Ljudi su koristili izraz pre nego je bilo ko znao za Qanon. Zato se I koristio izraz swamp, da se izbegne asocijacija sa teorijama zavere. 5 hours ago, Beonegro said: Šta cemo vidjeti po novom budžetu? Pa to je Musk obecao, da ce se rezultati videti u Oktobru na novom budzetu. 4 hours ago, Nicklord said: Sigurno nisu trule zato što šalteruše, programeri i ostali službenici tako rade a to su ljudi koji dobijaju otkaze. Dobar deo njih zato što Mask i njegova ekipa ne umeju ni Excel da koriste Ja mislim da ti imas pogresnu viziju IRS I FDA, nemaju oni salteruse I programere. Mozda si mislio na administraciju? Ako samo administrativni radnici dobijaju otkaze, onda to nije dovoljno dobro. Koliko sam videla oni su prvo sekli sve zaposlene u zadnje dve godine. A to mora da je mesavina. i napomenula sam da bi bolje bilo da se otpustaju oni koji tamo sede decenijama, jer su oni korumpirani, ali je bilo lakse ovako. 1
Dragan Posted February 19 Posted February 19 Ima i jedna dobra vest - jos samo 3 godine i 11 meseci. @Angelia Koji je tvoj komentar o sastanku USA-russija u SA ?
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 Posted February 19 Posted February 19 1 minute ago, Dragan said: Ima i jedna dobra vest - jos samo 3 godine i 11 meseci. @Angelia Koji je tvoj komentar o sastanku USA-russija u SA ? Bojim se da ce se te tri godine razvuci indefinitely...
Angelia Posted February 19 Posted February 19 17 minutes ago, Dragan said: Ima i jedna dobra vest - jos samo 3 godine i 11 meseci. @Angelia Koji je tvoj komentar o sastanku USA-russija u SA ? Nisam pratila vesti o tom sastanku. Videla sam samo par naslova, tako da realno ne mogu informisano da komentarisem. Uz to, sta god da izlazi o tome je u pregovorima. Moj stav je uvek bio da sa teroristima ne treba pregovarati, kad mozes da ih unistis. Ali prihvatam realnost da nekad moras. Ceo taj rat je politicki can of worms. Kad budem imala vremena, I mozda ima dovoljno informacija, mozda se vratim na tvoje pitanje. Ali iskreno, ne vidim ni sta moje misljenje tu dodaje. Ukrajina je odavno ostavljena kao pijun za podkusurivanje. 1 3
Ludi za Poli Posted February 19 Posted February 19 U prevodu ne okrecem se ja protiv svog Trumpyja cak i kad najotvorenije prodaje saveznika genocdnom manijaku iz Kremlja i siri genocidasku propagandu koju slusamo vec 3 godine. Jadno. 9
Mina D. Harker Posted February 19 Posted February 19 (edited) Ako već forumski Amerikanci nisu u toku šta se u SAD dešava, sreća da smo tu mi van Amerike da ih obavještavamo...eto, i to sam (vam) rešila. Edited February 19 by Mina D. Harker 2 4
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