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Everything posted by Angelia

  1. Pa tacno je jer je jos uvek zatvoren, to sto imaju plan nije kontradiktorno. A generalno nije problem oko crkava, nego ceo Ilinois. Filadelfija je zatvorena, ne mogu reci da to nije tacno zato sto imaju plan, a i plan je nikakav. Evo i Cuomo morao malo da se povuce nakon tuzbe. Iako je NYC vec ispunio nemoguce uslove za otvaranje, DeBlasio i dalje prica da nema otvaranja do sredine juna, iako ni jednog trenutka ne objasnjava zasto.
  2. Ovo je sumnja da se brojke steluju, to su gradovi koji uporno pricaju o jos par meseci lockdowna, iz politickih razloga: The Centers for Disease Control has been asked to investigate new coronavirus cases in Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington D.C. by the White House coronavirus task force. New daily coronavirus cases are refusing to drop in the cities despite ongoing shutdowns causing concern, task force coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx revealed Friday. 'Even though Washington has remained closed, L.A. has remained closed, Chicago has remained closed, we still see these ongoing cases,' she told reporters during a White House news briefing. 'And I've asked the CDC and the CDC is working with the local area in Chicago and this area [D.C] and L.A .to really understand where all these new cases are coming from and what we need to do to prevent them in the future.' Posto je istovremeno DOJ upozorio Ilinois i LA da ce da pogleda u ustavnost "stay-at-home" orders, koji prelaze 30 dana.
  3. Cestitke, i da uzivate, taj osecaj kad se prvi put useljavas u kucu koju si zaradio je neprocenjiv.
  4. Nisu oni samo bankari, ali ok, ako te ne interesuje misljenje kuce koja u principu odredjuje nasu ekonomsku buducnost...nesto mnogo nalazim misljenja ljudi koji se poklapaju sa ovim. postujem tvoj stav.
  5. Veoma moguce, sto je pocelo da isplivava tek sada. 4 nedelje lockdowna i onda popustanje uopste ne bi promenilo ishod, to pokazuju nova istrazivanja, znaci kad su infekcije dostigle plato - trebalo je promeniti mere. A to se desilo za oko 4 nedelje. Vidi necu ja sad vise gurati moje misljenje, pojavljuju se analize koje ga potvrdjuju, ili istrazivanja posledica. JP Morgan kaze da ishod ne bi bio drugaciji, pa sad.... Ja cu da odsedim ovo vreme, koje mi namecu, ali necu niko da mi zameri kad budem rekla "i told you so".
  6. Po meni sve sto ti ogranicava regularna prava i slobode - je restriktivno, pa cak i ako je preporuka kod koje se ocekuje da se pridrzavas. Pazi rekla sam, ono sto te ogranicava od regularnog stanja, da me pogresno ne razumes pa nazoves zakone restriktivnim merama, iako oni donekle to i jesu, ali su prihvacen standard. Ovo u boldu, pa sto mislis da ja sizim zbog ovih mera? nisam ja imala nista protiv 2-4 nedelje, da se uspori sirenje virusa i da zdravstvo ne bude preoptereceno, totalno sam se svojevoljno zatvorila skoro nedelju dana pre nego su objavili lockdown (kao sto mislim da si ti uradila u Svedskoj koliko si mogla). Ali ovo sto rade nakon tog vremena, je totalno suludo, mislim ovde kod mene, ili ono sto su radili u SR. Vise stete nego koristi. Lockdown ovde je, ako me razumes sta hocu da kazem, nakon 4 nedelje, gore nego sto je policijski cas primljen u SR. Zato sam i rekla, ja bi radije Svedski sistem u tome, barem te tretiraju kao razumnu odraslu osobu.
  7. kako nema restriktivnih mera? nije samo lockdown restriktivna mera - on je samo extremna restriktivna mera. I u Svedskoj se trazilo socijalno distanciranje, i da svi koji mogu rade od kuce, i da se nose maske, to su sve restriktivne mere. Nisam ja navela dansku - to je bilo u textu, i navodi se kao primer da otvaranje ne znaci katastrofu.
  8. Nikad nisam govorila da mere uopste nisu potrebne, govorila sam da lockdown nije potreban. I Svedsku sam navodila kao primer - nije da nema uopste mera u Svedskoj zar ne? lockdown je kod mene uveden 17og marta. Neke drzave ranije. S time sto za razliku od evropskih drzava nama nije ni ukinut, i nece jos par nedelja.
  9. Ih kasno se on setio To je vec na drzavnom nivou uradjeno kod nekih od pocetka a kod mnogih za otvaranje. On se zadnji setio. Edit: permutacija, u stvari dosta drzava koje su imale lockdown su ih primenjivale jednako do popustanja, mislim oko 15 je brojao crkve u essential ali su ipak zabranjivali velika okupljanja.
  10. Imali su velike planove za Cuoma, ali ... a on i dalje prica kako je Tramp kriv; Facing mounting scrutiny over his decision to send recovering coronavirus patients to nursing homes across the Empire State, a new report has a number attached to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's controversial executive order: at least 4,300. That tally comes from the Associated Press, not the state. Cuomo's executive order from March 25 was intended to ease the burden on hospitals dealing with the most critical COVID-19 patients. But by sending elderly New Yorkers recovering from COVID-19 to nursing homes, the virus spread among the most vulnerable and has since resulted in 5,800 deaths at New York nursing homes and adult care facilities. The New York State Department of Health did not offer its own count to the AP and said they could not verify the tally, citing the state's process of "still validating our own comprehensive survey of nursing homes admission and re-admission data." On May 10, the governor reversed the executive order. Cuomo continued to defend the decision at his press briefings this week by arguing he was simply following the CDC's guidelines. Elsewhere, he has made no bones about breaking from the federal government when it comes to going beyond their guidances in other instances — particularly with New York State on PAUSE, his stay-at-home order. The governor has also pointed to state statutes mandating that nursing homes move patients from their facilities if they cannot receive adequate care on the premises, though the March 25 executive order stated "no resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the (nursing home) solely based [on a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 diagnosis]." However, other states, such as Louisiana, implemented measures to insulate nursing homes from the spread. The Pelican State put a 30 day hold on hospitals sending any recovering virus patients to nursing homes — with some exceptions — and saw only 1,000 COVID-related deaths in those facilities. New York nursing home workers and experts interviewed by the AP described care centers being overrun with incoming COVID patients, and those who lost loved ones to the virus made their anger known. "It was the single dumbest decision anyone could make if they wanted to kill people," Daniel Arbeeny told the AP, having lost his 88-year-old father to the virus after pulling him out of a Brooklyn nursing home that saw more than 50 deaths. "This isn't rocket science," Arbeeny said. "We knew the most vulnerable — the elderly and compromised — are in nursing homes and rehab centers."
  11. I da zavrsim: Coronavirus lockdowns have 'destroyed millions of livelihoods' but failed to alter the course of the pandemic given many US states have seen lower infection rates after easing restrictions, a JP Morgan study has claimed. The statistical analysis has raised questions about the effectiveness of the lockdowns put in place across much of the United States two months ago to stop the spread of COVID-19. It suggests that the lockdown measures have not only resulted in economic devastation but could have also resulted in more COVID-19 deaths. The strict stay-at-home measures put in place by the governors of most states in mid-March has so far seen nearly 39 million American lose their jobs and forced businesses to close. ...... 'This means that the pandemic and COVID-19 likely have (their) own dynamics unrelated to often inconsistent lockdown measures that were being implemented.' Those dynamics may be influenced by increased hand-washing and even weather patterns but seemingly not by full-scale lockdowns, the report suggests. 'The fact that re-opening did not change the course of the pandemic is consistent with studies showing that initiation of full lockdowns did not alter the course of the pandemic either,' it says. .... 'While our knowledge of the virus and lack of effectiveness of total lockdowns evolved, lockdowns remained in place and focus shifted to contact tracing, contemplating second wave of outbreaks and ideas about designing better education, political and economic systems. 'At the same time, millions of livelihoods were being destroyed by these lockdowns.' ...... The report cites 'worrying populism' as an obstacle to re-opening the economy, for example in the US where senators passed an anti-China measure this week. It warns that economic activity in the US is 'now largely following partisan lines' as Republican and Democratic governors adopt different strategies for their states. As well as casting doubt on the wisdom of imposing lockdowns in the first place, the report suggests that economies could now be re-opened more quickly. In other parts of the world, Denmark is among the countries that has started re-opening its economy without seeing a new surge in virus cases. .... Znaci sve ono sto ja govorim od pocetka ovog topika.
  12. Evo jos neko ko misli da smo preterali sa merama: WALNUT CREEK, Calif. (KGO) -- Doctors at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek say they have seen more deaths by suicide during this quarantine period than deaths from the COVID-19 virus. The head of the trauma in the department believes mental health is suffering so much, it is time to end the shelter-in-place order. "Personally I think it's time," said Dr. Mike deBoisblanc. "I think, originally, this (the shelter-in-place order) was put in place to flatten the curve and to make sure hospitals have the resources to take care of COVID patients.We have the current resources to do that and our other community health is suffering." Ili: Another study conducted by Just Facts around the same time computed a broad array of scientific data showing that stress is one of the deadliest health hazards in the world and estimated that the coronavirus lockdowns will destroy 7 times as many years of human life than strict lockdowns can save.
  13. nema potrebe za izigravanjem ucitelja to su sve generalno poznate stvari. Ja bih stvarno volela da si ti u pravu, iako nemam pojma sto bi takve senzacije trebale medicinskim radnicima, udruzenjima, i generalno levim medijima. Naravno ne govore oni kako je to politicki motivisano, nego eto kako smo morali "spasavati zivote zarazenih virusom". Ali posto znamo da su mere napravljene kako jesu izmedju ostalog zbog politickih razloga....zakljucak se namece.
  14. Pa zato sto ova "yellow" faza nije uopste faza, mislim realno nista se ne menja, mali biznis se nece otvarati....znaci nastavi da davis ekonomiju, ali zato pusti ih da idu u crkvu. iako ce da odobre "drink-to-go". Samo zato sto imaju problem, eno i NYC im se pobunio.
  15. To su u stvari uglavnom neopredeljeni glasovi koji su prosli put glasali za Trampa. A zasto bi neko glasao za drugog - pa dopadne mu se nesto sto je uradio, kao recimo dao prednost crkvi....
  16. Pa vidi druge drzave nemaju ovakve debilne planove - barem ne da ja znam. Cemu sluzi ta "zuta" faza, nikom nije jasno. Ili prosto sluzi za politicke poene sa religioznima, i onima koji su pro 2nd amendment (tj pokusaj da se preuzmu Trampovi glasaci). Prakticno plan nije plan.
  17. Navela sam da ako zanemarimo urbane i gusce naseljene sredine ovaj clanak tvrdi da jos uvek postoji razlika, zato sto se radi o counties, u 36 drzava. Nisu sve counties gusto naseljene. Ako ti nije jasno mozes da pitas.
  18. Jedan dan svi sedimo u kuci, drugi nista se nije desilo, aj svi napolje. A i zato sto crkve mogu da rade a knjizare ne.
  19. Ako uzmemo u obzir gustinu populacije u nekim velikim gradovima koji su generalno plavi, kako je moguce da se to ponavlja i kad nema razlike u gustini populacije, osim tamo gde je broj umrlih ispod nacionalnog proseka: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As America's response to the coronavirus pandemic splits along partisan lines, a Reuters analysis may help explain why: Death rates in Democratic areas are triple those in Republican ones. By Wednesday, U.S. counties that voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election reported 39 coronavirus deaths per 100,000 residents, according to an analysis of demographic and public health data. In counties that voted for Republican Donald Trump, 13 of every 100,000 people had died from the virus. The uneven impact reflects the disproportionate toll the infectious disease has taken in densely packed Democratic-voting cities like New York. Rural areas and far-flung suburbs that typically back Republicans have not seen as direct an impact. The pattern holds beyond New York, the epicenter of the U.S. outbreak. Democratic counties in 36 of the 50 U.S. states collectively reported higher death rates than Republican counties. In Maryland, where the disease has killed more than 2,000 people, the death rate in the Democratic suburbs of Washington is four times higher than in the conservative counties in the Appalachian panhandle. In Kansas, which has reported 152 fatalities, the death rate is seven times higher in the two counties that backed Clinton than in the rest of the state. There are exceptions. Republican counties report a higher death rate in Delaware, Nebraska and South Dakota, where the disease has raced through meatpacking plants. Republican counties have been harder hit in Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota and Texas, where rates are well below the national average. Mozda i ovde imamo razliku u nacinu brojanja smrti od virusa.
  20. Ovo je dnevna aktuelnost koja se tice samo Pensilvanije, ali imam osecaj da ce da izazove paznju, od juce kako izgleda nase fazno otvaranje: U okruzima koji su u prvoj fazi otvaranja (ja nisam, mi smo jos uvek u lockdownu), otvaraju se: obdanista crkve golf igralista i shooting ranges sledeca faza je otvara se sve kao da nista nije bilo. Ovaj plan kao da je osmislio neko od naprednjaka.
  21. I upravo naleteh na ovo: A new report estimates that somewhere between 27,644 to 154,037 people could die from deaths of despair. The Well Being Trust's new report says it's very likely that 75,000 additional deaths, alcohol and drug misuse, and suicide in the next decade as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Economic failure, isolation, and uncertainty are seen as key contributors to the deaths. Naravno ovo se odnosi samo na US.
  22. Neki ljudi ne prezive transplantaciju, neki umru od komplikacija tokom operacije, to je poznat rizik.
  23. Evo neko napisao bas ono sto sam pricala: Doctors said they’ve also noticed a decline in emergency room visits overall, not just for accidents, and this may also be limiting the supply of donor organs. “Where are all the people with heart attacks? Where are all the people with strokes?” said George Rutherford, a professor and infectious disease physician at the University of California-San Francisco. “Are those patients staying away from the ERs for fear of COVID? Clearly, the census is way down in ERs.” Strokes and heart attacks are the second and third most common sources of organ donations, accounting for 27% and 20% of organs, respectively, according to UNOS. When people die from a stroke or heart attack at home instead of a hospital, their organs cannot be used for transplant because of lost blood flow. Most organ donations occur after a person suffers a near-fatal event and lifesaving measures do not work. For organs to be viable, people must die or be declared brain-dead while on a ventilator, so blood keeps pumping to the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. A range of other logistical complications have made transplants difficult during the coronavirus pandemic. Hospitals have had to scale back surgeries of all kinds to preserve scarce supplies of personal protective equipment and ventilators. And many haven’t had the bandwidth to manage the delicate timing and complexity of organ donation, recovery, transportation and transplantation. Transplant surgeries across the country plummeted 52% from March 8 to April 11, according to UNOS data. “There’s a lot of things that have to happen perfectly, and now we’re in an imperfect situation where we’re trying to deal with so many other things,” Whaley said. As medical centers braced for a wave of COVID-19 patients, they wanted to free up as many ventilators as possible. In addition to donors needing to die on ventilators to keep their organs viable, doctors often keep them on ventilators for two or three days while transplant teams and recipients are lined up. Then the recipients need to be on ventilators during surgery. “People were very antsy about having non-COVID-19 patients on ventilators, taking up space,” Whaley said. “They wanted to make sure they were ready for that next patient.” Znaci u principu napravili smo trijazu, zivoti i zdravlje onih sa COVID19, za zivote i zdravlje onih bolesnih od drugih oboljenja. To nije nelogicno, to smo radili kroz istoriju covecanstva. Problem je medjutim u tome sto je kumulativno steta od preteranih mera, veca nego sto je smrtnost COVID 19, i to je moglo da se primeti pre vise od mesec dana, umesto sto se uporno drvilo o "spasavanju zivota od virusa".
  24. Angelia


    Koga su guske jurile i labuda se plasi..... Stvarno mi se desilo
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