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NBA 2019/2020 - North remembers



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27 minutes ago, vepar said:

Debeli Somborac stvarno ko debil, sta si potpisivao tolike milione ako neces da igras


Ajde sad da ne preterujemo. Kao sto neko rece ranije, covek je prvo potpisao ugovor i onda posle toga imao sjajnu sezonu i maltene istorijske brojke u playoffu. A veceras je rano dobio treci faul i nije puno igrao jer su vodili 25+ u jednom trenutku.

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48 minutes ago, Radalek said:


Ajde sad da ne preterujemo. Kao sto neko rece ranije, covek je prvo potpisao ugovor i onda posle toga imao sjajnu sezonu i maltene istorijske brojke u playoffu. A veceras je rano dobio treci faul i nije puno igrao jer su vodili 25+ u jednom trenutku.

nabacio je 15 kg (sala da budemo jasni 😕 za leto a vec je imao viska za profi sportistu i itekako se to oseti na njegovoj igri na startu sezone.



The playmaking center seems a few degrees off so far this season, and he also doesn’t appear to be in shape; Jokic reportedly turned up for training camp at 284 pounds after a summer spent playing for Serbia in the 2019 FIBA World Cup, although he denies experiencing any disruption to his summer routine.

When Jokic showed up ahead of training camp, he weighed in at 284 pounds. Though the number next to his name on last year's roster read 250.


The 24-year-old Serbian is averaging 15 points, 11.2 rebounds, 6.4 assists, and 1.4 steals per game, which would sound really great if we hadn’t spent last season and the playoffs watching him put up even bigger numbers. He’s taking three fewer shots per 36 minutes of floor time—he totaled just six in 27 minutes against New Orleans—than last season and he’s just 3-for-14 from 3-point range, continuing a decline in accuracy from the 40 percent clip at which he drilled long-range shots two seasons ago.

His usage rate is down, his turnover rate is up, and his on-court demeanor … well, let’s just say it’s not exactly suggesting a raging competitive inferno within, and seems more akin to a kid performatively tantruming his way through cleaning up his room after being yelled at a tha third time.

Six months ago, Jokic was named to the All-NBA first team. On Thursday, he got taken to the woodshed, repeatedly, by Jahlil Okafor, a reclamation project working to re-establish himself on his third team in five NBA seasons. This is the sort of matchup the Nuggets can’t lose on a nightly basis; if they do, their entire team concept begins to flicker and fracture.

Denver hasn’t played fast with Jokic at the wheel, ranking 16th in seconds per offensive possession in 2017-18 and 21st last season, according to Inpredictable. It didn’t really matter, though, because the Nuggets moved the ball so much (12th in passes per game in ‘17-18, fifth last season) and so well (fifth in assists and fourth in points created by assist in ‘17-18, second in both categories last season) that they still fielded a top-seven offense even without prioritizing pace. Things have puttered along at a noticeably glacial tempo this season, though—dead last in the league—and Denver hasn’t been nearly as active, sharp, or potent.


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20 minutes ago, uini said:

ma da, bilo je vidljivo na pripremnim tekmama i na prvenstvu da je nabacio kila a u trening kampu je bio još golemiji


a ovi denverćani očigledno ne smeju reč da mu kažu

A kad je Sale komentarisao ono za ''individualne pripreme'' digla se kuka i motika. 


Nikola je genijalan košarkaš ali i jedno veliko derište.

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2 hours ago, Radalek said:


Ajde sad da ne preterujemo. Kao sto neko rece ranije, covek je prvo potpisao ugovor i onda posle toga imao sjajnu sezonu i maltene istorijske brojke u playoffu. A veceras je rano dobio treci faul i nije puno igrao jer su vodili 25+ u jednom trenutku.


Nema sta da se preteruje, pocetak sezone uvek prespava


Nije vise klinac i neki levi igrac, mora da ima bar 20+ po mecu

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Jokić je bio debeli klinac, roditelji su verovatno bili srećni što se uopšte bavi nekim sportom, nikakav pritisak nije imao. Mislim da je kasnije dok je igrao u Vojvodini, odustao od kosarke na par meseci jer mu se nije igralo, a trener ga je podrzao u tome. Sprdao se u toj Vojvodini, igrao po svom, niko ništa od njega nije očekivao, nije igrao za reprezentaciju u tom uzrastu...


Dolazi u Megu, opet sve po njegovom, nemaju nikakav rezultatski imperativ, ima svu slobodu u igri. Nikola opet radi po svom i opet mu prolazi.


Dolazi u NBA gde niko nista od njega ne ocekuje, 41.pik, on fura svoju pricu i postaje najbolji centar NBA.


Tesko je nekom sa takvim igrackim putem objasniti da ne tera po svom, kada mu je uvek to prolazilo. Verovatno ce mu se zestoko obiti o glavu jednom, ali on je verovatno u nekom fazonu, dok ide-ide....

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