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Plivanje - Pariz 2024

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Plivanje je na peogramu Olimoiskih igara od prvog izdanja. Danas počinju takmićenja i biće dodeljene prve medalje.

U jutarnjem terminu startuje i naša štafeta 4x100 i imaće śanse da se bore za finale.

U fokusu će biti plivači plivačice iz USA  Australije, Britanije, Mađarske, Kine.....

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Barna 47,48 Aćin 48,66 Stjepanović  49.10 Cvetkov 49,44

1 minute ago, McLeod said:

Prilicno slabo i ovo, steta. Moglo je da se udje u finale, nije bilo nesto spec brzo, naravno medalja nemoguca misija ali bar finale bi bilo lepo.


Za finale je trebalo 3:13,15 sekund ipo brže od vremena naših. Nemoguća misija.

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Da me je neko pitao o dimenzijama bazena - Mogao bi u život da se kladim da Olimpijada ima sve to standardizovano odavno (Zajedno sa drugim najvećim takmičenjima u vodenim sportovima).

A ne metar razlike da može da bude... Neozbiljno mi to

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25 minutes ago, Smrtokapa said:

Izvinjavam se zbog neukosti, kako dubina bazena utiče na plivanje/rezultat?


17 minutes ago, Barkley#34 said:

Pridružujem se pitanju i dodajem još jedno - kako utiče staza u kojoj se pliva?

Problem su bočni talasi, ali ovde su se dodatno žalili da je bazen po bokovima dosta plići i to otežava i okret i kako sam razumeo "teže se pliva". Na 50 metara nije toliko bitno, pa često iz tih bočnih staza i osvajaju medalje.

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Dubina bazena utice u smislu da sto je bazen dublji to je voda mirnija a sto se staza tice na tu temu imaju i naucni radovi napisani… 



The problem under consideration was whether the swimmer in the outside lane of a race was disadvantaged by their position in the pool.

Analysis shows that we can discount form drag, side boundary layer, turbulent wake and most likely "wall effect". The largest interference to a swimmer in the outside lane is from the waves generated by leading swimmers. In this outer lane there may be a little extra buffeting as waves reflect off the wall, but this will be no worse than the interaction of the waves from two swimmers in adjacent lanes to a slower swimmer.


Modern high level swimming events have lane ropes that assist in the damping of the waves generated by the swimmers. It seems fairly clear from these computations that a swimmer in the outside lane is no more disdavantaged than a swimmer in the central lanes trailing behind. In other words, while the leading swimmers are unlikely to be affected by the waves of others, those behind may be either assisted or hindered.


For example, a swimmer may "ride" on the waves of a swimmer ahead of them, but if they slip behind the leading waves then they may be hindered. One can imagine a situation where two equally matched swimmers coming second and third may be differently affected by the waves of the leader, causing a different race placing.


The winner probably will not change (except in a long race), but positions below can be altered. A good strategy (if possible) is to try to get in the lane NEXT to the fastest swimmer and then seek to position yourself on the upstream side of the transverse wave, leaving potentially more energy for a stronger finish.


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2 hours ago, Don Juan said:

Korejac osvojio bronzu u bočnoj stazi, čisto da ne diskutujemo više o tome 😁.

S tim sto je Korejac bio mozda i prvi favorit pa je fejlovao u kvalifikacijama i plasirao se u finale na srecu. Da je imao bolju stazu mozda bi i osvojio.

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