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Euroleague transfer market 2024/25

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Armoni Brooks je potpisao 2-godisnji ugovor sa Armanijem.
Donta Hall navodno ostaje u Monaku i pored interesovanja nekih klubova iz Evrolige.
Lorenzo Brown i  Panatinaikos, ugovor je navodno 2-godisnji uz 2 miliona evra po godini.
Toko Shengelia navodno na listi zelja Reala i Panatinaikosa.
Jordan Loyd navodno na listi zelja Virtusa.

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Lorenzo Brown ima 34 godine, ovim je sebi obezbedio dve godine ugovora kada mu prajm bude prosao.


Sto se tice ostalih transfera, Zalgiris radi pametno, uzeli su Syrvidisa iz Lietkabelisa. Moze on da bude neka vrsta zamene za Brazdeikisa. Jos samo da iskopaju nekako cetvorku i moze to da bude dobra ekipa, spremna da pobedi svakog ko se malo opusti (sa fazonom "nije bitan jedan mec, ima 34 kola").

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PANAΘINAIKOS NEWS: "The Proposal of the Century: €17 Million for Vezenkov"

Panathinaikos AKTOR has made an incredible offer to the Bulgarian forward for a three-year contract.

In Kostas Nikolakopoulos' blog, it is highlighted that Olympiakos has also made a proposal of €10 million for three years.

The Sacramento Kings have a guaranteed contract worth about $7,000,000 with Sasha Vezenkov, but Mike Brown does not seem to consider him for the rotation, as was evident in the recently concluded season.


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