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Јесте, био је један од главних протагониста, чак бих рекао да је углавном играо на 5.



Иначе у среду поновни сусрет Радоње и Ендрјуса после оног циркуса у ПАО.

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Вредело је чекати, одлично отварање сезоне и победа са ауторитетом.


Тотално смирили Коувена у другом полувремену који је најбољи играч тима, није било панике ни кад су ови пришли на 3.


Понитка одличан на плеју када је Смит ушао у проблеме са фауловима, Одијасе, Симон, Масинбург, кеп Кавано и Бутеј, сви дали допринос. Чак и Хазер одличан фластер на Коувену.





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Cavanaugh kapitenski nosio tim na početku utakmice. Mislim da ga je Radonja kasnije namerno "zaboravio na klupi", jer je Simon dobro igrao. Pa je verovatno išao na to da ga pusti dok je u dobrom ritmu, i pomogne mu da gradi samopouzdanje za dalje.

Kad smo kod Simona, ja sam mislio da če igrati 5, ali mislim da je bio isključivo na 4. Osim par minuta kad su bili on i Cavanaugh zajedno u igri, ali i tu nisam siguran da je on bio 5. Ima ulogu čiste stretch četvorke. Njegov ofanzivni skillset se uklapa u to. Samo je bilo pitanje kako če čovek od 2,13 da brani nešto na toj poziciji. Ali pokazao je dobru mobilnost i rad nogu u odbrani. Želju, koncentraciju...Osim onog pogrešnog pasa u kontri, ni malo nije ličio na onog izgubljenog Simona iz Zvezde. Ako ovako nastavi, Radonja če biti na slatkim mukama kad su u pitanju visoke pozicije.
Odiase takodje jako solidan. Jasno definisana uloga. Fizikalac sa nekim jako zanimljivim polu-floaterom, kojeg pogadja u visokom procentu.


Drago mi je za Boutiella, koji če najviše profitirati od ovakvog rostera. Jer može sad da se fokusira na to što radi najbolje, a to je trpanje lopte u obruč. Danas je onako bez večeg napora ubacio 17 poena.


Massinburg ono što smo i očekivali. Radonjin tip igrača. Timski igrač, inteligentan i dobar u dobrani. Par puta je dobro stegao Cowana u drugom poluvremenu. A fascinantno mi je to, da i u nekim situacijama kad ga probiju, uspe da se nekako ubaci nazad pred napadača i zasmeta na polaganju.



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Данас су председница, генерална менаџерка, Бјелица и ДР одржали кзш, ово је речено:



Bahçeşehir College, which will play its matches in the new season at Sinan Erdem Sports Hall, held an introductory meeting. Bahçeşehir Sports Club President Begüm Yücel, Sports Director Nemanja Bjelica, General Manager Pınar Çiler Çağlayan and Head Coach Dejan Radonjic attended the meeting.

Bahçeşehir Sports Club President Begüm Yücel said, “As Bahçeşehir College Sports Club, we started the new season with a new logo in our new home. We got our first win of the season in the EuroCup away match. We established a strong management team with Sports Director Nemanja Bjelica, General Manager Pınar Çiler Çağlayan and Head Coach Dejan Radonjic. We created one of the most ambitious teams so far. We started the season ambitiously in the EuroCup. Our first goal is to be permanent in the EuroCup. Then we will climb the stairs one by one.”

Sporting Director Nemanja Bjelica said:
“Bahçeşehir is not just a basketball team, it is also a strong brand. Our team has great potential and we will compete in the EuroCup this year. We have an excellent coach. We will go to these difficult matches with the best squad Bahçeşehir has ever had. We are all excited, but we are also aware that we need to keep our feet on the ground and work hard. We want to change the basketball culture of this team and become a permanent winning team.”

Nemanja Bjelica, regarding their move to Sinan Erdem Sports Hall, said, “I would like to thank the federation for the support they gave us in our move to Sinan Erdem Sports Hall. We have made many innovations here and now this is our new home. As the only team that will compete in Sinan Erdem in the Super League, Bahçeşehir Sports Club will ensure that our players feel like part of a family in this hall. This is extremely important to us. We believe that we can achieve success by working together in harmony, trusting each other and ensuring consistency. We should always focus on the big picture; this is the only way we can achieve lasting success.”

Head coach Dejan Radonjic stated that they had just started the season and that they had to train better and work harder, and said, “Our goal this season is to advance from the EuroCup group and make it to the play-offs. Our main goal for the league is to reach a better point than last year.” Radonjic said that they were happy with the team they had built this year, and said, “Time will tell” about whether they would make new transfers .

General Manager Pınar Çiler Çağlayan also said that Bahçeşehir College Basketball Team, which is only a 7-year-old team, will reach an organic fan base in time and that they rely on student groups for this.



Basketfaul специјализовани турски кошаркашки сајт је у свом power rankings-y ставио Башахшекир на четврто место иза Ефеса, Фенера и Каршијаке:



Edited by MV91
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