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16 hours ago, MrTwister said:

SG je realno najtanja pozicija, osim ovih 5-6 vrhunskih ovo ostalo je sad skoro sve neki prosjek ili declining igraci.


mitchell booker edwards bane kcp green simons vassell sexton white lavine caruso ivey suggs hield beal herro trent reaves melton


antetokounmpo markkaken green randle jjj towns smith johnson mobley johnson siakam banchero harris williamson grant kuzma isaac hachimura collins nance



mozda si u pravu, ali ovi neki bekovi, igraci zadatka™ kao caruso, kcp, suggs ili melton se ne cene previse...

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53 minutes ago, Drug Crni said:

Ja kad god sam gledao Klivlend oni su bili mizerija,,kad ono bacim pogled na tabelu,a oni treći na Istoku..da fak :classic_blink: Ili se tako jednostafno trefilo (Hjuston i sinoć Majami) ili nemam pojma o čemu je reč..


Povrede. Nisu bili kompletni vecinu sezone. Sad je Spida out vec neko vreme. Kad su kompletni, to definitivno izgleda dobro.

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The Lakers' offensive ranks since the starting five change (1/13):

74.7% shooting at rim (1st)
43.1% from corner (2nd)
41.1% non-corner (1st)
41.7% overall from 3 (1st)
59.4% eFG% (1st)
107.3 half-court offRTG (2nd)
121.7 offRTG (2nd)
Transition eff (1st)

Eh jos da odbrana nije na matadorskom nivou…

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