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Тејтум стандардно врло лош у 4/4.  Лидер тима, а 35% из игре. Важи


Чини се да окрећу моментум Ратници. 


Издржаше да не падну пуно у 3/4, али чини се да су сад гасирали. 

Edited by Big Ticket
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Побједа Стеве Кера. Феноменално је осјетио моменат у 4/4, одлично дозирао, рукометним одбранама све затворио.


Не може стално да се налази изговор за пречеста грлица издања Тејтума кад је густо. 






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Kakva perverzna partija Chefa, 43p i 9 ili 10 reboundsa čak, clutch šutevi, noćas nije bježao od odgovornosti, genijalno

13 minutes ago, Ječmendo said:

Kelti se uplašili pobjede, bukvalno prestali da igraju. :twak:

A da nije malo ili malo više i do odbrane Dubs-a, bukvalno su u 4/4 antologijsku odbranu odigrali, ovi i što su pogadjali to je bilo preko ruke

Edited by LazarusMNE
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1 hour ago, alpaka Bereta Sida said:





bas sam pomislio na lyrics dok sam citao recap 


The amped-up crowd spent much of the game booing Green, chanting an obscenity at him that is usually reserved for Bucky Dent, and jeering his many misses.



trebalo je da znam da ce ludi kure da porobi, cim je stari fritrou sinoc ubacio cca 43pts i to pola u clutchu 

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frenk ima hard core fanove gde god da igra. kako to x 2.


Maybe it’s the defense. You saw it in the second round against the Phoenix Suns. Jason Kidd, desperate for a wing to give his starters some rest, gave Frank Ntilikina a shot. And Ntilikina was disruptive, to say the least. He was a whirl of limbs and fury, giving Chris Paul and Devin Booker headaches in the Dallas Mavericks’ series win over the Suns.


There’s something about a player who’s an absolute menace on defense. Putting the ball in the basket at an elite level takes a level of physical ability and skill most people will never have. But defense is a blue collar basketball skill. It takes work. It takes study. It takes anticipation. Yes, having height and wingspan help. But mostly, it’s about trying harder than your opponent. So we gravitate to the guys who play defense like their life depends on it.

Ntilikina is one of those guys. Yeah, he’s got the athleticism and the long arms, but he also plays defense like it’s the one thing in life that gives him joy. Frank probably wakes up thinking about stripping the ball from a point guard, or clogging up a passing lane. He probably swats trash away from waste baskets without thinking.



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