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Rat u Ukrajini

Doc Holiday
Message added by Lobotomija,

Ovim disclaimerom označavamo temu o Ukrajini kao "ozbiljnu". Sve što se od forumaša traži je da joj tako pristupaju. Zabranjeno je:


- Kačenje lažnih informacija.

- Relativizacije.

- Negiranje ukrajinske nacije.

- Izvrtanje činjenica.

- Floodovanje linkovima i tvitovima.

- Zabranjeno je kačenje uznemirujućih fotografija i videa.


Moderacija će zauzeti neutralni stav, što znači da su sva pisanja dozvoljena ako su u skladu sa tačkama iznad. Stavovi moderatora koji učestvuju u diskusijama se smatraju kao "lični" i nemaju veze sa obavljanjem moderatorskog posla. Potrudite se da vesti budu istinite i iz relevantnih izvora. Ako se desi da nešto imate neprovereno, samo naglasite to u postu. Zadržaćemo mogućnost nekih izmena ako bude bilo neophodno.


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analiza sa BBC

Russia had amassed a force of around 190,000 troops for this invasion and most of those have already been committed to the battle. But they have already lost about 10% of that force. There are no reliable figures for the scale of either Russian or Ukrainian losses. Ukraine claims to have killed 14,000 Russian troops, though the US estimates it is probably half that number.

Western officials say there is also evidence of dwindling morale among Russian fighters, with one saying it was "very, very, low". Another said the troops were "cold, tired and hungry" as they had already been waiting in the snow for weeks in Belarus and Russia before they were given the order to invade.

Russia has already been forced to look for more troops to make up for its losses, including moving in reserve units from as far afield as the east of the country and Armenia. Western officials believe it is also "highly likely" that foreign troops from Syria will soon join the fight, along with mercenaries from its secretive Wagner group. A senior Nato military official said this was a sign it was "scratching the bottom of the barrel".

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9 minutes ago, K.Dot said:

@Devil In My Pants falio si ovih dana, pogubili smo se u informacijama; šta je real a šta fake. Nego šta se desilo sa onom bombom na letu Bg-Moskva?

Ma to je zvao neki cobanin budala iz Srbije.


Sto se tice rata, mislim da ce im NATO ''dati'' Kharkov i Mariupolj, pre ili kasnije moraju pasti. Mariupolj ce pasti jer kao sto sam pricao ranije raspali Ceceni dolaze samo kad je vec izvesno da ih nece pretvoriti u prah. Tu je i crvena linija NATO ako krenu na Kijev, tu negde na sred bitke ulece NATO,o zapadu Ukrajne ne smeju ni da razmisljaju jer onda pocinje pravi rat jedan kroz jedan. Mislim da niko ne zli rusku cizmu blizu grnice..

Edited by Devil In My Pants
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10 minutes ago, Devil In My Pants said:

Ma to je zvao neki cobanin budala iz Srbije.


Sto se tice rata, mislim da ce im NATO ''dati'' Kharkov i Mariupolj, pre ili kasnije moraju pasti. Mariupolj ce pasti jer kao sto sam pricao ranije raspali Ceceni dolaze samo kad je vec izvesno da ih nece pretvoriti u prah. Tu je i crvena linija NATO ako krenu na Kijev, tu negde na sred bitke ulece NATO,o zapadu Ukrajne ne smeju ni da razmisljaju jer onda pocinje pravi rat jedan kroz jedan. Mislim da niko ne zli rusku cizmu blizu grnice..

I naredjace tenkice na Madagaskar u tom tvom vidjenju partije Rizika. :classic_biggrin:

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12 minutes ago, Devil In My Pants said:

Ma to je zvao neki cobanin budala iz Srbije.


Sto se tice rata, mislim da ce im NATO ''dati'' Kharkov i Mariupolj, pre ili kasnije moraju pasti. Mariupolj ce pasti jer kao sto sam pricao ranije raspali Ceceni dolaze samo kad je vec izvesno da ih nece pretvoriti u prah. Tu je i crvena linija NATO ako krenu na Kijev, tu negde na sred bitke ulece NATO,o zapadu Ukrajne ne smeju ni da razmisljaju jer onda pocinje pravi rat jedan kroz jedan. Mislim da niko ne zli rusku cizmu blizu grnice..

Brate Devile sta ti se desilo u banovini?

Od trijumfalnog ulaska u Vladivostok do Lvov ne sme pasti?

Nemoj da pada borbeni moral tako.

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Na Flight radaru svašta može da se nađe to ranije nije bilo. Od Air tankera, do Black hawk-a. I Iznad Poljske stalno leti neka Duke ekipa sa Crnim sokolima. Natrčao kolega i na jedan F-16

Ranije nisi mogao vojni avion svećom da nađeš.

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Trenutno ima oko 150k NATO vojnika na Baltiku, krecu neki njihovi ''treninzi''..aviona i svega ima dovoljno. Poljska se granici sa Ukrajnom, ovo je bio mamac.
Uz lazi NATO II uvek militantni Poljaci na potezu Ljvov - Kiev. Putin je rekao da ga ne interesuje Kijev ...Rusi se po dogovoru povlače na Istok, "obezbedjuju" ledja Krimu jer će se spojiti sa Pridnestrovljem, zako da Odessa i Budžak ostaju podrazumevani. Formira se, pored Dombasa i Luganska, i Hersonska republika-pokrajina.

Razmena zarobljenika osim za Azovce, Ukrajina vojno neutralna, može u EU....(vrv kad i mi)...

A Devile...?

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Just now, Constantin said:

Uz lazi NATO II uvek militantni Poljaci na potezu Ljvov - Kiev. Putin je rekao da ga ne interesuje Kijev ...Rusi se po dogovoru povlače na Istok, "obezbedjuju" ledja Krimu jer će se spojiti sa Pridnestrovljem, zako da Odessa i Budžak ostaju podrazumevani. Formira se, pored Dombasa i Luganska, i Hersonska republika-pokrajina.

Razmena zarobljenika osim za Azovce, Ukrajina vojno neutralna, može u EU....(vrv kad i mi)...

A Devile...?


apsolutno nemoguce, inace kepec koji se odaziva na ime vladimir je rekao da nece biti nikakve vojne akcije. Da pristanu na pola drzave, da nema NATO i kao EU pa to nece da moze. Mislim da poenta cele ove price i bio rat sa Rusijom, samo na neutralnom terenu uz dobre pripreme i sagledavanje protivnika. E to ce vec biti blickrig


To sto ti pises nijedan Ukrajinac nece potpisati

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8 minutes ago, Devil In My Pants said:

apsolutno nemoguce, inace kepec koji se odaziva na ime vladimir je rekao da nece biti nikakve vojne akcije. Da pristanu na pola drzave, da nema NATO i kao EU pa to nece da moze. Mislim da poenta cele ove price i bio rat sa Rusijom, samo na neutralnom terenu uz dobre pripreme i sagledavanje protivnika. E to ce vec biti blickrig


To sto ti pises nijedan Ukrajinac nece potpisati

Ko pita Ukrajince.....


У Херсону након ликвидације изолованих тачака отпора (више класичних противтероростичких акција које су реализовале јединице СпН) град се вратио у потпуно стабилан - мирнодопоски режим функционисања. Продавнице раде, прорадио је градски превоз као и комуналне службе..... Гас и нафта (нафтни деривати) су драстично појефтинили, отписани су готово сви дугови и кредити према банкама. Нема оскудице, има свега....

Ove tri oblasti će imati suštinsku autonomiju u sastavu Ukrajine, slično kao plan Z-4, a Krim je završena priča, tu nema pregovora.

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1 hour ago, djura.net said:

analiza sa BBC

Russia had amassed a force of around 190,000 troops for this invasion and most of those have already been committed to the battle. But they have already lost about 10% of that force. There are no reliable figures for the scale of either Russian or Ukrainian losses. Ukraine claims to have killed 14,000 Russian troops, though the US estimates it is probably half that number.

Western officials say there is also evidence of dwindling morale among Russian fighters, with one saying it was "very, very, low". Another said the troops were "cold, tired and hungry" as they had already been waiting in the snow for weeks in Belarus and Russia before they were given the order to invade.

Russia has already been forced to look for more troops to make up for its losses, including moving in reserve units from as far afield as the east of the country and Armenia. Western officials believe it is also "highly likely" that foreign troops from Syria will soon join the fight, along with mercenaries from its secretive Wagner group. A senior Nato military official said this was a sign it was "scratching the bottom of the barrel".

Ovo ponovljeno davanje značaja Wagneru je najbolja indicija da autor nema pojma o čemu priča, Wagnerov vojni kapacitet je na nivou Miše Vacića i Pavla Bihaljija, prije godinu i po dana su ih mozambikanske vlasti angažovale da degažiraju islamističke pobunjenike naoružane varjačama i peckalicama iz zone u kojoj Total i Exxon građe postrojenja za likvefakciju gasa, u roku od nekoliko dana su imali 11 poginulih i 20+ teško ranjenih, nakon čega su podvili rep. 

Edited by Beonegro
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"All sides need to jointly support Russia and Ukraine in having dialogue and negotiation that will produce results and lead to peace," Xi said, adding that the U.S. and NATO should also have dialogue with Russia to address the crux of the Ukraine crisis and ease the security concerns of both Russia and Ukraine.

Xi stressed that with the need to fight COVID-19 on the one hand and protect the economy and people's livelihood on the other, things are already very difficult for countries around the world.

"As leaders of major countries, we need to think about how to properly address global hotspot issues and, more importantly, keep in mind global stability and the work and life of billions of people," Xi said.

Sweeping and indiscriminate sanctions would only make the people suffer. If further escalated, they could trigger serious crises in global economy and trade, finance, energy, food, and industrial and supply chains, crippling the already languishing world economy and causing irrevocable losses, Xi added.

"The more complex the situation, the greater the need to remain cool-headed and rational," Xi said, adding that whatever the circumstances, there is always a need for political courage to create space for peace and leave room for political settlement.

"As two Chinese sayings go, 'It takes two hands to clap.' 'He who tied the bell to the tiger must take it off.' It is imperative that the parties involved demonstrate political will and find a proper settlement in view of both immediate and long-term needs," Xi said.

Xi said other parties can and should create conditions to that end. The pressing priority is to keep the dialogue and negotiation going, avoid civilian casualties, prevent a humanitarian crisis, and cease hostilities as soon as possible.

He said an enduring solution would be for major countries to respect each other, reject the Cold War mentality, refrain from bloc confrontation, and build step by step a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture for the region and for the world.

"China has been doing its best for peace and will continue to play a constructive role," Xi said.



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Russian cosmonauts have arrived at the International Space Station wearing Ukrainian colours, in what appears to be a statement opposing the invasion. (...)

Russian cosmonauts Denis Matveyev, Oleg Artemyev and Sergey Korsakov docked at the ISS after a three-hour flight which blasted off from a Russian-owned facility in Kazakhstan. (...)
A few hours later, two sets of hatches were opened and the three smiling men floated into the space station one by one wearing bright yellow space suits with blue accents.

The standard-issue Russian uniform is plain blue, and at least one of the men was seen wearing this before take-off. (...)
"It became our turn to pick a colour," Mr Artemyev said when he was asked about the suits in a live-streamed press conference.

"We had accumulated a lot of yellow material so we needed to use it," he joked. "That's why we had to wear yellow."


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Realno Ukrajna mora nesto dole da uradi, sad da li spremaju nesto tesko je reci jer ne zavisi od njih samo. Meni suludo deluje da im daju pola drzave, a koliko sam uocio imali su dole neke borbe ali skroz na drugoj strani, manje-vise Mariupolj, ali dole ako ih preseku imaju bas dosta vojske, mada Rusi manipulisu sa kartama, ni izbliza nije koliko su oni obelezili. 

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