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Rat u Ukrajini

Doc Holiday
Message added by Lobotomija,

Ovim disclaimerom označavamo temu o Ukrajini kao "ozbiljnu". Sve što se od forumaša traži je da joj tako pristupaju. Zabranjeno je:


- Kačenje lažnih informacija.

- Relativizacije.

- Negiranje ukrajinske nacije.

- Izvrtanje činjenica.

- Floodovanje linkovima i tvitovima.

- Zabranjeno je kačenje uznemirujućih fotografija i videa.


Moderacija će zauzeti neutralni stav, što znači da su sva pisanja dozvoljena ako su u skladu sa tačkama iznad. Stavovi moderatora koji učestvuju u diskusijama se smatraju kao "lični" i nemaju veze sa obavljanjem moderatorskog posla. Potrudite se da vesti budu istinite i iz relevantnih izvora. Ako se desi da nešto imate neprovereno, samo naglasite to u postu. Zadržaćemo mogućnost nekih izmena ako bude bilo neophodno.


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Kako stvari stoje desetak dana posle inauguracije Trampa, SAD i dalje vojno podržavaju Ukrajinu, ali ne i humanitarno. Što je ipak jako loše za Ukrajinu, a Tramp i njegova kamarila su samo zbog ovoga ako ništa drugo anticivilizacijska i antizapadna govnarija.


Nije bitno za temu, ne sećam se s kim sam oko toga diskutovao, ali bili ste u pravu, ja nisam. Izvinjavam se zbog toga što sam precenio ovu bandu koja sad jaše tamo i njihov odnos prema spoljnoj politici (a nismo ni došli do Grenlanda...).

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Sve ovo što radi Tramp je jako loše za Ukrajinu. Putin vidi da mu je stalo da se napravi makar kakav mir jer misli da će dobiti nobela i sad će da traži maksimalno. Od Trampa ne treba očekivati uspehe u međunarodnoj politici nego se samo nadati da totalno ne usere neke stvari.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to "improve the combat skills of reservists," and has signed a decree ordering them to participate in military training this year. Reservists aged up to 50 might receive summons, as well as non-commissioned officers aged up to 60, senior officers aged up to 65 and higher-ranking officers up to 70.

Such exercises take place every year in Russia, but since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine three years ago, they have been lasting longer. 

Users on Russian social networks have been discussing why the military exercises are being scheduled so early this year. In 2024, Putin ordered them in March, and in 2023 they were held in May.

One user of the Russian social network Vkontakte asked whether a "new mobilization" drive was likely. "Now, many people will leave the country again," said another.


Meanwhile, in Russia's lower house of parliament there are voices calling to prepare for war against the "collective West."

Aleksey Zhuravlyov, the deputy head of the parliamentary defense committee, told the Russian online site absatz.media that this would be the case if Western countries joined the war alongside Ukraine, adding that Russia should replenish its reserves.

Stupin told DW that the current exercises were not to be interpreted as a sign to the West, and that Putin was hoping for more rapid success on the front line. 

"That is why he is speeding up the recruitment of regular soldiers, not letting those who are mobilized go, and also using reservists," he said.

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President Volodymyr Zelensky says Moscow has bombed a boarding school in Ukrainian-occupied Russia where civilians were sheltering and preparing to evacuate.

The Ukrainian army said four people were killed and dozens - many of them elderly - were injured in the town of Sudzha in the Kursk region, which has been under Ukrainian control for five months.

More than 80 people are reported to have been rescued from the building.

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The leader of a pro-Russian paramilitary group in eastern Ukraine has died in hospital after being injured in an explosion in Moscow on Monday morning, Russian media have said.

Armen Sargsyan, the leader of the "Arbat" battalion, was severely injured following a blast in the entrance hall of a residential building in north-west Moscow, 12km (7 miles) from the Kremlin.

He was evacuated to a hospital by helicopter and placed in intensive care after the explosion, but eventually succumbed to his injuries, according to usually reliable Telegram sources.

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