Miki28 Teoljub Posted July 30, 2021 Author Posted July 30, 2021 7 minutes ago, Drakaris said: Evo, taman da dovedemo Buloka, odigrao je korektnu sezonu u Niksima, ne verujem da će ostati tamo, jer će se Niksi sigurno pojačati na bekovskim pozicijama. Ima tu dobrih imena na FA. Sad tek vidim da je tu mocni Danny boy, treba ga vratiti😀 Ellington je isto dobra opcija, JJ Reddick bi igrao za minimalac. Isto tako nesto gledam Gary Trent Jr je FA a agent mu je Rich Paul mada ce vrvt zabosti dobar ugovor negdje. Bice trazen sigurno. 1
MrTwister Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 3 hours ago, oubrevo. said: iznenađen sam da su birali dubsi lika koji je project bez šuta. baš high upside / high bust. -- knicksi napravili neku akrobaciju gde su dali 19 i 21 pikove za 25i i neki future highly protected. izgleda pomalo bespotrebno al' ajde, neki kažu da se tu vodi računa o platama tj budućem salary capu nikad čuo za quentine grimesa ali idem da pročitam https://www.si.com/nba/2021/07/28/quentin-grimes-nba-draft-stock deuce mcbride = bi trebalo da je dobar izbor. baš pre neki dan sam lepio txt o njemu jokubaitis će nekada možda i doći (nisam siguran da je on nba kalibar) ali je za sada barca stash sve u svemu, deuce je dobar, grimes možda bude dobar. nije loše --- kessler edwards u netsima. bravo za nju džersi. Meni se dopada kako je to ispalo sve za Knickse obzirom kakve su sve isle glasine da se spakuju ona 2 pika za nekog low upside tipa poput Duartea koji radi posao i spreman je da odmah doprinese sto se uklapa u taj Thibsov M.O. medjutim ovako je mozda ispalo bolje. McBride i Grimes su bolji prospekti nego oni koji su bili mockovani za Knickse u tom rangeu tako da tu ne bi trebalo da bude problema. Rokas je kapiram stash jer ne vjerujem da ce ga Thibs uzet prve godine vec ce u Barsi igrati a i uzeli su vec 2 igraca spolja prije njega. Edwards se izgleda uklapa u taj plan Netsa koji su draftovali 3 sutera i off-ball igraca, sa tim sto bi Cam mogao i u neku Lou Williams gunnersku ulogu da upadne. 3 hours ago, MikiMilane said: Petrušev izabran kao 50 pik od strane Filadelfije. Koprivica kao 57 pik od strane Detroita. 2 token draft pika a moglo se cuti odje da ce biti otimacina za Petruseva na racun MVP sezone u ABA ligi 🙄 On je najvjerovatnije stash pik no da vidimo da nece Misko nesto iscimati vise za njega. 1 1
Chaos Is Me Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 Westbrook je veoma low IQ igrač (al zato ego kao aerodromska zdrada) a znamo da takvi ne prolaze kod Brona. Baš kretenski potez Lakersa, dajem ruku da će sezona da im bude fejl. Ovo je marketinški a ne košarkaški potez al dobro, valjda LBJ shvata da mu vreme polako ističe. Mislim da će se nervirati više nego ikad u karijeri sa ovim bezmozgašem na turbo pogon. Btw, jel zna neko nešto više o ovom malom što su ga Spursi pokupili sa 12.mesta? 2
MrTwister Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 Jedan od najmladjih igraca na draftu al je reach samo takav, u rangu onog Kingsa sa Papagiannisom. Dobar suter al mu treba minuta i prostora da se razvija a Spursi tu vec krcati na tim pozicijama bez ako nekog ne trejduju uskoro. Da ludilo bude jos vece u 2 rundi su uzeli jos jednog slicnog sutera koji je obicno off-ball igrac.
LordOfTerror Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 Zaspao sam sinoc na pola prve runde i ocekujem jutros neki vatromet trejdova i svega kad ono mrtvo more.
40Wins Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 Dal ce Uini Harlou da raskine sa Kuzmom, posto vise nece ziveti u LA nego u smornom DCu? Kapiram da se deckonja zesce smorio. Mada verujem da ce Bron jednako pizdeti i na Vestbruka.
Devil In My Pants Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 Fakersi..i lazni kralj...ssmo supertimovi. NBA je smehotres. Napred Luka, pravi 🐐🐐🐐
Darko Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 Stvarno mi nije jasan ovaj potez Lejkersa. Em doveli teškog kamenjara i otarasili se KCP-a koji je decent 3&D guy. Čak i Kuzma, kakav god da je, ume da se upali sa vremena na vreme, mada nisam neki fan tih low-IQ igrača kao što su on i Barton (i naravno Westbrook). Ne verujem da će ovo izaći na dobro za Lejkerse i mislim da je dobra vest za ostale timove.
LordOfTerror Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 Ovaj potez Lakersa kapiram jedino ako Lebron oseca neki tezak energetski decline i ima nameru da se bas stedi i prebaci iskljucivo na post igru i ponekad zavrti pick. Pa kao ajde da dovedemo ovu budalu da zuji nacicemo neke sutere vec. Mada mislim da se dosta potcenjuje njegova odbrana i kakva je to katastora u najavi 😄 2
Ludi za Poli Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 Koji nivo neobjektivnosti jbt, najjace ovaj dio da je RW pametan igrac hahahaha Trade je apsolutno besmislen i katastrofalan. RW je retardirana stetocina. Radije bih gledao limitiranog Schrödera jer bar znam da ce grist ko lud u odbrani za razliku od ovog retarda koji ce statirat u kukuruzima, a onda se unosit protivnicima u facu i kurcit kad pogodi neku ciglu nakon 10 uzastopnih promasaja na dvocifrenom minusu.
Miki28 Teoljub Posted July 30, 2021 Author Posted July 30, 2021 1 minute ago, alpaka Bereta Sida said: Koji nivo neobjektivnosti jbt, najjace ovaj dio da je RW pametan igrac hahahaha Trade je apsolutno besmislen i katastrofalan. RW je retardirana stetocina. Radije bih gledao limitiranog Schrödera jer bar znam da ce grist ko lud u odbrani za razliku od ovog retarda koji ce statirat u kukuruzima, a onda se unosit protivnicima u facu i kurcit kad pogodi neku ciglu nakon 10 uzastopnih promasaja na dvocifrenom plusu Ispravio sam ti ovo😀 To nam treba, paljevina. Taj ludak ce potpalit vatru i kod AD a to je ono sto treba.
Ludi za Poli Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 2 minutes ago, Miki28 said: Ispravio sam ti ovo😀 To nam treba, paljevina. Taj ludak ce potpalit vatru i kod AD a to je ono sto treba. Taj moze samo tenk masinu potpalit.
Miki28 Teoljub Posted July 30, 2021 Author Posted July 30, 2021 Just now, alpaka Bereta Sida said: Taj moze samo tenk masinu potpalit. Sto toliko pesimizma? Vidjeces da je ovo ludacka kombinacina koja ce da sljaka. Smijem glavu da dam 1
LayupFromTheMidget Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 Jeste kao ludacka energija 6 coveka. Koliko je minuta dobio u PO, 10ukupno?
Miki28 Teoljub Posted July 30, 2021 Author Posted July 30, 2021 10 minutes ago, LayupFromTheMidget said: Jeste kao ludacka energija 6 coveka. Koliko je minuta dobio u PO, 10ukupno? Ko?
LayupFromTheMidget Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 9 minutes ago, Miki28 said: Ko? Harel zmaj.
Dracarys Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 40 minutes ago, alpaka Bereta Sida said: Koji nivo neobjektivnosti jbt, najjace ovaj dio da je RW pametan igrac hahahaha Trade je apsolutno besmislen i katastrofalan. RW je retardirana stetocina. Radije bih gledao limitiranog Schrödera jer bar znam da ce grist ko lud u odbrani za razliku od ovog retarda koji ce statirat u kukuruzima, a onda se unosit protivnicima u facu i kurcit kad pogodi neku ciglu nakon 10 uzastopnih promasaja na dvocifrenom minusu. Ko ti drma kavez
Shunsuke Nakamura Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 (edited) Kuminga je promašaj u najavi. Nevjerovatno da je neko uopšte pomislio da ga uzme ovako visoko. Moody je dobar igrač, može odmah da uskoči u rotaciju i da bude koristan. Edited July 30, 2021 by Betolingar Misdongard
Miki28 Teoljub Posted July 30, 2021 Author Posted July 30, 2021 7 minutes ago, LayupFromTheMidget said: Harel zmaj. Dobar ce biti u DC-u. Nama veci ludak😀
Ludi za Poli Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 7 minutes ago, Drakaris said: Ko ti drma kavez Tvoje baljezganje. 1
Dracarys Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 Just now, alpaka Bereta Sida said: Tvoje baljezganje. Koje ima statističko utemeljenje.
didžej hel Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 19 minutes ago, Betolingar Misdongard said: Kuminga je promašaj u najavi. Nevjerovatno da je neko uopšte pomislio da ga uzme ovako visoko. Moody je dobar igrač, može odmah da uskoči u rotaciju i da bude koristan. meni se sviđa što dubsi nisu uzeli neke ready-made polovnjake, kao što su svi predviđali, već uzimaju prospecte, for better or worse. niko ne zna kako će igrači od 18 i 19 godina izgledati za 3-4 godine. Spoiler The Warriors started sensing the increasing likelihood of a Jonathan Kuminga draft night tumble out of the top six a few weeks ago. They reached out to his representation. They scheduled a meet up in Miami, where Kuminga was training, needing to gather as much intel as possible as quickly as possible in the case that Kuminga fell to them. Among those who traveled to Miami for the workout, interview and dinner: Bob Myers, Joe Lacob, Kirk Lacob, Larry Harris, Mike Dunleavy and Kenny Atkinson. That last name is key. Atkinson was the big name hire on Steve Kerr’s revamped coaching staff this summer. He didn’t come cheap. He did come with an impressive background in, among other things, player development. Before they arrived at the Miami gym, Myers asked Atkinson: “What do you want to see out of him?” “He said: ‘I want to see how he reacts to pressure. I want to see how he protects the rim,'” Myers said. “So he put (Kuminga) in a couple drills that Kenny said, ‘I’d like to you do this.’ And he handled them well.” Kuminga will debut in the Warriors’ summer league next week. So will Moses Moody, the other teenage wing (with a more refined game), who they drafted 14th. We’ll spend the coming days and weeks and months and years looking back on this night, as each bit of future information arrives. It’s impossible to deem whether the decision to use the picks was correct or not until we see how quickly these prospects develop, how much they do or don’t blossom or how exactly they are leveraged in future potential trades. But we do know the risk the Warriors are taking. They’re continuing to welcome an ambitious project, attempting to fuse two eras together for an elongated contending window instead of cashing in all their prime assets for the best chance to win next season, even if the only available trade offers were overpays. Kuminga is 18. Moody is 19. James Wiseman is 20. Klay Thompson is 31. Draymond Green is 31. Steph Curry is 33. That gap, more than a decade wide, is a grand canyon in NBA years. Players who can’t legally drink don’t usually help win playoff games. Bob Myers will spend next week’s free agency trying to identify and add veteran free agents who will mask that deficiency. Nic Batum is a target, among several others. That would help. But in the grander scope, nothing will aid the final Curry seasons more than the rapid growth of this young core. Did you see Jordan Poole’s final 25 games last season? His development hit turbo charge and suddenly he looked like a legit rotation piece who could help the current Warriors and either grow into a core piece for the next decade or become an appealing asset that’d juice up any trade package for a current star. Now think about that Poole situation, but multiply it by three. You can question this Warriors gamble. It certainly might burn them. But this isn’t an organization forging forward without a plan. They identified player development as a recent soft spot. They hired Atkinson, Jama Mahlalela and Dejan Milojević this summer and, as one source put it on Thursday night, regarding Kuminga: ‘If he hits, you’re talking about a star wing. We just have to put our PD department to work and see what happens.’ “Last year was not — I’m not going to criticize anybody,” Myers said. “But last year was kind of nuts with COVID and everything, and the season, not knowing when we were going to start and not knowing practice times. So I think we were all kind of on our heels, as opposed to this year.” This summer, the Warriors had an entire pre-draft process where they worked out every prospect that interested them in person, including Moody twice. Along with the rest of the young core (besides James Wiseman, who will be around but isn’t yet healthy enough to compete), Kuminga and Moody will both begin summer league practices over the weekend and have a handful of low-stakes games in Sacramento and Las Vegas beginning next week as they ease their way into the league and Warriors’ system. In advance, Atkinson and Mahlalela will put together a comprehensive player development plan. Both are known for their extreme organization skills. “Kenny is up there (in the draft room) right now, Jama is up there,” Myers said. “Right after we made the pick, they are huddling with some of our scouts: ‘What do you see in this guy?’ Jama did some of the workouts. Kenny flew to see Kuminga. This is a whole different level of engagement. Not that we weren’t before, but we certainly ramped up that process. When these guys get out tomorrow, they are going to do their press conference and then sit with those guys and go over the whole plan.” “That’s the NBA now. That’s how it has to be. We have to be in the player development plan. If you’re going to be picking where we’re picking, you have to do it. Jama, who we hired from Toronto has a great pedigree if you look at what Toronto has done with their young players. He often mentioned guys on their team — I can’t say their names because I’m not allowed — and what he was able to do with them and we really value that. It’s a newness and freshness, and not that it was bad before, but it was a renewed focus and it’s going to help us and our players.” Kuminga may or may not work out. Even if he reaches anywhere near that high ceiling, it may not be for several seasons, long after this Curry title window has passed. Moody could step right in and fill a 3-and-D wing role and soon blossom into something far more. He might not. Trading the picks would’ve been a risk. Using them was a risk. The eventual result is all that matters. The organization’s player development program has been put under a massive spotlight.
LayupFromTheMidget Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 14 minutes ago, oubrevo. said: meni se sviđa što dubsi nisu uzeli neke ready-made polovnjake, kao što su svi predviđali, već uzimaju prospecte, for better or worse. niko ne zna kako će igrači od 18 i 19 godina izgledati za 3-4 godine. Hide contents The Warriors started sensing the increasing likelihood of a Jonathan Kuminga draft night tumble out of the top six a few weeks ago. They reached out to his representation. They scheduled a meet up in Miami, where Kuminga was training, needing to gather as much intel as possible as quickly as possible in the case that Kuminga fell to them. Among those who traveled to Miami for the workout, interview and dinner: Bob Myers, Joe Lacob, Kirk Lacob, Larry Harris, Mike Dunleavy and Kenny Atkinson. That last name is key. Atkinson was the big name hire on Steve Kerr’s revamped coaching staff this summer. He didn’t come cheap. He did come with an impressive background in, among other things, player development. Before they arrived at the Miami gym, Myers asked Atkinson: “What do you want to see out of him?” “He said: ‘I want to see how he reacts to pressure. I want to see how he protects the rim,'” Myers said. “So he put (Kuminga) in a couple drills that Kenny said, ‘I’d like to you do this.’ And he handled them well.” Kuminga will debut in the Warriors’ summer league next week. So will Moses Moody, the other teenage wing (with a more refined game), who they drafted 14th. We’ll spend the coming days and weeks and months and years looking back on this night, as each bit of future information arrives. It’s impossible to deem whether the decision to use the picks was correct or not until we see how quickly these prospects develop, how much they do or don’t blossom or how exactly they are leveraged in future potential trades. But we do know the risk the Warriors are taking. They’re continuing to welcome an ambitious project, attempting to fuse two eras together for an elongated contending window instead of cashing in all their prime assets for the best chance to win next season, even if the only available trade offers were overpays. Kuminga is 18. Moody is 19. James Wiseman is 20. Klay Thompson is 31. Draymond Green is 31. Steph Curry is 33. That gap, more than a decade wide, is a grand canyon in NBA years. Players who can’t legally drink don’t usually help win playoff games. Bob Myers will spend next week’s free agency trying to identify and add veteran free agents who will mask that deficiency. Nic Batum is a target, among several others. That would help. But in the grander scope, nothing will aid the final Curry seasons more than the rapid growth of this young core. Did you see Jordan Poole’s final 25 games last season? His development hit turbo charge and suddenly he looked like a legit rotation piece who could help the current Warriors and either grow into a core piece for the next decade or become an appealing asset that’d juice up any trade package for a current star. Now think about that Poole situation, but multiply it by three. You can question this Warriors gamble. It certainly might burn them. But this isn’t an organization forging forward without a plan. They identified player development as a recent soft spot. They hired Atkinson, Jama Mahlalela and Dejan Milojević this summer and, as one source put it on Thursday night, regarding Kuminga: ‘If he hits, you’re talking about a star wing. We just have to put our PD department to work and see what happens.’ “Last year was not — I’m not going to criticize anybody,” Myers said. “But last year was kind of nuts with COVID and everything, and the season, not knowing when we were going to start and not knowing practice times. So I think we were all kind of on our heels, as opposed to this year.” This summer, the Warriors had an entire pre-draft process where they worked out every prospect that interested them in person, including Moody twice. Along with the rest of the young core (besides James Wiseman, who will be around but isn’t yet healthy enough to compete), Kuminga and Moody will both begin summer league practices over the weekend and have a handful of low-stakes games in Sacramento and Las Vegas beginning next week as they ease their way into the league and Warriors’ system. In advance, Atkinson and Mahlalela will put together a comprehensive player development plan. Both are known for their extreme organization skills. “Kenny is up there (in the draft room) right now, Jama is up there,” Myers said. “Right after we made the pick, they are huddling with some of our scouts: ‘What do you see in this guy?’ Jama did some of the workouts. Kenny flew to see Kuminga. This is a whole different level of engagement. Not that we weren’t before, but we certainly ramped up that process. When these guys get out tomorrow, they are going to do their press conference and then sit with those guys and go over the whole plan.” “That’s the NBA now. That’s how it has to be. We have to be in the player development plan. If you’re going to be picking where we’re picking, you have to do it. Jama, who we hired from Toronto has a great pedigree if you look at what Toronto has done with their young players. He often mentioned guys on their team — I can’t say their names because I’m not allowed — and what he was able to do with them and we really value that. It’s a newness and freshness, and not that it was bad before, but it was a renewed focus and it’s going to help us and our players.” Kuminga may or may not work out. Even if he reaches anywhere near that high ceiling, it may not be for several seasons, long after this Curry title window has passed. Moody could step right in and fill a 3-and-D wing role and soon blossom into something far more. He might not. Trading the picks would’ve been a risk. Using them was a risk. The eventual result is all that matters. The organization’s player development program has been put under a massive spotlight. Polako, trejdovi tek treba da se dese, a Toronto je uzeo pfa.
Shunsuke Nakamura Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 34 minutes ago, oubrevo. said: meni se sviđa što dubsi nisu uzeli neke ready-made polovnjake, kao što su svi predviđali, već uzimaju prospecte, for better or worse. niko ne zna kako će igrači od 18 i 19 godina izgledati za 3-4 godine. Reveal hidden contents The Warriors started sensing the increasing likelihood of a Jonathan Kuminga draft night tumble out of the top six a few weeks ago. They reached out to his representation. They scheduled a meet up in Miami, where Kuminga was training, needing to gather as much intel as possible as quickly as possible in the case that Kuminga fell to them. Among those who traveled to Miami for the workout, interview and dinner: Bob Myers, Joe Lacob, Kirk Lacob, Larry Harris, Mike Dunleavy and Kenny Atkinson. That last name is key. Atkinson was the big name hire on Steve Kerr’s revamped coaching staff this summer. He didn’t come cheap. He did come with an impressive background in, among other things, player development. Before they arrived at the Miami gym, Myers asked Atkinson: “What do you want to see out of him?” “He said: ‘I want to see how he reacts to pressure. I want to see how he protects the rim,'” Myers said. “So he put (Kuminga) in a couple drills that Kenny said, ‘I’d like to you do this.’ And he handled them well.” Kuminga will debut in the Warriors’ summer league next week. So will Moses Moody, the other teenage wing (with a more refined game), who they drafted 14th. We’ll spend the coming days and weeks and months and years looking back on this night, as each bit of future information arrives. It’s impossible to deem whether the decision to use the picks was correct or not until we see how quickly these prospects develop, how much they do or don’t blossom or how exactly they are leveraged in future potential trades. But we do know the risk the Warriors are taking. They’re continuing to welcome an ambitious project, attempting to fuse two eras together for an elongated contending window instead of cashing in all their prime assets for the best chance to win next season, even if the only available trade offers were overpays. Kuminga is 18. Moody is 19. James Wiseman is 20. Klay Thompson is 31. Draymond Green is 31. Steph Curry is 33. That gap, more than a decade wide, is a grand canyon in NBA years. Players who can’t legally drink don’t usually help win playoff games. Bob Myers will spend next week’s free agency trying to identify and add veteran free agents who will mask that deficiency. Nic Batum is a target, among several others. That would help. But in the grander scope, nothing will aid the final Curry seasons more than the rapid growth of this young core. Did you see Jordan Poole’s final 25 games last season? His development hit turbo charge and suddenly he looked like a legit rotation piece who could help the current Warriors and either grow into a core piece for the next decade or become an appealing asset that’d juice up any trade package for a current star. Now think about that Poole situation, but multiply it by three. You can question this Warriors gamble. It certainly might burn them. But this isn’t an organization forging forward without a plan. They identified player development as a recent soft spot. They hired Atkinson, Jama Mahlalela and Dejan Milojević this summer and, as one source put it on Thursday night, regarding Kuminga: ‘If he hits, you’re talking about a star wing. We just have to put our PD department to work and see what happens.’ “Last year was not — I’m not going to criticize anybody,” Myers said. “But last year was kind of nuts with COVID and everything, and the season, not knowing when we were going to start and not knowing practice times. So I think we were all kind of on our heels, as opposed to this year.” This summer, the Warriors had an entire pre-draft process where they worked out every prospect that interested them in person, including Moody twice. Along with the rest of the young core (besides James Wiseman, who will be around but isn’t yet healthy enough to compete), Kuminga and Moody will both begin summer league practices over the weekend and have a handful of low-stakes games in Sacramento and Las Vegas beginning next week as they ease their way into the league and Warriors’ system. In advance, Atkinson and Mahlalela will put together a comprehensive player development plan. Both are known for their extreme organization skills. “Kenny is up there (in the draft room) right now, Jama is up there,” Myers said. “Right after we made the pick, they are huddling with some of our scouts: ‘What do you see in this guy?’ Jama did some of the workouts. Kenny flew to see Kuminga. This is a whole different level of engagement. Not that we weren’t before, but we certainly ramped up that process. When these guys get out tomorrow, they are going to do their press conference and then sit with those guys and go over the whole plan.” “That’s the NBA now. That’s how it has to be. We have to be in the player development plan. If you’re going to be picking where we’re picking, you have to do it. Jama, who we hired from Toronto has a great pedigree if you look at what Toronto has done with their young players. He often mentioned guys on their team — I can’t say their names because I’m not allowed — and what he was able to do with them and we really value that. It’s a newness and freshness, and not that it was bad before, but it was a renewed focus and it’s going to help us and our players.” Kuminga may or may not work out. Even if he reaches anywhere near that high ceiling, it may not be for several seasons, long after this Curry title window has passed. Moody could step right in and fill a 3-and-D wing role and soon blossom into something far more. He might not. Trading the picks would’ve been a risk. Using them was a risk. The eventual result is all that matters. The organization’s player development program has been put under a massive spotlight. Zajebano je očekivati neki ozbiljan rezultat, a istovremeno razvijati likove koji će možda biti dobri za 3-4 godine. Vidjeli smo na primjeru Wisemana da to ide dosta teško. Na kraju je jedan solidan centar kao što je Looney izgledao mnogo korisnije od njega.
LordOfTerror Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 Ne nego treba da stave sve na kocku i klade se na Dreymonda Greena koji trenutno ima skromniji napadacki arsenal od Kruminsa... 1 1
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