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Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2 - naučne/medicinske informacije i analize

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92

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A very interesting study from Australia shows again that dry air, not temperature, increases the risk of SarsCoV-2 transmission. 1% lower humidity, 7-8% more infections. Aerosols could be due to longer air retention times.

The link between dry air and more infections could also be due to the virus itself. It follows from this that the risk in Germany is likely to increase in winter, especially indoors. But by humidifying the air, countermeasures might also be possible in classrooms.

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11 minutes ago, wwww said:
A very interesting study from Australia shows again that dry air, not temperature, increases the risk of SarsCoV-2 transmission. 1% lower humidity, 7-8% more infections. Aerosols could be due to longer air retention times.

The link between dry air and more infections could also be due to the virus itself. It follows from this that the risk in Germany is likely to increase in winter, especially indoors. But by humidifying the air, countermeasures might also be possible in classrooms.

E sad - da je to tacno mi bi ovde imali 0 slucajeva, ovde je vlaznost celo leto da umres. 

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4 minutes ago, Angelia said:

E sad - da je to tacno mi bi ovde imali 0 slucajeva, ovde je vlaznost celo leto da umres. 

Ja sam shvatila da je kod vas veliki problem sto ste tokom leta u klimatizovanim prostorijama, a to moze da bude kriticno. Posebno ako vazduh samo cirkulise okolo ohladjen, a nema novog, friskog vazduha da se ubaci u sistem (plus nema adekvatnih filtera za ovu svrhu).


I meni je delovalo logicnije da je za virus nezgodnije ako je vazduh suv, ali Australijanci nasli drugacije (a ovo sam cula vec vise puta u prethodnih nekoliko meseci)

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6 minutes ago, wwww said:

Ja sam shvatila da je kod vas veliki problem sto ste tokom leta u klimatizovanim prostorijama, a to moze da bude kriticno. Posebno ako vazduh samo cirkulise okolo ohladjen, a nema novog, friskog vazduha da se ubaci u sistem (plus nema adekvatnih filtera za ovu svrhu).


I meni je delovalo logicnije da je za virus nezgodnije ako je vazduh suv, ali Australijanci nasli drugacije (a ovo sam cula vec vise puta u prethodnih nekoliko meseci)

U pravu si za klimatizaciju, to predstavlja problem samim time sto distribuira virus. Ali samo kazem ovo istrazivanje znaci da napolju ne bi mogli da se zarazimo uglavnom jer je vlaznost takva da ja obicno kazem treba da imas skrge da dises.

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The @ICNARC data also show how real time data for critically ill patients is invaluable. It not only provides a window to this substantial improvement of outcomes, but will ultimately help us understand what accounted for it A pandemic learning healthcare system actualized.



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25 minutes ago, wwww said:



The @ICNARC data also show how real time data for critically ill patients is invaluable. It not only provides a window to this substantial improvement of outcomes, but will ultimately help us understand what accounted for it A pandemic learning healthcare system actualized.




Ovo su odlicne vesti i zaista se vidi odredjeni pomak, nije procenat smrtnosti pao samo zato sto se detektuje sve vise ssimptomatskih i sto se virus siri medju mladom populacijom, vec zato sto i oni sa tezim simptomima sve lakse prevazilaze bolest. Gledam konkretno za moje vrsnjake (16-39, ja imam 33, to je neki "gornji srednji" pojas te kategorije), dijagram kaze da je na ICU procenat oporavka bio oko 79 posto, a sada mi se cini da premasuje 95 posto. Izgleda da se svuda u Evropi vidi taj pomak. Nesto se desava, lekari vec nalaze foru kako da dolijaju virusu, a kako vreme prolazi mislim da to sve moze da bude samo jos i bolje. Jos kad bi i virus malo oslabio kako se svi nadamo (a ako je "normalan", to se i ocekuje)...

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Pa na pocetku nisu bas znali sta i kako treba raditi specificno za ovu bolest.

U pocetku su cesce stavljali kriticne pacijente na respirator, ali su onda zakljucili da to nije najbolje, vec su gledali da to odloze sto je vise moguce. Bilo je i price da su menjali i nacin kako se podesava "vestacko disanje" (menjali parametre, pritisak ili sta vec). Valjda su vremenom shvatili i kad treba davati one razredjivace krvi ili u Britaniji taj steroid-medikament itd. Bilo bi zaista porazavajuce da nisu ucili usput.


Bilo bi dobro da se uskoro nadje neki lek za pocetnu fazu bolesti, da blokira nekako virus. Vise nije bitno da se "prepoznaju" samo pacijenti s potencijalno teskim tokom bolesti posto i "laksi" slucajevi imaju dugorocne posledice. Stoga bi bilo zgodno da se pronadje nesto sto bi svako ko bude testiran pozitivno mogao da uzme i u svakom slucaju smanji efekat virusa.

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ne znam kakve su te izraelske maske, ali evo nekih iz Indije:




A team of researchers at the Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences (CeNS), Bangalore, an autonomous institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), have come up with a method to make face masks.


Called the TriboE Mask, it can hold electric charges to restrict the entry of infections but without any external power.


The release explained that when two non-conducting layers are rubbed against each other, the layers develop positive and negative charges instantly and continue to hold the charges for some time. They have used this electric field, quite strong at proximity, to deactivate or possibly even kill the germs.


A Professor in the research team said, “We have borrowed ideas from physics textbooks on triboelectricity; something kids enjoy playing with. When used in the context of a face mask, the idea can translate into a product, realisable by the end-user without the need of industry developing or manufacturing it. The mask is inexpensive and doable by anyone!”


He added that tests on these masks are being performed, particularly in the context of COVID-19.


A DST representative noted that it is interesting that several new and useful COVID-10 solutions have emerged by creative applications of basic principles of chemistry, physics, materials, and biosciences, often by stitching together of simple insights to provide an interdisciplinary solution. The mask proposed here is a good example of such a creative process that adds huge value by a simple design.


The mask is three-layered –a layer of nylon cloth sandwiched between polypropylene layers; the latter sourced from commonly used non-woven grocery bags. In place of nylon, silk fabric from a shawl may also be cut and used. When layers are rubbed against each other, the outer layers develop negative charges, while nylon will hold the positive charges.


This will act as double electric wall protection against the infectious entities crossing. As the mask is made out of commonly available fabrics, it can be washed just like any other cloth and can be reused. At this stage, the mask is, however, not recommended to healthcare professionals and patients.


TriboE mask comprising of polypropylene layers on the outside and nylon layer in between. When the layers are rubbed against each other, static electricity is produced, which is expected to restrict the possible transmission of infections.


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1. Interferon, part of our innate immunity 1st line of defense, is deficient in some people. Giving recombinant type I IFN early and the right dose may turn out to be preventive, and there are some clinical trial data to support


2. The antibody response waning in the first 2-3 months is expected, not a concern. Memory B cells and a T-cell immune response are on standby.


3. In severe, critical covid cases there is a chaotic, confused, markedly dysregulated immune response. To exemplify that, part of the cytokine storm can even include the responses one would expect vs a fungus or parasitic helminth (worm) infection


4. What is the explanation for #LongCovid? There aren't immunologic studies yet. Akiko has 3 hypotheses: —a reservoir of virus, hiding, activating, reactivating —virus particles retained activating an immune response —infection generates an autoimmune disease
5. To understand whether autoimmunity is taking place, a culprit autoantigen has to be identified. Many groups are working on this. It may also apply, to some extent, to the multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children and adolescents (MIS-C)
6. Mucosal immunity. There hasn't been that much work on an intranasal vaccine to rev up the IgA response , with nearly all of the ~200 vaccine program being shots to achieve neutralizing (IgG) antibodies. They could wind up being complementary approaches
7. Herd immunity in regions where people show a positive antibody response ~20%? "It's premature and dangerous to depend on those numbers without a vaccine"
8. What is the optimal immune response to a vaccine? A robust T cell (CD8) response may ultimately be considered icing on the cake Not too concerned about antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) or immune complex disease from vaccines
9. Why do men do poorly compared with women? There's an age-dependent decline in T-cell activation in men, not women
10. What about kids with infections and their ability to transmit? (Her kids will be going to school, in-person, soon)



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3 hours ago, Laki21 said:

Odavno se zna za primenu joda (Lugolov rastvor) kao preventivno sredstvo i ne samo kao baktericida....potrebno je fino doziranje ako se uzima oralno i neophodna je konsultacija  sa lekarom, mozda nutricionistom. Ne mogu da ga uzimam oralno ali ga nanosim povremeno na unutrasnjost podlaktice. Test da li vam je potreban jod: naneti na kozu ruke 3 tanke crte rastvora i ako koza brzo upije rastvor, ne bi bilo lose razmisliti o nadoknadi. Tablete joda su koriscene i nakon eksplozije u Chernobilju da ublaze efekte radijacije, to su pokazali i u nedavno emitovanoj seriji...

Edited by Pletilja
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Excellent thread to explain the reinfection case. This is not a reason to be alarmed at all. Like most coronavirus immunity, reinfection likely will occur after primary neutralizing antibody wanes. But subsequent infections may be asymptomatic or minor.



A first case of #COVID19 reinfection from HKU, with distinct virus genome sequences in 1st and 2nd infection (142 days apart). Kudos to the scientists for this study. This is no cause for alarm - this is a textbook example of how immunity should work.





#JustIn: #HKU's microbiology team issued a press release suggesting the 33-year-old IT patient, who came back from #Spain, is the world’s first #Covid19 reinfected patient.

From the #HKU report: Reinfection can occur just after a few months of recovery from the first infection. #SARS_CoV_2 may persist in the global population as is the case for other common-cold associated human coronaviruses, even if patients have acquired immunity.
Since the immunity can be short lasting after natural infection, vaccination should also be considered for those once infected person. Patients with previous #Covid19 infection should also comply with control measures such as masking and #socialdistancing.
//Several implications: vaccines may not be able to provide lifelong protection against #COVID19. Furthermore, vaccine studies should alsoinclude patients who recovered from COVID19.//


1) Second infection was asymptomatic. While immunity was not enough to block reinfection, it protected the person from disease. (2/n)
2) Patient had no detectable antibody at the time of reinfection but developed detectable antibody after reinfection. This is encouraging. (3/n)
3) Since reinfection can occur, herd immunity by natural infection is unlikely to eliminate #SARSCoV2. The only safe and effective way to achieve herd immunity is through vaccination. (4/n)
Lastly, while this is a good example of how primary infection can prevent disease from subsequent infection, more studies are needed to understand the range of outcomes from reinfection.


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2 cytokines—TNFα and IL-6—appear to be reliable predictors of outcome and survival in 2 cohorts with covid-19. New

https://nature.com/articles/s41591-020-1051-9.pdf Prospective studies needed to confirm but may be quite useful clinically to gauge risk and tailor treatment



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Da li neko zna jel postoji neka studija u kojoj je proucavana veza izmedju lockdowna i smanjenja saobracajnih nesreca? ILi neke takve statistike. Pogodno bi bilo da su za Evropu, ali nije za baciti ni ako je za druge zemlje.

Hvala unapred.

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1 hour ago, Magia said:

Da li neko zna jel postoji neka studija u kojoj je proucavana veza izmedju lockdowna i smanjenja saobracajnih nesreca? ILi neke takve statistike. Pogodno bi bilo da su za Evropu, ali nije za baciti ni ako je za druge zemlje.

Hvala unapred.



Ja sam cuo neki podatak koji mi je zvucao neverovatno, mislim negde krajem aprila, da je u tom periodu od pocetka vanrednog stanja u saobracajkama u stvari poginulo VISE ljudi nego prosle godine u isto vreme?!?!!?!!!???


Edit: evo nesto novo, od pre neki dan, ipak manje od aprila.



Edited by Ruby Rhod (koji lebdi)
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1 hour ago, Magia said:

Da li neko zna jel postoji neka studija u kojoj je proucavana veza izmedju lockdowna i smanjenja saobracajnih nesreca? ILi neke takve statistike. Pogodno bi bilo da su za Evropu, ali nije za baciti ni ako je za druge zemlje.

Hvala unapred.

nemacki tekst:




As reported by the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden, 1,281 people were killed in road traffic accidents in Germany in the first six months of the year. That was 195 people or 13.2 percent fewer than in the first half of 2019. The number of injuries fell by 18.7 percent to just under 148,100 people. Never since German reunification in 1990 were fewer people killed or injured in traffic accidents between January and June.


Overall, the police recorded 18.3 percent fewer accidents in the first six months of this year than in the first half of 2019. The number fell to around 1.1 million. That was the second lowest value since German unification. Only in the first half of 1998 there were fewer accidents. In just under 954,600 accidents in the first half of 2020, there were property damage (-18.6%), while around 118,700 accidents resulted in injuries or deaths (-16.1%).


Edited by wwww
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