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Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2 - naučne/medicinske informacije i analize

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92

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Posted (edited)


28,000 Missing Deaths: Tracking the True Toll of the Coronavirus Crisis


imaju dobri dijagrami koliko se povecao broj umrlih u poslednjih mesec-dva u odnosu na prethodne godine, ali iz nekog razloga ne mogu da prebacim celu sliku (fale slovca), pa pogledajte na sajtu NYT.


dijagrami su ovog tipa:


ovo je iz financial timesa https://www.ft.com/content/67e6a4ee-3d05-43bc-ba03-e239799fa6ab






Edited by wwww
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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, wwww said:

Odobrena prva klinicka studija u Nemackoj za vakcinu, upravo bila KZS instituta koji odobrava studije:




The vaccine candidate from the Mainz biotechnology company BioNTech is a so-called RNA vaccine, which contains the genetic information for the construction of the so-called spike protein of CoV-2 or parts thereof in the form of ribonucleic acid (RNA). In the approved first part of the clinical trial, 200 healthy volunteers between the ages of 18 and 55 are vaccinated with one of several slightly modified vaccine variants. After waiting for observation of the vaccinated, further subjects of the same age range are vaccinated in the second part of the clinical trial. The additional inclusion of subjects with an increased risk of infection or with an increased risk of a severe course of COVID-19 disease is provided for in the second part of the clinical trial, for which additional study data must be submitted in advance.

Different variants of the RNA vaccine candidate are tested in the approved part of the clinical trial. In addition to tolerance, the ability to generate an immune response to SARS-CoV-2 after administration of a certain amount of RNA (dose) is examined (first dose finding). Different RNA types and different lengths and modifications of the spike protein are tested and the influence of a second vaccination is examined.


This is only the fourth approved test of preventive, specific COVID-19 vaccine candidates in humans worldwide. Given the serious consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, this is an important step in developing an effective and safe COVID-19 vaccine in Germany as soon as possible and making it available worldwide wherever possible.

Based on current knowledge, the Paul Ehrlich Institute assumes that further clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccine candidates in Germany will begin in the next few months. Combating the pandemic will require several vaccine products to ensure adequate care.



Da dopunim malo:

Razvoj vakcine ce imati 3 faze:

1. faza: na 200 zdravih dobrovoljaca ispituju kako podnose vakcinu (zapravo 4 razlicite varijante)

2. faza: na manjem broju ljudi iz rizicnih grupa proveravaju da li je delotvorna i koje doziranje

3. faza: na vecem broju ljudi iz rizicnih grupa proveravaju ima li nuspojava

Faze 2. i 3. se mogu kombinovati. Za sad su im odobrene 1. i 2. faza. Do kraja jula bi trebalo da se znaju rezultati, pa da se onda nastavi. Na jesen bi se onda pocelo sa obimnijom studijom, pa ako sve bude u redu onda bi pocetkom sledece godine analizirali ezultate i mogu da razgovaraju o dobijanju dozvole. Paralelno bi vec jesenas mogle da pocnu pripreme za masovnu proizvodnju. Kazu da se ovaj tip vakcine brzo proizvodi, a onda treba opskrbiti kako Nemacku tako i svet.


Znaci, vakcina se ocekuje tek sledece godine (ako sve bude u redu), nema nikakvog ubrzavanja i preskakanja vaznih koraka.

Edited by wwww
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Abbott's rapid tests can produce false negatives under certain conditions


Medical device company Abbott Laboratories has warned that its rapid coronavirus test can produce false negatives if the specimens tested are first stored in what are called viral transport media, which are special solutions used to move or store specimens.

Abbott instructed health care providers last week not to use such solutions for patient samples tested on the company’s rapid ID NOW device. False negative results suggest patients are not infected when in fact they are.

The guidance came more than two weeks after the Food and Drug Administration issued emergency authorization for the test and after President Trump touted the rapid Abbott system at a Rose Garden news conference. 

Clinical pathologists and lab scientists at the Cleveland Clinic found that the ID NOW test only detected coronavirus in 84.4% of specimens known to contain the virus, which was a lower rate than four other tests the researchers assessed, a spokesperson for the Ohio-based medical center said. NPR first reported that assessment Tuesday. 

The Cleveland Clinic spokesperson told CNN that a dilution effect can occur whenever a sample swab is placed into viral transport media, but she added that in the assessment, the tests were performed from the same viral transport media, so it was a true head-to-head comparison.

An issue of volume: Because Abbot’s ID NOW testing machine only processes one test at a time, labs might have used the transport media to store the test samples until they can be processed. 

The company now advises its customers to place swabs containing patient samples directly in the ID NOW system for testing.

“When the direct swab method is used, the test is performing as expected and we are confident in its performance,” the Abbott spokesperson said, adding that when the company learned about the issue it immediately notified its customers and communicated with the FDA. 




topik za analize, podaci od 22. aprila. 

moze li se komparativnom analizom u ovom trenutku zakljuciti kako se koja drzava nosi sa pandemijom?




u regiji (koju sam centrirao po mojoj poziciji)



sortirano po broju testiranih na 1M stanovnika


po broju zarazenih na 1M stanovnika


po broju umrlih na 1M stanovnika 





u exYu



sortirano po broju testiranih na 1M stanovnika



po broju zarazenih na 1M stanovnika



po broju umrlih na 1M stanovnika




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Posted (edited)

Piskaram ovo za one koji nesto znaju o medicini, izvinjam se onima kojima ce biti dosadno...


Vidim da je neko na "opstoj" corona-temi napisao da postoje neke vesti kako SARS-Cov2 izaziva "mozdani udar" kod mladje populacije. Nisam ih video, ali nagadjam (dakle, ne znam!) odakle bi mogla doci takva ideja.

Jedan od simptoma Covid-19 zaraze je gubitak cula mirisa i okusa. Citao sam jutros razgovor sa ENT (ear/nose/throat) specijalistom koji je rekao da je rano da se zna da li virus izaziva samo inhibiciju funkcije olfaktornog nerva ili trajno ostecenje.

Ovo dalje je samo moja spekulacija...

Na zalost, bez obzira da li je trajno ostecenje ili privremena disfunkcija, bilo bi moguce da ostecuje i neke druge nerve. U tom slucaju, bila bi moguca klinicka slika cerebralnog infarkta, mada ga nema. Jos losije bi bilo da virus ne napada samo periferalne nerve nego i sam CNS.

Zna li neko, da li se ovo istrazuje, ima li kakav link?

(steta sto nam se nije Vladan prikljucio, sa njegovim poznavanjem neurologije voleo bih da procitam sta misli)


Pre nekog vremena je neko (wwww?) prosledio neciji neki FB ili twitter post sa dva razlicita torakalna CT-a, od kojih je jedan bio radjen P.E. protokolom. Danas mi je jasnije zasto.

Citam da se kod Covid-19 pacijenata javlja i poviseni D-dimer, koji je inace indikator fibrinolize. Cesto se kod kombinacije poviseni D-dimer/snizena O2 saturacija javlja sumnja na pulmonary embolism. Nadam se da lekari paze i na ostale simptome i ne salju svakoga na CT samo zbog jednog indikatora. Inace, rasturice CT department u bolnicama... A pneumonija se vidi i na obicnoj brzoj rendgenskoj slici.

Edited by zoran59
20 minutes ago, zoran59 said:

Piskaram ovo za one koji nesto znaju o medicini, izvinjam se onima kojima ce biti dosadno...


Vidim da je neko na "opstoj" corona-temi napisao da postoje neke vesti kako SARS-Cov2 izaziva "mozdani udar" kod mladje populacije. Nisam ih video, ali nagadjam (dakle, ne znam!) odakle bi mogla doci takva ideja.

Jedan od simptoma Covid-19 zaraze je gubitak cula mirisa i okusa. Citao sam jutros razgovor sa ENT (ear/nose/throat) specijalistom koji je rekao da je rano da se zna da li virus izaziva samo inhibiciju funkcije olfaktornog nerva ili trajno ostecenje.

Ovo dalje je samo moja spekulacija...

Na zalost, bez obzira da li je trajno ostecenje ili privremena disfunkcija, bilo bi moguce da ostecuje i neke druge nerve. U tom slucaju, bila bi moguca klinicka slika cerebralnog infarkta, mada ga nema. Jos losije bi bilo da virus ne napada samo periferalne nerve nego i sam CNS.

Zna li neko, da li se ovo istrazuje, ima li kakav link?

(steta sto nam se nije Vladan prikljucio, sa njegovim poznavanjem neurologije voleo bih da procitam sta misli)


Pre nekog vremena je neko (wwww?) prosledio neciji neki FB ili twitter post sa dva razlicita torakalna CT-a, od kojih je jedan bio radjen P.E. protokolom. Danas mi je jasnije zasto.

Citam da se kod Covid-19 pacijenata javlja i poviseni D-dimer, koji je inace indikator fibrinolize. Cesto se kod kombinacije poviseni D-dimer/snizena O2 saturacija javlja sumnja na pulmonary embolism. Nadam se da lekari paze i na ostale simptome i ne salju svakoga na CT samo zbog jednog indikatora. Inace, rasturice CT department u bolnicama... A pneumonija se vidi i na obicnoj brzoj rendgenskoj slici.

Evo ti google prevod dela jucerasnjeg podcasta Prof Drostena koji se odnosi upravo na ovo o mozgu (malo sam na brzaka probala da korigujem prevod, posto su recenice dugacke i komplikovane pa se onda googlu malo pogubi; nije idealno, ali valjda e pomoci da se pohvataju misli):



Korinna Hennig: Among the general publications in newspapers, online media and in scientific studies, it is often written about long-term damage of the lungs. What does the virus do in the lungs afterwards, but not just there. There are reports from Innsbruck, for example, about consequential damage to the lungs. There is talk of pulmonary embolism, but also of neurological abnormalities. In "Science" was also spoken about the kidney, for example. Are scientist systematically investigating such cases? Do you have any insight? Or it is still pure case reporting, that can make you anxious, but are still not really tangible?

Christian Drosten: No, there are clinical observational studies, especially now. What you are discussing now are rather complicated histories (tok bolesti). You observe something like that first. Then one wonders, is it actually the same with normal histories (tokom bolesti)? The story of the blood clotting disorders that lead to small areas of pulmonary embolism is initially an observation from intensive care medicine. There are now observational studies, not just in one place, but in many places, where the extent, how heavily that comes into play is being investigated. This leads to damage to the lung flow bed (ovo ne znam da li je google dobro preveo, original je
Lungenstrombet), but to the lung tissue in general, and a more sustainable damage to the air exchange. You then have to ask yourself whether there are certain scarring or fibrosis in the lungs. That will now be investigated further. It is the same with neurological diseases. There are indications that this virus can cause encephalitis, i.e. an inflammation of the brain parenchyma, an inflammation of the brain tissue.


(What does the virus do in the brain?) - podnaslov

From these initial observations, one also wonders what other neurological phenomena there are. For example, this very frequently reported loss of smell, which is also a neurological damage. The olfactory bulb that reaches the top of the nose is part of the central nervous system. In principle, this is the extension of the olfactory nerve. And that's part of the brain. We have a direct connection between the brain and the outside environment. There are anatomical conditions that prevent pathogens from getting in there. But such a virus spreads within the cellular substance. There is also data and experience with other viruses. For example with influenza, also with the rabies virus, where one can suspect or even know that these viruses can get into the brain via this route. In clinical observation, for example in the context of pathological sections as well as in the field of animal experiments, one is now wondering what this is all about. Could the virus possibly get there this way?


Korinna Hennig: However, at least as of now, there is no need to worry about all that, those people who have an easy course (tok bolesti) and have for a while lost smell or taste. They don’t have to worry about their brains, do they?

Christian Drosten: No, I think that the virus won't go on in most cases. These are observations that you make on rare cases and then try to generalize. You see something rare and then you ask yourself, is there perhaps a very mild form, but also more often, that is always a hypothesis in such clinical observational studies. But it is known that it is not the case that people who have survived this disease, fortunately there are quite a few, as certain after-effects have. What is already known is that this slmell loss can last a few weeks. But it is also known that it goes away again.


Manje-vise kaze da u nejavecem broju slucajeva nije primeceno da virus ide na mozak, niti da ostavlja trajne posledice.

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1 hour ago, zoran59 said:

Piskaram ovo za one koji nesto znaju o medicini, izvinjam se onima kojima ce biti dosadno...


Vidim da je neko na "opstoj" corona-temi napisao da postoje neke vesti kako SARS-Cov2 izaziva "mozdani udar" kod mladje populacije. Nisam ih video, ali nagadjam (dakle, ne znam!) odakle bi mogla doci takva ideja.

Jedan od simptoma Covid-19 zaraze je gubitak cula mirisa i okusa. Citao sam jutros razgovor sa ENT (ear/nose/throat) specijalistom koji je rekao da je rano da se zna da li virus izaziva samo inhibiciju funkcije olfaktornog nerva ili trajno ostecenje.



ne znam da li je bilo vec podeljeno na ovoj temi, pa se izvinjavam ukoliko ponavljam linkove



  • Like 1
1 hour ago, zoran59 said:

Pre nekog vremena je neko (wwww?) prosledio neciji neki FB ili twitter post sa dva razlicita torakalna CT-a, od kojih je jedan bio radjen P.E. protokolom. Danas mi je jasnije zasto.

Citam da se kod Covid-19 pacijenata javlja i poviseni D-dimer, koji je inace indikator fibrinolize. Cesto se kod kombinacije poviseni D-dimer/snizena O2 saturacija javlja sumnja na pulmonary embolism. Nadam se da lekari paze i na ostale simptome i ne salju svakoga na CT samo zbog jednog indikatora. Inace, rasturice CT department u bolnicama... A pneumonija se vidi i na obicnoj brzoj rendgenskoj slici.

to je bo neki tvit devojke koja radi u nekoj klinici u Stutgartu.

A evo ovde snimak pluca CNN politickog komentatora koji je takodje zakacio virus krajem marta (1.4. je testiran pozitivno i cini mi se sad u ponedeljak dobio potvrdu da je prelezao, mada ce mu sad trebati nekoliko sedmica da se oporavi):



  • Thanks 1
21 minutes ago, wwww said:

Evo ti google prevod .....


Hvala ti na ovome! :thumbsup:


Potrudicu se da procitam transkript citavog podcasta. Moj medicinski nemacki je nepostojec, ali sa engleskim sam "kod kuce"...


Ako je članak verodostojan, ipak će, zbog jedinstvene situacije, da menjaju standardne procedure:

"Prva osoba kojoj je data eksperimentalna koronavirusna vakcina u SAD-u dogodila se prošle nedelje nakon što su istraživači dobili dozvolu da preskoče uobičajenu fazu ispitivanja na životinjama."

Ili se možda to i ranije radilo, ne znam.


8 minutes ago, stray_cat said:

Ako je članak verodostojan, ipak će, zbog jedinstvene situacije, da menjaju standardne procedure:

"Prva osoba kojoj je data eksperimentalna koronavirusna vakcina u SAD-u dogodila se prošle nedelje nakon što su istraživači dobili dozvolu da preskoče uobičajenu fazu ispitivanja na životinjama."

Ili se možda to i ranije radilo, ne znam.


S obzirom kako je text napisan ja ne bih obracala paznju na taj text:

U evropskim zemljama, poput Italije, vlasti su primenjivale mnogo strože mere borbe protiv širenja korone, stavljajući sve u zatvor i isključujući samo mali broj ljudi da napuste kuću u slučaju vanrednih situacija ili zbog hrane i lekova.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, stray_cat said:

Ako je članak verodostojan, ipak će, zbog jedinstvene situacije, da menjaju standardne procedure:

"Prva osoba kojoj je data eksperimentalna koronavirusna vakcina u SAD-u dogodila se prošle nedelje nakon što su istraživači dobili dozvolu da preskoče uobičajenu fazu ispitivanja na životinjama."

Ili se možda to i ranije radilo, ne znam.


Prvo valjda ide testiranje na misevima u principu.

Za prethodne korone SARS i MERS nije bila nadjena vakcina, za SARS je u Institutu Pasteur bila napravljena vakcina, testirana na misevima medjutim kada je trebalo da pocne testiranje na ljudima virus je prakticno nestao i nije moglo ni da se testira

Edited by ciao
2 hours ago, stray_cat said:

Ako je članak verodostojan, ipak će, zbog jedinstvene situacije, da menjaju standardne procedure:

"Prva osoba kojoj je data eksperimentalna koronavirusna vakcina u SAD-u dogodila se prošle nedelje nakon što su istraživači dobili dozvolu da preskoče uobičajenu fazu ispitivanja na životinjama."

Ili se možda to i ranije radilo, ne znam.



U martu jos je isprobana neka vakcina mRNA-1273 na ljudima (oko 40tak dobrovoljaca), ali su je probali na zivotinjama. Kazu da im treba 2 meseca da vide rezultate, a pre koji dan je usla u drugu fazu, tj drugi krug inekcija



Posted (edited)

Francuska studija o stepenu sirenja covid-19 o kojoj smo ciao i ja pisale:




France has been heavily affected by the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic and went into lockdown on the 17th March 2020. Using models applied to hospital and death data, we estimate the impact of the lockdown and current population immunity. We find 2.6% of infected individuals are hospitalized and 0.53% die, ranging from 0.001% in those <20y to 8.3% in those >80y. Across all ages, men are more likely to be hospitalized, enter intensive care, and die than women. The lockdown reduced the reproductive number from 3.3 to 0.5 (84% reduction). By 11 May, when interventions are scheduled to be eased, we project 3.7 million (range: 2.3-6.7) people, 5.7% of the population, will have been infected. Population immunity appears insufficient to avoid a second wave if all control measures are released at the end of the lockdown.






Edited by wwww
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Posted (edited)

Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional: week ending 10 April 2020


Provisional counts of the number of deaths registered in England and Wales, including deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19), by age, sex and region, in the latest weeks for which data are available.


Main points

  • The provisional number of deaths registered in England and Wales in the week ending 10 April 2020 (Week 15) was 18,516; this represents an increase of 2,129 deaths registered compared with the previous week (Week 14), is 7,996 deaths more than the five-year average and is the highest weekly total since Week 1 in 2000.

  • Of the deaths registered in Week 15, 6,213 mentioned “novel coronavirus (COVID-19)”, which is 33.6% of all deaths; this compares with 3,475 (21.2% of all deaths) in Week 14.

  • In London, over half (53.2%) of deaths registered in Week 15 involved COVID-19; the West Midlands also had a high proportion of COVID-19 deaths, accounting for 37.0% of deaths registered in this region.

  • Total deaths registered by place of occurrence between Week 11 (when first COVID-19 deaths were registered) and Week 15, the number of deaths in care homes has doubled by 2,456 deaths (99.4% increase); whilst we have seen a 72.4% increase (3,603 deaths) in hospitals, and 51.1% increase in private homes (1,392 deaths).

  • Of deaths involving COVID-19 registered up to Week 15, 83.9% (8,673 deaths) occurred in hospital with the remainder occurring in care homes, private homes and hospices.

  • Week 15 included the Good Friday bank holiday; the five-year average does show a decrease in registrations over the Easter holiday; however, the Coronavirus Act 2020 allowed registry offices to remain open over Easter, which may have reduced any drop in registrations for Week 15 2020.



















Edited by wwww
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13 hours ago, zoran59 said:

Piskaram ovo za one koji nesto znaju o medicini, izvinjam se onima kojima ce biti dosadno...


Vidim da je neko na "opstoj" corona-temi napisao da postoje neke vesti kako SARS-Cov2 izaziva "mozdani udar" kod mladje populacije. Nisam ih video, ali nagadjam (dakle, ne znam!) odakle bi mogla doci takva ideja.

Jedan od simptoma Covid-19 zaraze je gubitak cula mirisa i okusa. Citao sam jutros razgovor sa ENT (ear/nose/throat) specijalistom koji je rekao da je rano da se zna da li virus izaziva samo inhibiciju funkcije olfaktornog nerva ili trajno ostecenje.

Ovo dalje je samo moja spekulacija...

Na zalost, bez obzira da li je trajno ostecenje ili privremena disfunkcija, bilo bi moguce da ostecuje i neke druge nerve. U tom slucaju, bila bi moguca klinicka slika cerebralnog infarkta, mada ga nema. Jos losije bi bilo da virus ne napada samo periferalne nerve nego i sam CNS.

Zna li neko, da li se ovo istrazuje, ima li kakav link?

(steta sto nam se nije Vladan prikljucio, sa njegovim poznavanjem neurologije voleo bih da procitam sta misli)


Pre nekog vremena je neko (wwww?) prosledio neciji neki FB ili twitter post sa dva razlicita torakalna CT-a, od kojih je jedan bio radjen P.E. protokolom. Danas mi je jasnije zasto.

Citam da se kod Covid-19 pacijenata javlja i poviseni D-dimer, koji je inace indikator fibrinolize. Cesto se kod kombinacije poviseni D-dimer/snizena O2 saturacija javlja sumnja na pulmonary embolism. Nadam se da lekari paze i na ostale simptome i ne salju svakoga na CT samo zbog jednog indikatora. Inace, rasturice CT department u bolnicama... A pneumonija se vidi i na obicnoj brzoj rendgenskoj slici.

https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/22/health/strokes-coronavirus-young-adults/index.html koliko je verodostojno

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  • Tuzno 1

Kazu da je pulsni oksimetar odlican indikator kad se javiti lekaru, nezavisno od ostalih simptoma. To postoji i u kucnoj varijanti, tako da moze biti korisno za siru populaciju

16 hours ago, zoran59 said:

Piskaram ovo za one koji nesto znaju o medicini, izvinjam se onima kojima ce biti dosadno...


Vidim da je neko na "opstoj" corona-temi napisao da postoje neke vesti kako SARS-Cov2 izaziva "mozdani udar" kod mladje populacije. Nisam ih video, ali nagadjam (dakle, ne znam!) odakle bi mogla doci takva ideja.

Jedan od simptoma Covid-19 zaraze je gubitak cula mirisa i okusa. Citao sam jutros razgovor sa ENT (ear/nose/throat) specijalistom koji je rekao da je rano da se zna da li virus izaziva samo inhibiciju funkcije olfaktornog nerva ili trajno ostecenje.

Ovo dalje je samo moja spekulacija...

Na zalost, bez obzira da li je trajno ostecenje ili privremena disfunkcija, bilo bi moguce da ostecuje i neke druge nerve. U tom slucaju, bila bi moguca klinicka slika cerebralnog infarkta, mada ga nema. Jos losije bi bilo da virus ne napada samo periferalne nerve nego i sam CNS.

Zna li neko, da li se ovo istrazuje, ima li kakav link?

(steta sto nam se nije Vladan prikljucio, sa njegovim poznavanjem neurologije voleo bih da procitam sta misli)


Pre nekog vremena je neko (wwww?) prosledio neciji neki FB ili twitter post sa dva razlicita torakalna CT-a, od kojih je jedan bio radjen P.E. protokolom. Danas mi je jasnije zasto.

Citam da se kod Covid-19 pacijenata javlja i poviseni D-dimer, koji je inace indikator fibrinolize. Cesto se kod kombinacije poviseni D-dimer/snizena O2 saturacija javlja sumnja na pulmonary embolism. Nadam se da lekari paze i na ostale simptome i ne salju svakoga na CT samo zbog jednog indikatora. Inace, rasturice CT department u bolnicama... A pneumonija se vidi i na obicnoj brzoj rendgenskoj slici.

ja sam naisao na ovu (samo) teoriju da korona virus ne napada kranijalni nerv vec zbog toga sto znacajno slabi ljudski imuni sistem on tada postaje mnogo podlozniji sekundarnim infekcijama, imedju ostalog i gljivicnoj infekciji koja izaziva gubitak cula mirisa i ukusa. so bzirom kako virus deluje na plucima i kako izaziva kod pojedinaca kriticno stanje ovo mi je imalo logike.


Many patients have experienced their sense of smell and taste dissipating. Did you feel that?

Yes. It's been written about, and I certainly experienced it and perhaps I can share an insight. I am unsure but am guessing that the cranial nerve responsible for taste and smell may not be affected by coronavirus. Early on, I noticed a biofilm in my mouth, and I couldn't taste very well at all, even though I knew I should be eating and trying to maintain my nutrition. Physicians at the hospital did examine my mouth, but no one saw any pathology. When I finally coughed up sputum, the now infamous black sputum, it grew candida, a fungus associated with the loss of taste but not necessarily smell. My speculation is that this virus immunosuppresses people. Remember my white blood count was very low and remained low for quite a while, so one is susceptible to a supra-infection, in this case a fungal infection possibly causing this clinical finding and concern.

Right. My understanding is that is what thrush is, right? Usually that's an early sign that you may have an HIV infection or something, because you're immunocompromised and can't keep yeast out.

Correct. It happens in diabetics, but it also happens in healthy people. An example are those asthmatics who are using cortisone spray to address their asthma. That's probably where pulmonologists see it most commonly because, as they say, fungus grows where the sun don't shine — the mouth, rectally, vaginally, under armpits, under breasts and skinfolds. Fungus grows in the mouth when you're using cortisone sprays commonly. When I finally coughed up a sputum that had candida in it, I was not on any cortisone inhalation just albuterol therapy. Perhaps the lack of taste and even smell is associated.

That's interesting. So, in theory, perhaps it's not actually the coronavirus that results in the lack of taste, but the compromised immune system that caused candida or other infection?

Right, a supra-infections. And this in general is a mild one. It's a surface infection, it's not a system infection. The biofilm that perceived in my mouth is getting better but remains and is improving with therapy addressing the fungal infection.



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Are children immune to corona? University clinic study wants to clarify the question



Heidelberg - Are Children Immune to the Corona Virus? Researchers at Heidelberg University Hospital now want to answer this question in a nationwide study with 2,000 subjects.

A case from France is currently dealing with researchers and many parents: a nine-year-old girl had contracted the coronavirus without developing symptoms. After a positive corona test, all 172 people with whom the girl was in contact during the two-week incubation phase were also tested - after all, she had taken part in three ski courses: the test was negative for all 172 people.



Under the leadership of Heidelberg University Hospital, a study is now to find out to what extent children in Baden-Württemberg are affected by the novel coronavirus and whether they spread the virus. Current studies from China, however, suggested that children, like adults, develop Covid-19 and can also transmit the virus, explains Prof. Georg Hoffmann. The head of the Heidelberg Children's Clinic is coordinating the nationwide investigation, which will also be used to test around 2,000 households at the university clinics in Tübingen, Freiburg and Ulm starting Wednesday (April 22).


The study examines one child between the ages of one and ten and one parent. Prerequisite: The test subjects must not have already tested positive for Corona. During the approximately 15-minute examination, a nasal swab was taken to detect an acute infection with Sars-CoV-2. A blood sample should also clarify whether the test person has already had a coronavirus infection. This would be demonstrated by antibodies in the blood.


The University Hospital is looking for volunteer test persons for the tests in the entire Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. Especially children who had been in emergency care in the past few weeks would be "ideal" subjects because, unlike most of their peers, they had many contacts with other children.

The first results are expected in early May.





"Emergency care children (would be) a wonderful area to see that hopefully it's not much worse than if they stayed at home. At least that's what we want."


U principu hoce da provere hipotezu da mala deca (ispod 10 godina) se ili ne zarazavaju ili su vrlo malo zarazna. Ovo bi imalo bitne konsekvence na otvaranje vrtica i nizih razreda u skoli.


Edited by wwww
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Interesatno koliko se rezultati razlikuju, iako se pominje da je moguce da u gusce naseljenim mestima ima vise onih koji su bili zarazeni.


UM researchers used statistical methods to account for the limitations of the antibody test, which is known to generate some false positive results. The researchers say they are 95% certain that the true amount of infection lies between 4.4% and 7.9% of the population, with 6% representing the best estimate.

That would mean about 165,000 estimated infections in Miami-Dade, with the margin of error equating to 123,000 residents on the low end and 221,000 residents on the high end.

The results are similar but not identical to other serological surveys in California, but indicate far less infections than a recent survey in New York, which found a nearly 14% infection rate statewide and upwards of 20% in New York City.


Ono sto je pozitivno u tome, je da onda smrtnost nije toliko visoka. A da je samo mali deo zarazenih prijavljen.

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