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Posted (edited)

Stan Wawrinka: "The relationship between Nadal and Federer is like a solid friendship on and off the field, unlike their relationship with Novak. In my view, it is the Novak family and those around him who caused this crisis and influenced his popularity, due to the large number of unjustified statements against Rafa and Roger."

He continued, "Federer and Nadal are the most prominent athletes in the world, and frankly they are the ones who made tennis reach this level, everyone wants to see a match between them. Their personalities are very similar to that of Novak. Now that Novak has achieved many titles, things are much different. Especially from his side. " He continued: "My relationship is good with everyone .. But for me I am sure that the tennis world will not present its confidence and love to anyone like Federer and Nadal."


Edited by wwww

naletela sam ja na jos par slicnih gluposti poslednjih recimo pola godine, kad neko od ljudi koje pratim na twiteru pomene.

bese jednom se svadjala s nekim japanskim fanovima koji su je samo nesto pitali (jer nisu razumeli americku stranu nekog njenog komentara ili slicno).



Bice interesantno hoce li izabrati Medvedeva i Rubljova, u koji god tim da ih svrstaju. S obzirom na to da je Evropa prilicno jaka bilo bi zgodno da ih ipak "ubroje" u Svet.


Da, to je i meni palo na pamet, tako bi napravili malo zanimljivije takmicenje. I onda da pozovu svu trojicu za Evropu da igraju, i Rafa i Novak dubl zajedno, posto nismo videli tu kombinaciju 😄

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