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Jeste da ovo nije Tokio i da ima još par meseci do OI, ali meni ne izgleda da ima smisla organizovati ovolike događaje kad im je ovakva situacija, bez obzira što neće biti strane publike. Očigledno se nadaju da će se dotle situacija smiriti, ali vakcinacija im ide očajno sporo, žali mi se drugarica koja će se sad na leto vakcinisati u Srbiji da ne bi stigla tamo na red ove godine.


Ako sve ide po planu, ima li šanse da Nina i Aleksandra učestvuju u dublu? Ili im je kombinovani ranking prenizak?

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sad gledam krive. pa oni ovog trenutka imaju tek nesto vise inficiranih od UK i Izraela, a manje od: Nemacke, Francuske, Italije, USA, Srbije itd. A ista stvar je i s trenutnim brojem umrlih.

Evo, trenutno je na milion stanovnika prosecan broj inficiranih u 7 dana:

Francuska: 190,64

Nemacka: 93,31

Italija: 78,11

USA: 76.34

Japan: 39,30

UK: 24,83

Izrael: 3,3



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pa jedino ako im Ameri isporuce neke velike kolicine vakcina (posto su oni svoje stanovnistvo vec poprilicno vakcinisali, a i vec uglavnom vakcinisali one koji hoce da se vakcinisu).

sad, ne znam kolika je spremnost Japanaca da se vakcinisu. pre negde sam citala da su posle nekog loseg slucaja s jednom ranijom vakcinom odjednom dobili veliki broj skeptika (da ne kazem antivaxera)

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Čini mi se da sam čitala da su neke Fajzerove fabrike predviđene tamo da krenu s radom, ali možda je to bila i Moderna, ko zna...

U ovoj pandemiji su me neprijatno iznenadile mnoge razvijene zemlje od kojih sam očekivala mnogo bolju organizaciju. Ne znam kako stoje s nabavkom vakcina i je li tu nešto zakazalo, ali videla sam da su u Japanu dugo organizovali razne probe i simulacije vakcinacije, kao ono što rade za zemljotrese, dok su drugi već uveliko vakcinisali. Mislim za zemljotres je jasno, ali šta kog đavola ima da probaš logistiku vakcinacije po deset puta u martu i aprilu, nije to nuklearna fizika :classic_wacko:

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On 5/25/2021 at 3:32 PM, wwww said:

sad, ne znam kolika je spremnost Japanaca da se vakcinisu. pre negde sam citala da su posle nekog loseg slucaja s jednom ranijom vakcinom odjednom dobili veliki broj skeptika (da ne kazem antivaxera)

MMR vakcina je u pitanju,a prica potice jos iz '90-ih godina..

Sve je vise zahteva i pritisaka u samom Japanu da se Olimpijske igre otkazu.

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On 5/20/2021 at 1:28 PM, Boxy said:






A i ATP je izbacio kalendar za poslednji kvartal, Stokholm je pomeren i igrace se u istoj nedelji kad i Next Gen finale, a valjda jos uvek nije sigurno sta ce biti sa azijskom turnejom




Samo RG ima "petlju" da menja termin i odmah izbacuje datume, pa cemo posle da se dogovaramo :classic_biggrin: . Jedina sansa za IV je da otpadne Azija, sto oni ocito ocekuju. Ukoliko ostanu turniri u Aziji, stvarno ne vidim smisao igranja IV.

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That's a suite deal! Wimbledon to give best players plum rooms in luxury Park Plaza hotel and kids will also be welcome in the bubble... but lesser-known stars must make do with lower grade accommodation


The leading stars at Wimbledon this year are set to be offered the best rooms in the bubble hotel, and those with families are expected to be allowed to bring their children.

In compliance with Government directives, all competitors must stay in official accommodation near Westminster — rather than private houses closer to SW19.

The 63 suites at the huge Park Plaza hotel, complete with views across London landmarks such as the Palace of Westminster, are already earmarked for the seeded singles players, with the lower ranks consigned to the more ordinary rooms.


And in further good news for the likes of Roger Federer, Serena Williams and Novak Djokovic, exceptions are likely to be made to entourage restrictions when it comes to those with children.

A briefing note was sent to players last week by the Lawn Tennis Association relating to what they can expect in pre-Wimbledon tournaments at venues such as Queen’s and Eastbourne.


These events, run by the LTA, will not permit players to bring children with them, in accordance with Government guidelines which do not exempt accompanying offspring from self-isolation after arriving from overseas, unlike those considered key support staff.

But Wimbledon, which operates separately, is in talks with the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport to ensure that those playing only at the Championships will be allowed to bring their kids, as well as two team members.

That message has been passed on to players to aid their planning. Williams is likely to be especially pleased, as her participation at the Olympics is in doubt because she does not wish to be separated from her daughter Olympia.


An All England Club spokesperson said: ‘Player registration for the hotel has now opened and we are working through this based on the varying requirements of the player groups.’

The desire is to create as much flexibility as possible for players, within certain limits. There appears no question that anyone will be allowed to stay outside the official accommodation, even if the country opens up fully on June 21 — a week before the start of the main draw.

Players will face an hour-and-a-half return trip to the courts every day, and will be required to stay within the ‘minimised risk environment’.    



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Videla sam sliku Feda i Vesnine na balkonu, mislim, istog hotela koji su igraci koristili jesenas (malo mi nije jasno kako su mogli da se sretnu u hotelu, zar ne treba svi da se drze svojih timova? :smiley24: )

Ne verujem da su hoteli rezervisani samo za igrace. Valjda je jedan hotel (Pulman?) rezervisan za one bolje rangirane, a taj neki drugi pored za ove nize rangirane i dublashe. Mada nesto su na nemackom ES pomenuli i da su neki dobili opciju za privatni smestaj (ali ova imformacija mi se ne cini pouzdanom), u smislu Serena, Fed (mozda su natuknuli i Novaka, ne secam se sad detalja, ali cisto sumnjam da on nije u hotelu). Elem, ne verujem da su ikome dozvolili privatni smestaj, eventualno Sereni posto (valjda) ima svoj stan u Parizu.


Vala, posle Australije mislim da su igraci prezadovoljni smestajem u Parizu.

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pa oni nisu ni na kompleksu RG izolovani od publike (bili su snimci igraca koji idu od terena do svlacionice , okruzeni telohraniteljima, a okolo narod.

i sad uporedi to s zatvorskim rezimom koji su imali u Australji.


Celokupna pandemijska sezona je prilicno sizofrena.


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