[USA] SJEDINJENE AMERIČKE DRŽAVE - unutrašnja politika i uticaj na svetska kretanja - Page 1208 - Politika - VOX92 Jump to content

[USA] SJEDINJENE AMERIČKE DRŽAVE - unutrašnja politika i uticaj na svetska kretanja

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Posted (edited)

I Njujork tajms promoviše AOC kao najozbiljnijeg pretendenta na predsedničku kandidaturu za izbore 2028. godine:




Sve prema davnašnjim očekivanjima objavljenim na ovom mestu, NYT podvlači da je AOC zapravo i najjači kandidat progresivaca unutar demokrata. S tim u vezi, pitanje je da li treba uopšte verovati u  onu anketu koju je objavio Quinnipiac, po kojoj demokratska stranka ima svega 21 oodsto podrške, jer je progresivni Quinnipiac izrazito loše ocenjen polster, koji je možda iskoristio te navode kako bi radikalizovao situaciju u nameri da okrene demokrate ka radikalnim opcijama, poput AOC, a da ih što više udalji od centrista i umerenih.


Video sam i Galup i Rassmunsen, oni uopšte nemaju demokrate baš toliko nisko... Kao da neko u levoj kuhinji potpaljuje vatru pod kazan AOC, koja sad bukvalno iz svakog ugla iskače kao najjači kandidat demsa.

Edited by Nek grmi jako
7 minutes ago, McLeod said:

Ovi su veci idioti od Brnabe i Vulina.


Tamo nema prosecno pametnog coveka, blizi su imbecilu nego proseku.


Ako se SAD izvuče iz ovoga to će biti zato što ova ekipa nema veštine da sprovede svoje planove, jedan Vulin bi u njihovoj poziciji rusvaj napravio.

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Rezultati, bajomoj:


Stagflation on the radar for the US economy, but no repeat of the '70s




Stagflation risks appear higher in response to Trump tariff policies

Unlikely to fully repeat the high inflation and joblessness of the 1970s

Fed official: 'Nothing more uncomfortable' than a stagflationary environment


WASHINGTON, March 25 (Reuters) - Recent economic projections from Federal Reserve officials had shades of "Stagflation-lite," in the words of one economist, a sentiment increasingly echoed among other observers of the U.S. economy and central bank wondering if the country's outperformance during the pandemic is about to slide.

So what is stagflation and why is it suddenly on everyone's mind?



Stagflation, or a period of both high inflation and high joblessness, hit the U.S. notably in the 1970s, which may have featured the worst U.S. economic leadership since the Great Depression. Fed officials had their data and their framework wrong, and elected officials flailed against inflation with price controls and what now seem quaint public relations efforts, most notoriously the Ford administration's "Whip Inflation Now (WIN)" button campaign.

As economists in recent weeks have begun marking down their estimates of economic growth and marking up estimates of inflation in the face of dramatic economic policy shifts under President Donald Trump, it has sparked debate about whether that could be unfolding again now.

In theory, a weak economy with rising unemployment undercuts inflation, so the two should not coexist. But as with oil price shocks in the 1970s that drove prices higher, the tariff shock anticipated from Trump's trade policies now has the world guessing.

The Trump administration says the tariffs are part of what they bill as a transition for the economy that, coupled with other efforts to deregulate industry and cut taxes, will produce both plentiful jobs and lower inflation.

The hints of stagflation in current forecasts aren't near as bad as the 1970s, a decade in a league of its own when a surge in the so-called "misery index" combining the unemployment and inflation rates still stands out in charts of postwar economy.




But the direction of travel for major aspects of the economy has caught economists' attention. When Fed officials this week assessed the risks they see ahead they pointed uniformly towards higher inflation and higher unemployment than previously expected.




"Stagflation-lite," is what RSM chief economist Joe Brusuelas titled his analysis of the Fed's meeting last week. Policymakers' forecasts "implied mild stagflation ahead in the near term as growth slows and inflation increases," he said, noting the "pervasive uncertainty around the size and magnitude of the trade shock."



Fed policymakers last week left interest rates unchanged but still anticipate two quarter-point cuts by year-end. Their new economic projections, however, laid bare their conundrum. Growth is anticipated to slow, unemployment to rise a bit more than expected, and inflation to accelerate in the face of existing and widening tariffs.

Implied by their forecasts of rate cuts and higher inflation is a belief that tariff-triggered price increases would be one-off jumps, the same assumption the Fed made early in the pandemic when it called rising prices "transitory" - and was proven wrong.

Things are different now. Factories and ports are open and goods are flowing.

But given the scope and breadth of what Trump is planning, officials say the outcome remains unpredictable.

Hard macroeconomic data, as Fed Chair Jerome Powell noted in his press conference last week, remain solid. The misery index is rather low in fact.

But softer measures like sentiment are sliding, something policymakers feel could cause businesses to stall investment and hiring and households to cut back, even as tariffs lead prices to keep rising. Fed officials note growing concern among business contacts, and have begun discussing the difficult choice moments of stagflation pose for a central bank tasked with controlling inflation while sustaining employment.

“There is nothing more uncomfortable than the stagflationary environment...where both sides of the mandate start going wrong. There is not a generic answer...Which is worse? Is it bigger on the inflation side? Is it bigger on the job market side?" Chicago Fed President Austan Goolsbee said Friday on CNBC. "Higher tariffs raise prices and reduce output so that is a stagflationary impulse."





If the Fed is caught in the middle, their priority is clear: To ensure that not just inflation, but public expectations about inflation, remain under control.

Perhaps the key mistake of the 1970s was a failure to understand better the role that public psychology plays in future inflation. Scarred by rising prices, Americans' belief that costs would keep on rising kept pushing prices higher even as the economy weakened.

It took punishing interest rates and two successive recessions under Fed chief Paul Volcker to begin to establish the Fed's credibility and reset expectations through the rest of the 1980s and into the 1990s.

That's a lesson Powell has said he takes to heart, and one he says he won't repeat.

"I don't see any reason to think that we're looking at a replay of the '70s or anything like that...Underlying inflation is still running in the twos, with probably a little bit of a pickup associated with tariffs," Powell said at a press conference after the Fed's most recent meeting. "I wouldn't say we're in a situation that's remotely comparable to that.

But stable inflation expectations are "at the very heart of our framework," he said. "We will be watching all of it very, very carefully. We do not take anything for granted."

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, Don Dusko said:

Cek cek ovo sa signalom nije sala?

Radi se o biranim kadrovima dnevne doze, bukvalno očekujem svaki dan da pročitam da su počeli usjeve da zalivaju Gatoradeom...



EDIT: redovni godišnji raport (odnosno saslušanje, što bi rekli u juesovej) na temu prijetnji po nacionalnu bezbijednost je igrom slučaja danas u House i sjutra u Senatu, allah će biti roštiljanja MAGAradi :thumbup:

Edited by Beonegro
  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Nek grmi jako said:



Čak me ne bi začudilo da u jednom trenutku izađe iz pregovora, kao u slučaju Gaze, i da kaže - pokušao sam da svetu donesem mir i nisam uspeo, sad nek pokušaju Makron i Starmer.


Opa, Fantom je poceo spinovati svoju viziju oko Trampa i Ukrajine. Ali glavni glavni protagonista uvek je isti, Tramp je genije i  uvek pobedjuje, pa makar svi ostali oko njega i nastradaju. 🙂 

  • Like 1

Štedlja, bajo, štedlja: 


Trump cuts hit struggling food banks, risking hunger for low-income Americans


WASHINGTON, March 25 (Reuters) - Food banks across the country, already strained by rising demand, say they will have less food to distribute because of at least $1 billion in federal funding cuts and pauses by the Trump administration, according to Reuters interviews with organizations in seven states.

Hunger in the U.S. has ticked up in recent years with rising inflation and the end of pandemic-era programs that expanded food aid. President Donald Trump's administration has vowed to lower inflation by cutting back on government spending, including two U.S. Department of Agriculture programs that helped schools and food banks buy food from local farms.


Reuters spoke with food banks in seven states who said cancellation and pauses of the programs meant they expected to offer less produce, meat and other staples in the coming weeks and months, leaving scarcer food for those reliant on free supplies that helped stave off hunger.

One reason is fewer expected shipments from USDA's The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), one of the agency's core nutrition programs that buys food from farmers and sends it to food pantries, some of the organizations said.


Vince Hall, chief government relations officer for Feeding America, the nation's largest food bank network, said the USDA is reviewing the program and had paused half of TEFAP funding - $500 million - sourced from the Commodity Credit Corporation, which generally gives the department a broad discretionary funding pool for various programs.

A USDA spokesperson told Reuters the agency is still making purchases to support food banks but did not respond to detailed questions about TEFAP spending and why food banks are seeing reduced deliveries.

Feeding America has spoken with the Trump administration about the pause and urged it to make a quick decision on whether to unfreeze the funds, Hall said. That pause compounds losses from the agency's cancellation of the Local Food Purchase Assistance (LFPA) program, which funded about $500 million annually for food banks, the organizations told Reuters.

Chad Morrison, head of Mountaineer Food Bank in West Virginia, said he saw on a weekly forecast from the state of West Virginia that about 40% of the organization's expected April deliveries of products like cheese, eggs and milk from TEFAP would be canceled. That will reduce the amount of food its network of 450 food pantries and other feeding programs provide, Morrison said.

Food banks are handling unprecedented demand as U.S. hunger rates climb after years of decline. In 2023, 13.5% of Americans struggled at some point to secure enough food, the highest rate in nearly a decade, according to the most recent USDA data. In rural America, the hunger rate is even higher, at 15.4%, the data shows.

Anna Pesek, a farmer in Delaware County, Iowa, said about 20% of sales from her Over the Moon farm last year were from the LFPA,, opens new tab which sent her turkeys and pork to food banks across the state. Funding for that program has also been cut.

She expects her pasture-raised products will no longer make their way to pantries without the agency funding.

"It feels really devastating," she said.



Food banks and pantries in West Virginia, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, California and Nebraska have together lost millions of dollars of federal funding and food deliveries in recent weeks, according to Reuters interviews.

Julie Yurko, president and CEO of Northern Illinois Food Bank, which serves 13 counties in the state, said that over the last 18 months, her organization received $3 million from the LFPA to buy onions, potatoes, apples and other produce from local farmers.

Without that program, "we are going to have less produce to give to our neighbors," she said.

Illinois had $14.7 million in funding terminated and another $6.4 million in other USDA funds frozen in recent weeks, halting a food box program that paired local farmers with food pantries, said Jerry Costello, director of the state's Agriculture Department.

Savannah Oates, advocacy and public relations manager at Community Action Partnership of Kern in Kern County, California, said about half the food for the organization's food bank comes from TEFAP. With deliveries paused, she said the group has about two to six months of supplies in stock and is hoping to supplement their offerings with leftover food from local restaurants.

In Charleston, West Virginia, Sara Busse, volunteer coordinator for Trinity's Table, a food aid group, stood in a parking lot and surveyed a meager delivery of USDA-supplied food: two boxes each of dried potato flakes and shelf-stable milk and two cases of vegetarian baked beans.

Before the Trump administration began, the deliveries filled an 18-wheeler, she said. Now, the program may need to halt its meal service to senior groups altogether, she said.

"It’s dreary, it’s very frightening. We’re all losing sleep," she said.

At Charleston's East End Resource Center, Martha Ross, 78, looked over Trinity's Table's sparse donations during a recent senior meal, noting it was far less than usual.

"I guess we’ll get real skinny," Ross said, her voice tinged with dry humor.

  • Tuzno 3
  • WOW 1

Ha ne znam, tako su glasali, bi mogao da bude odgovor.


To jeste srž suvoj kapitalizma i čuveno nema besplatnog ručka.



Just now, Helena said:

Ha ne znam, tako su glasali, bi mogao da bude odgovor.


To jeste srž suvoj kapitalizma i čuveno nema besplatnog ručka.




Moram da kažem da mi prva reakcija bila da će prosječno glasač sila mraka i bezumlja najviše najebati i da je to baš lijepo, ali kad vidim nemoćne ljude koji su šutnuti kako niko ne bi smio da šutne ni pseto da crknu meni ih je uprkos svemu žao. 


Naslađivanje ću čuvati za vrijeme kad na dnevni red dođe suđenje za izdaju dnevnoj dozi i drugarima. 

  • Like 5

Ne naslađujem se, ali ne mogu ni da se ne setim šta rade Ukrajini koji su primorani da žive kako žive.


Evropi se uvek ruga kako je troma i spora, ali vidiš šta se dešava kad se jedan politički vekovni ekosistem zdrma naglo i nepromišljeno.

1 hour ago, Don Dusko said:

Cek cek ovo sa signalom nije sala?


Ovo sa Signalom je kako kaze Fox izvanredna stvar... Transparentnost, saradnja, postenje, timski rad 🙂 Za razliku od Bajdenove administracije, koje je tajne operacije izvodila u tajnosti 🙂 


Desperate Fox News goes into furious spin mode to downplay Yemen war plans leak | The Independent

But the bigger take away from me is it is an insight, a transparent insight, into the thought process and dialog of our national leaders,” he gushed. “If you look at the actual content of what was reported, if you look at how they discuss potential strikes on Houthis in Yemen, what you will see is dialogue between Vice President JD Vance, Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth, National Security Advisor Mike Waltz, Stephen Miller, Tulsi Gabbard, and many more in a very collaborative, open, honest, team-based attempt to come to the right decision... 

After years of secrecy and incompetence, if you read the content of these messages, I think you will come away proud that these are the leaders making these decisions in America,



  • Ha-ha 5

Ovo je samo početak. Ne možeš da izabereš gangstera za predsednika, koji se okružio najvećem ološem, i da očekuješ išta drugačije. Nijedna jedina normalna osoba ne želi da ima bilo šta sa Trampom, a kamoli da radi sa njim. Ostao je samo ovaj šoder, koji preko signala donosi odluke o ratnim dejstvima a ni da pogleda ko je još u grupi.


Kad se jednom institucije razvale (a vidimo iz MAGA primera da se mogu razvaliti za dva meseca), onda su potrebne decenije i decenije da se opet izgrade. Ako ikad uspeju da vrate makar na 2024. godinu...



  • Like 5

Iskreno ne znam sta rade demokrate, ali ako ne rade aktivno na cepanju republikanske stranke bas su teski retardi. 


Ja sam siguran da ima dovoljno republikanaca kojima se ovo ludilo ne dopada i u senatu i u predstavnickom domu i da ih treba okrenuti od njega dok ne bude kasno.

2 minutes ago, McLeod said:

Ja sam siguran da ima dovoljno republikanaca kojima se ovo ludilo ne dopada i u senatu i u predstavnickom domu i da ih treba okrenuti od njega dok ne bude kasno.

Zastrašeni su prijetnjom da će za bilo koji pokušaj neposlušnosti na sledećim primaries imati protiv sebe čitavu stranku, tako da mora da se nađe nekoliko likova spremnih da bace svoju političku karijeru u smeće da povedu neposlušnost, a to nije jednostavno, sasvim je realno da se neće desiti prije mid-termsa, tek tada neko ko dobije novi mandat i bude siguran da će biti duže na funkciji nego što će trump biti predsjednik može da se ohrabri da kaže šta stvarno misli o svemu ovome.

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

Ima smisla, mada je ta pretnja prazna puska sigurno. On ma kako brzo radi na razjebavanju citavog sistema i to vidimo, fizicki ne moze da ga razjebe toliko brzo.


To su onda ili pickice ili ljudi koji mogu biti ucenjeni. Ako ih ima toliko, onda i treba da pate, zabole me.


S tim sto oni midterms gube sigurno, pa makar Demsi budu i dalje Alise u zemlji cuda. Trampov approval rating pada kao kamen, vec je na istorijski niskom nivou. Ja cenim da ce do kraja godine pasti ispod 40%.

Edited by McLeod
Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, McLeod said:

S tim sto oni midterms gube sigurno, pa makar Demsi budu i dalje Alise u zemlji cuda. Trampov approval rating pada kao kamen, vec je na istorijski niskom nivou. Ja cenim da ce do kraja godine pasti ispod 40%.

Većina ljudi oko mene očekuje njihov strmopizd na mid-terms, ali ja još nisam ubijeđen, republikanska baza je u velikoj mjeri transformisana u sektu, a uspjeli su i (kao ovaj naš zločinac) da u velikoj mjeri ogade ljudima politiku sveukupno. I vidimo da se uveliko radi na izbornom inženjeringu, ovo oko prezimena žena u biračkim spiskovima i u ličnim dokumentima (djevojačko vs. muževo) uopšte nije za potcijeniti jer su žene u globalu znatno manje oduševljene dnevnom dozom od prosječnog ljombera bježača od čkolovanja, vidjećemo šta se na tom planu još sprema. 

Edited by Beonegro
  • Like 4
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, McLeod said:

oni midterms gube sigurno

Ne ide to tako u autoritarnim rezimima kakav je Trumpov, vidis da je proces transformacije americkog drustva vec sada otisao predaleko u pravcu suspendovanja demokratije.




The void is deep for Walz, who only in the last few weeks has begun to publicly address his and Kamala Harris’ 2024 loss with what he called “the most unsatisfying ‘I Told You So’ tour in the history of politics.” He says too many Democratic leaders are still not truly grappling with how bad things are politically for them, what he believes is President Donald Trump’s march toward authoritarianism or the anger and frustration at both parties building across the country.

While the administration denies it defied a judge’s order halting deportation flights to El Salvador over the weekend, the episode is proof to Walz that judges are set to be ignored and impeached going forward. Tuesday’s statement from Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts rebuking the president’s rhetoric on impeaching judges, without naming Trump, tells Walz that Roberts is also “scared of where things are going.”


“I’m a pretty low-key, middle of the road guy on this stuff. And I’m telling you, this is real,” Walz said. “My one skill set is to see over the horizon a little bit of what’s coming, and this is what’s coming.”

Edited by djura.net
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Posted (edited)

Zanimljivo je gledati disproporciju između narativa liberala i levih kako sve u SAD propada, uporedo sa popularnošću i podrškom koju Tramp ima u anketama. Naravno, levi i liberalni polsteri ga drže nešto niže od onih drugih, između 46 i 48 odsto, dok ga drugi, poput Rasmunssena i Trafalgara, drže između 50 i 52 odsto ( danas ga Rasmunssen ima na 51%).


Ali CNN je danas zakucao tu polemiku:


CNN analitika objašnjava da je Tramp danas zapravo najpopularniji u Americi od momenta kada se prvi put kandidovao za predsednika, kao i da u anketama građani daju podršku pravcu u kome se zemlja trenutno nalazi, a koja može da se poredi tek sa jednom do dve takve podrške u ovom veku....


Nema boljeg rijaliti čeka od onih koji su poznati po svom fakt čekingu, a nije baš lako u proleće ponovo praviti srušenog sneška.



Edited by Nek grmi jako
45 minutes ago, 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 said:


Pitanje koliko bi jos bio rok trajanja anketnim kucama koje bi dale manje procente...


To je Trampomatika, dok obicna matematika kaze - na izbore je izaslo 64% onih sa pravom glasa, Tramp je dobio nesto manje od 50%. Sve zajedno nekih 32% podrske.

I to za sada ne bi trebalo biti previse komplikovano - u vrlim novim Sjedinjenim Drzavama, buducim generacijama ce biti problem da to sracunaju a nedostajace im i obrazovanja iz naucnih disciplina.

No nije sve crno - broj onih koji ce napamet znati citavu ili dijelove Biblije (naravno NIV verzija koja je pristupacna za citanje na nivou 5-6 razreda - mada ce je vjerovatno jos prilagodjavati da ukinu reference na "people" i zamijene ih sa "men" kako Bog zapovijeda)...

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Urnebesno smešna je implikacija o budućem školstvu, dočim je školstvo za vreme Bajdena izgledalo kao u ovoj tabeli, 


Tražiti status kvo je očigledno suludo, jer se ne može nastaviti istim putem i očekivati promena u rezultatima. Nešto se moralo dramatično promeniti, jer je zapravo strašno tužno to što američki klinci ne umeju ni da čitaju.


Ja razumem da neko može nešto da implicira, da mu se nešto priviđa ili da nešto želi, ali ovo nisu želje, čestitke i pozdravi - ovo je zvanični dokument.

Edited by Nek grmi jako
Posted (edited)

U.S. President Donald Trump said that Europe is 'freeloading' while speaking to reporters on March 25.


'Pathetic European free-loading': US officials slam Europe in leaked chat


Ratcliffe i Gabbard pred senatorima su urnebes. U principu nije smiješno ... ali

-Will you release the full conversation?
-No, because it contains information of national security
-Will there be resignations because information of the national security
-No, because no information of national security was discussed
-So will you release the full conversation
-No, because it contains information of national security


Edited by Dragan
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  • Ha-ha 2

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