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Novak Djokovic


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Pa treba mu režim treninga i ishrane (sad ima iskustvo deceniju i po), tako da maksimalno bude fizički spreman baš za drugu nedelju US opena. Laički, ja primećujem da on više ne može stalno da bude na vrhunskom fizičkom nivou, tenisko znanje je tu pa je tu, ali peak kondicije ne može da traje neograničeno. Mislim, zato se i s...bo na OI, igrao je na onome što je ostalo posle Vimbldona. Iskreno, ja nisam gledao ni SF ni meč za treće mesto, ali po rezultatskom toku meča sa Zverevim, tačno se vidi da se preforsirao.


Svestan je on svega toga, porazi posle SFa su nebitni, iznuđeni i nisu ni trebali da se dese.

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ako odigra par kola WInston salema to bi trebalo da mu bude dovoljno da udje u ritam (nisam gledala kakve su vremenske prilike u tom delu Severne Karoline, niti kakva je podloga - mozda ne odgovara). A onda mu treba malo srece s zrebom u prvoj sedmici, da mu ne upadne neka servercina/udarac sto ce isforsirati njegovu ruku.

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On 8/3/2021 at 3:13 PM, Boxy said:



A Endija su urnisali u stampi, samo sto se to nije pratilo toliko pazljivo jer niko ovde ne navija za njega.

Nije Novak savrsen….niti bi trebalo da bude takav. Ima ispade. Ponekad  prica o stvarima o kojima bi trebalo da ne prica. Nekad i nervira.
Ja znam da su Endija urnisali ali uglavnom cinici Englezi. Ostali su bili manje vise indiferentni na njega. Sem nasih…oni su znali svasta isto. Mada meni Endi djeluje kao ok lik. 

Ipak iracionalni (i sa mnogo vise strana nego kad je rijec o Endiju) negativitet je za Novaka konstanta..nekada je znao da se nosi s tim stvarima. Neko rece cak mu je to davalo gorivo. Ne znam.

Bez obzira na iskustvo, s godinama ce to poceti (a vec mi se cini i da utice) na njegovo ponasanje. Kome ne bi bilo tesko i gubio zivce kad je ajde da kazem trenutno “najbolji u svom poslu” a stalno ti traze dlaku u jajetu. Cak je ni ne traze nego prave konstrukciju. I nije prvi put. 
Dok je bio mlad, zabavan i nije narusavao (sem povremeno) Fed-Rafa rivalstvo..bio je prilicno omiljen. Ovo ne pominjem zbog njih dvojice u nekom losem smislu…oni sa tim negativitetom nemaju nista. Ali su do do momenta kad je Novak poceo da bude ozbiljan rival, njihovi mecevi stvorili percepciju da su oni ljuti rivali na terenu a skoro kao braca van istog. Kao bajka. Kuce od cokolade i prozori od marmelade. A ljudi vole bajke. Dok ne dodje zli vuk i razjeba i rivalstvo a i o bratskom odnosu se sve manje prica. Posebno otkako Nike ne saradjuje s Rodzerom sve su te price postajale tanje. Dobro, mozda je i Kirjios uticao. 😂

Pr masinerija je stvarala takvu sliku, ne Fed ili Rafa direktno . Oni su sigurno u prijateljskim odnosima ali daleko od onoga sto se moglo citati kada su dominirali.
Na kraju da nije bilo njih ne bi bilo ni ovakvog Novaka i obrnuto i hvala im, svoj trojici. 
Znaci, Novaku treba ozbiljan PR  da ga nauci malo diplomatije… samo je on svojeglav…jbg. 


Edited by Gistro Bančo
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"a redundantly flawed man"... Who among us does not have a characteristic that needs improvement, as we say in the corporate world. It is not redundant. It is a life's journey for him, an ongoing challenge with moments of conquer and moments of failure. It is not unlike the rest of us, except his failures have come in extreme pressure. Being temperamental myself, I fully understand the battle except for the public part of that pressure and maybe the level. I'm not excusing his outbursts, but I empathize and understand.


Where is the empathy of others? Seems like a lot of fundamental attribution error going on here to me. Full disclosure: As long as his momentary lapses only affect inanimate objects, I'm one who doesn't much care. Sports orgs expect these temper flares to some degree.


That's why there are code violations, flagrant fouls (NBA), unnecessary roughness (NFL),etc. No one wants this to happen, but every sport knows it can when dealing with extremely driven, high achieving, competitive, perfectionistic athletes, which brings me to my next point.


The comparisons to Roger and Rafa are incomplete. Just because we don't see their flaws doesn't mean they do not exist. This constant comparison is neither healthy nor helpful. Tracy Austin referenced the perception of these two as the Dalai Lama and Mother Teresa!

Surely, that's just as bad as being viewed as Jesus Christ Superstar. More on that later. If you want to make comparisons to R&R, do so with the good as well not just the ugly. It's a bit old and tired. This price for perfection in comparison is only being paid by Novak.


The more thoughtful comparison is to an absolute standard of controlling emotions/fewer outbursts and to Novak himself. However, none of us has all the data, do we? For the number of times he visibly loses his cool, do we know the number of times he suppressed an outburst?

What's the W/L ratio? I have witnessed him, visibly annoyed, angry and/or frustrated, and yet he has gone to that bench, sat down and stared ahead or sat down, closed his eyes and meditated. At times, you can see the effort he makes to control his emotions. So...


Is his behavior consistently egregious across his ~20 yr career, or are we extrapolating these high-profile, extreme moments as an indictment of his career and character. I ask, is this a fair assessment? Now, whatever your conclusion is about the degree to which Novak needs to improve, the journey to self-improvement is focusing on besting yourself. No leadership coach, and I am one, would compare the our client's behavior to his peers. Even a good parent knows better. His focus should be and is on being the best version of himself. So, again I ask, are 2 high-profile moments of upset/anger/frustration in one year, one of which you recognize as unintentional, across all of his tennis matches played this year, an accurate indicator to you that he has learned nothing ("as if, you said")? Um... mmm 'kay.


But, yes, when we know better, we must do better. Yet, all of us know the gap between knowing and doing is where struggle lies. Do you really think that this perfectionist in all other visible areas of his life just tosses his hands up and says "F" when it comes to this?


Of course not. There are countless interviews, including the latest incident, where he has acknowledged the challenge, that he is human and works on it. He's not out hear bragging about it like some brute. He says he strives to be a better tennis player, a better man. His self-awareness is OFF THE CHARTS. (btw I'd love to assess him!) His willingness to be vulnerable and openly discuss this internal battle is a good thing, you know for those of us mere mortals that struggle with like battles. Where is the celebration of that? The fuller is so much more relatable than the somewhat pretentious demand for perfection that plagues tennis. And here's something interesting, self-awareness, emotional intelligence and vulnerability are among the most common challenges for all leaders in all professions.


In other words, Novak is in good company. He isn't unusually or singularly complicated. He is the ultimate personification of what it means to be an imperfect human. In my neighborhood, being called "simple" was an insult. Life is complex, and so are the people living it.


The goal of the naive idealism of youth is to eliminate and eradicate our flaws or failings, but the more reasonable and realistic goal of the mature is to manage and mitigate our shortcomings. In other words, we strive to succeed more than we fail. And with all that is visible to us, he has succeeded way more than he has failed. Many journalists seem to have the answers when it would serve the tennis community better if you brought us the insightful questions. "It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question." - Eugéne Ionesco.


The nitpicks.. (1) What's with the unnecessary sideswipes regarding the water manipulation and vaccination views. That's a type of pile-on, Jon. So very unrelated to the behavioral topic at hand. Weak connection to judgment... (2) Adria Tour. Does it really fit the WHO's definition of a superspreader event? Doesn't seem so given the degree of spread (2-3X a R-naught of 1) to a handful of tennis players, but maybe you have data to support your word choice. Just be sure to keep the same energy for the W&S Open and the US Open, the former taking place at full capacity with only an indoor mask requirement and the latter having no restrictions whatsoever, while 48 states are under a Delta variant siege. On not having it both ways, you both criticize him for listening to local govt and health officials in Serbia while also asserting that he believes in pseudo science. How do you know that the spreading occurred at the event? It seems more likely that the indoor partying at a club was the issue, but I guess it's easier to trash his well-intentioned, government-backed tour.


Jesus Christ Superstar Complex. Really? Novak is a man with a tremendous sense of national pride, who after all of the tennis this year, took it upon his weary shoulders to go for it all. For him. For Nina. For his country. Perhaps there was some arrogance or extreme overconfidence in thinking he could do it all. But, isn't that what it takes to achieve the seemingly impossible... again (2011) and again (2015) and again (2021)? Heck, gimme some of that. lol So, I'm kind of side-eyeing the criticism offered on that point.


Truthtellers... Um, you think Goran Ivanisevic is not a truthteller! LMFAO. Even his body language in Mallorca revealed his thoughts about being there rather than in London. We know Marian Vajda told him what he thought of that Paz Love Your Opponent approach. And recently we have Troicki telling the media that the Serbian Olympic team was against him playing mixed doubles. These folks are feeding his ego. Dude tried to do too much. Case closed. Lesson to be learned. That's it. That's all. Mixed Doubles. I believe you are presumptuous here. Your comment assumes the discussion about whether or not to withdraw from the doubles did not happen. You assume he was not advised to withdraw and that he was not injured. If injured, what's "uncool" got to do with it?


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Ja koliko vidim bas je velika kampanja za Rafu pocela povodom USO i uopste turnira u Americi,  hvale ga i dizu u nebesa za sve i svasta  (pricam o francuzima). Mada vidim poceli su malo da brinu za njegovu formu pogotovo stopala.

Pitam se da li ce Feki da ucestvuje - njega ne pominju sto mi je neobicno. Koliko znam predvidjen je, jel tako?

Novaka ne pominju vise uopste jedino se jos uvek pominje njegovo lomljenje reketa i usput citira Rafa kako se cudi sto Novak lomi reket a onda usput kazu kako Rafa nikad nije slomio reket. Nekako bi se zakljucilo po pisanijama da je Novak jedini teniser koji lomi reket. 

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29 minutes ago, Gaga said:

Pa dobro,uvredio se malo Spanac zadnjih meseci,ipak ima i on 20 GS,mediji su ga stavili u zapecak ko da je uzeo par GS i to je to,malo i zaboleo RG ove godine,sve je to ok,ljudi smo.

Ja stvarno ne vidim ovde konkretno šta se ima zameriti Rafinom odgovoru. 

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16 minutes ago, alcesta said:

Ja stvarno ne vidim ovde konkretno šta se ima zameriti Rafinom odgovoru. 

Ja takodje ne vidim nista lose u tom Rafinom odgovoru medjutim francuzi sada stave naslov tipa : "Rafa zestoko i sa pravom kritikuje Novaka" i onda citiraju to sto je rekao i naopsirno napisu o lomljenju reketa. Prvi put sam tri puta citala Rafinu izjavu i ne vidim da nesto posebno kritikuje, medjutim prosecni francuz ce uglavnom samo naslov da procita i misljenje se formira. 

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31 minutes ago, ciao said:

medjutim prosecni francuz ce uglavnom samo naslov da procita i misljenje se formira. 

Isto kao i kod nas.

Pre koji mesec je ex-b92 prevodeći neku Nadalovu izjavu o Novakovim ambicijama “samo” izostavio ili promenio jednu reč i onda je ispao totalno drugaciji kontekst, da je Djokovic opsednut i da ima nezdravu ambiciju. A on to tako nije bas rekao.
Naravno i naslov je bio u tom stilu

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To je sad svuda tako, ko će da se cima da čita duži tekst kad ima naslov... desi se da naslov bude dvosmislen, ponekad za nebitne neke stvari čak i slučajno, i onda gomila komentara drvlje i kamenje na nekoga, a da su pročitali tekst znali bi da to niđe veze nema.

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originalni intervju za Metro:




Nadal is keen to stress his approach is very different.

‘I enjoy what I am doing,’ he says. ‘I am happy playing tennis. I am happy about being here in Monte Carlo [where he was beaten in the quarter-finals by Andrey Rublev] to play a great event again and, of course, I want to win more Slams, yes. No doubt about that.

But I never get – I mean, Novak is more obsessed about this, more focused…’ he pauses for a moment before quickly shaking his hand and head, adding: ’Not in a negative way.

‘No, he’s more focused on just these things and it means a lot to him all of this stuff. Like he’s always saying and talking about these records and well done for him… but it’s not my approach to my tennis career.

znaci, prva tvrdnja je da ima drugaciji pristup od konkurencije (pa nastavlja da pominje samo Novaka)

u cemus e sastoji razlika?

 za sebe kaze da on uziva u tome sta radi (da li je to implikacija da Novak ne uziva?), da je srecan sto igra tenis (da li je to njegovo tumacenje da Novak noje srecan sto igra tenis?), da je srecan sto je tu na terenima.

pa onda dodaje da nikako ne shvata...

i onda prica da je Novak vise opsednut  time, vise fokusiran - u ovom slucaju novinari nista nisu izmislili i stavili u reci u usta, sam je izabrao rec opsednut, pa se onda zamislio (valjda shvatio kakvo svetlo ce to da baci na njega, da ce se shvatiti kao negativno) i onda se kao koriguje da to nije mislio u negativnom svetlu.

pa nastavlja kako je Novak vise fokusiran na ... sta konkretno? osvajanje titula? cime ce da obara rekorde, stize njih dvojicu? a Rafa kao nije opsednut osvajanjem titula i pobedjivanjem? ne pricamo mi o Niku Kiriosu vec o Rafaelu Nadalu.

i sad on zakljucuje kako to Novaku znaci mnogo. A kako to on zna? Citao mu misli? Njemu ne znaci sto je osvojio 13 RG titula i koliko vec titula u MC... sto se izjednacio s Fedom po broju GS titula? Ma da.... Sto bi rekli: i onda je mrmot zavio cokoladu...



‘I have a healthy ambition. Of course, I am ambitious, if not I would never be in the position I am today but I have probably a different kind of ambition than him, for example. I just keep going, keep doing what I’m doing and just try to put myself in a position to keep enjoying the tour and, of course, try to achieve as much as possible.

I am super satisfied about the career I’m having. Not today, I was super satisfied years ago already but I am not making a step back in motivation because of that. I don’t get frustrated if I am losing one tournament, I am trying to approach the thing in a different way.’


i sad nastavlja kako on ima zdravu ambiciju, sto implicira da Novak ima nezdravu (pa jos opsesiju, sto bi se moglo svrstati i u psiholoske poremecaje).

onda nastavlja da i on ima ambiciju (ma nije nego? kakvo iznenadjenje! nismmo to znali!).

a koji je to drugi vid ambicije koji on ima u odnosu na Novaka?

ovo ne da je sranje po Novaku nego je na kvadrat! ah, taj skromni, tihi, povuceni Rafica koji je eto samo srecan (kao Teletabis) sto prebacuje zutu lopticu preko mreze! drugo nista ga ne zanima! ma taman posla!


a ovo da nije frustriran ako izgubi jedan turnir smo videli posle RG kada je na onoj nekoj svetkovini vetar odneo papire s njegovim govorom a onda on u komentaru pominje poraz na RG! Ma da! nije uopste opsednut pobedama i nije frustriran porazima! Ma i ja sam Kraljica Elizabeta licno!



kako biste vi protumacili ovaj tekst gore (Dzordz nije poznat kao novinar koji izvrce reci).


elem, intervju je radjen u okviru promotivne kampanje za Amstel, sto znaci da je tekst odobren od strane Nadalovog tima.


Rafael Nadal is the official global ambassador of Amstel ULTRA®, Amstel 0.0, Amstel ULTRA® Seltzer and Amstel Malta ULTRA®, through to 2024.


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evo ga prvi intervju u Washingtonu (ne mogu da nadjem to gde kritikuje Novaka):


prvo nije odgovorio jednom novinaru na ovo pitanje:


What is your take about what it means to you as you head into the US Open, you, Djokovic and Federer are each tied at 20 Grand Slams apiece?

a onda ni drugom novinaru nije dao odgovor o tome sta to Novaka izdvaja


Q. Looking ahead to New York, what Novak Djokovic is going to be trying to accomplish there, I'm wondering whether the idea of a calendar year Grand Slam just always seemed like something too hard for a player to achieve in this era? What quality or trait of Novak's do you think is most valuable as he tries to do that and go four-for-four at the slams this year?



tolika najava za EKSKLUZIVNI intervju, a sadrzaj - nista.


i sta je sad on ovde drugacije rekao o suocavanju s pritiskom od onog sto je Novak rekao (s tim da je Nadalov tekst bio na nivou Teletabisa)? a "zanimljiv" je i "odgovor" o USO i 21. GS. :classic_rolleyes:


sad se postavlja pitanje: da li Novak treba da kopira Nadala s stilom odgovaranja na novinarska pitanja? da li je on to u stanju, tj. da li bi njemu to bilo zamornije nego da odgovara u svom stilu?





jok, nego ce da kaze da je ne podrzava? :twak:


samo nalazim pisani oblik (ne transkript) Nadalovog komentara o Novaku, hajde da verujemo da je Metro preneo ispravno reci koje su izmedju navodnika



When asked about Djokovic’s behaviour, Nadal replied: ‘Luckily there were no people in the stands and nothing else happened, but hey, they are things that happen from time to time.

‘You have to try to avoid them. The image is not the best.

‘It is important to avoid this, especially as a role model for many children. He is the No. 1 in the world and one of best in history.

‘It’s strange that someone so successful reacts this way from time to time, but in the end he’s very competitive and reacts like that.’

bas se raspricao, ovde mu nisu falile reci :wink2:


evo kako je Barti komentarisala Novaka:


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Meni ne smeta to sto Rafa prica o Novaku ni nacin na koji prica. Ne prica da mu se divi da ga voli i slicno ali ni ne pljuje - po meni on moze da misli sta god hoce , njegovo pravo, ne bi bilo lepo da ga vredja ali ne vredja ga. Kad bi to sve ostalo samo na tome nikakav problem po meni, sve je u granicama pristojnog ponasanja.

Ono sto meni smeta je kada novinari pocnu da interpretiraju to sto Rafa kaze i onda to dobije neku drugu dimenziju i posledice ali to nije Rafina krivica. Novinari sada mogu sve da izvrnu, uvecaju, umanje i oni to i rade, ja ne vidim kako to moze da se promeni. A nisu samo Rafine izjave u pitanju, to je tako i u politici i u svemu, vec smo pominjali. Moc medija je sve veca, ocigledno je ova korona i na to dodatno uticala, ljudi su vise orijentisani na citanje o dogadjajima nego u ucestvovanju u nekim dogadjanjima i neke stvari dobijaju vaznost i znacenje koje ne bi inace imale i ne bi trebalo da imaju.


Edit : inace po meni Rafa prica ono sto mu njegov PR kaze da treba da prica, njemu je svejedno

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Kaže da ih je Novak vidio kako se rastežu i da im je rekao kako su fleksibilniji od njega, onda je on sjeo pored nje i dao telefon svom treneru da ga uslika, Novak je onda stavio ruke na pod kako bi držao ravnotezu a Nina mu je rekla da ne može tako i onda je i Nole digao ruke


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Najbolji deo njegovih OI :classic_biggrin:

Dobro je prošao tamo što se tiče onolikog grljenja i slikanja, ali vidim da se to nastavlja, a na primorju zaraženih sve više, i još neće neki ni da se testiraju da im odmor ne propadne :classic_rolleyes: nadam se da se ne kreće previše okolo.

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