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Sva zahvalnost u sustini ide Cristini (cristinancl) , ona je savrsen izvor informacija, a i razni ljudi joj onda salju informacije koje ona onda postavlja.

Ja sam samo glasnik :classic_biggrin:

Posted (edited)




But, the fact is, when it comes to Djokovic, that line into unfairness is crossed too often. Much too often. And, even more importantly, only for Djokovic.


This Australian Open has seen that played out with exhausting familiarity. Somehow we have a situation where one of the big three has been accepted to be injured when no one saw him get injured and without him looking injured, while the one we saw injuring himself and watched very visibly struggling with injury is being opening suspected of faking.


And that, right there, is the problem. Both of them are injured, but one of them is being treated fairly, and the other is not.




And yet, yes, even when applying the bare minimum of objectivity, it is impossible to conclude that they both received a fair degree of recognition. One got fanfare and credited with miracles, the other got openly suspected of faking.

Accused, incidentally, by people wholly unwilling to explain why Djokovic would choose to fake an injury and lose two sets of Grand Slam tennis, presumably just for effect.

Of course, tennis will inspire opinions and passions. It’s why we love it. But the media should not be affording themselves that luxury.

It is not their place to try to influence the narrative of play to the galley. They are not there to be promoters and propagandists for their favourites, and frankly, this era of unprecedented quality in men’s tennis deserves better.


Edited by wwww
  • Like 9

"If Nick Kyrgios thinks he's in the professional rivalry with Novak Djokovic, he has another thing coming" - Ian Healy reacting to a newspaper headline labeling Kyrgios and Djokovic as 'fierce rivals', Healy opined that his compatriot is nowhere close



evo misljenje starije garde iz sveta sporta kome ocigledno lajkovi, naslovi,"ekskluzive" i ostale nebuloze nisu vazne .

  • Like 2

Jedini je problem što Kirgios dobija tačno ono što hoće, naslove i pažnju. Sad kad više nije na turniru, vratiće se dosad oprobanoj taktici.

Da je sreće ne bi ga niko ni primećivao ni reagovao na ono što priča, pa ni njegovi zemljaci, to bi mu bila najveća kazna. Ionako će veći deo sezone opet da presedi u Australiji bez igranja, dakle neće imati šta da se kaže o njemu vezano za tenis.

A evo i ovde, koliko smo postova potrošili na njega, i to nemali broj na Novakovoj fan temi. Ne treba se više obazirati na budalu, niti gledati šta priča, psi laju a karavani prolaze.

  • Like 5
7 hours ago, Milutinov Tata said:

Nisam veliki optimista pred sutrasnji mec, ali se ipak nadam da ce moci da podigne nivo igre, pa da ipak ima neku sansu. Ume Zverev da se raspadne pod pritiskom, a ovog puta je on blagi favorit.

Po kladionicama ili mislis po formi ?

Ovaj turnir ce da osvoji onaj ko bude fizicki u najboljoj formi po svoj prilici

evo misljenje starije garde iz sveta sporta kome ocigledno lajkovi, naslovi,"ekskluzive" i ostale nebuloze nisu vazne .


And yet...

Taj redakcijski zaključak na kraju teksta...


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4 hours ago, fancy said:

Ma znam, nego... Nisu mogli bez toga, da slučajno neko ne pomisli... :classic_dry:

Sent from my phone using their app


Doduse nisu dodali vazan deo, da Kirgios nema nikakvu istoriju protiv Novaka na slemovima.

Zamisljam ljutog rivala sa kojim nikada nisi igrao na slemu.

Tako da, ljuce rivalstvo Novak ima sa Markom Cekinatom clearly.



Posted (edited)

Saša Ozmo


Novak on racquet-smash: It was a relief, but I wouldn’t reccomend it. Of course I am not proud of that, but you go through a lot of different emotions, inside battles... To me it happens and today it helped me. It was an accumulation of a lot of things. #AusOpen

Novak: There were a lot of turnarounds today, it’s hard to pick one moment. Rolercoaster of a match. It was anybody’s match, really tought, I feel exhausted because we pushed each other to the limit. #AusOpen


Djokovic on injuries: What we’re seeing is not normal. Top players are the fittest, it was proven in the past. Berrettini, Rafa, Dimitrov, Zverev, myself... Obviously it has something to do with the circumstances. I am not complaining, but we have to be realistic. #AusOpen


Novak mentions something as an NBA bubble for all the tournaments on each surface as a possible solution. #AusOpen


Tennis Majors


Djokovic : "We have to discuss options. What we live here in Australia in best than in the rest of Europe in terme of quarantine. The rule +1 only is tough for players who have family." #AusOpen #live

Saša Ozmo




Same like before his last two matches, Djokovic says he will not practice tomorrow. “Positive thing is that I have felt the best from 2nd set onwards since the injury occured”. #AusOpen



Edited by vanjabarsa

Ali da ga i dalje pitaju posle svakog meča o lomljenju reketa, ne znam da li ikom drugom ko polomi reket postavljaju pitanja o tome. Je li lomio Saša reket danas?

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