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@Kronostime da, da, razumem to, ali sam te pitao o tome sta ti mislis da je dugorocan interes. Ove potrosacke kategorije koje navodis su kratkorocna stvar, danas ovako, sutra onako, cene diktira trziste. Sta je dugorocni interes o kome si pisao?
A sta je, po tebi, dugorocni interes, zbog kog USA zrtvuje Ukrajnu?
cnn Vice President JD Vance warned on Thursday that the United States could send troops to Ukraine and hit Russia with further sanctions if Vladimir Putin doesn’t negotiate a peace deal in good faith. Speaking to the Wall Street Journal on Thursday, Vance said the option of sending US troops to Ukraine was “on the table,” as well as economic punishment if a peace deal doesn’t guarantee Kyiv’s long-term independence. “There are economic tools of leverage, there are of course military tools of leverage” Vance told the newspaper. His comments strike a markedly different tone from other recent statements from the White House – including from US President Donald Trump who suggested this week that Ukraine “may be Russian someday,” shortly before announcing that peace negotiations would begin immediately after holding a phone call with Putin.
Anketa BBC Valerii Pekar, a professor who teaches at two schools in Kyiv, says he knows hundreds of people who fought in the war and dozens of families who've lost a loved one. Ukrainians "feel cold anger" at Trump's plans, says Pekar, who has lived in Ukraine throughout the war. "People in Ukraine know that trying to appease evil leads to disaster. We have no choice; we want to survive, and we are sad that someone in the West does not understand this." He also says that if Trump makes concessions to Putin, it will be a "strategic mistake" and show "America's weakness". This war is for Ukraine's "right to exist", Pekar says, adding: "Surrender is not an option". ----- After a Nato meeting in Brussels, US Secretary of Defence Pete Hegseth said peace negotiations will involve elements neither Moscow nor Kyiv wants while Nato Secretary General Mark Rutte said Putin must not be able to "grab another square mile" of Ukraine.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's statement on X, external warning world leaders about the "readiness" of Russian President Vladimir Putin to end the war. "I spoke with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. We discussed the conditions needed for a lasting and real peace in Ukraine and agreed that no negotiations with Putin can begin without a united position from Ukraine, Europe, and the U.S. "I informed the Prime Minister about my conversation with President Trump, and we discussed key messages and the need to coordinate the positions of all Europeans to achieve successful outcomes for the whole of Europe. "I emphasized that Ukraine must negotiate from a position of strength, with strong and reliable security guarantees, and that NATO membership would be the most cost-effective for partners. Another key guarantee is serious investment in Ukraine’s defence industry. "I also warned world leaders against trusting Putin’s claims of readiness to end the war."
bbc UK Defence Secretary John Healey says there "can be no negotiation about Ukraine without Ukraine", after US President Donald Trump said he and Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday agreed to start negotiations on ending the war Healey's US counterpart, Pete Hegseth, insists attempts to start negotiations are "certainly not a betrayal" of Ukrainian soldiers. One Ukrainian MP told the BBC they "will not give up on our territories", after Hegseth said it would be "unrealistic" for the country's borders to return to what it was like before Russia's 2014 invasion of Crimea. Nato membership for Ukraine is "not off the table", according to Sweden's defence minister. The US yesterday said this was not a "realistic outcome" of any negotiation. Meanwhile, Nato Secretary-General Mark Rutte, says there is a need to "ramp up" the alliance's defence production, as it lags behind Russia. Hegseth also urged countries to rapidly increase their defence spending, something he says is "critical".
cnn Both Washington and Moscow, in their descriptions of the call, suggested the men assumed a conciliatory tone. “President Putin even used my very strong Campaign motto of, ‘COMMON SENSE.’ We both believe very strongly in it,” Trump wrote, suggesting the former KGB agent on the other end of the line had chosen his words carefully to appeal to the US leader. The Kremlin said Trump and Putin spoke for nearly 90 minutes. Trump had been signaling for weeks his desire to speak with Putin as he works to resolve the Ukraine conflict. As American officials travel in Europe this week, they have begun taking clearer positions on how the conclusion of the Ukraine war might look. Speaking to a conference in Brussels, Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth said Kyiv joining NATO is unrealistic and that the US will no longer prioritize European and Ukrainian security as the Trump administration shifts its attention to securing US borders and deterring war with China. Meanwhile, Trump has spoken of striking a deal with Ukraine’s Zelensky for American access to the country’s valuable rare earth minerals as payment for continued American assistance. Trump spoke with Zelensky midday, shortly after getting off the phone with Putin. His predecessor, President Joe Biden, hadn’t spoken to his Russian counterpart in nearly three years, believing there was little to be gained in speaking to a leader he’d deemed a war criminal. The last US president to visit Russia was Barack Obama in 2013, when he attended a G20 summit. Putin last visited in the United States in 2015 to attend United Nations talks.
u medjuvremenu se pokrece mirovna prica bbc Donald Trump's phone calls with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Russia's Vladimir Putin could spark the beginning of the end for the war in Ukraine. All three parties agreed that they want the grinding fighting to come to an end, but as the BBC's Ukraine correspondent James Waterhouse reports, the road to peace for Ukraine will not be smooth. cnn Putin invited Trump to Moscow, Kremlin says edit, pristizu vesti brzo
Rekoh ja jos prosle godine, dok se Ukrajni ne isporuci nuklearno naoruzanje - nema resenja za ovaj sukob.
Vidim gde se nismo razumeli. Sistem koji proizvodi laserski zrak i koji onesposobljava dronove ne kosta dva dollara, nego vise (desetina?) miliona. Sam laserski zrak koji proizvodi taj Sistem (u nedostatku boljeg termina) ne kosta ni dva dollara, tako makar kazu vojni strucnjaci.
A mozda radi samo na jeftinoj struji uostalom, probali su ga u onim dron napadima na Izrael, valjda su svesni sta i koliko kosta. Ako sam dobro razumeo, laser ne sece, niti unistava dron, nego mu samo sprzi su elektroniku, pa se ovaj samo srusi.
Studentski i građanski protesti i blokade 24/25
djura.net replied to Henry Chinaski's topic in Politika
Meni ovde treba pojasnjenje. Kako je i kad SBB bio monopolista? Jedini monopolista na nasem trzistu je mts (ili Telekom, kako ga ko zove) koji uz pomoc drzavnih mehanizama preskace i zaobilazi trzisnu utakmicu. Inace je tajming za ovu 'transakciju' vrlo diskutabilan i meni bas ledi krv u zilama, sve i da nisam procitao onu izjavu sa Happyja. Bas me zanima koliko se dugo o ovome odlucivalo i koji su igraci sve bili za stolom. Za mene krajnje onespokojavajuc dogadjaj sa nepredvidivim posledicama. -
Ja citao da je taj laserski zrak otprilike 1-1.5 eura, tako da vise hiljada puta jeftiniji od jeftinih dronova. Sistem, svakako, nije jeftin i nije u serijskoj proizvodnji.
bbc One person has been killed and four injured in Russia's latest missile attack on Ukraine's capital overnight. Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko said a nine-year-old girl was among the injured in the attack in the early hours of Wednesday morning. The Ukrainian military said it had shot down six out of seven ballistic missiles and 71 drones launched by Russia overnight. It comes after President Volodymyr Zelensky suggested Ukraine would be prepared to swap land with Russia in potential peace negotiations. Meanwhile, the city of Kryvyi Rih saw damage to various infrastructure and residential buildings as it too was targeted in a Russian missile strike overnight, Dnipropetrovsk regional governor Serhiy Lysak said on Telegram. Reacting to the attack, Zelensky said Russian president Vladimir Putin was "not preparing for peace". "He continues to kill Ukrainians and destroy cities. "Right now, we need unity and support from all our partners in the fight for a just end to this war," he wrote on Telegram. It comes after Zelensky earlier told the Guardian that he would be prepared to swap land with Russia in a future peace negotiation.
Mislim da je EU sada daleko spremnija nego 2016, ali je i koalicija fasista i milijardera daleko spremnija na sulude i anticivilizacijske poteze nego pre osam godina.
Vrlo moguce, i time bi Ukrajna bila zgazena, EU pobedjena i USA osramocen. Uopste nije nemoguc scenario. Status kvo koji neminovno vodi u dalje sukobe cim se slegne prasina i ojacaju vojni kapaciteti u Rusiji.
I zanimljivo da samo tamo nisu radile kamere na birackim mestima. SL (da ne kazem SNS) su jos jednom demostrirali sta je za njih demokratija i demokratski proces.
Izgleda da su US takse na celik i aluminijum iz EU gotova stvar. Videcemo da li ce i kako EU reagovati.
Ove nedelje prilicno kljucni sastanci u Evropi za Ukrajnu. Iz USA dolaze potpredsednik i sef Pentagona, koji ce obilaziti i NATO baze u Poljskoj i Nemackoj. Da vidimo sta ce biti i sa sastankom Trumpa I Zelenskog koji je USA predsednik najavio krajem prosle nedelje. Bas kljucni dani pred Ukrajnom i EU u smislu USA podrske.
Ako je verovati ovim sarlatanu cnn Trump said earlier this week that talks to end the war had “made a lot of progress.” During the interview, which took place as Trump traveled aboard Air Force One to Florida on Friday, the president directed his national security adviser, Mike Waltz, to “get these meetings going.” “They want to meet. Every day people are dying. Young handsome soldiers are being killed. Young men, like my sons. On both sides. All over the battlefield,” he said. On Friday, the president told reporters that he would “probably” meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky this upcoming week and hinted that he planned to also talk with Putin. “I will probably be meeting with President Zelensky next week, and I will probably be talking to President Putin,” Trump said. Zelensky is expected to lead Ukraine’s delegation at the Munich Security Conference, which Vice President JD Vance and special envoy for Ukraine and Russia Keith Kellogg are also scheduled to attend, but not Trump.
Zadnja dva masovna januarska napada 'svim silama' su mahom bila usmerena na gasnu infrastrukturu u Ukrajni, skladista, stanice, elektrane, vodovi. Tako da ne stede oni tu infrastrukturu, naprotiv.
cnn Canada is the largest source of international visitors to the US. According to the US Travel Association, 20.4 million Canadians visited the country last year, generating $20.5 billion USD in spending. Just a 10% reduction in Canadian travel would result in $2.1 billion USD in lost spending and 14,000 job losses, the group warned in a press release. Za ovaj mesec vec je otkazano 30% ranije bukiranih putovanje za USA iz Kanade. Verovatno u USA manjak racunaju da nadomeste turistima iz Kine I Meksika.
bbc The leader of a pro-Russian paramilitary group in eastern Ukraine has died in hospital after being injured in an explosion in Moscow on Monday morning, Russian media have said. Armen Sargsyan, the leader of the "Arbat" battalion, was severely injured following a blast in the entrance hall of a residential building in north-west Moscow, 12km (7 miles) from the Kremlin. He was evacuated to a hospital by helicopter and placed in intensive care after the explosion, but eventually succumbed to his injuries, according to usually reliable Telegram sources.
To se zove saveznistvo, zbog toga se potpisuju bezbedonosni ugovori i preuzimaju prava i obaveze. Ili kao sto je onomad rekao poljski ministar (zaboravih mu ime) 'posle 9/11 smo u USA slali pomoc, a ne invoices'. Ko zna kako bi se taj istorijski moment razvio da saveznici nisu beskompromisno (i bez ikakvog ali) stali uz napadnutu clanicu. Sto se ovog uvoza tice, slobodno trziste je 'keva'. Zastitis domaceg 'proizvodjaca' da bi se ulenjio i naplacivao ti uslugu/robu onoliko koliko on misli da treba, a ne koliko vredi. Vrlo klizav teren, ali na short-term donosi benefit, sto je valjda i cilj sibicarenja i sibicara.