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Obicno istrazitelji u filmovima kazu - prati tok novca. Ili ko ce najvise profitirati iz neke situacije, ako vec ne idemo ka tome da je rec o delu potpuno poremecenog coveka. Ako se trazi pozadina, onda prati tok novca ili neki drugi konkretni interes.
Ocekivano je da afd ovu tragediju hoce da iskoristi da dobije poene na politickom nivou. Nista cudno od njih, koalicija milijardera i fasista radi ono sto najbolje zna. Sto se ovog ludaka tice, uopste se ne bih zacudio da je u njegovoj ludoj glavi sklopljena racunica da ce na ovaj nacin da pomogne partiji/politickom opciji ciji je odan vojnik. Da, tu smo. Mozda je neki ludi milijarder racunao na to?
Svestan sam da je rec o poludelom diktatoru, ali je ovo sasvim nov nivo ludila. Nije mi vise cudno sto su Musk i Trump zaljubljeni u budalu. cnn During the press conference, Putin boasted about the capability of the Oreshnik, a new nuclear-capable ballistic missile that Russia recently fired at the Ukrainian city of Dnipro. He also repeated an earlier threat to strike Ukraine again with the missile, suggesting that it be fired at Kyiv as a test of Western-supplied air defense equipment. “Let them propose … some kind of technological experiment – a kind of high-tech duel of the 21st century, let’s say,” Putin said. “Let them determine some target to be hit, for example in Kyiv, they concentrate all their air and missile defense forces there, and we will strike there with the Oreshnik. And we’ll see what happens.” He added: “We are ready for such an experiment. In any case, we don’t rule it out. We will conduct such an experiment, such a technological duel, and see what happens. It’s interesting.” Putin appeared to make similarly glib remarks about the war in Ukraine at the beginning of his comments Thursday, intimating that war was making life more interesting. “You know, when everything is calm, measured, stable, you get bored. Stagnation. You need some action. As soon as the action starts, everything whizzes past your head: seconds, bullets. Unfortunately, bullets are whistling now.”
Procitah danas negde - koalicija fasista i milijardera. Uspelo u USA, pa da ga kao 'dobar proizvod' izvezu sto pre, verovatno i unovce, gde god ima dovoljno budala. Sad da li je prelom ili gangrena? I kako se leci? Ocajnicka vremena, ocajnici potezi, sta znam? USA posle drugog mandata ove budaletine nikad vise nece biti ista. Sa svim tradicionalnim saveznicima poput Kanade i Evrope, nije ni zaseo, a vec je dobrano zatrovao te odnose.
Ne znam sta ce da kazu nemacki politicari, ali takvo mesanje u izbore suverene zemlje je daleko preslo sve granice dobrog ukusa. Posle ovoga bi mu trebali zabraniti ulazak u Nemacku, bukvalno nepozeljna osoba na teritoriji ove zemlje. Sa ovakvom americkom administracijom EU ne bi trebalo da ima posla, naprotiv, treba traziti stratesko partnerstvo sa Kinom.
Tek taj post o puteru je problematican i uzasno providan. Ali je ovo spinovanje ono sto mi pada u oko. Izvoli, teme o poljoprivredi, veletrgovinama i cenama u EU (I ne samo u EU), kog zanima neka cita. Bas ste mi vi strucnjaci za stocni fond, kolicinu masti u mleku, uz obavezno pominjanje Brisela i geostrateskih ciljeva.
Studentski i građanski protesti i blokade 24/25
djura.net replied to Henry Chinaski's topic in Politika
Ne razumem, Djilas je Vucicev trojanac. Jel tako? A? Jel tako? -
Skolski primer spinovanja, od jedne izjave date u koznakakvom kontekstu i koznasakakvimciljem se pravi drama na nivou da je cela EU u kriticnom stanju zbog nedostatak mleka i mesa. Naravno, cela prica je u umotana u geostratesku pricu, jer kako drugacije? Sta ima 'briselske birokrate' da bude briga sto desetine hiljada ljudi gine u sumanitom imperijalistickom ratu jedne imperijalisticke sile, ili sto skoro svakog dana jedno ukrajnskom dete pogine, pa bitniji je valjda puter.
Reuters "We would not prolong the transit of Russian gas. We will not give the possibility of additional billions to be earned on our blood, on the lives of our citizens," Zelenskiy told a news conference during a European Union summit in Brussels. But he added: "If the country is ready to give us the gas, but not to pay the money back to Russia until the end of the war, then it's a possible potentiality. We can think about it." The European Commission has said it is ready for the contract to expire, and all countries receiving Russian fuel via the Ukraine route have access to alternative supplies. Zelenskiy lambasted Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who has warned of the economic hit his country will face if it loses cheap gas from Russia. "To be honest, during war, it's a bit shameful to talk about money, because we are losing people," Zelenskiy said. Zelenskiy said he told Fico on Thursday that Ukraine would be open to carrying another country's gas through its infrastructure to reach Europe - but it would need assurances that this was not merely re-labelled Russian fuel. "We have to know that we will only transit gas if it's not coming from Russia," Zelenskiy said.
CNN Ukraine has developed a laser weapon capable of shooting down targets from more than a mile away, the country’s drone force commander has claimed. Speaking at a defense summit in Kyiv this week, Vadym Sukharevskyi, Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s Unmanned Systems said, “Today, we can already shoot down aircraft with this laser at an altitude of over 2 kilometers (1.2 miles).” “It truly works, it truly exists,” he said, the Interfax-Ukraine news agency reported, adding that efforts were being made to enhance the weapon’s scale and capabilities. The laser is named the Tryzub. Sukharevskyi did not offer any further details about the Tryzub laser and CNN cannot verify his claims. Patrick Senft of the Armament Research Services, a technical intelligence consultancy specializing in arms in munitions research, told CNN that while little is known about the Tryzub system, “it is entirely feasible for Ukraine to develop a functional directed-energy weapon (DEW) capable of destroying some aerial targets. This is particularly achievable by using commercial, off-the-shelf welding lasers combined with other available technologies,” Senft said, pointing to the US Navy’s Laser Weapons System (LaWS) that has operated at comparable ranges since 2014. Senft explained that laser directed-energy weapons (DEW) were particularly effective against slow, low-flying drones deployed by Russia, as those drones consist of comparatively fragile components that are vulnerable to heat.
cnn North Korea has seen “several hundred” casualties — both killed and wounded — in the Kursk region since sending thousands of forces to Russia in October, a senior US official said Tuesday. According to Ukraine, at least 30 North Korean soldiers were killed or wounded in fighting over the weekend alone near villages in Kursk close to the Ukrainian border. There is also the very real possibility of US-made weapons killing North Koreans. The White House has said the troops are “fair game” and “fair targets.”
Studentski i građanski protesti i blokade 24/25
djura.net replied to Henry Chinaski's topic in Politika
Prva stvar koju, ako je ikada docekamo, nova vlast mora da uradi je da obustavi sve prethodne projekte i naredne 4 godine radi samo revizije i popravke svega cega su se ovi dotakli. Kad stvarno vidimo gde smo, mozda postoji nada da krenemo napred. -
Studentski i građanski protesti i blokade 24/25
djura.net replied to Henry Chinaski's topic in Politika
Konačno doček kakav priliči ministarki. Bravo za niške studente Treba ovu praksu proširiti svugde gde dolaze ministri i predstavnici vlasti. -
kakvog saveznika ima Putin, blago njemu AP President-elect Donald Trump on Monday suggested that he may reverse President Joe Biden's recent decision to allow Ukrainian forces to use American long-range weapons to strike deeper into Russian territory. Trump called the decision made by Biden last month “stupid." He also expressed anger that his incoming administration was not consulted before Biden made the move. “I don’t think that should have been allowed, not when there’s a possibility — certainly not just weeks before I take over," Trump said during at a wide-ranging news conference at his Mar-a-Lago resort. "Why would they do that without asking me what I thought? I wouldn’t have had him do that. I think it was a big mistake.”
KK Crvena zvezda 2024/25 - ...svi su dani ponosni i slavni!
djura.net replied to Kooineeperk's topic in Košarka
Daum izdominirao, partija Davidovca protiv Olyja ga trgla iz uloge uljuljkanog startera. Veliki je DeDa. -
Sve je moguce, ali ja gledam iz naseg ugla. Kazu da su to neki mali tankeri, zgodni da prodju neopazeni i kroz reke ili rukavce, samim tim i za krijumcarenje. Dakle, mali tankeri, zajedno su nosili oko 4.5k tona nafte (oni ozbiljni ruski komercijalni tankeri nose i po 120k tona) sto je kolicina s kojom bi Srbija mogla da 'prekrca' nekih 5-6 meseci, vreme za koje se moze dosta toga promeniti, makar po pitanju ovih sankcija.
Zlo i naopako, nisu valjda poslali tu naftu nama da prekrcamo januar dok brt Trump ne zasedne. Racunam, posto nema prolaza kroz Bosfor, ta nafta je bila namenjena ili njihovim trupama na Krimu, ili Srbiji preko (bratske) Bugarske.
- Da dodam da su se danas dva ruska tankera raspala na pola negde kod Kerckog mosta pod jos nerazjasnjenim okolnistima. Vise od 2000 t nafte pluta Crnim morem, a jedna osoba je poginula u ovom incidentu.
bbc In an interview with Time magazine on Thursday, to mark being named Person of the Year, US President-elect Donald Trump said he disagreed "very vehemently" with American-made missiles targeting sites in Russia and branded it "crazy". "We're just escalating this war and making it worse," he said. On Friday, the Kremlin said that Trump's comments were "fully aligned" with Moscow's position. "That impresses us," spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. "It is obvious that Trump understands exactly what is escalating the situation." Trump also told Time he wanted to reach an agreement to end the war, and the only way to do that was "not to abandon".
KK Crvena zvezda 2024/25 - ...svi su dani ponosni i slavni!
djura.net replied to Kooineeperk's topic in Košarka
Vise bih voleo da se takvi postovi prebace na vox populi, vox dei, jer ovako nam uvlace politiku na kosarku, a bas to nije u redu. I ide na ruku onima koji su nam celo drustvo uvukli u mulj. No nebitno. Oly je slabo sutirao za 3p, ocigledno imaju sutersku krizu i mi smo to odlicno iskoristili. I dalje ne kapiram kako Daum ima prednost u odnosu na Davidovca, al ajde. Da bude zapisano koja je centarska linija veceras dobila f4 contendera Daum, Davidovac Mitrovic, Plavsic -
cnn Russian forces are now just three kilometers (1.9 miles) from the outskirts of the key eastern Ukrainian city of Pokrovsk after making advances Wednesday, according to Ukrainian mapping service DeepState. They have also destroyed or captured Ukrainian positions near the city, a Ukrainian army spokesperson said. “The enemy attacked our fortifications in the Pokrovsk sector west of Vidrodzennia village, south of Novotroitske and, as a result of prolonged fighting, two of our positions were destroyed and one was lost,” Ukrainian military spokesperson Nazar Voloshyn said in televised comments. Voloshyn added that fighting is ongoing on the outskirts of Shevchenkove, a village in Kharkiv region on Ukraine’s eastern front. Ukrainian military bloggers have reported that the village has fallen to the Russians, a claim that has not been confirmed by Ukrainian or Russian officials. Meanwhile, Ukrainian gas supply regulator Donetskoblgaz has warned that Pokrovsk will be cut off from gas supplies from Thursday due to the “worsening situation.” For months, Pokrovsk has been the site of some of the fiercest battles on the eastern front as Russia attempts to close in on the city. It lies around 11 miles from Ukraine’s Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions and is a strategic target for Moscow. Although not a major city – Pokrovsk had a population of around 60,000 before the war and many have now left since Russia’s full-scale invasion – it sits on a key supply road that connects it with military hubs. It forms the backbone of Ukrainian defenses in the part of Donetsk region that is still under Kyiv’s control. There are currently 11,000 people in Pokrovsk, according to local authorities.
Intervju Sergeia Ryabkova, zamenika misnistra spoljnih poslova Rusije, zahvaljuje Trampu na njegovoj odluci iz prvog mandata. Kakvu ce sve stetu da napravi do kraja novog mandata, nek nam je Bog u pomoci. cnn Former US President Donald Trump’s 2019 decision to withdraw the US from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, a decades-old arms control agreement between the US and Russia, paved the way for Moscow developing its new ballistic arsenal, Ryabkov said. Had it not been for Trump’s decision, “there would be no Oreshnik in our hands and we would be restrained in our capability to develop such weapons,” Ryabkov added.
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