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  1. DW The United Kingdom is set to announce new sanctions against Russia on Monday, marking three years since Moscow's invasion of Ukraine, UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy said Sunday. "This is also the time to turn the screws on [Vladimir] Putin's Russia," Lammy said in a statement. "Tomorrow, I plan to announce the largest package of sanctions against Russia since the early days of the war — eroding their military machine and reducing revenues fuelling the fires of destruction in Ukraine," he added. "This is a critical moment in the history of Ukraine, Britain and all of Europe... Now is the time for Europe to double down on our support for Ukraine," Lammy said. "Off the battlefield, we will work with the US and European partners to achieve a sustainable, just peace, and in doing so, remaining clear that there can be nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine," he added. In addition to sanctions against Russia, Lammy's statement also included a pledge to provide £3 billion ($3.78 billion, €3.61 billion) annually to Kyiv and "being ready and willing to provide UK troops as part of peacekeeping forces if necessary."
  2. Razgovor sa obicnim ljudima u manjem ruskom gradu But teacher Mikhail doesn't feel that Donald Trump has any strategy for securing peace. "Unfortunately, Trump hasn't got any plan," believes Mikhail. "He is an improviser. He doesn't know what he's going to do. My sympathies are with him. I'm glad he won. But speaking about this episode, we're all in the dark. And Trump is in the dark himself." https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckgd0vdg34qo
  3. Isti post sam ostavio dan-dva posle izbora. Tacno se vidi taj gramzivo-nezajazljivi karakter bahatog vlastodrsca. U medjuvremenu sam shvatio ce ga, najverovatnije, godine i biologija/priroda spreciti u tome, ali ce ici na to da ugura sina ili Muska u svoju fotelju. Dinastija ili milijarderska oligarhija. I nemojte sad da neko prica o tome kako Musk nema prava da se kandiduje, vidite na sta su sve spremni. Treci mandat ili kandidovanje bez mesta rodjenja resava pravni akt, tipa moze, ako kandidat plati milijardu (ili tako nesto). Novac koji vrati za 24 sata od kada postane predsednik, odnosno vreme potrebno Trumpu da zaustavi rat u Ukrajni.
  4. cnn The Kremlin appears to be surprised by how quickly US President Donald Trump has made concessions to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin even before beginning negations to end Moscow’s war in Ukraine, a former Russian deputy minister told CNN. “This is a shocking result, even by Vladimir Putin’s standards,” Milov said.
  5. Ti ne pratis dovoljno medjunarodnu politiku? Nemas vremena? U redu, ali ovakva zamena teza nije na mestu. Niti je Bajden napustio saveznike, niti Trump radi ono sto je radio Bajden. Naprotiv, radi sve suprotno. U tome je problem. Makar kad je rec o spoljnoj politici. I naravno da se Bajden nije zalagao za Gaza rivijeru. Licemerje je tvrditi za dve razlicite stvari da su iste, samo da bi se opravdao licni izbor. Nemam problema sto si Trumpov glasac, ljudi imaju svoje razloge, ali nemoj da razgovor svodimo na taj nivo zamene teza.
  6. Trebalo bi i Turska da se umesa, makar kad je rec o Crnom moru.
  7. DW The idea of a European peacekeeping force in Ukraine will likely be on the agenda during Macron and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer's separate visits to the White House. The proposal, backed by Britain and France, would see 30,000 European troops on the ground in Ukraine, away from the front line at key infrastructure sites such as nuclear power plants, backed by Western air and naval power. Under the plan, the front line would be largely monitored remotely, with drones and other technology. Air power based outside Ukraine, perhaps in Poland or Romania, would be in reserve to deter violations and reopen Ukrainian airspace to commercial flights.
  8. Jos jedan republikanski senator pokazao da ima kicmu i progovorio ono sto zaista misli o Putinu i Rusiji https://edition.cnn.com/2025/02/20/politics/video/gop-senator-tillis-trump-putin-cancer-speech-senate-floor-digvid
  9. cnn There is no evidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin is prepared to seriously engage in peace talks with Ukraine that do not favor his maximalist aims in the country, three sources familiar with US and western intelligence tell CNN. Although President Donald Trump has claimed Putin “wants to stop fighting” and does not want control over the entirety of Ukraine, US and western intelligence officials believe Putin remains fixated on either subsuming the country into Russia or ensuring a small, weak Ukrainian state that is dependent on Moscow. “If you were to get a ceasefire, then a ceasefire is just time for Putin to take a rest and rearm and come back and get the rest of what he wants,” said one of the sources. “We’ve seen no indications whatsoever that his ambitions have changed.”
  10. Nisam pratio kampanju i tv duele, ali Kamala ga je, kako klinci kazu, pokidala ovde. A kralj samo cinicni osmeh kao da mu ga sam Lavrov projektovao. Cinicno, osiono, nadmeno. Samo bahato. Inace cnn radio ankete i vecina ispitanika ne samo da pokazuje porast pesimizma prema buducnosti, nego ozbiljno raste i strah(!) medju Amerikancima (u procentima gledano petostruko je porasto broj onih koji osecaju strah u odnosu na one koji osecaju pesimizma). Anketa je radjena do 17.2, dakle ove najnovije svinjarije nisu uopste bile 'na stolu' kad se ispitivalo javno misljenje, a period sa kojim je uporedjivano (ne)zadovoljstvo je December 24/ January 25, dakle neki mesec dana 'vladavine kralja'. Zanimljivo da najvece negodovanje medju republikanskim glasacima ima Trumpova kraljevska ideja o 'resenju' pitanja Gaze. Posto ima mnogo podataka i procenata, evo link za one koji zele da ozbiljnije prouce situacija https://edition.cnn.com/2025/02/20/politics/cnn-poll-trump-approval/index.html?iid=cnn_buildContentRecirc_end_recirc
  11. bbc We've just received an image of US Special Envoy to Ukraine Keith Kellogg and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speaking together. Moments ago we heard that a planned joint press conference had been cancelled - cameras were briefly let in before being ushered out. The pair are currently in talks, though it's unclear right now when and how we will be updated on how the discussions have gone.
  12. Ovakvog protivnika nije pametno potcenjivati, to smo valjda apsolvirali? Rat traje tek 3 godine, ako se kako najavljuju americke kompanije vrate u punom obimu, za pola godine ce Rusija biti prakticno na nogama kao da se nista nije desilo. S druge strane, ako u EU udju u saveznistvo, ali ozbiljno saveznistvo, sa Kinom, ovakvi nozevi u ledja, kao sto ih sada zabada Trump, nece biti moguci. Kina je, ipak, zemlja koja zna da drzi rec i postuje dogovor, veliki je benefit imati takvog saveznika. Naravno, onda nema Kritika niti pogleda iza njihovih ledja sta rade u sopstvenom dvoristu.
  13. Lepota. Gledao sam neku anketu iz Moskve na CNN, u prodavnicama suvenira se pojavila i babuska sa likom Trumpa, odmah pored one sa likovima Putina i brta Xija. Da ironija bude veca, Ukrajinci sada mogu pre da se oslone na Kinu nego na USA.
  14. Senator Marco Rubio, March 29, 2022: “Vladimir Putin’s invasion is a shocking reminder of the cruelty and the atrocities that man is capable of in pursuit of that instinct towards conquest and ambition, and it’s the opening chapter in the return of history. Right now, we’re doing everything we can to help Ukraine repel and defeat criminal invaders.”
  15. Sve i da istog sekunda prestane da obavlja funkciju predsednika, i ode na zasluzeni 'odmor', bilo u zatvor, bilo u mentalnu instituciju (kako doktori odluce), steta koju je napravio sopstvenoj zemlji tesko da moze da se sanira i u narednih 10 godina. Bukvalno ne prodje jedan dan da covek ne izgovori javno neku novu, lako proverljivu laz. Potpuna devalvacija ugleda USA predsednika. Sto se Ukrajne tice, gde su sada Republikanci iz Senata koji su u plavo/zutom docekivali Zelenskog I aplaudirali mu? Gde je obecanje 'what ever it takes'? Marko Rubio? Sta je sa njegovom podrskom Zelenskom i kritikama Putinu? Kao da nije bilo pre dve -tri godine, nego u proslom zivotu. Jel moguce da su se svi toliko usr.li? Kako mogu sebe da pogledaju u ogledalo?
  16. cnn President Donald Trump’s job approval rating stands in the mid-40s across three new polls released Wednesday, all of which show roughly half of the public disapproving of his performance. A Gallup poll found 45% of US adults approving and 51% disapproving Similarly, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found 44% of US adults approving In a Quinnipiac University poll, 45% of registered voters approve, while 49% disapprove All three surveys, which were conducted in early and mid-February, show Trump’s approval rating little changed from the same firms’ late-January surveys, but reflect an uptick in the share who say they disapprove — Gallup by 3 percentage points, Reuters/Ipsos by 5 points and Quinnipiac by 6 points. As Gallup notes, “Trump’s job approval rating is 15 points below the historical average for all other elected presidents in mid-February since 1953” in their polling, “but it is five points higher than the February reading in his first term.” The poll finds Trump’s overall approval rating closely echoed by his ratings for handling immigration (46%) and foreign affairs (44%), with the president posting slightly lower ratings on the economy (42%), foreign trade (42%), the situation in Ukraine (40%) and the situation in the Middle East (40%). Quinnipiac’s survey finds that just 38% of registered voters say that the system of checks and balances between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government is working even somewhat well, with 54% saying it’s not working so well or not working well at all.
  17. A koje je tvoje vidjenje slobode govora, nisam u toku. Jel u liniji sa Vensovim ili nekim drugim?
  18. Sto bi Vens rekao, ne nosis se dobro sa slobodnom govora. Nekako mi je najcudnije od svega kako je cela USA pala u zagrljaj ove osobe, skoro da se ne cuju drugacija misljenja, a o nekim protestima ili pobuni nema ni govora. Cak je i u Rusiji bilo protesta i okupljanja ljudi koji drugacije misle kad je krenula invazija na Ukrajnu. A ovde, potpuno mrtvilo.
  19. Sumnjam
  20. Nisam ni mislio da je lose. Ukrajni trebaju izbori, ali preduslov da se odrze je neki mir i ukidanje vanrednog stanja. Ovo ispitivanje javnog mnjenja i gadjanje procentima je besmisleno koliko i ruski ili beloruski izbori. Sto se tice ovih evropskih trupa, prvo Francuzi i UK moraju da potegnu uz neki simbolicni americki kontigent. Za njima mogu Poljaci i Nemci, a ja bih ukljucio i Kineze i Turke iz mnogo razloga. Kad se situacija stabilizuje, USA moze da se povuce.
  21. cnn Two prominent GOP senators, Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi and Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana, criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin and seemed to break with President Donald Trump over negotiations in the peace deal to end the war in Ukraine.
  22. Nema dileme da Zelenski i Vlada u Kijevu trebaju potvrdu kroz slobodne izbore. Ali bez mira nije moguce odrzati takve izbore, tako da mora da postoji neki redosled poteza. Prvo mir, pa onda izbori. Ko dobije podrsku od stanovnistva, imace mandat i da potpisuje sporazume. Inace, Makron nastavlja gde je stao prekjuce: DW French President Emmanuel Macron is holding another meeting on Ukraine on Wednesday that will include several European and non-European countries. Countries including Norway, Canada, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Greece, Finland, Romania, Sweden and Belgium have been invited, the Reuters news agency quoted unnamed sources as saying. The format of the meeting would be hybrid, including video participation, Reuters added. --- Inace su americke diplomate trazile od Lavrova da Rusija prekine da gadja energetsku infrastrukturu u Ukrajni, lepa ilustracija s kim pregovaraju i koliki su napredak ostvarili. DW Russian forces attacked the Ukrainian Black Sea port city of Odesa, leaving most residents without power, water or heat, Mayor Hennadiy Trukhanov said. "Hospitals, clinics and social infrastructure sites were left without heating," Trukhanov wrote on the Telegram messaging app, describing the strike on Odesa as "massive."
  23. Rojtersova slika dana, koja govori mnogo toga. Americke diplomate sa licima istucenog deteta koje bi radije bilo na bilo kom drugom mestu, osim na ovom na kom je sada. Nadmeni, cinicni Lavrov proslavlja pobedu, i to na mnogo polja; istovremeno postavlja nove uslove oko daljih pregovora i "pregovora". Nema normalnog coveka koji je ovu sliku danas video, a da nije dobio nagon za povracanjem. Predstavnici zemalja koje su najodgovornije za smrt desetine i stotine hiljada ljudi, desetine miliona unistenih zivota. Milijarde, mozda i trilioni spiskani u jednom nerazumnom, anticivilizacijskom i divljackom pohodu. "Odjednom" imaju zelju da pregovaraju. Uzasno licemerje koje progovara iz ove slike prakticno je ogolilo ove dve sile, i treba ceo svet da ih vidi, gleda i dobro razmisli. U tom smislu, mislim da je bas dobro sto nije bilo Ukrajinaca ni EU predstavnika danas. I treba ova slika sto vise puta da obidje svet i svaki obican covek da je vidi i razmisli o svim uzasima o kojima slusa vec tri godine. Iako se cesto govori o evropskim zemljama kao prevrtljivim i licemernim, u konkretnom slucaju su pokazali mnogo vise od USA. Evropse zemlje, makar one ozbiljnije, su ostale uz svog saveznika i pokazale da ima ideala i saveznika zbog koji se ne napustaju zbog kese zlatnika. Mogli su umesto Rubija i ekipe danas tu da sede Makron i Solc, ali nisu, i dobro je sto nisu. Svet treba da vidi ko je uz svoje saveznike, a ko igra prevrtljive igre. --- Sto se mene tice, za neko moje razmisljanje, dva kljucna takeawaysa od danas su: - nece biti sastanka Putina i Trumpa u februaru, iako je to Trump gurao ovih dana vrlo zestoko. - Kina je rekla da za stolom moraju biti svi stakeholderi rata u Ukrajni. Implicitna poruka i Putinu i Trumpu, da malo razmisle jer su se mozda "malo" zaigrali. ili makar ja zelim da je tako razumem. --- bbc o slici iz Rijada The sight of senior Russian and American officials back around a giant negotiating table is extraordinary. For many, most of all Ukrainians, it will have been very hard to take. In Saudi Arabia, Moscow achieved something major: after three years of all-out war on its neighbour and isolation by the West, it was back at the "top table" of global diplomacy. Not only that, Russia looked for all the world like it was the one calling the shots. Even as air raid sirens continue to sound across Ukraine, that's exactly the image Moscow wants to project. This was not a defeated Russia, forced to the negotiating table. It was more like the US inviting the aggressor to set out its terms. True, US officials went into the process saying they wanted to feel out Russia, check whether it's serious about peace. But Donald Trump had already drawn his conclusions. Last week, after he spoke to Vladimir Putin by phone, he announced that the Russian leader "wants to see people stop dying". Trump could have responded by telling him to withdraw all his troops. Instead, he clearly wants to cut a deal with Moscow to end the war, as he promised voters, and move on. After more than four hours of talks in Riyadh, US Secretary of State Marco Rubio emerged to the press and announced the first steps towards negotiations had been agreed, with teams to be formed on both sides. He'd concluded that Russia was ready to engage in a "serious process" to end the war. But why was he so sure? Across the table was Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, still under sanctions for what the US Treasury called Russia's "brutal war of choice". When Lavrov met the Russian media, he told them the US had proposed a moratorium on attacking energy infrastructure. "We explained that we have never endangered the civilian energy supply and only target what directly serves Ukraine's military," was the minister's reply. That's not true. I have personally walked through the ruins of civilian power plants that have been directly targeted by Russian missiles. This is the country that the US is attempting to engage with, although there is ample evidence that it can't be trusted. Russia has also shown zero sign of conceding any ground: why would it, when the Trump administration has already agreed that Ukraine will never join Nato, as Moscow demands, and won't get its occupied land back? That's why, for Ukraine's allies, it won't only be the image of US and Russian officials seated at the shiny Saudi table that jarred. It's also how they talked. "Laying the ground" for future investment sounds like a promise of dropping sanctions: no reckoning for Russia's war of aggression, then, just reward. These are, of course, the earliest of early days. But in Moscow, officials and state media sense the start of Russia's return to where it believes it belongs: face to face with the US, as an equal.
  24. bbc Laying out Turkey's position on the terms for peace, Erdogan tells the news conference that Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty are "indisputable". --- On possible peacekeeping forces in Ukraine - whether from Nato or "under the flag of the EU" - Lavrov said "any appearance by armed forces under some other flag does not change anything. It is of course completely unacceptable".
  25. bbc After today's meeting, the US and Russia have agreed to appoint "high-level teams" to begin working on a path to end Russia's war in Ukraine, the US State Department says. The pair have also agreed to address "irritants" in the "bilateral relationship", spokesperson Tammy Bruce says in a statement on the agency's website. "One phone call followed by one meeting is not sufficient to establish enduring peace. We must take action, and today we took an important step forward," she adds.
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