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Everything posted by djura.net

  1. Mislim da je rekao NATO, ali moguce da sam naisao na lose prenetu vest ili da sam nesto prespojio, hoce to sa godinama :) Ali sam siguran I da je rekao kako sve sto su poslali u Ukrajni (opet NATO, ne Francuska) je poslao sa 6-8 meseci zakasnjenja i da je vreme da se nesto uradi na vreme.
  2. Iskreno, ja i ne znam kako neko moze da bude sto puta ludji od njega, on je vec toliko zaglibio, da ga bukvalno deli jedan stepenik od totalnog delirijuma, da ne kazem 'od crvenog dugmeta'.
  3. Ne, to nece da se desi, ne vredi o tome razmisljali. Mozda posle odlaska Putina i dodje do otopljavanja odnosa, ali ja pre verujem da ce neka vrsta hladnog rata trajati decenijama cak i onda kad oruzje zacuti. Ne vidim apsolutno sposobnost Rusije da iznedri nekog Vilija Branta koji bi poveo narod ka tome da shvati koliko su pogresili i zla naneli u svom sumanutom pohodu.
  4. djura.net

    Bliski Istok

    Pa pazi, da Hamas izabere da 'izadje na crtu' umesto sto se skriva iza civila, verujem da bi rat bio gotov Ili bi mu se nazirao kraj. Kljucna stvar je sto je osnova Hamasovog ratnog plana i bila da se stvore okolnosti humanitarne katastrofe kakvu danas vidimo.
  5. Tako se unosi strah medju ljude, a onda su dovoljno licemerni da govore o 'Kurtijevom teroru'. Koliko znam, Spiric se povukao iz politike, realno je ipak ok covek, nije mu mesto sa ovima.
  6. bbc South Korea says that North Korea has shipped as many as three million shells to Russia, for use in its war in Ukraine. Its defence minister, Shin Won-sik, said that in return, Moscow had sent thousands of containers of food.
  7. dobro je kolega @Kooineeperk objasnio uglavnom, ako te brinu doprinosi, imas i neki kalkulator na internetu, pa sam izracunas da li ti se sa ovim prihodom 150-200k mesecno vise isplati pausal. moje neko iskustvo kaze da si na granici. e sad, ako planiras rast i long term rad, mislim da je doo bolja opcija, jer imas pravo i na bolovanje (pu pu udalji ga, boze) koje placa drzava i neke druge beneficije.
  8. Pre tri nedelje u SC Trump je bio na ozbiljnoj razlici, ankete su pokazivale 65:30 u njegovu korist, tako da je ovaj poraz 60:40 sasvim prihvatljiv, makar iz moje vizure. Pretpostavljam da je na rezultat uticalo to sto je Trump bas svasta izlupao od New Hampshire izbora. Bas me zanima na super Tuesday kako ce glasati manje konzervativne sredine i veliki centri.
  9. eto kako su ljudi neinformisani kad ne gledaju gazdu u podkastu da ne prepricavam, imas na 1:43:00 otprilike
  10. Ima nade za Ruse, ali van Rusije cnn South Korea recorded a record number of Russian nationals seeking asylum in the country in 2023. A total of 5,750 Russian citizens sought asylum in South Korea in 2023, a five-fold increase from the 1,038 who had sought protection the year before and more than the total number recorded between 1994 and 2019.
  11. Poljski ministar, pogodak u centar n1 Ministar spoljnih poslova Poljske Radoslav Šikorski je na drugu godišnjicu napada Rusije na Ukrajinu, upozorio da NATO nije "privatna američka telohraniteljska firma" i pozvao SAD da ispune obećanja i pošalju pomoć i oružje Ukrajini. "Podsetiću da je Član 5. Sporazuma NATO aktiviran do sada jedan jedini put: posle napada na Njujork. I tada smo pomogli SAD. Poljska je poslala vojnike u Avganistan, ali nismo slali fakture u Vašington. Vojni savez nije privatna telohraniteljska firma", kazao je Šikorski američkim medijima tokom posete SAD. Poljski ministar je rekao da ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin Ukrajince čak i ne priznaje kao narod i da se oni već dve godine bore da opstane njihova domovina jer bi pobeda Rusije za njih značila "kulturni genocid". "Ali, ne mogu da se bore goloruki. Obećali smo Ukrajini pomoć. Predsednik SAD je u ratnom Kijevu uveravao da će Ukrajini SAD pomagati bez obzira na sve. Sada je vreme da se drže tog kursa i isporuče oružje", rekao je Šikorski.
  12. To dodje kao oprostajni intervju, tako je bio i Sapic pre nego sto je zvanicno usao u SNS. Bio bi pun pogodak da dodje u emisiju I neki njeni koalicioni partner (partnerka) iz Dveri.
  13. Ko zeli da donira pomoc Ukrajni, moze i preko cnn sajta, samo skrolujte tekst, forma za donaciju je ispod i vrlo je jednostavna https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/22/us/how-to-help-civilians-in-ukraine-after-two-years-of-war/index.html A donacije je moguce poslati i preko zvanicne platforme https://u24.gov.ua/ U oba slucaja donator sam bira na sta zeli da se potrosi njegov novac.
  14. CNN Russia can sustain its war effort in Ukraine “for another two or three years” but will have to sacrifice “quality for quantity” as it replaces destroyed or damaged weapons with older systems held in storage, according to a report published this week. The report by the UK-based International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) estimated Russia has lost more tanks on the battlefields in Ukraine than it had when it launched its full-scale invasion nearly two years ago, but these losses were not likely to “cause an end to the fighting anytime soon.” The report said Russia will seek to achieve its objective in three stages. First, it will aim to continue pressure along the Ukrainian frontlines, draining its munitions and manpower. “Parallel to this effort, the Russian Special Services are tasked with breaking the resolve of Ukraine’s international partners to continue to provide military aid,” it said. Then, once Ukrainian munition stocks are depleted, Russia will mount fresh offensive operations to make significant advantages on the battlefield, in an attempt to gain leverage over Kyiv “to force capitulation on Russian terms.”
  15. The plane was brought down between the Russian cities of Yeysk and Krasnodar, over the east coast of the Sea of Azov, in a joint operation by the air force and the Defense Intelligence Directorate (GUR), a GUR source told CNN.
  16. kaze covek da je sipao ovaj sa aditivima. 'narodski' dizel jeste 206.
  17. ne znam o koj ceni energenata pricamo, ali prirodni gas je danas jeftiniji nego u pretpandemijsko vreme 2019. sto se tice nafte, jeste skuplja nekih 25% u odnosu na vreme pre pandemije, ali je 50% jeftinija nego na pocetku invazije, dakle negde do sredine 2022.
  18. cnn The first four Ukrainian pilots are scheduled to complete training on F-16 fighter jets in a few months. Last year, a coalition of nations led by Denmark began training Ukrainian pilots on the US jets.
  19. Pa da, bice da je ipak on u pitanju. Ali je do njega svakako lakse nego do Jovica. Nego odoh predaleko u svakom smislu.
  20. Smeo bih da se kladim da je mislio na Jovica. Majami Jovica. I da, tesko ce taj odje.
  21. cnn Estonia has detained 10 suspects for “acting on behalf of a Russian special service” in connection to influence operation on its territory, its government announced Tuesday. The people arrested by the Estonian Internal Security Service include both Russian and Estonian nationals, officials said. The goal was for the Russian group to "spread fear and create tension in Estonian society,” the Estonian Internal Security Service said in a statement. Investigators suspect these people were recruited by the Russian special service to gather information and perform various actions — like vandalizing the cars of the interior minister and several monuments. Some of those arrested were recruited via social media, according to Margo Palloson, director general of the Estonian Internal Security Service.
  22. CNN — Russia is entering its third year of war in Ukraine with an unprecedented amount of cash in government coffers, bolstered by a record $37 billion of crude oil sales to India last year, according to new analysis, which concludes that some of the crude was refined by India and then exported to the United States as oil products worth more than $1 billion. The funds at the Kremlin’s disposal put Moscow in a better position to sustain a lengthy war than Kyiv, which is struggling to maintain the desperately needed flow of Western cash. According to an analysis of public data from the Russian finance ministry by RAND economist Howard Shatz, Russian federal revenue and expenditure were both at an all-time high in 2023. Yet Moscow still didn’t balance the books, he said, an indication of the war’s sheer cost, but also of the hit to oil revenue from sanctions. “Despite the jump in revenues, the federal budget deficit was at its third-highest… larger only in 2022 and 2020,” he said. “Tax on domestic production and imports are both high and effective, which means they are taxing their own population to pay for this war,” he said. India has justified its purchases from Russia as a means of keeping global prices lower as it’s not competing with Western nations for Middle Eastern oil. India’s Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Hardeep Singh Puri told CNBC last week: “If we start buying more of the Middle Eastern oil, the oil price will not be at $75 or $76. It will be $150.”
  23. Rokas igra zadnja dva meseca kosarku karijere, dokazao je da je legitiman starter EL tima (doduse donjeg dela table). Isto vazi i za Bolomboya, doduse on je prakticno od pocetka sezone krenuo da 'isporucuje', ako ne racunamo onaj pocetni eksperiment Ivanovica sa Bolomboyem na 4.
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