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  1. I da nismo u igri za te trofeje, za mene bi sezona i dalje trajala. Boles', znam.
  2. Reuters kaze da je najmanje polovina rafinerije zaustavljena.
  3. cnn The Biden administration announced another package of military aid to Ukraine worth up to $300 million on Tuesday after months of warning there was no money left, with officials saying the new funding became available as a results of savings made in weapons contracts. National security adviser Jake Sullivan announced the package in a briefing at the White House on Tuesday afternoon. “When Russian troops advance, and its guns fire, Ukraine does not have enough ammunition to fire back. That’s costing terrain. It’s costing lives. And it’s costing us, the United States and the NATO alliance, strategically,” Sullivan said.
  4. Pocela je Velika NATO vezba na istocnom krilu, ukupno 90k vojnika je angazovano, Swe i Fin takodje ucestvuju, sa starom NATO clanicom - Norveskom bbc One of Sweden's most senior military commanders has no doubts that Moscow's ambitions go further than Ukraine. Lieutenant General Carl-Johan Edstrom says it's a question of time - "I'm sure Russia is a threat, yes, and we need to be stronger in the coming five to 10 years". Nato, he says, must use that window to strengthen its armed forces. Several other European military chiefs and senior politicians have also warned that Russia could attack a Nato ally within the next decade. Vice-Admiral Doug Perry, one of the senior US military chiefs overseeing the exercise, says it's clear to him "the European continent's already at war". For now, that's confined to Ukraine. But he says Nato needs to "evaluate Russian behaviour and Russian capability. Add them up and we must be prepared". He believes Finland and Sweden's recent membership of Nato is a reflection of that threat. Nordic nations, like the Baltic States, appear to have a more acute sense of the danger. It's what comes with living closer to Russia. They're the ones ramping up defence spending faster than others. They're also the states which often understand the costs of war - having lived through the bitter experience of invasion in the past.
  5. cnn Russia appears on track to produce nearly three times more artillery munitions than the US and Europe, a key advantage ahead of what is expected to be another Russian offensive in Ukraine later this year. Russia is producing about 250,000 artillery munitions per month, or about 3 million a year, according to NATO intelligence estimates of Russian defense production shared with CNN, as well as sources familiar with Western efforts to arm Ukraine. Collectively, the US and Europe have the capacity to generate only about 1.2 million munitions annually to send to Kyiv, a senior European intelligence official told CNN. The US military set a goal to produce 100,000 rounds of artillery a month by the end of 2025 — less than half of the Russian monthly output — and even that number is now out of reach with $60 billion in Ukraine funding stalled in Congress. Officials say Russia is currently firing around 10,000 shells a day, compared to just 2,000 a day from the Ukrainian side. The ratio is worse in some places along the 600-mile front, according to a European intelligence official. Russia is running artillery factories “24/7” on rotating 12-hour shifts, the NATO official said. About 3.5 million Russians now work in the defense sector, up from somewhere between 2 and 2.5 million before the war. Russia is also importing ammunition: Iran sent at least 300,000 artillery shells last year — “probably more than that,” the official said — and North Korea provided at least 6,700 containers of ammunition carrying millions of shells. Russia has “put everything they have in the game,” the intelligence official said. “Their war machine works in full gear.” “If you can actually control the economy, then you can probably move a little bit faster than other countries out there,” Lt. Gen. Steven Basham, the deputy commander of US European Command, told CNN in an interview last week. But, he said, “the West will have more sustaining power.” “The West is just starting their ramp-up of building the infrastructure to add in the munitions capability that is needed.” “Russia’s output is 24/7. I mean, huge, immense,” one European lawmaker said. “We should not underestimate their will to outlast us with patience, and with resilience.”
  6. Ako je i bilo sumnje, evo Trumpov izaslanik za Evropu otklanja svaku sumnju nakon susretao na Floridi bbc Donald Trump will not fund Ukraine's fight against Russia's invasion if he is elected US president again, Hungarian PM Viktor Orban has said. "He will not give a penny in the Ukraine-Russia war. That is why the war will end," the conservative premier said after meeting Mr Trump in Florida.
  7. @Klotzen sto se ovih 'ceskih' granata tice, jesu oni uz pomoc Nemacke i Holandije, pre svih, sakupili novac, ali je druga stvar tu municiju zaista kupiti i dostaviti. ovo je od prekjuce tekst na Reutersu https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/inside-europes-drive-get-ammunition-ukraine-russia-advances-2024-03-06/ a ovo od danas, skupili su novac tek za 300k granata, kaze Ceski premijer. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-ammunition-drive-raises-enough-buy-first-300000-shells-czech-pm-says-2024-03-08/ Sto se tice Srbije, kad se malo zagrebu stvari, mnogo toga je jasnije https://www.dw.com/bs/srbija-i-ukrajina-granate-su-čvršća-valuta-od-riječi/a-68424115 I sto se tice mirovne inicijative, ovo sa kineskim diplomatom danas i ovo sa Erdoganom je samo uvod u ono sto sprema Svajcarska vec mesecima, a ocekuje se nesto opipljivije u neko dogledno vreme.
  8. spijuna je oduvek bilo i bice, ovo dvoje optuzenih tek treba da budu potvrdjeni, ali ti si rekao da je vecina administracije pro-iranska, sto je tezak nonsens, da ne kazem nesto gore. jeste, nijedan drugi americki predsednik nema tu moc, samo mitsko bice u vidu Trumpa. meni to ne zvuci ozbljno ni za bilo kakvu diskusiju. slucaj Solejmani je jako komplikovan i trajao je mesecima, ako ne i godinama, tesko da to nesto dokazuje, naprotiv. a ono sto je ozbiljno su Trumpove price o NATOu i Rusiji. Verujem da u NATO bas slusaju Putina i njegove primedbe, on dodje kao etalon za istinu. a to sto kazes da nije lud, ja se ne bih u to bas kladio.
  9. Reuters Senior Ukrainian officials, in a meeting with a Chinese regional envoy on Thursday, pressed Kyiv's plan to end the two-year conflict with Russia and presented what they said was evidence of North Korean weaponry supplied to Moscow. Andriy Yermak, head of Ukraine's presidential administration, wrote on Telegram that he and his team presented the situation on the battlefield and Kyiv's peace proposals to Li Hui, China's special representative for Eurasian affairs. Yermak said the Ukrainian side "discussed with Li Hui the prospects for establishing a just peace for Ukraine, the restoration of our country's territorial integrity and sovereignty on the basis of the Ukrainian peace formula". Ukraine's peace plan, as presented by President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, calls for removing all Russian troops, restoring Ukraine's 1991 post-Soviet borders and a process to make Russia accountable for its actions. In a statement on Friday, the Chinese foreign ministry said Li "held frank and friendly talks" with Yermak, Ukraine's first deputy prime minister and foreign minister on both countries' ties and the Ukraine crisis, but gave no details.
  10. a Putin ce da poslusa te iz Jekaterinburga i Novosibirska kao i one sa Kamcatke. sve da oni i smeju da mu kazu bilo sta. imperijalisticke teznje i ciljevi Putinovog kruzoka se nece zaustaviti dok ne naidju na nesto dovoljno tvrdo i otporno. sooner would be better. Ne znam koje Dobi, a jos manje koje su to 'pouzdane informacije' o Putinovim planovima i ko je zaduzen da ih prenosi ili tumaci.
  11. izvini, ali meni ovo izgleda kao teska fantastika. paralelni univerzum, prakticno. Trump kao mitsko bice koje tacno zna gde se svako krece u svakom trenutku i sta radi. i svi su u (ne)milosti tog mitskog bica? 'oce to. ali u paralelnom univerzumu. da se uozbiljimo malo, Trumpov mandat je pao u zgodno vreme kada se Rusija oporavljala od prvog rata u Ukrajni i dok je spremala naoruzanje i logistiku za siru invaziju ciji je cilj potpuno osvajanje i slom Ukrajne. u vreme njegovog mandata 2020. je Hezbolah raketirao Izrael i bilo je sukoba u Gazi, ali Izrael nije tada isao 'do kraja', kako sada izgleda da ce se odvijati ofanziva. sukob je stavljen u stranu dok se ne zavrse americki izbori, a Hezbolah je mogao na miru da priprema nove sukobe. i ovo. jel postoji neki dokument ili studija, izvestaj, bilo sta sto bi ovakvu tvrdnju poduprlo relevantnim dokazima? meni ovo lici na Carlsonov intervju i proizvoljne, nicim u realnosti utemeljene Putinove tvrdnje. onakve kakve preko farmi trolova ruska tajna sluzba plasira da bi destabilizovala odredjeno drustvo.
  12. Nova tema, poetskog naslova, Covic flies, Drcela arrives. 'leba I igara.
  13. The Guardian High oil prices, sanctions evasion and state investment are providing Russia with enough resources to fight on in Ukraine at the current intensity for at least two more years, Lithuanian intelligence agencies have said. In a report, they add that Russian intelligence is driving efforts to evade sanctions on its defence industry. Russia is openly supplied with weapons and ammunition by only Iran and North Korea, but China has become its largest supplier of microchips, and the yuan now the main currency for Russia’s international transactions, the intelligence agencies say.
  14. Bas teska situacija u istocnoj Ukrajni, Rusi brzo napreduju https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68493215
  15. Amerika danas jeste zapisanih gaca, ali bas zato sto Trump i republikanci blokiraju pomoc saveznicima i na taj nacin, prakticno, gase tu vojnu alijansu. Znamo da su u Kremlju otvarali sampanjac 2016, a tamo racunaju da ce tek razloga za slavlje biti krajem ove godine kad Trump dobije drugi mandat. Stoltenberg i NATO administracija je vec upozorila na neke uzasno opasne izjave koje je Trump dao samo ove godine, a da se ne podsecamo onih o tome da mu ne pada na pamet da zarati s Rusijom zbog, tamo neke, Crne Gore, ili da je NATO mrtav, ili da ce resiti sukob u Ukrajni za jedan dan. Trumpova 'ekipa' jedino brine o zidu na granici i parama u USA, NATO mu je 'deveta rupa na svirali', naivno je verovati da ce da uradi ono sto i sam kaze da nece. NATO saveznici u Evropi su napusteni od USA, prepusteni sami sebi da resavaju problem u Ukrajni, jer eto - Trump blokira pomoc jer ima neke sasvim druge prioritete.
  16. Ne znam koliko ce biti saveznik USA, s ozirom na dijametealno suprotna stanovista glede rata u Ukrajni, koja ima Swe i favorit na predstojecim USA izborima. Kako stvari stoje, USA ce se pod Trumpovom vladavinom, kao potpuno nepouzdan saveznik, samo dodatno udaljiti od Evrope.
  17. cnn Multiple Ukrainian soldiers expressed stark pessimism to CNN about the withdrawal’s significance and the later defense as a harbinger for the weeks ahead. Many asked not to be quoted discussing a sensitive matter. One special forces soldier told CNN: “It’s not so much about [Russian] momentum, but more about us being badly prepared to hold them off. As long as we didn’t have good, prepared positions we keep rolling and rolling and rolling back.” Another officer on a pressured front line said: “We can feel [Russian] superiority in personnel, artillery and armored vehicles. They move forward little by little. We have not many options here. Fall back, or just wait till we are… No matter how sad it may sound, till we are all killed. Without weapons… it’s not a war you can fight with a sword.” Soldiers interviewed across the eastern front line also expressed grave pessimism about the coming spring if Western assistance was not urgently supplied. The combination of ebbing Ukrainian morale and supplies and Moscow’s forces appearing to gain momentum marks a pivotal moment in the conflict.
  18. Prezaljena Nikki Haley pobedila Trumpa u DCju, lepa utesna nagrada. Nisu bas svi republikanci potpuno sisli s uma.
  19. Gledam ovu statistiku i vidim da smo imali 50 skokova jel to pao neki rekord? Odnos u indexnim poenima 141-45, a 'ladno smo izgubili prvu cetvrtinu i sutirali 22% za 3p. Bolomboy igrao manje od deset minuta, a Yago i Smart kombinovano 15-2 za 3p.
  20. potvrdili su Nemci autenticnost razgovora i poveli su ozbiljnu istragu https://www.dw.com/sr/berlin-potvrdio-snimak-razgovora-oficira-bundesvera-je-autentičan/a-68424865
  21. Da, da, ovo izgleda kao pritisak da se Ukrajna odrekne suvereniteta. Nije ni cudno sto su to odbili prakticno bez pregovora.
  22. Ovako https://x.com/BesnikVe/status/1762513966880772176?t=GmsIUaSZ8TndgtTwFCqm9Q&s=08
  23. moje je misljenje da Teo i Lazic mogu sledece godine u tim samo na pozicijama 13og i 14og igraca, da uskoce kada ima povredjenih i redovno pomazu svojim iskustvom i autoritetom. ako budu predvidjeni za startere ili sekund junit, nema tu srece. i nemojte, molim vas, vise o Stefanu Jovicu, decko je i ove sezone skupio manje nastupa od Teodosica i to sa prosecno manjom minutazom.
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