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Everything posted by djura.net

  1. Posle pocetnog optimizma i rasta na berzama, ova suluda Trumpova 'imenovanja' obaraju berzanske indexe. A tek je poceo.
  2. cnn analysis “The Russians have the initiative across (the frontlines) right now, they have successfully exploited tactical gains and are reinforcing those tactical gains,” George Barros from the Institute for the Study of War told CNN. Barros, who leads the Russia and Geospatial Intelligence teams at the DC-based conflict monitoring group, said that Russia’s advantage on the battlefield makes it impossible for Ukraine to prepare for a possible counteroffensive. “The Russians are the ones taking action, and they’re forcing the Ukrainians to respond. That’s not a good thing, because you lose wars by constantly being on the defensive. … You just get boxed into a corner and you have to choose from a buffet of bad options,” Barros added. The situation is particularly dire around Kupiansk. The key northeastern city is once again at risk of falling to Russia after it was liberated by the Ukrainians in September 2022 following more than six months under Russian occupation. Kupiansk sits on the crossroads of two major supply roads and the Oskil river, which forms a major defensive feature in the area. Taking over Kupiansk would make it a lot easier for Russia to push further into the Kharkiv region. That would in turn put further pressure on Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second biggest city that has been pummeled by Russian drones and missiles on nearly daily basis. Russian state news agency Tass reported on Friday that Russian troops entered the outskirts of the city, although Ukrainian officials insisted Kupiansk remained under full control of their forces. “They were working towards trying to seize Pokrovsk this fall, but they have abandoned this operational objective, and they’ve actually started attacking in a different direction,” Barros said. “It’s not just the Russians failing. It is actually part of a very stalwart Ukrainian defense,” he added. Since seizing Avdiivka in early 2024, Russia has only managed to advance some 30 to 40 kilometers (18 to 25 miles) deeper into Ukraine’s territory. That is a very small advance given the huge costs to the Russian military. Moscow has lost about five divisions worth of mechanized equipment, amounting to many hundreds of tanks and armed personnel carriers, in the Pokrovsk region in just the past year, according to the ISW’s assessment of visual evidence from the battlefield. “To lose five divisions worth of tanks and other personnel carriers over the course of a year to only advance about 40 kilometers, you can go and compare this to all the other major mechanized offenses of the 21st century and even the great battles of the Second World War …. that’s actually a really terrible performance,” Barros said. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s strategy still appears to be slowly grinding Ukraine down by outgunning and outspending it and by wearing down its western allies. But number of analysts have said that Putin has a limited window of opportunity to achieve this goal, given the staggering losses Russia is suffering to make even the smallest advances. The strain the conflict is putting on Russia’s economy is clearly growing. Russia has massively increased its military spending over the past two years and its economy is now showing signs of overheating: inflation is running high, and companies are facing labor shortages. Trying to control the situation, the Russian Central Bank has raised interest rates to 21% in October, the highest in decades. And while Russia has many more people than Ukraine, it is suffering significant losses and recruitment of new troops is already a problem – last time the Russian military introduced a partial mobilization, hundreds of thousands of men fled the country. The recent influx of North Korean troops into Russia will help for some time, but the material losses could be harder to make up for. “Between the economy, the shortage of men in Russia and losing the pile of vehicles that the Russians require for their current style warfare, these are strategic resources that are going to impose serious problems on the Kremlin if the current tempo holds for the next year,” Barros said. “If the international Western coalition, including the United States, keeps backing the Ukrainians for the next maybe 12 to 16, 18 months, there will be opportunities to really disrupt the way that the Russians have been resourcing this war,” Barros said. “(They) can decide whether the Russians win or lose.”
  3. Reuters Russia told Austria on Friday it will suspend gas deliveries via Ukraine on Saturday, in a development that signals a fast-approaching end of Moscow's last gas flows to Europe. Russia's oldest gas-export route to Europe, a pipeline dating back to Soviet days via Ukraine, is set to shut at the end of this year. Ukraine has said it will not extend the transit agreement with Russian state-owned Gazprom, opens new tab in order to deprive Russia of profits that Kyiv says help to finance the war against it.
  4. bbc The Kremlin described the conversation as "a detailed and frank exchange of opinions on the situation in Ukraine”, adding "the very fact of dialogue is positive". Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the call was a “Pandora’s box” and argued it weakens Putin's isolation. Russian media is reporting that according to the Kremlin, the call was initiated by Germany. In a written statement, the chancellor’s office highlighted that Scholz also talked to Zelensky before the call to Putin. Scholz also planned to talk to Zelensky again once the call was over to give details about the conversation with the Russian president. In a statement from the Kremlin to Russian media, Putin reportedly told Scholz that Russian-German relations had suffered "an unprecedented degradation across the board as a result of the German authorities "unfriendly course”. According to the Kremlin, Putin told Scholz that any potential peace agreement must “be based on the new territorial realities” — in other words the Ukrainian territory that Russia has occupied since 2022. In an interview on German television last Sunday, Scholz said he was planning to talk to Putin to push for peace talks. He said he was not acting on his own, but rather in consultation with others. There is speculation that Scholz is planning to also talk to the Chinese president Xi Jinping, a lukewarm supporter of Russia, about the war in Ukraine at the G20 next week in Rio de Janeiro.
  5. DW German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly spoke on the phone for around an hour on Friday, government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said in Berlin. Scholz was said to have urged Putin to enter negotiations for a "just and lasting" peace with Ukraine. The spokesman also said Scholz had spoken with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy beforehand, and that the chancellor had reiterated Germany would support Ukraine for as long as necessary. He told Putin that the Russian leader could not assume time was on his side. The two leaders agreed to remain in contact on the issue, according to the insiders. Berlin's government was also in the process of informing NATO allies of the details.
  6. @Selina Ja bih obrisao taj post i pravio bih se da se nikad nije ni desio.
  7. Jos si u fazi poricanja, zao mi je, svaki njegov potez, a jos nije posteno ni uzjahao, je potvrda za bas suprotno. Po nekad je bolje ne pisati nista. Ovo je toliko grozno da covek samo moze da zanemi.
  8. Jeste, posto smo se mi probudili juce i ne secamo se 6. januara 2021, kad je bolesnik za malo izazvao gradjanski rat. Od tada do danas, celokupno njegovo delanje (osim koriscenja enormnih novcanih sredstava za izbegavanje i zaobilazenje pravde i izvrgavanje ruglu demokratskih institucija) je usmereno na radikalizaciju odnosa medju ljudima. Sad kad ima pod kontrolom ministarstva sile, pri tome spreman da ih upotrebi protiv sopstvenih gradjana, what could possibly go wrong?
  9. Dosao je armageddon. Zao mi je, ali je tako. Ja sam to prihvatio, kao sto uvek prihvatam volju vecine. Ali mi ne govorite da nije Armageddon, kad jeste, jer dalekosezene posledice izbora poludementnog, osvetoljubivog sex offendera, visestrukog prestupnika, ustavokrsitelja i patoloskog lazova na tako bitnu funciju (po drugi put, jelte) ne moze da prodje bez katastrofe cije ce se posledice osecati u celom demokratskom (ili prodemokratskom) svetu, na zalost. Nema vracanja duha u bocu, onda kad je jednom pusten, zao mi je. Get over it.
  10. djura.net

    Bliski Istok

    Evo saće, samo da procitaju sve tvoje postove na Voxu i ubace ih u svoju vojno-bezbedonosnu doktrinu, naravno, cele postove, nikako da ih seckaju ili rediguju, nedajboze. Mada su se zadrzali u veseloj primopredaji u Beloj kuci, oduzilo se, mozda i popilo malo, ipak je to mala svecanost bila, da tako kazem.
  11. Rastegljivo je to pravo, na radost svih advokata i pravnika sveta. Ni ja nisam pravnik, ali, kao sto rekoh, Rusija nije agresor na svojoj teritoriji, a Kurska oblast jeste njihova teritorija po svim medjunarodnim aktima. Ako bi severnokorejski vojnici presli medjunarodno priznatu granicu Ukrajne, to bi bila vec sasvim druga prica. Ponavljam, formalno-pravno, mada svi mi dobro znamo ko je ovde agresor i kako je rat zapoceo. Pusti socijalne mreze, to je kljucni izvor propagande i dezinformacija. Uvek potrazis izvor vesti odakle ga, navodno, propagandisti sa drustvenih mreza citiraju.
  12. Inace su juce ili prekjuce ruski i severnokorejski parlamenti ili vlade usvojili/ratifikovali ono sto su Putin i Kim Dzong UN potpisali pre mesec-dva. Rec je vojnom sporazumu, da jedni druge brane kad su napadnuti od trece strane. Ucesce severnokorejskih vojnika, narocito u medjunarodno priznatim granicama Rusije - Kurskoj oblasti, bi definitivno potpali pod ovaj sporazum, i ratifikovanjem su cak i formalno-pravno pokriveni.
  13. Koji su to mediji? Da ne trcim pred rudu, ali ja tim medijima ne bih preterano verovao. Informacije iz Ukrajnske vojske pominju ofanzivu 50k ruskih vojnika u Kurskoj oblasti, zajedno sa 2-3k Koreanaca. Pisali smo, odnosno prenosili te infoe koliko par stranica unazad.
  14. Cesto se zaboravlja Larkin kad se pominju ovi short guards.
  15. Perfektan izbor. Steta sto nije potpredsednica, pardon, potpredsednik. Tu bi se njen talenat tek rascvetao.
  16. cnn Online sales of emergency contraceptives, like the morning-after pill Plan B, have skyrocketed in the United States in the past week – days after Donald Trump won the US presidential election, according to retailers. At Wisp, which offers two types of emergency contraception online, sales of those medications went up about 1,000% in just one day after Tuesday’s election.
  17. bbc France and the UK will support Ukraine for as long as necessary "to thwart Russia's war of aggression", French President Emmanuel Macron and Sir Keir Starmer have said. The prime minister marked Armistice Day at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Paris as a guest of Macron on Monday, and held a meeting with his French counterpart to talk about Russia’s invasion and stopping illegal migration in the Channel.
  18. To se govorilo i za Ukrajnu. Kad iracionalne emocije nadvladaju razum, a rat je takvo stanje, svasta moze da se desi. Racionalno ponasanje postaje najteza zagonetka.
  19. Khm, 24 sata, samo se eto tih 24 sata bas oteglo. Da ubrza resenje, moze da naredi USA armiji da napadne Ukrajnu i spoji se sa bratskim Putinovim trupama. Tad verujem da bi Ukrajna poklekla za nedelju - dve.
  20. Pazi, nisu svi spremni da tek tako podviju rep, bez obzira kolika im sila preti. To nas je valjda ovaj rat u Ukrajni naucio? Uostalom, Poljska I Poljaci imaju dosta nerasciscenih racuna sa Rusijom.
  21. Kao anomaliju smo mogli da je posmatramo 2016, danas ne. Vecina americkog drustva je bila jasna na ovim izborima, a vecinu ne mozemo da gledamo kao anomaliju, to je sada vec preraslo u sistem. Zao mi je, ali tako je kako je. Sto pre pocnemo da izlazimo iz faze poricanja, lakse ce nam biti da shvatimo gde smo sad.
  22. Pa, vidi, sa skoro poluvekovnim iskustvom zivota u Srbiji, mogu da ti posvedocim da to ne ide bas tako. Jer kad primitivci uzjasu na vlast, kaze Rambo Amadeus. Desavaju se devijacije, pa ljudi kojima mozak nije potpuno ispran shvate zabludu i da su, zapravo, radili protiv sebe. Ali, kad se neko kao Trump ponovi, to je znak potpune propasti, poslusaj @zoran59 i njegovo jos vece iskustvo. Ne ide ovo u pravcu osvescenja nego u potpuno ludilo. Devijacija je previse uzela maha.
  23. Paaaa, ne. Rusija, Kina i USA su najvece svetske sile, koje se oslanjaju na vojnu moc, surovu silu i monopol. Dakako, razlikuje ih demokratija, odnos prema ljudskim pravima, privatnoj svojini i slobodi govora. Ali to je vec pitanje unutrasnje organizacije i ustrojstva, koje se da menjati. A menja se izborom Trampa u pravcu u kome ga njegovo perverzno odusevljenje Putinom priblizava ovom autokrati. Za pocetak u suspendovanju pravne drzave (prekidanje sudskih procesa protiv njega i smena tuzilaca koji su vodili te procese), ljudskih prava, narocito zenskih, pa me ne bi cudilo da prilikom ritualnog kamenivanja do smrti, Tramp zafrljaci jedan kamen na onu jadnu zenu koju su mule uhapsile zbog skidanja odece u kampusu. Naravno da ovo govorim metaforicki, ali svakako stav tih mizogenih bica poput sex offendera i polazi od toga, ma sta me briga, sto se sama skidala, sama je kriva.
  24. To je sa tvoje tacke gledista, koju postujem, ali se apsolutno ne slazem sa njom, jer bi kapitulacija Ukrajne bila mali zastoj i uvod u novi rat, ili preciznije - nove ratove. Putin ne prestaje da prica o novom svetskom poretku, i dok to ne postigne - izazivace nove ratove. Dakle, JEDINI nacin da se ovaj odvratni rat zaustavi je urusavanje Rusije, spolja i iznutra i svrgavanje diktatora. Sve ostalo nije realno. Iako bi mi zeleli da zrtvujeno Ukrajnu za stabilnost i mir (a i to je vrlo diskutabilno sa etickog stanovista, ali kog, jelte, briga za to), Rusija tu nece da stane.
  25. @wrach da, jasno mi je sta hoces da kazes, izjave u ratu ne mogu da budu uzimane zdravo za gotovo, nego moramo da budemo stalno budni i sami da istrazujemo sve sto nam se cini problematicno. Sto se tice ovog drugog dela, pregovora sa Rusijom nema, niti su ikada bili na stolu. Sve tacke koje si naveo ne idu u prilog pregovora, nego u prilog bezuslovne kapitulacije i odricanja od suvereniteta nad okupiranim teritorijama, ali i buducim suverenim odlukama Ukrajne. Ni meni se to ne svidja, ali je tako kako je.
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