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Lukasenko u intervjuu BBCju kategoricki tvrdi da Putin ne bi dozvolio Severnokorejskim vojnicima da dodju i bore se na strani Rusa i Rusije jer bi to sigurno znacilo eskalaciju sukoba i NATO trupe u Ukrajni. Inace je Lukasenko kojesta ispricao u tom intervjuu, teska prica, bas.
Reuters India's Narendra Modi told Russian President Vladimir Putin on the eve of the BRICS summit that he wanted peace in Ukraine and that New Delhi was ready to help achieve a truce to end Europe's deadliest conflict since World War Two. Putin, who ordered tens of thousands of troops into Ukraine in February 2022, wants the BRICS summit to showcase the rising clout of the non-Western world after the United States and its European and Asian allies tried to isolate Russia over the war.
Oprostajni susret Bajdena sa liderima Nemacke, UK i Francuske bbc Kyiv – and Moscow – will have closely followed Biden’s "farewell trip" to Berlin this Friday. They will have heard the repeated assurances from four Nato powers of ongoing, unwavering support for Ukraine – but what they will have also seen is a US president on his way out of office, a German chancellor expected to lose his country’s general elections, and a French president politically hobbled at home. For Ukraine, extra help from its biggest backers cannot come fast enough. On the backfoot against Russia along its front lines, the country is in a particularly vulnerable moment. The rest of Europe is too. This week, German intelligence chiefs warned Russia’s continued investment in its military would see it in a position to attack Nato by the end of the decade. But Germany’s planned military revamp has got bogged down in bureaucracy. The government has not even agreed a future defence budget.
Da, ta letnja ofanziva 2023. je uzasna greska koju jos uvek Ukrajna skupo placa. Bez ravnoteze ili premoci iz vazduha, svaka ofanziva je, blago receno, upitna. Dakle, PVO i f16 pre svega, pa onda ozbiljan plan.
KK Crvena zvezda 2024/25 - ...svi su dani ponosni i slavni!
djura.net replied to Kooineeperk's topic in Košarka
Mislim da iz svog polozaja nije mogla da vidi taj 'samar' koji je dobio Bolomboy, Veseli je potpuno zaklonio ledjima. dakle, ne verujem da je namera u pitanju, samo los polozaj pod kosem. Sto se tice onog faula nad Nunezom, e to se nije moralo svirati, momak se zaleteo u 'nekoseno', nije bilo teorije da prebaci Bolomboya i da poene, tako da je mu je taj faul bas bio poklon. -
A tek na sajtu polovniautomobili.com cim vidim da prodavac/auto plac ima zakljucane ocene, apsolutno ne zelim ni da gledam njihovu ponudu.
KK Crvena zvezda 2024/25 - ...svi su dani ponosni i slavni!
djura.net replied to Kooineeperk's topic in Košarka
Nije, naravno, iznenadjenje kad Nedovic ovako odigra. Znamo se. A toliko je pred kraj bila problematicna nasa igra u napadu, da je i meni pala na pamet ideja, daj Nedovica da nesto proba, mozda makar izvuce licnu I sl bacanja. Ali avaj. Ipak, ono sto me je dotuklo je Canan. Pratio sam ga u Oly, odlican strelac i, generalno, odlican kosarkas, ali potpuno neupotrebljiv pod pritiskom i u odlucujucim momentima. Kakav fail sa njegovim bacanjem za tehnicku, tacno smo za taj poen ostali kratki. Steta, bili smo bas blizu. -
Oko 8 miliona granata je Severna Koreja do sada dala Rusiji, kaze obavestajna sluzba Juzne Koreje. Ovi severnokorejski vojnici se obucavaju u Vladivostoku i okolnim bazama, takodje tvrde obavestajci Juzne Koreje.
bbc North Korea has started sending troops to fight with Russia in Ukraine, South Korea's spy agency has said as Seoul warned of a "grave security threat". The allegation comes a day after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he believed 10,000 North Korean soldiers could join the war, based on intelligence information. South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol called for a security meeting on Friday and said the international community must respond with "all available means". According to the spy agency, 1,500 troops have already arrived in Russia - with anonymous sources telling South Korean media the final figure could be closer to 12,000.
Na cnn prakticno najavljen skori napad na Iran cnn Israel’s plan to respond to this month’s Iranian attack is ready, a source familiar with the matter told CNN. Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, have assured the US that the counterstrike would be limited to military targets rather than oil or nuclear facilities, according to a source.
Izgleda da Izrael ceka ovaj americki PVO sistem, pa ce tek onda da krene da napada Iran. Ocigledno im nije svejedno sta iz Teherana sve mogu da im 'posalju'.
KK Crvena zvezda 2024/25 - ...svi su dani ponosni i slavni!
djura.net replied to Kooineeperk's topic in Košarka
Ima, forum. -
Tako je izgledalo i iz mog ugla, ali ako se secas, pre godinu dana i Izrael i USA su govorili da nema dokaza da je Rusija ni direktno ni indirektno ucestvovala u dogadjajima od 7.10. prosle godine. Posle ovih susreta i izjava sa vrha ove dve drzave, jasnije je da Iran nista nije radio bez podrske iz Kremlja.
Dugo se Rusija pretvarala da je prijatelj Izraelu, zato je i izostala podrska Izraela Ukrajni. Trumpova podrska Izraelu i Putinu istovremeno vise nije u igri, morace i on da odluci, Izrael ili Putin.
Dobro je da padaju maske cnn Russian President Vladimir Putin said he shares a “very close” worldview with his Iranian counterpart Masoud Pezeshkian, as the sanctioned leaders held a friendly inaugural meeting just as the Middle East braces for Israel’s response to Tehran’s largest-ever missile attack last week. The meeting at a regional summit in Ashgabat, the capital of the Central Asian country Turkmenistan, also comes against a backdrop of closer military ties between Iran and Russia’s military in recent years, particularly since the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Iran has supplied thousands of “Shahed” attack drones to Russia, and according to US officials, built a drone factory in Russia. Iran also recently transferred short-range ballistic missiles to Russia to use in the war against Ukraine, CNN reported in September, marking a significant escalation in the country’s support for Moscow. “We are actively working together in the international arena and our assessments of events taking place in the world are often very close,” Putin said during the landmark meeting, according to Russian state media outlet TASS. “Since Ukraine, the two countries have been more equal in terms of both needing each other and relying each other on specific issues. And that, I think, has been seen as beneficial from the Iranian side,” said Aniseh Bassiri Tabrizi, senior analyst and associate fellow, at UK think tank Chatham House and senior analyst at the consultancy Control Risks.
cnn The US military’s top commander in Europe compiled a list of weapons systems the US possesses that could help Ukraine in its fight against Russia that the Biden administration has not yet provided, including air-to-surface missiles and a secure communications network used by NATO. In an annex attached to a classified report about the Biden administration’s Ukraine strategy that was delivered to Congress early last month, Gen. Chris Cavoli outlined a list of US capabilities that could help the Ukrainian military fight more effectively, according to people familiar with the report. The list included the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile, a type of air-launched cruise missile, and a communications system known as the Link 16 — a data sharing network used by the US and NATO that is supposed to enable more seamless communication between battle systems and is particularly useful for air and missile defense command and control. Cavoli’s list does not address why the US hasn’t provided systems that he assesses would be of value. But US officials have previously expressed concerns about sensitive US technology falling into Russian hands, which one source said is likely the holdup with the Link 16 system. The air-to-surface missiles, which are fired from fighter jets, might not be useful to the Ukrainians unless they achieve some level of air superiority, the source added.
KK Crvena zvezda 2024/25 - ...svi su dani ponosni i slavni!
djura.net replied to Kooineeperk's topic in Košarka
Uvek se jako obradujem kad dobijemo u EL na strani, bez obzira na kvalitet protivnika. Tesna pobeda, ali kad vidim kako smo cinili usluge protivniku, Plavsicev nameran faul za 2+1 i Cananov faul na sutu za 3p u zadnjoj sekundi poluvremena, pa onda i negradjenje kosa za lagane poene posle promasenog bacanja, onda sam zadovoljniji zbog pokazanog karaktera da se ne raspadnemo kad je 'tvrdo', naprotiv. Pri tome se ni protivnik nije raspao, nego je dao neke bas ozbiljne trojke u 4/4, za koje je Nedovic imao odgovor i koje su, prakticno, slomile protivnika. Cesto ga kritikujem, ali je veceras Nedovic bio odlican, to sto Pariz nije znao da ga 'pritisne' u odbrani, nije nas problem. Da mu partija ne bude savrsena, potrudio se onim neozbiljnim potezanjem sa 9 metara od kosa i u sledecem napadu asistencijom u noge Rokasu u punom reketu, mogla je ta izgubljena lopta mnogo toga da odluci, ali smo imali dovoljno znanja I srece da privedemo utakmicu kraju. Sto se Canana tice, kao jedan od najiskusnijih i najboljih igraca, morao bi da pripazi na gluposti tipa faul na sutu za 3p u poslednjoj sekundi poluvremena, ili da ne naseda na Wardrove finte sutra, nije to taj kalibar igraca da se poigrava protivnickom odbranom. Treba nakako dobiti Split, a da se igraci ne umore previse, ali i da se uigravaju, jer je ocigledno da se jos uvek nisu dovoljno igracki upoznali. Nimalo lak posao za trenera, cak i kad je rec o utakmici gde smo izraziti favoriti. Baskonija je ozbiljnija ekipa od Pariza, sa tri jako ozbiljne EL njuske, Moneke, Hauard i Sedekerskis ne prastaju 'prazan hod' i uigravanje. Ja bih probao da Hauarda sto vise napadam i probam da mu iznudim neku lg, bilo kako da ga izvedem iz konforne zone, odakle zna da posteno 'uneredi' protivnika, a izgleda da smo mu mi nekako omiljena meta. Koliko sam zapazio, on se najbolje cuva tako sto se pazi da njemu ne dodje lopta u ruke, ako je primi u 95% slucajeva ce sutnuti na kos, bez obzira na poziciju. Inace, bas, bas lepa atmosfera u Parizu, makar na TV je to lepo izgledalo, za sada lici na nesto vise od 'simpaticnog' projekta. Videcemo svakako na sta ce da izadje njihov napor u kreiranju EL centra. Za kraj predugog posta, honorable mention to Veteran i Kum Zorzo, u prvim redovima hale, nije mogo EL debi nekog grada da prodje a da ga ne overe, svaka cast, i reziser prenosa morao da ispostuje legende -
bbc A charity that provides aid to Ukraine has warned of "donor fatigue". UK Aid, based in Dunmow, Essex, said it had noticed a decline in donations as the war in Ukraine continues, while financial pressures remain in the UK. It makes three trips a year to Chernihiv, an area of the country which has been routinely bombarded by Russian forces over the last two-and-a-half years. Svetlana Ryzhevska, who works for the centre and fled to the UK two years ago, said: "The need never reduces, they keep attacking us. People keep suffering." The charity sends three consignments of aid to Ukraine every year but UK-Aid co-founder Alan Hilliar said he had noticed a decrease in donations. He said: "We are struggling in most areas, yes there’s donor fatigue, but also there’s lots of other issues with people unable to give, because that’s the important thing - people are struggling here." He said donations of food, toiletries and money were still critical. Having worked in the region for so long, he said it had been "heartbreaking" to see the devastation. "Almost everyone I know has lost someone." He said he felt Ukraine was "dropping down the list" and urged people not to "forget about Ukraine". "We can get it out there but we just need your help."
Nisam to znao, onda je napad na Iran visokorizican posao cak i za izraelsku sofisticiranu vojnu tehniku. Isporukom tog oruzja Rusija je sigurno prekrsila brdo sankcija koje su uvedene Iranu.
Ako mislis na kruzni tok u kome se nalazi obrnuti trougao, a na ulazu u kruzni tok znak za prvenstvo prolaza (zuto bela kocka), da znam za takav kruzni tok, jer je prvenstvo prolaza uzrokovano reljefom/nizbrdicom na ulazu u kt.
Postoje, naravno.
Po meni nema potrebe da ukljuce 'nuklearni kisobran', dovoljno je da posalju s300 i s400 pvo sisteme Iranu, sto bi skupocene izraelske f35ice (i slicne avione) drzalo na sigurnoj udaljenosti. Sad, s obzirom sta sve Ukrajna gadja po Rusiji i sopstvenoj okupiranoj teritoriji, nisam siguran jos koliko tih sistema ima, a da njihovi izvoz ne ugrozi vec prenapregnutu pvo.
Verovatno kombinacija svih tih stvari i ukupna vojna nadmoc Rusije. bbc The BBC has spoken to two soldiers from the 72nd brigade who managed to leave the city before the final assault and take up new positions in the same area. They claim that their troops have withdrawn from the city. Over the past few days Ukrainian soldiers had to find their own way out of Vuhledar by foot as it was impossible to evacuate them otherwise, a machine-gunner who wished to remain anonymous said. Many were wounded and killed by Russian drones and artillery as they tried to leave, another soldier, Roman, says. Many more are still missing. Moscow has launched numerous attacks to seize the city since the start of the full-scale invasion in February 2022, but they all failed up until now. One of the biggest tank battles took place there last year. Instead of launching frontal assaults, the Russian army recently switched to its favourite tactic – advancing along the flanks to surround the target. Last month they seized the village of Prechystivka to the west and Vodyane to the east to complete a pincer movement. Moscow’s enormous advantage in weapons and troops - some soldiers have estimated the ratio of forces as seven to one - enabled them to break through Ukrainian defence lines along the flanks and approach Vuhledar. It became clear that the city was doomed when the Russians effectively cut off the only remaining lifeline route – the road from Vuhledar to Bohoyavlenka. Russian troops advanced so close that their artillery and kamikaze drones targeted anyone and anything moving on that road. “We tried to send supplies, organise evacuation of our wounded and dead soldiers but without any success,” Roman said. “We lost a number of vehicles and then had to stop [such operations].” The situation became critical when Russian troops entered the city, and Ukrainian units started retreating without waiting for the order to pull out. “If a withdrawal is not organised, it ends up being chaotic,” the machine-gunner explained. Ukrainian defenders were like Titans trying to stop the Russians, he said. But some groups, he added, had become completely disoriented because of a communication blackout. Their radios were down, and when they came under heavy fire, they had to make quick decisions on their own and often it was to retreat. Ukrainian defence lines were devastated by Russia’s aviation bombs and thermobaric weapon systems such as its Solntsepek heavy flame-thrower, in addition to drones and multiple rocket launchers. Facing such an onslaught, withdrawing from certain positions became unavoidable, Roman argued. “You either die or retreat.” But getting out from a city that had been nearly surrounded was extremely dangerous. During the daytime it became close to a suicide mission. Ukraine’s troops mostly tried to escape at night, having to cross mine fields via designated paths to avoid the road because it was closely monitored by the Russians. Until recently, evacuation vehicles had been able to drive in under cover of darkness with their headlights off, Roman explained. But once Russian troops had reached the centre of the city, the only way to escape was on foot. Those who managed to get out are exhausted and depressed. They are also angry at their commanders for not ordering the retreat earlier, because they argue it was obvious for some time that Ukrainian forces wouldn’t be able to hold the city for long. “I don’t know why [they didn’t give the order],” the machine-gunner said. “Maybe it’s fear of the military leadership or maybe it was an order from the top [to hold positions] with our blood until the very end.” Military officials from the 72nd brigade and Ukraine’s operational command in the area refused the BBC’s request to comment. In their most recent daily briefings, the military’s General Staff kept silent about Vuhledar.
cnn The Russian government wants to earmark 32.5% of its spending for defense in 2025, a record amount and up from a reported 28.3% this year, as Moscow seeks to prevail in the war in Ukraine. The government’s draft budget released Monday proposes spending just under 13.5 trillion rubles (over $145 billion) on national defense. That is about three trillion rubles ($32 billion) more than was set aside for defense in 2024, which was the previous record. According to the draft budget, spending on defense should decline in 2026. Meanwhile, on Monday Putin signed a call-up order for 133,000 conscripts in the autumn military draft, which is a routine number for seasonal conscription campaigns. In September, he ordered the military to increase the number of troops by 180,000 to a total of 1.5 million. Overall military personnel would be about 2.4 million. Od ostalih vesti, samo tokom septembra, Rusija je poslala oko 1300 Shahid dronova na Ukrajnu. Ranije ta brojka nije prelazila 1000 mesecno, ali svakako pokazuje da li je Iranu bitniji Hezbollah ili Rusija.
Gledam DW, kazu neki strucnjaci da su Hezbollah i njihovi borci sada motivisaniji za borbu i da su se ukopali po selima spremni za izraelsku ofanzivu. Ja ne sumnjam da imaju jaku zelju za osvetom, ali bez celog komandnog kadra, prosto je tesko poverovati da su spremni na neki duzi otpor.