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World number 1 Novak Djokovic, who refuses to be vaccinated, has bought 80% of Danish biotech QuantBioRes, which is developing a treatment against Covid-19. According to Ivan Loncarevic, managing director of the company, Djokovic's investment dates from June 2020, a few months after the start of the pandemic. obratiti paznju kako u prvom twitu pominje vakcinaciju, ali mu ne pada na pamet da pomene kad je firma kupljena, to ostavlja za 2. twit, koji najveci deo konzumenata njegovih twitova ni ne primeti. ovo je novinar koji je inicijalno plasirao "vest" kako je Novak kritikovao Simone tokom OI (pressure is privilage) a koju su milioni preuzeli i uzeli za istinitu, pa se posle par dana kao izvinjavao za gresku i korigovao (ali je to videlo nekih par hiljada, a primilo k znanju jos manje... )
https://www.france24.com/en/france/20220117-health-pass-becomes-vaccine-pass-details-of-france-s-tough-new-anti-pandemic-bill France's lower house on Sunday gave final approval to the government's latest measures to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic, including a vaccine pass that will exclude unvaccinated people from restaurants, sports arenas and other venues. The current health pass will become a “vaccine pass” for those over 16 years old and tough penalties for fake passes are some of the new measures approved by France's National Assembly over the weekend. Proof of vaccination Article 1 of the upcoming law requires proof of Covid-19 vaccination status for people aged 16 and over, instead of the current health pass, to access leisure activities, restaurants and pubs (except for collective catering), fairs, seminars and trade shows as well as long distance public transport (planes, trains, buses). There is however an exception to the transport rule for people without a vaccine pass travelling for "compelling family or health reasons" – a dying relative, for example – provided that a negative test is presented, "except in the case of emergency". Employees in certain sectors will be required, under certain conditions, to have such a pass. A simple health pass (a negative test, complete vaccination certificate or recovery certificate - 3G u Nemackoj) will remain valid for people over 12 years old to access health establishments and medico-social services, except for emergencies, whether for patients or those accompanying them. Minors between the ages of 12 and 15 will continue to be required to present the current health pass to access leisure activities, restaurants and bars, fairs or interregional public transport. Booster four months after previous dose Organisers of political rallies may implement a health pass requirement from participants. For other halls and stadiums, public access rules may take into account "the health situation" and the "characteristics" of these places, particularly their capacity. Large gatherings are currently limited to a capacity of 2,000 people indoors and 5,000 outdoors. To obtain the new vaccine pass, a complete schedule (two doses or one, depending on the vaccine) will be required. Starting February 15, a booster dose will be required four months (ne pise koliko dugo ce buster da vazi, da li takodje 4 meseca) – and not the existing seven months – after the previous dose for the pass to remain valid. In certain circumstances to be defined by decree, and in the name of "the interest of public health", it may be required to present both proof of vaccination status and a negative test. The vaccination pass should come into effect in the next few days. But, subject to a ruling by the conseil constitutionnel, France’s highest constitutional authority, local prefects could be able to adapt the date, particularly in the overseas territories where the vaccination rate is lower. Tough anti-fraud controls Following alarming reports of unvaccinated people buying fake health passes, the new law has tough provisions to crack down on offenders. In addition to the police, managers of venues and activities subject to the pass – such as cafés and restaurants – will be able to check these passes, but under very restricted conditions. So, "when there are serious reasons to believe that the document presented is not related to the person presenting it", "an official document with a photograph" may be requested. Presenting a pass belonging to someone else and passing on a pass to someone else to be used fraudulently will now be an offense punishable by a fixed fine of 1,000 euros for the first offence, compared with the current 135 euros. Possession of several false passes will be punishable by five years in prison plus a fine of 75,000 euros. If a person commits to a vaccination program, there may be no penalty for a false pass. For owners and operators of establishments requiring a vaccine pass, failure to implement the measures would make them liable to a 1,000-euro fine. Companies that fail to comply with work-at-home rules may be hit with an administrative fine of up to 500 euros per employee, up to a maximum of 50,000 euros.
tvrdnje "obavestenih" "teniskih" fanova na twiteru vs. sta se stvarno desilo (crno-na-belo dokaz):
mada ja nesto mislim da je Endi rekao da je primio buster - eto Endiju prilike da osvoji RG, pa ako oavoji ovaj AO - da ima karijerni GS Mek na aparatima Mek, Mek, stani, polako, do tada ce mu "proci rok vazenja" 3 doze, morace 4. vakcinu (uz prethodni prelezali covid) da primi da bi igrao.
One of them will reach the semifinals: Collins Tauson Zhang Mertens Halep Raducanu Maia Kovinic Zidansek Cornet Diego gubi 0:2 u setovima i brejk zastatka (imao povredu pri kraju R1 meca protiv Filipa)
Azarenka ponovo pokusava "u ime vlasti" da disciplinuje kolege, kao i prosle godine...
ma znam, ali ovih dana cesto imamo "goste" koji ne znaju sve ove detalje, pa reko' da rekapituliram.
Forbes: ono kad novinar nema pojma o cemu pise: nema pojma cemu sluze vakcine, a cemu lekovi koji se daju zarazenom sta je preventiva a sta tretman zarazenog. bitno da se opljune. mislim Fajzer i Merk takodje razvise "non-vaccine COVID-19 treatment", za ocekivati je da vrli novinar napise i analogni clanak o tome. (obratiti paznju: ja ovde ne pisem o metodu/tehnologiji koju nameravaju da koriste za proizvodnju "leka" koliko to sve imam smisla, pisem o elementarnom nerazumevanju doticnog novinara sta je funkcija i kad se daje vakcina a kad "tretman" iliti lek. sto je jos tragicnije njegov clanak je odobrio tamo neki editor )
ma secas se te izjave tokom IW, kada je tadasnji direktor turnira (pre Haasa) na nekom dorucku s novinarima rekao nesto u stilu da WTA uopste nece da se angazuje i pomogne turnirima oko promocije ili sta vec, vec da jasu na uspehu Fedala (ne secam se sad da li je bio i NOvak ukljucen), pa je onda Ben (a ko drugi ) madao dreku u medijima, pa je ovaj posle izgubio posao. Pa su onda pitali Novaka o svemu tome, a on krenuo kao i obicno nasiroko i nadugacno da prica (pri cemu se cesto ne izrazi dovoljno precizno, vec je njegova izjava podlozna interpretaciji ako se neka recenica izvuce iz konteksta). Endi je svojevremeno imao gadniju izjavu o koleginicama (a Janko i jos gadniju), no Nadal je bas bio bezobrazan opravdavajuci sve time sto je poredio zenske i muske modele i ko koliko zaradjuje... Na isti nacin (u teletabis maniru) je i odgovorio na pitanje o Osaki tokom proslog RG. Dok sad vrli "teniski i sportski novinari" pripisuju Novaku da je bio bezobrazan i da je rekao da Osaka ima da ispunjava svoje radne obaveze inace ce biti kaznjena (sto je zapravo Nadal rekao). Novak je, naprotiv, rekao da razume Osaku jer je i sam bio na meti novinara (mada Osaka nikada nije bila na meti novinara, vec je oduvek njihova ljubimica), pa je jos pominjao da zbog brata poznaje problem depresije. I jos je Osaka njega kao jedinog tenisera apostrofirala kad je nekom USA casopisu dala intervju (ili sta vec) i navela koje poznate licnosti su je kontaktirale i ponudile podrsku. A evo sta je Osaka sada rekla u vezi Novaka:
nemam pojma na sta lici Ronaldova proslava psotignutog gola, samo znam da je meni bilo cudno sto cujem to neko zvizdanje koje mi se cinilo da je bilo upuceno Niku. no, verovatno sam i ja bila neinformisana kao i milioni ljudi gledajuci proslavu Medvedeva posle pobede u F USO.
Ana otkrila pojam "teniski novinar" , pa se dala u analizu: FWIW, I found this news article (as opposed to analysis or opinion piece) mostly fair. But if were using it as an exercise in a critical thinking or media literacy course, close-reading students could find plenty to underline & question. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/14/sports/tennis/novak-djokovic-australia-visa-hearing.html Add to this, a later tweet by the article’s author (who has a blue check & a not-insignificant number of followers, including other journalists). Is a “falsehood” (singular, not plural or possessive) the same as an “error” or “inaccuracy”? Is the key Q really the gov’t’s *right*? I’m well aware that, as someone who taught writing, logic, & ethics (among other things) at the university level before turning to tennis a decade ago, I care far more about, e.g., diction than most. But this sort of thing goes to the trust between author & reader. One more example: here’s a detail from a recent commentary in the Guardian. Minor? Yes. But clearly important enough to have been included. The man quoted here was *acting* PM for four (4) full days in March 2003 after the sitting PM, Zoran Djindjić, was assassinated. Upwards of 90% of the Guardian’s sports readership are not going to notice a mistake like this (which, in my restraint, I’ll opt not to call a “falsehood” or worse). So, their trust in the author’s credibility may not be undermined by it. But for those of us who do notice? We are left to wonder not only about the relevance of this particular example (why is a man who is reportedly now a basketball executive being quoted?) but also about 1) the process by which the writer gathered & checked his material & 2) the judgment involved in publishing it. Even without knowing anything about Serbian politics, readers can assess things like word choice & tone, amount & quality of evidence used to support claims, & overall accuracy & fairness of descriptions. Why, e.g., quote a 2016 comment that’s arguably outdated to make this point? This unrelated—& likely incorrect—statement about Djoković’s assault on equal pay leads me to the following, tentative hypothesis: for some in sports journalism, accuracy is not nearly as important to their work as calling out players with whom (they think) they disagree. To end on a personal note: I think journalism is a noble profession. As an American, I am deeply grateful to both our 1A freedoms and the excellent work of many journalists who inform readers on matters small & large, investigate important stories, & hold the powerful to account. As it happens, I’m also the daughter of a print journalist and the sister of a radio journalist who counts many in the profession among my friends and colleagues (even if I don’t consider myself one of them). So, it pains me to observe the state of far too much journalism today.
pa prosle i pretposle sedmice je bila velika kriza u Australiji jer nigde nisu mogli da se nabave brzi testovi, a ljudi bez njih nisu mogli da obavljaju neke aktivnosti (treba im negativan test), tako da im je Novak sleteo kao 1 na 10.