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Don Juan

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Everything posted by Don Juan

  1. Ništa, srećno ti bilo sa Super ligom. Uživaj u rivalitetu.
  2. Slobodni su da se presele tamo. Je l' si siguran da će Ronaldo igrati tu ligu? Ja nešto nisam.
  3. Nisi ni svestan dokle će ovo da ode. Sve mehanizme će sada sa pokrenu i UEFA i nacionalni savezi. Klubovi Premier Lige već su iskazali želju da se 6 kluba izbaci i to odmah. Ja mislim da nisu očekivali ovakvu reakciju. Okrenuli su im leđa i navijači i nacionalni savezi i deugi klubovi. Bukvalno sada imaju samo jedni druge i JP Morgan.
  4. UEFA u ovome ima podršku nacionalnih saveza.
  5. E taj 😁 Nikada nisam imao ništa protiv Liverpula, ali plaćam piće za sve ako ih Leeds baš dobro izuje večeras.
  6. Ništa lepo ne mislim o UEFA, ali oni raspoređuju 94% prihida od lige šampionana na učesnike. Naravno, broj klubova je značajno veći, ali to i dalje nisu male pare. Mogli su jedino kao Robin Hud da uzmu pare od siromašnih i daju bogatima, da bi oni bili još bogatiji. Sa druge strane ukupan prihod je manji od onoga što daje JP Morgan kao dobrodošlicu i to se raspoređuje na duplo manji broj klubova.
  7. Ja iskreno nemam ništa protiv izraza, ali kada se to upotrebi u raspravi sa drugim forumašom, onda se to spušta na ličnu uvredu. Ako neko kaže za tvoj post -"klasična srbadžijska logika", onda je to za mene lična uvreda i to na više nivoa.
  8. Po svemu sudeći i Red Bull je rekao ne, a ima indicija da su zvali i njih. Stephan Reiter je za Super ligu izjavio, citiram - "Pohlepa nema granica".
  9. Paradoks je da je taj model usvojen baš ili uglavnom zbog klubova koji su formirali Super Ligu.
  10. Stoji. Međutim, stoji i činjenica da ih i pored toga mnogo manji klubovi odbijaju. To štocih odbijaju možda govori nešto o tome kako je ta liga prihvaćena širom Evrope. Salary cap u NBA definiše primanja NBA igrača. Sa druge strane imaš finansijski fer plej pri UEFA koji ograničava budžete klubova za kupovinu novih igrača.
  11. Ja imam utisak da će Super liga da doživi fijasko. Dobijaju sve više i više negativnih odgovora. Na čekanju je Red Bull.
  12. Šta znamo za sada: - Porto je odbio da učestvuje u Super ligi - Klubovi Serije A imaju danas sastanak vezano za Super ligu. Neće učestvovati Milan, Inter i Juventus - Klubovi Primere se sastaju u četvrtak da se izjasne o "sudbini" klubova članova Super Lige - Andre Herera je prvi igrač koji se izjasnio protiv Super lige Pitanje za UEFA. Da li vam je sada žao što sudija nije dozvolio onaj korner u Milanu? 🙄
  13. Izgleda da će navijači Liverpula večeras navijati za Leeds 😁
  14. Murinjo je sada dobio beskonačni kredit u mojim očima.
  15. Nemci - gospoda. Zato što je UEFA trebalo da izađe danas ili sutra sa predlogom za novi format LŠ. Najgore u celoj priči je što su upravo ovi super klubovi bušili dogovor, i zato se kasnilo sa predlogom, a u stvari su sve vreme radili iza leđa UEFA. Ovo je baš nož u leđa.
  16. Nego da se dogovorimo šta ćemo sa forumašima koji navijaju za ovih 12 klubova? Koja kazna njih sleduje 🤣
  17. Haland ide u Arsenal. Nije šala, tako se priča.
  18. Jao, kada sada odemo na revanš Portugalcima, a oni bez pola tima, Katar evo nas.
  19. Najnovije vesti: - 12 klubova napustilo ECA i mesta u UEFA komitetima - Akcije Juventusa skočile 7%
  20. Kako se uzme. Njima novac nije problem i neće donositi brzoplete odluke. Sa druge strane Real i Barsa su u ozbiljnim finansijskim problemim. Ovo takođe može da znači da igrači koji igraju u Super Ligi neće moći da igraju za reprezentaciju, i tu oni možda vide šansu da ostvare ono o čemu dugo sanjaju - Mesi i Ronaldo u istoj ekipi. Ako se to desi onda je Super Liga u ozbiljnim problemima.
  21. Dakle Zvezda na mala vrata u Ligu Šampiona, ako nas ne pozovu u Super Ligu 😁.
  22. Saopštenje Super Lige: “AC Milan, Arsenal FC, Atlético de Madrid, Chelsea FC, FC Barcelona, FC Internazionale Milano, Juventus FC, Liverpool FC, Manchester City, Manchester United, Real Madrid CF and Tottenham Hotspur have all joined as Founding Clubs. “It is anticipated that a further three clubs will join ahead of the inaugural season, which is intended to commence as soon as practicable. “Going forward, the Founding Clubs look forward to holding discussions with UEFA and FIFA to work together in partnership to deliver the best outcomes for the new League and for football as a whole. “The formation of the Super League comes at a time when the global pandemic has accelerated the instability in the existing European football economic model. “Further, for a number of years, the Founding Clubs have had the objective of improving the quality and intensity of existing European competitions throughout each season, and of creating a format for top clubs and players to compete on a regular basis. “The pandemic has shown that a strategic vision and a sustainable commercial approach are required to enhance value and support for the benefit of the entire European football pyramid. “In recent months extensive dialogue has taken place with football stakeholders regarding the future format of European competitions. “The Founding Clubs believe the solutions proposed following these talks do not solve fundamental issues, including the need to provide higher-quality matches and additional financial resources for the overall football pyramid.” The statement goes on to list the competition format, which is: “20 participating clubs with 15 Founding Clubs and a qualifying mechanism for a further five teams to qualify annually based on achievements in the prior season. “Midweek fixtures with all participating clubs continuing to compete in their respective national leagues, preserving the traditional domestic match calendar which remains at the heart of the club game. “An August start with clubs participating in two groups of ten, playing home and away fixtures, with the top three in each group automatically qualifying for the quarter-final. “Teams finishing fourth and fifth will then compete in a two-legged play-off for the remaining quarter-final positions. “A two-leg knockout format will be used to reach the final at the end of May, which will be staged as a single fixture at a neutral venue.” “As soon as practicable after the start of the men’s competition, a corresponding women’s league will also be launched, helping to advance and develop the women’s game. “The new annual tournament will provide significantly greater economic growth and support for European football via a long-term commitment to uncapped solidarity payments which will grow in line with league revenues. “These solidarity payments will be substantially higher than those generated by the current European competition and are expected to be in excess of €10 billion during the course of the initial commitment period of the Clubs. “In addition, the competition will be built on a sustainable financial foundation with all Founding Clubs signing up to a spending framework. “In exchange for their commitment, Founding Clubs will receive an amount of €3.5 billion solely to support their infrastructure investment plans and to offset the impact of the COVID pandemic.” The statement released also included a quote from Real Madrid President and first Chairman of the Super League Florentino Perez. “We will help football at every level and take it to its rightful place in the world. Football is the only global sport in the world with more than four billion fans and our responsibility as big clubs is to respond to their desires.” The Vice-Chairman of the Super League is Andrea Agnelli of Juventus, who had until today also been the President of the ECA (European Club Association). “Our 12 Founder clubs represent billions of fans across the globe and 99 European trophies. We have come together at this critical moment, enabling European competition to be transformed, putting the game we love on a sustainable footing for the long-term future, substantially increasing solidarity, and giving fans and amateur players a regular flow of headline fixtures that will feed their passion for the game while providing them with engaging role models.” The Co-Chairman of Manchester United and Vice-Chairman of the Super League is Joel Glazer. “By bringing together the world’s greatest clubs and players to play each other throughout the season, the Super League will open a new chapter for European football, ensuring world-class competition and facilities, and increased financial support for the wider football pyramid.” I rat je počeo.
  23. Bogami izgleda da je ovo gotova stvar. Sada će biti veselo, ali eto Zvezde u Ligi Šampiona 🤣
  24. Ni City nije ništa potpisao.
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