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Everything posted by alberto.ascari
Slažem se, povratak je promašaj.
Nije dobro za Ricciarda. https://www.foxsports.com.au/motorsport/formula-one/two-races-to-save-his-career-ricciardo-faces-shock-axing-over-f1-slump-as-kiwi-looms/news-story/4c572b066f2d84c75a204c50c256b721
Dr Helmut Marko talk about Redbull future: “Perez is no longer the youngest, nor is Ricciardo. And if you then take other aspects into account, another driver could certainly be included in this process." When asked if that could mean Liam Lawson, Helmut replied: "He has to sit in the car first and prove himself. But what he showed in his [five] appearances [in 2023] was very promising." 👀 VIA: [autosport]
Meni dobro da si mi danas i oduzeo bodove 😁🇮🇹🏎️
Pre VSC je bio +37s. Malo li je?
Jbg, preticanje nije bilo vozačko umeće nego posledica kvara. Zadnja Desná kočnica je već gorela, malo se okrenuo oko levog točka na levu stranu i otvorio Sainzu pistu.
Slažem se, otvorili mu telemetriju i našli da je pustio gas 100m ranije nego u ostatku trke. Pa leptijbm, nije pravilo da voziš svaki krug isto. Naprotiv, rekao bih da je kod Russella ovo već pattern.
Rodjače, Checo je dobio skoro minut od obe Ferdže, nije ovo slučajno. A pisao je @DASUBO, može ovaj radikalni dizajn da pravi Bikovima probleme sa hladjenjem. Ako je to u pitanju, biće dobra sezona, jer u AUS je bilo samo oko 20 stepeni.
Alonso 20s penal, opasna vožnja ispred Russella. https://www.formula1.com/en/latest/article/breaking-alonso-hit-with-post-race-time-penalty-in-australia-over.4h6Fl1W2KOlvkG4UybDXs6
To je ono kad se naježiš, kad čuješ ceo tim RBR da peva austrijsku himnu ili MGP nemačku....
Yeeeessss!!! Odoh da spavam sad
Vettel testira Porsche za Le Mans https://www.racefans.net/2024/03/22/vettel-to-test-porsche-963-hypercar-next-week-as-he-considers-le-mans-bid/
🚨 Rumor: Negotiations Between Adrian Newey and Ferrari in Advanced Stages: - Reports from Germany suggest negotiations between Adrian Newey and Ferrari are progressing. - Conflict between Thai and Austrian ownership intensifies at Red Bull, potentially leading to an exodus of key figures. - Speculation includes Max Verstappen's possible move to Mercedes and Newey's potential transfer to Ferrari. - Despite previous rumors of Newey being sidelined due to budget cap concerns, recent reports indicate advanced negotiations with Ferrari. - Newey, with an impressive track record of 25 titles, reportedly desires to work with Lewis Hamilton and for Ferrari. VIA: [f1ingenerale.com]
Mercedes grabs Resta from Ferrari as part of F1 staff swoop Resta has been signed as strategic development director and will work directly with technical director James Allison to push forward with car-related projects. Also joining Mercedes is Enrico Sampo, who is joining as head of performance software applications. https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/mercedes-grabs-resta-from-ferrari-as-part-of-f1-staff-swoop/10589045/
Average improvement time of each team in qualifying (compared to 2023) after the first 2 qualifying sessions: 🟠 McLaren - 1.35s ⚪️ VCARB - 1.35s 🔵 Williams - 1.1s 🟢 Aston Martin - 0.8s 🔴 Ferrari - 0.78s 🔵 Red Bull - 0.7s ⚪️ Haas - 0.7s 🟣 Mercedes - 0.65s 🟢 Kick Sauber - 0.5s 🔵 Alpine +0.1s (have worsened) VIA: [motorsport.com]
3 meseca mi zvuči kao dobar rok, kod nas se čeka od 6 do 15 meseci, zavisno od modela, najviše na top seling auta. Octaviu čekao kolega 16 meseci, novog Superba prodaju za sada samo kao karavan i čeka se 9 do 12 meseci. Za Liftback još ne primaju porudžbine. Stock auta obično idu sa dodatnim popustom, pa ako ožališ farbu mogao bi da dobiješ i par ojrića dodatno.
Idemo, sledeća epizoda. Did secret contract move open door for potential Verstappen Red Bull F1 exit? https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/did-secret-contract-move-open-door-for-potential-verstappen-red-bull-f1-exit/10588577/
Napiši kako si prošao.
Former F1 technical director Gary Anderson has expressed his belief that Mercedes "are still fooling themselves" in 2024, with Lewis Hamilton showing no understanding of how to address the problems with the W15 car. Despite Mercedes being limited to just one victory across the 2022/23 seasons, they had anticipated a return to contention for victories in 2024 with the introduction of the new-look W15. “After the race Hamilton said that big changes need to be made to the car.” “He mentioned that the other teams around them still have different concepts, but Hamilton is talking about what you can see.” “The critical parts on these cars is the underfloor and Hamilton does not know what the other teams are doing there. What you can see is not necessarily what makes the car work.” “He seems to be of the frame of mind that if Mercedes make their car look like a Red Bull it will go as fast as one – it will not. The W15 needs a lot more work than the visual concept but the worry is that they still do not understand what a ground-effect car needs.” “The fact that again, as in 2022, both drivers have diverged in their set-ups as the weekend went on is not a good sign.” “Hamilton has gone back to his 2022 approach of trying to find the magic bullet with set-up that he hopes will find half a second out of nowhere.” “They are clearly still experimenting with their car but I do not think the solution – and a performance leap from nowhere – is in the car any more.” VIA: [PLANET F1]
Pa da. Meni se desilo, doduše negde 2015. ili 16., da sam Superbom prešao iz Italije u Sloveniju, display pobeleo. Jbg, pokvarilo se, prebacio na radio i nisam ni uključivao dok nisam došao kući. Odem posle da reklamiram u Škodu a oni mi kažu, ali vi to niste ni kupili, taj set mapa, imate samo zapadnu Evropu. Često se dešava da tu in built aktualizaciju moraš i da kupiš. Google maps su zakon.
Navigacija ti ne treba ako auto ima Apple Car/Play, kako li se zove ili AndroidAuto. A automat je dobra stvar, pogotovo ako voziš puno po gradu.
🚨 Due to a clause in Lewis' contract with Mercedes, it's unlikely that his current race engineer, Peter Bonnington, will join Ferrari. Instead, Frederic Vasseur, team leader at Ferrari, proposed having Riccardo Adami as Lewis' new race engineer, a plan that Lewis apparently welcomed. Adami has been with Ferrari since 2015, previously working with Sebastian Vettel and, until the end of 2024, with Carlos Sainz. Fans are therefore likely to miss the iconic Bono-Lewis partnership by the end of this year. 🙁 VIA: [LH44NEWS]