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Everything posted by zoran59

  1. Bas zanimljivo je sto su se osim Escorta i Minija nasli i po jedan Ford Anglia i Hillman IMP. Mada, ocito nisu bili konkurentni, zaostali vise od jednog kruga...
  2. Zanimljivo. I ja sam trazio, pa nasao; recept, izvor: https://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/japanese-milk-bread-rolls-recipe Ako tvoji komsije Japanci ne znaju za to, pitam se kako je stvar dobila ime. Pitaj nekoga sta je za njih "tangzhong", mozda imaju kakav zanimljivi recept.
  3. Izgleda mi da su ove rasprave bezvezne. Posto se virus brzo siri a mnogi prodju bez simptoma, treba da prvo razlikujemo inficirane od obolelih. Nije svako oboleo, nisu ni svi testirani, pa broj inficiranih nikada necemo znati. Vise me zanima opsta smrtnost. Ili, sta kazu u medijima, "excess deaths". Ako u aprilu 10 godina unazad umire 1000 ljudi (negde, odokativno), a ove godine 5000 dok je jedina stvar koja se promenila ova pandemija... - heb'o gojaznost. Ima vise smrti od necega, a manje u saobracaju. Pa pripisi cemu hoces, ali se okvirno moze reci da je zbog promenjene situacije. Morbidnost od razlicitih uzroka se razlikuje izmedju drzava, pogotovu u razlicitim delovima sveta, ali se razlikuju i kulture. Ako je nekome propao posao koji zavisi od gomile musterija u guzvi i svi planovi pa se ubije, je li to samoubistvo (obicno, metkom) ili je uzrokovano virusom? Najgora stvar i najveca greska u statisici je kad se selektivno izabere minimum parametara. Tokom moje mladosti, pojavila se kontracepcija, tzv. anti-bebi pilule. Nakon godinu-dve dana, pojavila se i sumnja da ubijaju ili izazivaju rak jer su korisnice imale povecanu smrtnost. Eh, naknadna pamet: prve korisnice su bile prostitutke i zene sklone promiskuitetu, a to je ukljucivalo i druge oblike rizika: pusenje, alkohol, nasilje, polne bolesti itd. Tek kad je upotreba oralne kontracepcija postala mainstream pa su je koristile i verne domacice, videlo se da su pilule bezbedne. Ovaj virus je toliko nov da niko nista ne zna, tj. sve se svodi na nagadjanja. Dok se ne uvede masovno (kompletno stanovnistvo!) testiranje na anti-tela, necemo znati ni broj ili % izlozenih virusu. Pa tako ni stvarnu smrtnost ili dodatne rizicne faktore. Ja se cuvam koliko umem i mogu, a vi svi prema svojoj glavi...
  4. zoran59

    Novak Djokovic

    Sve stoji. Ja sam godinama jeo samo dorucak i veceru, dok sam radio, a u penziji jedem jednom dnevno - u neko doba poslepodne ili uvece. A cigarete jos nisam bacio... Ali ja nemam 2 - 3 - 4 treninga dnevno, ne takmicim se. Sta mislis, zasto vecina tenisera jede bananu ili vec nekog djavla izmedju setova?
  5. U stvari, obrnuto je. Eurotransplant povezuje transplantacione centre/sluzbe na nivou EU. Kako se iz clanka vidi, nije bilo jedinstvene obustave transplantacija na nivou Unije, u Sloveniji su nastavljene. Ovdje doslovno pise: "Prema rijecima Andreja Gadzijeva iz Javnog zavoda za presadjivanje organa i tkiva Slovenija Transplant, jedna od prednosti je bila da su se u vrijeme novog koronavirusa transplantacije u nekim centrima Eurotrenslanta obustavile, cime su se za one centre koji su radili pokazale vece mogucnosti za izbor odgovarajuceg organa za odredjenog pacijenta i samim tim veca vjerojatniost da ce ga njegovo tijelo prihvatiti." Zanimljiv je posljednji pasus. Tamo se kaze da su od 1500 primaoca organa, koliko ih zivi u Sloveniji, dvojica inficirana Covid-19 virusom [tj. imali su pozitivne testove - ne pise kakve, nagadjam da je moguci i false positive - opaska moja], ali im je lijecenje prilagodjeno [kako?] i prosli su sa laksim oblikom bolesti.
  6. zoran59

    Novak Djokovic

    Dakle, ovaj je totalno prolupao. Necu vise navijati. Nekima se moze nesto oprostiti, al' brate - sta je mnogo, mnogo je. Đoković: Ne jedem ništa 16 sati dnevno i tako već godinu i pol dana Izvor, tekst: https://www.index.hr/sport/clanak/djokovic-ne-jedem-nista-16-sati-dnevno-i-tako-vec-godinu-i-pol-dana/2182444.aspx
  7. Ili imaju ili nemaju, nije jasno. Ali, ako u gradu, kotaru, drzavi je prosecno u 4. mesecu godisnje umiralo 3000 ljudi tokom nekoliko poslednjih godina a ove godine 10 000 (lupio sam cifre napamet) tokom pandemije, cemu pripisati razliku? Cak i ako je neko umro od infarkta zato jer hitna nije stigla do njega, imajuci puno posla, nije li i to indirektna posledica epidemije? Licno. Imam problem sa zubom u gormjoj vilici. Zubari primaju samo hitne slucajeve. Ako se ovo moje razbukta, prosiri i predje u meningitis pa krepam, je li to u vezi sa Covid-19 ili nije? Tesko je tu biti pametan...
  8. Vrlo dobar tekst. Bavi se situacijom u USA, no ako se brojke prilagode broju stanovnika drugde, vazi i za ostale... izvor: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2020/05/theres-only-one-way-out-of-this-mess/611431/?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  9. Zanimljivo do kraja: The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them link: https://www.erinbromage.com/post/the-risks-know-them-avoid-them?campaign_id=9&emc=edit_nn_20200511&instance_id=18384&nl=the-morning&regi_id=123178100&segment_id=27239&te=1&user_id=493be6d9a1eb307c1a0f07487bbd9b17
  10. klikn'o na to, ima 7 stranica a bilo je 10 prije mjesec-dva...
  11. Pre dosta vremena sam nesto napisao, a neko me kvotovao i odgovorio. Bilo je materijala za nastavak... Setio sam se toga, pa klikn'o na "notifications", secajuci se da mi se to pojavilo. No, nema toga. Jesu li "notifications" vremenski ili nekako ogranicene, mogu li se nekako naci starije?
  12. Lep dokumentarac, zanimljiva prica:
  13. Topla preporuka za clanak u danasnjem New York Times. Nisam ga kopirao ovde jer ima dosta interactive grafikona, treba ga videti u originalu. How Long Will a Vaccine Really Take? link: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/30/opinion/coronavirus-covid-vaccine.html?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  14. Jbm li ga, ne razumemo se bas, pa da i ja pridonesem NErazumevanju. Odsluzio sam, davno, tu JNA. U SFRJ. To je i tragicno i komicno (iliti tragikomicno), kako je do toga doslo. Nemam neko postovanje za nasilje ili ubilacke ideje. Vojska je sama po sebi nasilna institucija/organizacija, ne volim to. Imao sam medEcinske uslove da se izvucem - sjebao se motorom sa 16 godina, polomio lobanju i vrat i nogu, jedva pretekao. A onda se zaljubio u cerku pukovnika JNA. Covek je jos ziv (debelo preko 80) i teski primitivac. I sad, kako da njemu objasnim da sam odheb'o njegovu firmu i zivotno opredeljenje, a hocu da zenim njegovu cerku? Otisao da odsluzim, a on mi je "sredio" da ne odem predaleko. Jes' qrtz sredio, usheb'o me. Bio sam relativno blizu, ali u najgorem zatvoru: inzenjerijski skolski centar, primer, predmet poseta stranih delegacija itd. Disciplina uzasna. Cuo sam price nekih poznatih koji su odsluzili drugde, o "bezanju preko zice". Kod mene je bio samo jedan takav slucaj, a dobio je 14 dana zatvora i to mu se dodalo na sve vreme u vojsci. Nesto sam rekao ili uradio, no zabranjen mi izlaz. I poseti me (tada jos buduca) zena, sedimo u sobi za posete iza prijavnice, kad se pojavi cetni cata i kaze da nema smisla da tamo sedimo pa mi napise dozvolu za izlaz. Ne secam se sta je njega posle strefilo, ali ja sam, kad je porucnik saznao, dobio 14 dana da perem kazane nakon svih dnevnih obroka. Verovatno bih vise naheb'o da taj nije znao da "imam" negde nekog pukovnika. Lepa stvar: moj bataljon je, valjda za vezbu, izgradio drveni pesacki most preko reke u gradu. Uzas: dosta godina kasnije, JNA je pucala po civilima na tom mostu, a onda ga raznela minobacacima. Naucio sam, silom, 1000 nacina da nekoga ubijem. A nismo imali ni najosnovniji kurs prve pomoci, kako da pomognemo.. O izivljavanjima podoficira (koji su to prodavali kao "odrzavanje discipline") da ne pricam. Opet, dobro i lose. Dobro je sto sam stekao drugare i prijatelje, sa nekima sam i nakon svih ovih godina jos u kontaktu. Lose je (je li lose?) sto sam se razocarao u SFRJ. Pre toga, mislio sam da je prosek ljudi u drzavi onakav kakve prosecno poznam. A tamo sam saznao da smo mi Balkanci u YU vecem delu neverovatna primitivna banda. Bio je jedan u ceti koji nije hteo da ide kuci jer mu je zivot u kasarni bio neuporedivo laksi nego u rodnom selu na vrh nekog brda. A ja, naivna budala, nisam ranije poznavao nikoga ko nije zavrsio barem srednju skolu, a vecina drustva je zavrsila fakultete. Obuka je trajala 6 meseci. Poslednji mesec na nekim inzenjerijskim masinama (buldozeri, grejderi, sta ja znam). Ali, saznao sam da porucnik hoce da me zadrzi kao desetara, da obucavam sledecu generaciju. Jebote, da ponovim obuku, pa jos kao odgovorni za neku desetinu budala!? I rekoh da mi masine ne idu, ne vidim, pa me posalju kod okuliste. I tamo sam uspesno odglumio, ispao corav, i oni mene oslobode inzenjerije. Ne znajuci sta ce sa mnom, premestise me pa postadoh "trpezarac". Svejedno, ne zalim se. Sa zenom sam jos uvek, ide 37. godina braka, njen otac misli da sam OK (mada je inace budala cije misljenje ne cenim previse). Moglo je to bolje i pametnije - u teoriji, sa ljudima koji su "vodili kolo", nije. Za SFRJ me vezu uglavnom lepe uspomene. Sluzenje JNA je nesto najgore iz tog vremena. Moj stav iz prethodne recenice je uglavnom anti-militarni. Isto mislim i za sve post-Yu nacionalne i regionalne vojske.
  15. zoran59


    Srecan rodjendan Borku!
  16. Crni, nisam ti odgovorio kad si pitao za ideju ili savet jer nemam pojma. U mojim godinama i uz moj nivo igre, nema reketa koji bi mi pomogao... Reket menjam svakih nekoliko godina, a ne biram ih sam. U klubu imamo profesionalnog voditelja teniske sekcije koji vise zna o tome, a i prodavnicu opreme. Taj, poznavajuci moj nivo igre, mi da 3 - 4 odgovarajuca reketa da probam, cak me i malo pogleda i razmenimo par udaraca na terenu, pa kaze koji da uzmem. Nemam ni pojma tacno na koliko su mi reketi spanovani, jer i to on spanuje prema svojoj proceni, kako misli da ce mi odgovarati. Znam da mi je stariji reket (valjda 6-7) godina Wilson, a noviji (oko 3 godine) Babolat, da me ubijes ne znam koji su modeli. Jedino sto sam radim na reketu je da namotam novi grip kad mi se stari izlize. Tako za ovaj tvoj mogu samo da kazem da je lep. Sad, raspali po toj loptici!
  17. Kako si okrenuo, i nije. Nemam pojma o tim vasim grafikama i kako se to radi na kompu, pa sam na brzinu pokusao objasniti u Paintu.
  18. Da ne kvotujem sve, da ne ispa'ne post od tri ekrana.... Voleo bih da se rec "forum" pojavi iznad "repa" dvojke i siri do ivice "X". Istina, ovo je subjektivno. Kad dodjemo do konacnog resenja, hteo bih da isprintujem nalepnice i posaljem zaineresovanima, pa bi mi bilo lakse da logo bude u jednostavnom pravougaoniku...
  19. Kako ne razumes? Ako je turnir virtualni, moze i povreda da bude virtualna!?
  20. Nemacki profesor Drosten je dao intervju za engleske novine The Guardian. Odnosi se na situaciju u Nemackoj i Engleskoj, pa cu preneti samo jedno pitanje i odgovor, a vi vidite kakve veze ima sa USA i Trumpom: Aj'mo sad u trolersku raspravu: je li Angela Merkel "profesionalni" ili "amaterski" politicar?
  21. Ajme, Andjo! I ja sam gledao istu KSZ. Dakle, cinjenice. Gledali su i republikanci koji vole Trumpa. Evo sto kaze njegov omiljeni FOX News: izvor: https://www.foxnews.com/media/gov-hogan-on-trumps-comments-on-disinfectant-and-sunlight-to-cure-coronavirus Dakle, desnicarski medij objavljuje da je republikanac guverner rekao "... has not been great..." Eh, ja nisam ni desnicar ni republikanac, pa kazem: Trump je apsulotno napravio totalnu budalu od sebe. Evo cinjenice, transkript iste KZS koju smo oboje gledali: izvor: https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-suggests-infecting-disinfectant-video-transcript-2020-4 Kako je moguce braniti takav idiotizam? Sugestijom da je i Biden osumnjicen za sexual harrassment? Ja ovde ne pisem o predizbornoj kampanji i ekonomskoj politici, nego o cinjenici da je Trump najbolji predsednik kakvog virus moze pozeleti. Jebogabog, ideja "bring powerful light into the body..." Istina je da Ameri u proseku nisu bas nesto impresivno obrazovani, al' ovo je predsednik. Podrzava ga i moj techa, no taj je redneck automehanicar u penziji - a cak i za njega se nadam da si nece nagurati jaku UV lampu u dupe ili piti Lysol, i on je pametniji od Trumpa...
  22. The Communist Cookbook That Defined Prague’s Cuisine https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-communist-cookbook-that-defined-prague-s-cuisine?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  23. Coronavirus and the Price of Trump’s Delusions A cult of personality is no match for a pandemic. In an interview with The Washington Post on Tuesday, Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, warned that a second wave of coronavirus infections this coming winter “will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through,” because it will coincide with flu season. He also called the protests against stay-at-home orders “not helpful.” Donald Trump was apparently not pleased, tweeting that Redfield was “totally misquoted by Fake News @CNN.” On Wednesday evening, after another rant about fake news, Trump brought Redfield onstage at his daily press briefing, where Redfield had the unenviable task of trying to explain his remarks, which he acknowledged were quoted accurately, without contradicting the president. The fall and winter might be “more difficult and potentially more complicated” due to the confluence of coronavirus and influenza, Redfield said, but that didn’t mean the second wave would be “worse.” Trump, meanwhile, spoke of the crisis in the past tense, as something America is now emerging from, suggesting that all the country will face in the future is “some embers of corona.” The day before, the country had recorded around 2,200 deaths, making it one of the deadliest days of the pandemic in the United States. Over the last three and a half years, Americans have had to accustom themselves to a relentless, numbing barrage of lies from the federal government. In one sector after another, we’ve seen experts systemically purged and replaced with toadying apparatchiks. The few professionals who’ve kept their jobs have often had to engage in degrading acts of public obeisance more common to autocracies. Public policy has zigzagged according to presidential whim. Empirical reality has been subsumed to Trump’s cult of personality. But as long as the economy was decent and many of the crises Trump created were far away, the immediate costs of Trump’s narcissistic governance have been, for most citizens, more psychic than material. That changed with the coronavirus. Today the lies are no longer about the size of the audience at Trump’s inauguration, the fruits of sucking up to North Korea or the findings of Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation. Now the bill for a president with a tyrant’s contempt for truth and competence has come due. This week brought a barrage of new evidence of how Trump’s assault on nonpartisan expertise has undermined America’s fight against coronavirus. On Wednesday, The Times broke a story about Dr. Rick Bright, the official who led the federal agency working toward a coronavirus vaccine. Bright claims he was reassigned because he “resisted efforts to fund potentially dangerous drugs promoted by those with political connections.” Specifically, Bright says he was cautious about the use of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, touted as a coronavirus “game changer” by some Fox News personalities. One recent study showed no benefit from the drug in Covid-19 patients, and on Friday the F.D.A. warned of “reports of serious heart rhythm problems in patients with Covid-19 treated with hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine.” Also on Wednesday, The Wall Street Journal reported that Trump wanted to fire Dr. Nancy Messonnier, a C.D.C. expert on respiratory diseases, when she warned, on Feb. 25, that community spread of the coronavirus was likely in the U.S. and that everyday life could be severely disrupted. Reuters reported that Alex Azar, the health and human services secretary, assigned his department’s day-to-day responsibility for coronavirus to an aide with little public health experience whose previous job was running a Labradoodle-breeding business. Today our country, with a little more than 4 percent of the world’s population, has almost 32 percent of the world’s coronavirus cases. Some countries in Europe have had more deaths per capita, but America had the opportunity to learn from their example, and squandered it. Further, the federal government still has no discernible plan for instituting the sort of mass testing and tracing regime that, according to most experts, we’ll need to return to some semblance of normal life. Hospitals have been reduced to cloak-and-dagger schemes to source coveted protective equipment from private brokers. “The cavalry does not appear to be coming,” a Massachusetts doctor told The Associated Press. Instead, Trump has repeatedly denied the need for more testing and set arbitrary dates for lifting lockdown orders. He’s tweeted support for demonstrators, some armed, defying social distancing guidelines. According to The A.P., Trump initially told Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia that he approved of the state’s plan to allow businesses like gyms, tattoo parlors and movie theaters to start operating, before publicly changing his mind when aides convinced him the scheme was too risky. Even now, thanks to industry lobbyists, gyms are on the administration’s list of businesses that should be among the first to reopen, despite surely being easy places for disease to spread. America was once the technological envy of the world. Now doctors have to warn the public that, contrary to the president’s musings in the briefing room, it is neither safe nor effective to inject disinfectant. “If you look at why America rose so much after 1945, it was because America attracted the best scientists in the world,” Klaus Scharioth, Germany’s ambassador to America from 2006 to 2011, told me. “America attracted expertise. You had the feeling that all governments, be they Republicans or Democrats, they cherished expertise.” Like many Americanophiles abroad, Scharioth has watched our country’s devolution with great sadness: “I would not have imagined that in my lifetime I would see that.” Recently Adam Higginbotham, author of the acclaimed book “Midnight in Chernobyl” (and the husband of my book editor), told me he felt a shiver of recognition when he read about Trump, in January, reportedly calling Azar’s concern about the coronavirus “alarmist.” A senior Soviet apparatchik used the same word to brush off a call for evacuation after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986. As the coronavirus crisis has unfolded in America, Higginbotham has noticed other parallels. “The response that I see has followed a very similar trajectory: initial public denials or reluctance to publicly admit that anything was wrong, then attempts to minimize the severity of what was happening, rooted in an institutional inability to acknowledge failure,” he said. “The initial response was hampered by a lack of equipment and a breakdown in communication that revealed that despite years of planning, the state was hopelessly ill prepared for such a catastrophe.” Yet one crucial difference also stands out to him. Soviet officials lied about Chernobyl and tried to shift blame but accepted that remediation was the state’s responsibility. “There was a lot of disinformation and cover-up, but as far as I know nobody in the Politburo was on the phone to the party leaders in Kyiv and Minsk saying, ‘You’re on your own — sort it out yourselves,’ ” said Higginbotham. Chernobyl is now widely seen as a signal event on the road to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Coronavirus may someday be seen as a similar inflection point in the story of American decline. A country that could be brought to its knees this quickly was sick well before the virus arrived. izvor: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/25/opinion/sunday/trump-coronavirus.html?action=click&module=moreIn&pgtype=Article&region=Footer&action=click&module=MoreInSection&pgtype=Article&region=Footer&contentCollection=Sunday Review Kako god okrenes, krme na celu Vlade (u USA vladu formira predsednik a ne premijer kao u vecem delu Evrope) je iskljucivo opstrukcija u resavanju epidemijske krize. A nista, vi nastavite raspravu o tome da li je on "profesionalni" ili "amaterski" predsednik...
  24. Neki komentari citalaca u danasnjem Chicago Tribune: I’m a 50-year-old conservative Republican, and I need to ask my party a question. What will be enough for you to denounce and remove this man? When he bankrupts the Federal Reserve? Now that the first known COVID-19 death in the U.S. as in the San Francisco Bay area, when does The Lying Impeached (but not Convicted) Incredibly Stable Genius with the Great and Unmatched Wisdom start blaming it on California and calling it the Pelosi Virus? First he was “a stable genius,” then he was possessed of “unmatched wisdom,” then he was “I’m very smart,” and now he has “a good you-know-what,” pointing to his head. This is the same person who wonders about injecting people with disinfectant or figuring out ways to make the sun shine inside their bodies. What intelligent leadership! How did we get so lucky?
  25. Say it loud, say it clear: Donald Trump needs to resign over his handling of the coronavirus The United States has just over 4 percent of the world’s population, but had about one-third of all global coronavirus cases and one-quarter of the fatalities, as of Friday. This is a catastrophic failure that can be laid largely at the feet of President Trump. Editorial boards and politicians — both Democratic and Republican — should be calling on him to resign immediately. It’s not just the catalog of screw-ups that led us to this point — the playing down of the threat, the lack of testing, the spread of misinformation and lies, and the government-wide inattention to the issue. It’s that Trump represents an ongoing danger to the health and well-being of the American people. Consider, for example, the strange case of hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malarial drug that Trump began publicly touting several weeks ago as a potential treatment for the coronavirus. “What do you have to lose?” the president asked, about a drug that had not been approved by the FDA for that purpose. It turns out the answer is “your life.” We already know of at least one couple in Arizona who took a related drug in an effort to ward off the coronavirus after hearing the president speak positively about it. The husband died and his wife ended up in the hospital. A new study of Veterans Health Administration patients, not yet peer reviewed, has concluded that COVID-19 patients who take hydroxychloroquine are more likely to die than those who do not. As remarkable as it is for the president to be suggesting the use of unproven drugs, Trump topped it on Thursday when he suggested that ultraviolet rays and cleaning disinfectants, injected into the body, should be examined as possible treatments for coronavirus. These comments led public health experts and companies like Lysol to remind Americans of something we regularly tell children: They shouldn’t ingest cleaning products. The Trump administration also allegedly forced out the official in charge of the federal agency responsible for developing a vaccine for the coronavirus after he says he raised concerns about money being directed toward hydroxychloroquine. Pushing aside qualified public officials and allowing politics to drive the development of a vaccine makes Trump not just an incompetent president, but a malevolent one. There’s more. Trump has egged on the smattering of protests around the country pressing for an end to social distancing orders, with calls on Twitter to “LIBERATE” states run by Democratic governors. These demands directly contradict the Trump White House’s own guidance. And his obsession with reopening the economy has likely been a catalyst for governors in red state America, such as Bill Lee in Tennessee, Henry McMaster in South Carolina, and Brian Kemp in Georgia, to weaken social distancing regulations. (Trump, who initially backed Kemp’s bizarre and dangerous order allowing hair salons, tattoo parlors, gyms, and restaurants to open, has since backtracked and is now openly criticizing Kemp.) Trump isn’t even participating in the federal response to the coronavirus. He reportedly watches television most of the day, doesn’t attend coronavirus task force meetings, and then uses his daily press briefing — for which he barely prepares — as a platform to self-aggrandize and lie. All of this has crippled Trump’s credibility: As one recent poll showed, less than a quarter of voters put a high level of trust in what Trump is saying about COVID-19. When the president has lost the confidence of the American people and when his words and actions are doing far more harm than good, there can be little justification for him to stay in office. Granted, we’ve never really encountered a situation like this before. In modern times, there were calls for Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton to resign. But those were for crimes in office, not incompetence. Mishandling a crisis has rarely been grounds for a president to resign. But we’ve never had a president like Trump, who is making the crisis worse simply by remaining in office. I’m under no illusions that Trump is going to resign. But as I wrote in September when I argued that politicians should call for Trump to step down over the Ukraine whistleblower allegations, “A call for resignation is a statement of principle that Trump’s actions so clearly violate the public trust that his position in office has become untenable." Demanding accountability would serve as a reminder that even in the wreckage of the Trump era some basic political norms still matter and we, as a nation, cannot become inured to having such a dangerous and unqualified leader in the nation’s highest office. It would also force Trump’s defenders to explain why his continued service is in the interest of the American people. Anyone who has regularly watched Trump’s press conferences knows that the president is detached from reality, indifferent to the suffering around us, and more concerned about his political standing than the health and well-being of the American people. Calling for the resignation of a president who muses about the use of household cleaning products to fight a deadly virus is not a partisan exercise or a futile plea for political sanity — it’s common sense. (bold moj) izvor: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/04/25/opinion/say-it-loud-say-it-clear-donald-trump-needs-resign-over-his-handling-coronavirus/
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