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Everything posted by Radoye

  1. Radoye


    Nesto mi bas prijaju uhu u zadnje vreme:
  2. - Spanac Aleks Palu, proslogodisnji ruki sezone u japanskoj SuperFormuli vozice kompletnu sezonu Indikar sampionata za Kojna (verovatno bolid #19 u kome je do sada bio Santino Feruci)
  3. - Junkos Rejsing, heroji proslogodisnjih kvalifikacija za Indi 500 sa stap-i-kanap budzetom su u velikim finansijskim problemima - Rikardo Junkos je potvrdio da su pred bankrotom, da nema novca za ucesce na IMSA 24h Dejtone a i ostatak aktivnosti za narednu sezonu kako u IMSA tako i u Indikaru je pod znakom pitanja ako ubrzo ne pronadju sponzore.
  4. Radoye


    Not everyone who drives a Formula 1 qualifies to be called a Grand Prix driver. There have been around 80 drivers who tried to qualify for a race since the World Championship began, but failed to do so, not least a certain Bernie Ecclestone, who tried to qualify a Connaught at Monaco in 1958. These nearly men (and women) come from wildly varied backgrounds. However, quite a few of them came from southern Africa. Why? Well, back in the 1960s there was a fairly active South African National Drivers Championship which used all manner of machinery, ranging from cars that had been recently raced in the Formula 1 World Championship, to F1 machines that had been modified and then there were a few home-built specials, based on the technology that the locals has seen in action. They would race one another and when Formula 1 visited South Africa each year at the end of the year (summer time in the Southern Hemisphere) there were always a few non-championship races, such as the Cape, Rand and Natal Grands Prix, which appealed to the F1 folk, who could make decent start money from race promoters and could also sell their old machinery at the end of the F1 season. As engines were hard to find, the locals relied on tuned-up versions of the 1.5-litre straight-4s which were used in the Alfa Romeo Giulietta. Doug (Louis Douglas) Serrurier built LDS cars, based on old Coopers. They were not bad cars and consequently Ray Reed decided to build his own car, based on the LDS. Reed had been born and grew up in what was then Southern Rhodesia, a self-governing British colony, run by a minority white government. He had recently turned 30 but had a taste for adventure. When he was 19 he had signed up for pilot training with the Southern Rhodesian Air Force at Belvedere Airport in Salisbury. For reasons that are now obscure, he did not graduate and become a jet pilot but rather ended up back at home in the town of Gwelo, halfway between Salisbury (now Harare) and Bulawayo. He focused instead on engineering, making himself enough money to consider building his own racing car. The folk of Southern Rhodesia had to be practical because they were a long way from anywhere and they were willing to give anything a try. Reed’s car was called the RE-Alfa Romeo, named after his business, Ray's Engineering. The car was first raced in local events in 1963 before being taken to South Africa early in 1964. It didn’t achieve a great deal but was in action in Lourenco Marques in Mozambique (now Maputo) later that year. For the end of season races in 1964 it went back to South Africa and competed in the Rand GP at Kyalami on December 12 but suffered an engine failure. It was entered for the South African GP, held on New Year’s Day on the East London circuit, but Reed never showed up. Perhaps the blown engine could not be replaced, or there was no budget left. The car passed into the hands of Peter Huson, who crashed it at Kumalo in late 1966 and although Reed had plans to rebuild it into a sports car for the Springbok Series, which was then becoming the major motorsport series in southern Africa. Whatever the case this was never done. Early in 1970 Reed and his three children were killed while flying in bad weather in South Africa.
  5. Dve analize Hempsonovog transfera u AMSP: https://racer.com/2019/12/17/pruett-the-hampson-effect/ https://racer.com/2019/12/17/insight-how-hampson-plans-to-lift-arrow-mclaren-sp/
  6. Evo sada i Eklston (deda deda bas si krme) kaze da ocekuje da ce Fetel u penziju nakon 2020. sto bi - ako je istina - otvorilo vrata za ovo Edijevo gore...
  7. - Edi Dzordan kaze da je "100% izvesno" da ce Hamilton od 2021. voziti za Ferari. Pa sad koliko vredi Edijevih 100%...
  8. https://racer.com/2019/12/16/hampson-set-to-join-arrow-spm/ Veliko pojacanje za "Meklaren" - Hempson je jedan od najcenjenijih inzenjera u Indikaru. On, Majk Hal iz Ganasija i Tim Cindric iz Penskija su creme de la creme.
  9. - Dzejms Dejvison potvrdjen u trecem Kojnovom bolidu samo za Indi 500. Jos uvek se ne zna nista zvanicno ko ce voziti u dva standardna Kojnova bolida, u jednom se ocekuje povratak Santina Ferucija dok se za drugi pominje moguca vrteska vozaca a u kombinaciji su Aleks Palu (vozio japansku SuperFornulu), Serdjo Sete Kamara (vozio F2) i Dzejms Hincklif (dobio otkaz u AMSP timu). Sebastijan Borde koji je do sada vozio za Kojna ce po glasinama deliti bolid sa Tonijem Kananom kod Fojta.
  10. 8h Bahreina - rezultati: https://racerdigital.files.wordpress.com/2019/12/05_classificationbyclass_race_hour-8.pdf
  11. Hoce li konacno doci do ujedinjenja specifikacija u vodecim kategorijama trka sportskih prototipova? IMSA DPi kategorija je trebala originalno biti prihvacena i za WEC ali je ACO odlucio drugacije - rezultat je egzodus proizvodjaca iz LMP1 kategorije gde je zadnjih godina "spala knjiga na tri slova" - takmicenje se svelo na koja ce od tri Tojote biti na kom mestu na podijumu. Uvodjenje nove Hiperkar kategorije je nova prilika da se pravila konsoliduju, no ovaj put je na IMSA red da prihvati kompromis i prilagodi se novim propozicijama. Nadam se da ce pamet prevladati pa da bude lakse Evropljanima da "preskoce" na 24h Dejtone i 12h Sebringa i Amerikancima na 24h Lemana. Jos kad bi se uskladili i sa japanskim SuperGT (koji vec radi na uskladjivanju sa DTM) i da vidis radosti,
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