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Hoće li Luis Hamilton, čovek sa naj prefiksima u F1 i u pozitivnom i negativnom smislu, postati po šesti put šampion u Meksiku kao što je to uradio prethodne dve godine?

Da bi se to desilo, mora da se popne na pobednički podijum, a da Botas bude jedva u bodovima. Da li će to biti tako, ne pita se samo Luis. Jer da se pita samo Luis, to bi bilo tako iako postoji univerzalno mrgođenje na lik i delo Britanca. Čovek van staze ima srce kao kuća, što je pokazao više puta. To što ima, hm, zanimljiv stil oblačenja, što još uvek ima tu tenziju pred medijima koju skriva „God bless“, „the best crowd“ i sl. nema nikakve veze sa neverovatnim umećem koje iz godine u godinu pokazuje.

Ali neverovatnim umećem. Imam utisak da tek kad obesi volan o klin, ljudi će shvatiti kakvu smo privilegiju imali da godinama gledamo takvog šampiona i majstora. Gledao sam Senu uživo, bio sam mlad i glup i nisam shvatao šta gledam. Gledao sam Hamiltona uživo, sada možda nisam samo mlad, ko zna, ali sam bio i jesam svestan kakvog majstora gledam.

Ok, znači ne pita se samo Luis. Pita se i MGP koji iz godine u godinu ne samo da mu daje „aždaje“ na korišćenje nego i nastavlja delo Alfreda Nojbauera kako treba da izgleda jedan trkački tim.

I u F1 im nema premca po pitanju kvaliteta tima. Na žalost, jedan nosilac crvenog kačketa je ove godine otišao da se ganja sa Senom po nebesima, tako da svetlo pada samo na Totoa. A on može da bude vrlo ponosan na tim koji je eto na prošloj trci uzeo šestu titulu šampiona sveta u konkurenciji timova. Za redom. Dobro uzeo je i Ferari od '99 do 2004., ali koliko se sećam i tu je vozio neki ne baš popularni vozač međ' rajom koji ima neke lude statistike po pitanju pobeda.

Hm, mislim da se istorija ponavlja, samo se nadam da će Luis biti mnogo oprezniji prilikom skijanja…

Dobro, apsolvirali smo da se ne pita samo Luis po pitanju pobede u Mexic-u. Pa ko se još pita? Pita se najpre nadmorska visina od 2285 metara koja zbog smanjene količine kiseonika tera SUS motore i vozače da pate za dodatnim „škrgama“. Biće igrarija oko setapovanja ICE to jest SUS motora, jer će smeše goriva i vazduha morati da se „skuvaju“ dodatno po programima.

Zbog toga što je nadmorska visina tolika kolika jeste, vrednosti atmosferskog pritiska i količine kiseonika su ekstremne i potrebno je potpuno drugačije rešiti mape ubrizgavanja.

E pa videćemo kakav odgovor ima ona Fiat-ova fabrika u Maranelu koja od letnje pauze ima pakao a ne pogon iza leđa mlađanog Leklera i ne tako mlađanog Vetela. (redosled nabrajanja maloprepomenutih vozača je sve samo ne slučajan) 😎


Ono što dodatno raduje tifoze je što sada pored toga što taj bolid ume da ide brzo kada je pravo, od letnjih ferija je „naučio“ da ide brzo i kad skreće.

Ono što ih sigurno ne raduje je činjenica da „Božana“ ipak ima malo više „sala“ (što je jel'te i prirodno) pa se mnogo bolje adaptira na više različitih staza za razliku od plemenitih crnih konjića sa aviona pilota asa Frančeska Barake.

Mada, videćemo da li će Ferari nastaviti niz od Belgije i na još jednoj trci demonstrirati koliko imaju dobro auto. Bolan.😝

RB? Nemam pojma, Honda fercera, ali Max ne fercera. Od letnjeg raspusta ima dva odustajanja, jedno treće mesto u Singapuru, jedno četvrto mesto u Rusiji, osmo mesto u Monci i dva odustajanja.

Kapiram da Albon ipak nije razlog lošim Maxovim rezultatima, iako od dolaska u RB nije imao plasman lošiji od šestog mesta. Pre će biti da je nešto drugo u pitanju, tj. da ni Max, ni RB, a sigurno ni Honda nisu na potrebnom nivou da bi uzeli titulu svetskog šampiona.

Ok, sada staza. Od '63 do '70 jedan layout, onda su skapirali da treba pomalo i urediti box-ove i unaprediti bezbednost staze pa je drugi layout zaživeo od '86 i trajao sve do '92. E treći put kad se F1 vratila u Mexico 2015. Parabolika Latinske Amerike pod nazivom Peraltada (tj. krivina br. 17) je morala na „plastičnu operaciju“.

Džangrizavi starac u meni je namah povikao „Witchcraft!“ i krenuo po vile, ali ovaj put je gdin Tilke napravio ok potez, jer taj „stadion“ koji je dobila Peraltada daje neku posebnu draž trci i alibi Hamiltonu da krene sa njegovim epitetima o gomili i publici.

Šta ima novo na stazi od prošle godine? Pa uveli su i treću DRS zonu koja počinje od krivine 11 i ide do 12-ice.

Dakle, sada 4304 metara staze ima 17 krivina, tri DRS zone i prilično abrazivnu podlogu. Prošle godine je Lekler za 71 krug dobio 50 upozorenja da čuva gume. Ok, jeste birao najmekše komponente ali što je mnogo mnogo je.

Takva upozorenja očigledno nije imao Valteri koji od prošle godine drži rekord staze sa 1:18:741, a siguran sam da ih ni Mensel nije imao kada je na prethodnom layout-u 1991. izvezao 1:16:788.

Džeki Iks bi ih možda imao, ali nije imao pomoću čega da ih dobije, jer '69 kada je odvezao na originalnom layout-u 1:43:05 radio u F1 bolidu je zaista bio „witchcraft“.


Eto, dragi moji, čeka nas vikend pun trkanja i retkog vazduha, a vi budite dobri ljudi pa ovu temu obogatite slikama, jer za mene je postavljanje istih, ako nisam već rekao...witchcraft.

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Red Bull modifies F1 engine cover to add cooling for Mexican GP


Red Bull has modified its engine cover for Formula 1's 2019 Mexican Grand Prix to cope with the increased cooling demands from the conditions at the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez.

Due to Mexico City's high altitude - approximately 2.25km (1.4 miles) above sea level - the change in air density creates a number of problems for F1 engineers.

The density of air is reduced by around 0.3kg/m3 compared to that at sea level, which means that the mass of air entering the cooling inlets on F1 cars is also smaller.

As a result, engines run at hotter temperatures, and Red Bull has therefore opted to open up an extra pair of outlets at the rear of the engine cover to compensate.

In the current turbo-hybrid era in Mexico, the compressor also has to work harder to provide the internal combustion engine with a greater percentage of oxygen to improve the overall efficiency.

This means that while engine power is not affected too heavily, the increased heat around the engine components does necessitate larger cooling inlets and outlets.

Red Bull's extra outlets are part of the engine cover cut-outs used for its rear suspension wishbones, but these have been flared out to draw more heat from the car.

The reduced air density in Mexico also influences aerodynamics, and each car will run at its maximum-downforce specification to offset the 'thinner' air.


It is believed that despite this the overall downforce output is less than at Monza, where the cars run skinny wings to capture the maximum speed available from the straights.

The Mexican Grand Prix regularly has the highest top speeds of the season as a result, and in 2018 Esteban Ocon clocked in at 364.9km/h in the speed trap - 2.4km/h higher than at Monza.

Giorgio Piola's image above shows Ferrari's rear wing for the Mexican race this weekend, which is noticeably deeper to create as much rear-end downforce as possible.

The mainplane has been straightened at the outboard sections, as the aerodynamicists do not need to compromise on drag for this circuit.


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4 hours ago, DASUBO said:

It is believed that despite this the overall downforce output is less than at Monza, where the cars run skinny wings to capture the maximum speed available from the straights.

The Mexican Grand Prix regularly has the highest top speeds of the season as a result, and in 2018 Esteban Ocon clocked in at 364.9km/h in the speed trap - 2.4km/h higher than at Monza.


Skroz fascinantan podatak - vozis auto sa prakticno nekim setup-om za Monako i imas max brzinu kao da vozis Moncu sa njenim setupom aerodinamike 🙂 

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2 minutes ago, alberto.ascari said:

Sad je bio onboard lap, na volanu se nije ništa videlo.


Videla se zastava kako mase pored staze na onbordu, bas su sad na Sky pokazali.


I Hamilton je imao najbrzi treci sektor pod zutom.

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Max Verstappen says the stewards should delete his fastest lap time if they find he failed to slow for yellow flags at the end of the Mexican Grand Prix.


The Red Bull driver took pole position for tomorrow’s race. However footage of his final lap showed yellow flags were waving as he passed the scene of Valtteri Bottas’s crash on his final lap.


Asked if he thought the stewards might take action over the incident Verstappen said: “Well then delete my lap. The other lap was fine.”


“I think we know what we’re doing otherwise we wouldn’t be driving an F1 car,” he added. “It’s qualifying, you go for it and like I said before if they want to delete the lap then delete the lap.”


Verstappen improved his lap time from 1’14.910 to 1’14.758 with his final run. The next-fastest lap of the session was Charles Leclerc’s 1’15.024, so Verstappen would keep his pole position even if his best lap time was deleted.


However at least one other driver, Sebastian Vettel, backed off significantly as he passed the yellow flags and did not improve his lap time as a result.

“That was a shame,” said Vettel on the radio. “Would have been a good lap, that.”


The last F1 driver to be penalised for failing to slow for yellow flags during a qualifying session was Verstappen, during last year’s Russian Grand Prix. He was given a three-place grid penalty and two penalty points on his licence.


Three F2 drivers were investigated for the same infringement at Spa this year. Two of them also received three-place grid penalties while a third, Jack Aitken, escaped punishment after the stewards ruled he “had no realistic chance to slow down more than he did” under the circumstances.


Formula 1’s television graphics indicate Verstappen did not improve his time through the last of the 23 ‘mini-sectors’ at the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez. He set the fastest time of the session through the penultimate mini-sector.


The stewards have issued a provisional classification for qualifying and have not indicated Verstappen’s driving is under investigation.



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Max Verstappen could lose his pole position for the Mexican Grand Prix as the stewards are investigating whether he failed to slow sufficiently for yellow flags following Valtteri Bottas’s crash.


The Red Bull driver passed waved yellow flags at the scenes of Bottas’s crash at turn 17, then improved his lap time from 1’14.910 to 1’14.758.


The stewards have summoned him for an “alleged breach of Appendix H, Article b of the FIA International Sporting Code, failure to slow for yellow flags in turn 17 at 14:00.”


Verstappen admitted in the post-race press conference he did not back off after seeing the yellow flag. “It didn’t really look like it did it?” he replied when asked if he had lifted, adding: “No.”


Bottas was running ahead of three drivers when he crashed, one of which was Verstappen. The other two were Lewis Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel. Hamilton appeared to pass the crash scene before the yellow flags were displayed, and Vettel noticeably reduced his speed.


Last year Verstappen was given a three-place grid penalty at the Russian Grand Prix when the stewards found he did not slow sufficiently for yellow flags when Sergey Sirotkin crashed in Q2.


This one one of 11 occasions when a driver has been investigated for speeding under yellow flags in the past four seasons. Of those, four resulted in three-place grid drops, four resulted in five-place grid drops, and three led to no action being taken.



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15 minutes ago, Radoye said:

A sta je sa Hamiltonom, i on je svoje najbolje vreme napravio u istom krugu kad i Maks?

Nije bila još zastava kada je on prošao pa ne može biti kažnjen koliko kontam.


Meni je tu problem Luisova izjava: "It's very important that FIA is strict about double yellow flags. Fortunately, there was no marshal on the track. They might as well have been and Valtteri could have been in the middle of the road. And Max didn't even have to drive fast, he practically had PP. I hope that decision will be good"


A on čovek nije usporio uopšte a bio je odmah iza Botasa.

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Tek sam jutros odgledao šta se desilo, jer sam na putu.

Borko, bez šale, molim te pridržavaj se pravila i banuj me na par dana zbog ovog što ću napisati u sledećoj rečenici.


Dakle, Max Verštapen je egocentrična morončina kome je samo i jedino i isključivo svoje dupe milo.

Ja razumem da moraš biti žešće egocentričan da bi vozio F1 bolid u trci, ali toliki bol u q za nekog ko deli stazu sa tobom je za mene odvratan.


Jeste izuzetan vozač, ali je žešći govnar.


Borko, please, do it.


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3 hours ago, DASUBO said:

Tek sam jutros odgledao šta se desilo, jer sam na putu.

Borko, bez šale, molim te pridržavaj se pravila i banuj me na par dana zbog ovog što ću napisati u sledećoj rečenici.


Dakle, Max Verštapen je egocentrična morončina kome je samo i jedino i isključivo svoje dupe milo.

Ja razumem da moraš biti žešće egocentričan da bi vozio F1 bolid u trci, ali toliki bol u q za nekog ko deli stazu sa tobom je za mene odvratan.


Jeste izuzetan vozač, ali je žešći govnar.


Borko, please, do it.



Jebiga Davore sad me stavljas u nebrano grozdje, Borko nije vise moderator. Ali pravila su pravila, 3 dana.



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Ja sam letimicno pogledao forum na dok sam cekao na Madjarskog granici sinoc, nisam video uzivo, samo vase komentare da je bilo problema. Ali jutros pogledah i samo odmahnuh glavom. Nije ni problem to sto je uradio. Da je uradio i rekao “ups moja greska izvinjavam se”, krug bi mu obrisali i verovatno bi zadrzao P1. Mislim da je svojom izjavom i stavom sebi obezbedio kaznu. Onako drzak i nadmen stav, zaista hrabro. Po meni je trebao da dobije i neki kazneni poen vise.


Mislim da F1 nikada nije imala ovako opasnog vozaca za volanom. Da i Sena i Sumaher i jos mnogo drugi su bili bezobrazni, na momente ludi, imali sulude i nepromisljene poteze ali posle svega je bila neka, kakva-takva racionalizacija, cutanje i pravdanje, mozda i izvinjenje. On, ne. Prosto, bas me briga, trebao sam to da uradim. Stvarno cudan covek. On je od krvi i mesa. Kako se postavi sebe u situaciju da moze i on da pogresi, okrene se izleti i neko naleti i pokupi ga. Stvarno imam roler-koster emocija prema tom decku. Odusevi pa napravi takvu brljotinu.



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