alberto.ascari Posted April 26, 2024 Posted April 26, 2024 15 hours ago, alberto.ascari said: Hulk u Audi. A mladi u qratz... Potpisao Sauber.
Nicklord Posted April 26, 2024 Posted April 26, 2024 Neko pitao pre neki dan gde je i šta radi Audi, evo ga kreće 😄
Sauriann Posted April 26, 2024 Posted April 26, 2024 Sainz dok se smisli tacno ce ostati bez dobrog mesta...Najavili su da ne treba ocekivati do Majamija da odluce.
Radoye Posted April 26, 2024 Posted April 26, 2024 Quote Formula 1 CEO Stefano Domenicali sees no reason not to add more sprint rounds to the calendar in future seasons. Sprintove ne zele ni publika ni timovi, vozaci ih ne vole, ali daj jos... 1
Duh sa sekirom Posted April 27, 2024 Posted April 27, 2024 On 4/26/2024 at 1:32 AM, Radoye said: Hulk jedino ima smisla ako vec sada znaju da od dolaska Sainsa nema nista. Bolje Botasa da su uzeli onda ako im treba mediokritet matorac sa znanjem podesavanja bolida, on bar ima iskustvo stajanja na podijumu za razliku od Hulka koji je rekorder po broju startova bez ijednog znacajnijeg rezultata. Jer ako ce im u drugom bolidu biti Sains onda im iskusnije od toga ni ne treba, mogli su bas da uzmu nekog omladinca da ga treniraju za na duge staze. Eno ga Teo Porser slobodan - uzeo prosle godine F2 titulu a i on im je "in house" jerbo ga trenutno imaju na ugovoru kao rezervu u Zauberu. Teo ko? Misliš na onog neiskusnog početnika, s kojim je Felipe Drugović obrisao pod u F2? Da onaj Felipe Drugović koji je takođe bez F1 mesta, a osvojio je F2 šampionat dominantnije od bilo kog do tada. Eno, nek se Puršer proba ugurati u drugo mesto u Audi. U Hasu će oba mesta bit slobodna, u Wilijamsu i Toro Rosou bar po jedno. To su mesta za početnike. Mali timovi, koji nemaju šampionske ambicije ali mogu da otkriju/razviju nekog talenta i za dobre pare ga prodaju jačem timu. Oduvek bili. E sad što nažalost fali bar još 2-3 takva tima na gridu gde bi mesto mogli nači bar još 3-4 početnika, to je neka druga priča, koju i sam pričaš češće od nas ostalih (i s kojom se potpuno slažem). PS: Nego sećaš li se s koja dva vozača je Red Bul krenu da stvara svoj tim i da li je ikada potpisao nekog neiskusnog i neproverenog vozača? Ne računam tu Toro Roso.
Radoye Posted April 27, 2024 Posted April 27, 2024 Ne kontam u cemu je fascinacija sa Hulkenbergom? 13 godina i 208 startova u F1 bez ijednog rezultata vrednog pomena. OK iskusan vozac koji ce da radi sa inzenjerima i testira ali ako ce Audi od njega da prave lidera tima onda pisi propalo. A i za tog matorog testera postoje bolje opcije - cak i Botas koji im je vec "in house" nije nista slabiji. Sains je vec druga stvar, ako bude bilo necega od njegovog dolaska, no ako vec imaju Sainsa Hulk (Botas itd vec takvi mediokriteti) im ne treba pa mogu i da probaju s klincem u drugom bolidu, ne kosta nista a moze puno da donese. 14 minutes ago, Duh sa sekirom said: PS: Nego sećaš li se s koja dva vozača je Red Bul krenu da stvara svoj tim i da li je ikada potpisao nekog neiskusnog i neproverenog vozača? Ne računam tu Toro Roso. Red Bul je na pocetku imao Kultarda u prvom bolidu a u drugom su se prve dve sezone smenjivali upravo neiskusni i neprovereni vozaci - Klin, Dornbos, Liuci. Onda su kupili Toro Roso pa od njega napravili skolicu a Kultardu doveli Vebera, ako na to mislis (treca sezona RBR u F1). S tim sto je Red Bul u jedinstvenoj situaciji u istoriji F1 da imaju luksuz da kontrolisu dva tima. 26 minutes ago, Duh sa sekirom said: Teo ko? Misliš na onog neiskusnog početnika, s kojim je Felipe Drugović obrisao pod u F2? Da onaj Felipe Drugović koji je takođe bez F1 mesta, a osvojio je F2 šampionat dominantnije od bilo kog do tada. Drugovic ko? Mislis na onog neiskusnog pocetnika s kojim je Pjastri obrisao pod u F2? 😉 Jbg i Drugovic bi trebalo da ima mesta u F1, no Porserova prednost u odnosu na njega vizavi Zaubera / Audija je sto im je i Porser "in house" resenje - zvanicno ove godine treci vozac / rezerva iza Botasa i Zoua. Drugovic je pod ugovorom u Aston Martinu.
Romantik Posted April 28, 2024 Posted April 28, 2024 Radoje, ja mnogo postujem tvoje znanje i generalno vidjenje ovog sporta, ali hvaliti Botasa je meni zaista neshvatljivo. Verovatno najprecenjeniji vozac u ovoj dekadi F1! Jeste covek pobedjivao, ali pobedjivao u dominnatnom Mercedeu, pa to bih mogao i ja na trkama kad se nesto dedsi Hamiltonu. Hulk jeste dugo tu, ali covek nije ni krug odvezao u top bolidu. Stavi njega samo dve sezone u ovaj dominantni Red Bul pa bi lagano imao dvocifren broj podijuma a otkinuo i po koju pobedu, zato ako neko treba da dobije nogu iz F1 to bi ovim redom bili: Sardzent, Rikardo, Botas pa Strol (o da, itekako bih ga pre zadrao nego Botasa, jer on jeste nestabilan ali ima sirovu brzinu dok u Botasu kao i Rikardu niceg vise nema, iscendjeni limunovi).
Radoye Posted April 28, 2024 Posted April 28, 2024 (edited) 17 hours ago, Romantik said: Radoje, ja mnogo postujem tvoje znanje i generalno vidjenje ovog sporta, ali hvaliti Botasa je meni zaista neshvatljivo. Verovatno najprecenjeniji vozac u ovoj dekadi F1! Jeste covek pobedjivao, ali pobedjivao u dominnatnom Mercedeu, pa to bih mogao i ja na trkama kad se nesto dedsi Hamiltonu. Hulk jeste dugo tu, ali covek nije ni krug odvezao u top bolidu. Stavi njega samo dve sezone u ovaj dominantni Red Bul pa bi lagano imao dvocifren broj podijuma a otkinuo i po koju pobedu, zato ako neko treba da dobije nogu iz F1 to bi ovim redom bili: Sardzent, Rikardo, Botas pa Strol (o da, itekako bih ga pre zadrao nego Botasa, jer on jeste nestabilan ali ima sirovu brzinu dok u Botasu kao i Rikardu niceg vise nema, iscendjeni limunovi). Ne hvalim ja Botasa, naprotiv - napisao sam gore da je mediokritet, samo ne smatram da je Hulk znacajno kvalitetniji i da ima smisla oko njega graditi ekipu. Ako traze nekog matorog "safe pair of hands" od koga se ne ocekuje bogznasta ali nece da se slupava na svakoj drugoj trci i moci ce da radi sa inzenjerima Botas koga vec imaju na ugovoru je sasvim OK za toliko. A ako imaju Sainsa ne trebaju im ni Botas ni Hulk (Perez, Rikardo, Magnusen itd), nego mogu u drugi bolid da stave neko dete - a i to vec imaju na ugovoru. Potpisivanje Hulka mi zapravo lici da nemaju Sainsa i da idu na daj sta das, jedino tako mi ima smisla. A to ne obecava. Edited April 29, 2024 by Radoye 1
Radoye Posted April 30, 2024 Posted April 30, 2024 Quote New Formula 1 rules have been published which aim to tackle problems which surfaced in the opening races of 2024. The updates to the sporting regulations are targeted at preventing drivers from jumping the start and ensuring teams do not sit out rain-affected practice sessions to save tyres. @Romantik ovo ce te verovatno obradovati 🙂
Romantik Posted April 30, 2024 Posted April 30, 2024 Lepo sto se trude, ali nisam siguran da ce imati efekt, jer ako je ocekivana kisa recimo ceo dan u petak, opet ce bar jedan trening presedeti ili glumiti ludilo kao neki pre par nedelja. Ja bih to definisao drugacije, na primer ako si na treningu po kisi van 103% najbrzeg vremena, a nemas bar 3 merena kruga (dakle ne racunaju se izlazni u ulazni krug iz boksa), oduzima ti se jedna set interemidete guma ili kisnih nakon tog taj treninga, zavisno na kojim je najbrzi vozac postavio vreme. I tu bi mogao neko terati inat, ali bi sanse bile mnogo manje nego ovako.
alberto.ascari Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 Brejkin njuz!! 1
Miki28 Teoljub Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 11 minutes ago, alberto.ascari said: Brejkin njuz!! Da nece u Ferrari?
alberto.ascari Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 8 minutes ago, Miki28 Teoljub said: Da nece u Ferrari? Moguće je, za sada se ništa ne zna zvanično.
Miki28 Teoljub Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 Just now, alberto.ascari said: Moguće je, za sada se ništa ne zna zvanično. Kraj ere Red Bulla?
alberto.ascari Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 (edited) 13 minutes ago, Miki28 Teoljub said: Kraj ere Red Bulla? Verujem da će i iduće sezone biti vrlo jako, od 26. i novih pravila niko ne zna. Osim ako ne ode i Max a line up za 25. ne bude Checo i Yuki. Edited May 1, 2024 by alberto.ascari 1
Romantik Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 Ja procitah negde da je Strol stariji izneo debelu ponudu Njujiu, ali on je to odbio, dakle ne vidim ko jos ostaje osim Ferarija.
alberto.ascari Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 Ja sam rekao da je Elkann ozbiljan igrač. Ništa još nije jasno, ali kladim se u dvajesmarke da ima u ovom prste.
Radoye Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 29 minutes ago, Romantik said: Ja procitah negde da je Strol stariji izneo debelu ponudu Njujiu, ali on je to odbio, dakle ne vidim ko jos ostaje osim Ferarija. Pominjao se i Mercedes. Navodno ako dodje Njui doci ce i Maks. U svakom slucaju gdegod Njui da zavrsi (ako ne ode iz F1 kompletno, posto se pominje i angazman u WEC kao jedna od varijanti) to naprasno postaje najinteresantniji tim za transfer vozaca...
alberto.ascari Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 🚨According to reports from The Gazzetta dello Sport Italy, Adrian Newey is set to join Ferrari, with an announcement likely after the Miami Grand Prix. Yesterday, Ferrari's team principal, Fred Vasseur, made a notable decision to skip the Miami trip and instead flew to London, reportedly to meet with Newey. Speculation suggests they were finalizing an agreement for Newey to join Ferrari starting next season, allowing him to immediately work on the 2026 car without any restrictions. Newey's arrival at Ferrari, known for his successful stints at Williams, McLaren, and Red Bull, could signal a significant strategic move for the team, especially alongside the recent acquisition of Lewis Hamilton. This move draws comparisons to Ferrari's past successes with key personnel like Schumacher, Byrne, and Brawn, indicating a strong push to reclaim dominance in Formula 1. Meanwhile, Newey's departure could bring uncertainty to Red Bull Racing, potentially leading to further instability within the team. #scuderiaferrari 1
Radoye Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 Ako Njui stvarno ide u Ferari tamo su vozacka mesta vec zatvorena, nece biti prostora za Maksa. Pa cemo konacno da vidimo cije su sve one titule zapravo. Dogodine ce RBR jos uvek biti evolucija Njuijevog rada ali za 2026. pravila su dovoljno drugacija da ce morati sve ispocetka da rade... 2
Radoye Posted May 2, 2024 Posted May 2, 2024 (edited) i americki kongres se ukljucio u pricu oko Andretijevog ulaska u F1: Quote Members of the U.S. Congress have written a letter addressed to Liberty Media CEO Greg Maffei to express “concerns with apparent anti-competitive actions” that could stop Andretti Global’s bid to enter Formula 1. Under what authority does FOM proceed to reject admission of Andretti Global? What is the rational for FOM’s rejection, especially with respect to Andretti Global and its partner GM, potentially being the first American-owned and America-built race team? The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 outlaws unreasonable restraints on market competition to produce the best outcome for the American consumer. How does FOM’s denial of Andretti Global and GM, American-owned companies, square with Sherman Act requirements, since the decision will benefit incumbent European racing teams and their foreign automobile manufacturing affiliates? We understand that GM intends to re-introduce its Cadillac brand into the European market, which would support thousands of good-paying American automotive jobs, especially with Formula 1’s worldwide audience and its halo effect on its racing teams and sponsors. How much did GM’s and Andretti’s entrance into racing competition taking a portion of the racing market share and GM’s entry into the European market taking market share each play into the decision to deny admission to the Andretti Global team, given the public outcry of incumbent Formula 1 teams against a new American competitor?” Zahtevaju odgovor do 3. maja (petak). Za taj dan su navodno zakazani i razgovori izmedju Andretija i FOM / Libertija. Edited May 2, 2024 by Radoye 2
badenac Posted May 2, 2024 Posted May 2, 2024 8 hours ago, Radoye said: Ako Njui stvarno ide u Ferari tamo su vozacka mesta vec zatvorena, nece biti prostora za Maksa. Pa cemo konacno da vidimo cije su sve one titule zapravo. Dogodine ce RBR jos uvek biti evolucija Njuijevog rada ali za 2026. pravila su dovoljno drugacija da ce morati sve ispocetka da rade... Radoje,da li mozete da ukratko napravite sazetak Njuijevog uticaja na pobede i poraze timova za koje je radio i razliku izmedju njega i Alisona?
alberto.ascari Posted May 2, 2024 Posted May 2, 2024 Evo još malo: Newey free to join F1 rival in 2025, Red Bull warned of “unmitigated disaster” Adrian Newey’s agreed departure from Red Bull leaves him free to join a rival Formula 1 team next year, despite warnings of it being an “unmitigated disaster” for the squad. Jonathan NobleMay 1, 2024, 4:07 PM Red Bull announced on Wednesday morning that Newey would be leaving the world champion outfit early next year after deciding that he no longer wished to remain a part of the team. He will continue working for the Milton Keynes-based operation until the early part of 2025, which will involve finishing his RB17 hypercar, and will in the meantime attend specific races to work trackside – including this weekend’s Miami Grand Prix. However, it is understood that he will no longer play an active role in technical developments at the team and will not be involved in meetings on future car progress. While Newey originally had a contract that ran until the end of 2025, and had a further non-compete clause that could have sidelined him for another 12 months, his legal representatives have agreed with Red Bull to an earlier parting of ways. Red Bull has announced that Newey’s contract will end in the first quarter of next year, with it understood that from March he will in theory be free to join a rival outfit. Other teams have inevitably been interested in luring Newey on board, with Aston Martin and Ferrari both known to have made lucrative offers to secure his services. It is understood that Newey has ruled out any interest in going to Aston Martin, but Ferrari does remain an option – with it suggested that team principal Fred Vasseur met privately with the famed F1 designer on Tuesday to try to move things forward. And while no deal is in place yet, negotiations are likely to continue as Vasseur makes a personal push to try to convince Newey to join him in time for Lewis Hamilton’s arrival at the squad next year. The timing of Newey’s availability is not perfect in terms of hitting the ground running with the new 2026 car rules, as much of the design concepts will already be in place by the time he can provide his input. However, it still comes early enough for Newey’s influence to be felt and potentially have an impact in how things shake up for F1’s new rules era. One of Red Bull’s rivals says it is flabbergasted that the door is open for Newey to be available early enough to help for 2026 – as it could hurt the world champion squad so much in helping one of its main competitors move ahead. The situation has been likened to how then McLaren team principal Martin Whitmarsh agreed to let Brawn GP have customer Mercedes engines in 2009. This decision helped Brawn go on to win the world title and grab the works Mercedes deal from McLaren’s grasp – consigning its rival to years in the wilderness. A team principal, who did not wish to be identified, said: “It would be an unmitigated disaster for Red Bull if Adrian was let go early to join a competitor. “Christian would look like a complete fool. Just as Whitmarsh did at McLaren when he handed Brawn the keys to Mercedes, which kickstarted their years of dominance in F1.” Red Bull turmoil Newey’s departure from Red Bull comes off the back of early season turmoil from a power battle for control of the team. This was originally triggered by a female employee making a complaint about the behaviour of Horner, with the subsequent developments escalating into a civil war involving the Thai and Austrian energy drink's owners, plus other senior figures within the operation. Horner has tried to keep things under control at the team, but Newey’s exit will do little to calm those who fear that there could be further upheaval in the future. Rival teams have suggested that there has been an influx of interest for jobs from Red Bull personnel in recent months, while the future of star driver Max Verstappen remains uncertain. While Horner himself insists that the Dutchman is committed to the squad for the short term, this has not stopped Mercedes doing all it can to try to lure him away. Verstappen’s father Jos had already warned earlier this year that Red Bull risked exploding if Horner stayed in charge, and the Newey development has done nothing but further embellish his thought. Speaking to Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf on Wednesday, Jos Verstappen was quoted as saying: “The team is in danger of falling apart. I was afraid of that earlier this year. “For internal peace, it is important that key people stay on board. That is not the case now. Newey is leaving and earlier this year it also looked like Helmut [Marko] would be sent away. For the future that is not good." Factions within Red Bull that have tried to get rid of Horner over recent months may renew their efforts now to see through on their bid in the wake of Newey’s departure, and use it as a warning of the need for change at the top to stop the squad breaking apart. Additional reporting by Laurens Stade
Radoye Posted May 2, 2024 Posted May 2, 2024 5 hours ago, badenac said: Radoje,da li mozete da ukratko napravite sazetak Njuijevog uticaja na pobede i poraze timova za koje je radio i razliku izmedju njega i Alisona? Ono sto Njuija cini jedinstvenim danas u F1 je sto on i dalje dizajnira olovkom na papiru - naravno, to se kasnije digitalizuje i pretvara u 3D modele kako vec danasnji standardi to nalazu, ali inicijalna ideja se radja na papiru bez pomoci kompjuterskih alata. To je danas vec pomalo izgubljena vestina, i bas tu se cini mi se radjaju neka jedinstvena resenja zbog kojih su Njuijevi dizajni uvek za korak ispred drugih. Njui je karijeru zapoceo u Marcu i odmah je dobio posao glavnog dizajnera doduse ne u F1 nego u "pratecim programima" - sportskim prototipovima i IndyCar. U obe kategorije je odmah imao uspeha (njegova sasija za Indy je godinama bila dominantna) pa je prekomandovan da radi na F1 bolidu. Njegovo prvo "cedo" iz 1989. je bilo prilicno revolucionarno dizajnirano, vec tu se vidi njegov rukopis koji je kasnije samo usavrsavao, ali su motori bili slabi i nepouzdani. Par podijuma je sve sto su uspeli da naprave za dve sezone. Ipak, to ga je preporucilo za Vilijams gde od 1991. pod Patrikom Hedom radi na dizajnu nekih od najdominantnijih bolida u istoriji F1. Prelazi u Meklaren 1998. gde postaje glavni dizajner, i s njim u paketu dolaze i sampionske titule sa Hakinenom. Sledi period dominacije Ferarija gde je cesto jedino Njuijev Meklaren bivao kakva-takva konkurencija Sumaheru za titulu. 2006. prelazi u Red Bul, novi tim nastao na ruinama nekadasnjeg Jaguara i za nekoliko sezona ga od solidne drugoligaske ekipe pretvara u konkurenta za titulu. Od 2010. pa do uvodjenja hibridnog pogona 2014. sledi apsolutna dominacija sa cetiri uzastopne duple krune. RBR je u narednom periodu ostao pri vrhu (zajedno sa Ferarijem) sve dok Hondin projekat motora nije sazreo. Ponovo se ukljucuju u kombinacije za titule, uzimaju (poklonjenu) vozacku titulu 2021. i od onda surovo dominiraju. Alison je vecinu karijere bio "druga violina", asistent glavnom dizajneru. Uzeo je titule sa Ferarijem i Renoom radeci pod Bronom i Belom. Tehnicki direktor postaje u Renou 2009. godine sto se poklapa sa pocetkom krize u ovom timu (ne njegovom krivicom, to je godina Briatoreovog skandala u Singapuru plus globalno ekonomska kriza pa Reno prodaje fabricku ekipu). Reno postaje Lotus, imali su tu nekih veoma interesantnih i inovativnih tehnickih resenja ali rezultati izostaju. 2013. se vraca u Ferari. Ferari k'o Ferari, uvek pri vrhu nikad na njemu, a ovo je takodje i period apsolutne dominacije Mercedesa zahvaljujuci superiornom hibridnom motoru. Upravo je Mercedes sledeca stanica na putu njegove karijere gde od 2018. uzima cetiri konstruktorske i tri vozacke titule (a bila bi i cetvrta da Majkl Masi nije intervenisao). Jos uvek je u Mercedesu, koji trenutno prolazi kroz period krize. 3
Dzoni_m Posted May 2, 2024 Posted May 2, 2024 13 hours ago, Radoye said: i americki kongres se ukljucio u pricu oko Andretijevog ulaska u F1: Under what authority does FOM proceed to reject admission of Andretti Global? What is the rational for FOM’s rejection, especially with respect to Andretti Global and its partner GM, potentially being the first American-owned and America-built race team? The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 outlaws unreasonable restraints on market competition to produce the best outcome for the American consumer. How does FOM’s denial of Andretti Global and GM, American-owned companies, square with Sherman Act requirements, since the decision will benefit incumbent European racing teams and their foreign automobile manufacturing affiliates? We understand that GM intends to re-introduce its Cadillac brand into the European market, which would support thousands of good-paying American automotive jobs, especially with Formula 1’s worldwide audience and its halo effect on its racing teams and sponsors. How much did GM’s and Andretti’s entrance into racing competition taking a portion of the racing market share and GM’s entry into the European market taking market share each play into the decision to deny admission to the Andretti Global team, given the public outcry of incumbent Formula 1 teams against a new American competitor?” Zahtevaju odgovor do 3. maja (petak). Za taj dan su navodno zakazani i razgovori izmedju Andretija i FOM / Libertija. NIsam hteo ovo da napisem pre neki dan kada si rekao "Izgleda da Andreti zna nesto sto Liberti i FIA ne znaju", ali bukvalno sam bio ubedjen da ce se ovo desiti. Jbg hteli ste publiku u US, sad ce da se pitaju. Ne moze to da vi organizujete trke i promovisete Evropske brendove i gurate prst u oko, a ovamo US proizvdjaci ne mogu da se takmice. Ima ko bele lale da dozvolite. Steta sto ne odluce da zabrane neke trke u "zemljama sa kojima US nema dobre odnose". Npr Kina, ceo Bliski istok i sl. Da odmorimo od tih trka po Jabadabaduima 3
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