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Ko nema zivaca za 3 sata Pitera Vindzora, najinteresantniji detalj je da je RBR navodno ponudio Albonu trogodisnji ugovor od 2025. za mesto pored Ferstapena.

Ako je istina - za sada niko drugi to ne pominje osim Vindzora i ovih sto se pozivaju na njega - to Mercedesu zatvara jos jednu opciju. Na kraju ce stvarno ostati na Miku Sumaheru.

Gore u intervjuu sa Totom pominje se da su u Mercedesu Hamiltonu nudili ugovor 1+1, dakle za 2024. i opciju za 2025. jer su gadjali Landa ili Leklera. Na kraju obojica produzila sa svojim dosadasnjim timovima a Hamilton zapalio iz Mercedesa. To mi lici na situaciju kad je Alpin zatezao sa Alonsom i Pjastrijem pa ostao bez obojice.

Sains verovatno ide u Audi (ako je verovati caletu), znaci ni on im nije opcija. Sta ce Rikardo da odluci ako mu Albon uzme mesto u RBR? Mozda Bebi Bul bude konkurentan, navodno ce ovogodisnji bolid biti prakticno proslogodisnji RBR pa mu ne bude bitno?

Ko ce ga znati...

Posted (edited)
On 2/3/2024 at 2:39 AM, Radoye said:


Ko nema zivaca za 3 sata Pitera Vindzora, najinteresantniji detalj je da je RBR navodno ponudio Albonu trogodisnji ugovor od 2025. za mesto pored Ferstapena.

Ako je istina - za sada niko drugi to ne pominje osim Vindzora i ovih sto se pozivaju na njega - to Mercedesu zatvara jos jednu opciju. Na kraju ce stvarno ostati na Miku Sumaheru.

Gore u intervjuu sa Totom pominje se da su u Mercedesu Hamiltonu nudili ugovor 1+1, dakle za 2024. i opciju za 2025. jer su gadjali Landa ili Leklera. Na kraju obojica produzila sa svojim dosadasnjim timovima a Hamilton zapalio iz Mercedesa. To mi lici na situaciju kad je Alpin zatezao sa Alonsom i Pjastrijem pa ostao bez obojice.

Sains verovatno ide u Audi (ako je verovati caletu), znaci ni on im nije opcija. Sta ce Rikardo da odluci ako mu Albon uzme mesto u RBR? Mozda Bebi Bul bude konkurentan, navodno ce ovogodisnji bolid biti prakticno proslogodisnji RBR pa mu ne bude bitno?

Ko ce ga znati...


Totu telefon mora da se usijao u ovim danima ali ne od novinara nego od gomile menadžera i njihovih vozača bili pod ugovorom ili ne sa svojim timom. 


Zabavno je zamišljati ko bi mogao da sedne u taj automobil 2025. Bilo bi bomastično da potpišu Alonsa, a još jače bi pukla vest da vraćaju Vetela iz penzije 🙂.

Ko zna, možda ćape Drugoviča od Aston Martina ili uzmu Alexa Palua iz Indija...


Bojim se da će na kraju da ćape Norisa od nas. Iako ima dugogodišnji ugovor sa nama mi ne znamo kakve klauzule za raskid se nalaze u njemu. Većina top vozača ima klauzule vezano za: poziv od tima koji je bolje rangiran u prošloj sezoni, performanse automobila ili broju pobeda u tekućoj sezoni (a Meklaren ih ima 0 još od onog čuda u Monci) i slično tome.



Edited by Drago
Posted (edited)
On 2/2/2024 at 10:16 PM, Radoye said:

Vec smo imali to 🙂


Da, to...


Milslio sam nešto što je Ferrarijev potpis, dok hamilton ludi u sebi. Poput, we are Ćeking, we are Ćeking, zatim tu su planovi A, B, C... ...M, R, W... Ili nešto poput ovoga:




Edited by 033zero330

Prosto pozelim da ih Sainz olesi u Audiju. Cisto onako, za primer. Karme radi.


Jednostavno, pored toliko sranja koje su napravili u timu ne mogu da shvatim odluku da se odreknu takvog vozaca. I uprkos tome sto mi je Lec od starta favorit - zelim vam bre da vas naguzi Sainz u nekom Audiju fazon.






F1’s Sprint schedule will now see earlier Saturday races followed by main qualifying after changes were approved by the Formula 1 Commission.
Fridays will now have FP1 followed by the Sprint Shootout later on the same day, and then the Sprint takes place on Saturday ahead of main qualifying for the grand prix itself. There remains six Sprints on the schedule this year in China, Miami, Austria, Austin, Brazil and Qatar.







Energy drink maker Red Bull said Monday it is investigating Christian Horner, the team principal of its championship Formula One team, over an allegation of misconduct toward a team employee.


Dutch publication De Telegraaf first reported the investigation. Horner has denied any wrongdoing, and the complaint is allegedly about his aggressive management style.


Navodno iz nepotvrdjenih izvora mu je sugerisano da dobrovoljno napusti funkciju.

Netfilxu ustrelilo 2 od 3 najpopularnija lika njihove spanske sapunice, posle Stajnera i Horner, jos Totoa da maknu i pisi propalo...

13 hours ago, Radoye said:





Navodno iz nepotvrdjenih izvora mu je sugerisano da dobrovoljno napusti funkciju.

Netfilxu ustrelilo 2 od 3 najpopularnija lika njihove spanske sapunice, posle Stajnera i Horner, jos Totoa da maknu i pisi propalo...


Ne damo Hornera, Horner is a good Christian :s_d:


Da ne bude...


Kad su došli po Hornera ćutao sam.

Kad su došli po Wolfa ćutao sam.

Kad su zakucali na naša vrata, boleo ih qrac što se Haas buni...




Energy drink maker Red Bull said Monday it is investigating Christian Horner, the team principal of its championship Formula One team, over an allegation of misconduct toward a team employee.
Dutch publication De Telegraaf first reported the investigation. Horner has denied any wrongdoing, and the complaint is allegedly about his aggressive management style.
Navodno iz nepotvrdjenih izvora mu je sugerisano da dobrovoljno napusti funkciju.

Netfilxu ustrelilo 2 od 3 najpopularnija lika njihove spanske sapunice, posle Stajnera i Horner, jos Totoa da maknu i pisi propalo...

Novinari lesinari. Neka lepo napisu sta je bilo. Posto “misconduct” u danasnjem svetu mogu biti dve krajnosti.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

F1 Team Principal Christian Horner is scheduled to face a Red Bull hearing on Friday regarding allegations that have been made against him.


The claims are understood to have been made by a female employee, but remain unspecified.


#F1 #Motorsport #RedBullRacing

2 hours ago, alberto.ascari said:

F1 Team Principal Christian Horner is scheduled to face a Red Bull hearing on Friday regarding allegations that have been made against him.


The claims are understood to have been made by a female employee, but remain unspecified.


#F1 #Motorsport #RedBullRacing


2 hours ago, fancy said:

Od početka je ličilo na to.


1 hour ago, alberto.ascari said:

Pravnici za razvode se već raduju.


Prema onome sto sam ja nakupio sa raznih strana jeste zensko zaposleno u pitanju ali nije nuzno seksualni misconduct u pitanju vec vise neki mobing, no dovoljno je ozbiljna stvar u pitanju da iz vrhova kompanije pritiskaju Hornera da sam da ostavku da stvar legne tiho...


A mozda je samo rekao nekoj gen Z snowflake LGHDTV4K da uradi nesto tj izvrsi zadatak umesto da izigrava hemicara pretvarajuci 02 u CO2

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


U danasnjoj cancel kulturi, ne bih mu bio u kozi.

Opet, ne verujem da bi tako ozbiljan tim kao RB sebi dozvolio lov na vestice. Dima ima...





Former F1 driver Giedo van der Garde doubts Red Bull team boss Christian Horner will survive his current "inappropriate behaviour" scandal.


Top Austrian specialist source motorsport-magazin.com agrees that the 50-year-old long-time team principal's days at Red Bull now appear numbered, having completely lost the support of the Austrian parent company.


The energy drink company has appointed an independent lawyer to investigate the Milton-Keynes based female staff member's accusations, which according to some sources are not of a sexual nature but more about Horner's supposed aggressive and controlling management style.


James Vowles, the team boss at Williams who is close to former Mercedes colleague Toto Wolff, appeared to hint at the nature of the complaint this week.


"I think it (the accusation) means we all have to look each other in the mirror and make sure we are posing the right questions internally and acting in a way that we can only be proud of, not today but in the next ten years," he said.


D-day for Horner, according to the London Times, appears to be Friday, when the independent lawyer travels to the UK for a crunch meeting. The Sun newspaper says both Horner and the complainant are still at work in Milton-Keynes.


Some think the entire scandal is related to Horner's earlier power struggle with Dr Helmut Marko, with Max Verstappen at the time having publicly supported the 80-year-old top Red Bull consultant.


De Telegraaf journalist Erik van Haren thinks that same power struggle is now coming to a climax, with Horner and Marko becoming like water and fire.


It is even rumoured that Adrian Newey could be pulled into the saga, as he is traditionally more aligned with Horner than Marko - perhaps even contractually.


Germany's Auto Motor und Sport, meanwhile, thinks the man most likely to replace Horner if he is ousted is long-time Red Bull team manager Jonathan Wheatley.


The true test of whether Horner has survived the crisis will be if Horner takes his usual high-profile place at the launch of the 2024 car next Thursday.


"No," said van der Garde when asked if he thinks Horner will be at the launch.


"Horner is being checked out internally by Red Bull," he told the DRS De Race Show podcast. "Believe me, when that presentation comes next week, Horner will definitely not be there."


Motorsport-magazin.com journalist Christian Menath, however, says one possibility is that even if Horner has lost the backing of Red Bull in Austria, the company's 51 percent Thai co-owner is a traditional supporter of Horner's reign.


"No one is irreplaceable", said Louis Dekker, a correspondent for NOS - the biggest Dutch news organisation. "But it's bad news for the season anyway."


"Once a team starts leaking like this, you know there is internal strife. And when they notice in Austria and Thailand that Horner is damaging the brand, he will simply be out. That has nothing to do with whether there are two camps or not", he said.


Dekker backed Wheatley to do a good job if promoted into Horner's shoes.


"He is a key to all of Verstappen's victories and is sometimes jokingly called the 2021 world champion by insiders, he said. This is because he put pressure on the inexperienced race director for months so that decisions went in their favour."


Ovde sumiraju ono sto sam ranije procitao da skandal nije seksualne prirode i da je Horner pod pritiskom iz vrhova korporacije da napusti polozaj.

Novi momenti su da bi ovo mogao biti Markov puc da istisne Hornera i preuzme kontrolu nad timom...


Koliko sam video, teorija da je Marko iza svega je potekla od holandskih novinara, navodno bliskih Maksu. Ako nije u pitanju neka igra Marka da istera Hornera, ovo je onda verovatno nešto ozbiljno čim je kompanija odlučila da radi nezavisnu istragu umesto da to sve stiša i reši iza zatvorenih vrata. 


Ako su neki izvršni direktori Red Bula hteli da se reše Hornera, onda su to sve mogli znatno elegantnije i tiše, umesto skandala.


Ako Marko nije izgnan iz RB posle one izjave o Perezu, ne znam sta je to Honer mogao da uradi da zasluzi otkaz. Inace, ne znam koliko je istinit navod, Njui je upozorio da ako ide Horner ide i on. A izgleda da sve smrdi na to da se neka snowflake odoba uvredila sto joj je rekao da je rezultat rada sranje.

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