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To je bez veze, jer šta bi se onda pisalo ako neki od druge dvojice osvoji Golden Masters? Trebalo je da stave Golden Masters pa njemu dva.

ATP kup još nema dovoljno zacementiran status rekla bih, ako se održi, za desetak godina verovatno će mu se status izjednačiti sa DC, posebno s obzirom kako DC sad izgleda :classic_rolleyes:

14 minutes ago, Milica said:

Da je malo cesce koristio digitron bilo bi i vise od 312 samo sto mu se tad cinio dostiznijim broj slemova nego nedelja, a ono ispade obrnuto.

Ja se ne sećam da se to baš dešavalo? Više puta je očigledno u lošem stanju pokušavao da prestigne Rafu (na WTFu se odlučivalo 2019.) i Mareja (onaj period kad obojica ni na šta nisu ličila 😄


Jeste I 2019 se odlucivalo na zavrsnom.Kada je Federer pobedio  Novaka u grupi,skakao I urlikao kao da je osvojio GS I izjavio posle da je ta pobeda dobra za tenis ne samo zato sto je on dobio Novaka  vec je u igri No1 ,ne samo YE.Sada te nedelje nisu vazne,on je jurio Samprasa🥺

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Izgleda da samo Djokovic ima pravo da skace i urlice jer jedini on to radi iz pravih razloga, svi ostali to rade samo njemu da napakoste.
Ovde neke treba zajebavati do iznemoglosti...


Ne znam da li si citala Bodov clanak iz 2007 iz IW, gde u prvom delu opisuje Gaskea i ne daje mu bas prevelike sanse da nesto ozbiljno ostvari u karijeri (ono sto su mu neki predvidjali). Ostatak clanka je o Novaku i prognoze su bile mnogo bolje (pa su se i ostvarile).

Covek je nesto video jos tada.

2 minutes ago, We lose every week said:

Nemoguće...pa taj članak se na starom forumu i ovde citirao ko jevanđelje tokom mise. :classic_biggrin:



To sto se citira, ne znaci da cu ja da procitam :lol_2:


ma morala si malko gvirnuti, znaš ono...kao kad klinci stave ruke na oči da nešto ne vide, pa onda strateški malkice rašire između srednjeg i domalog prsta da bi videli ono što žele da sakriju :lol_2:

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I want to start things off here with a few thoughts on a player many of you like, Richard Gasquet, aka Baby Federer. He was on my short list of players to take a good, long look at here at the Pacific Life Open, and I have to confess: the more I see the less I like. I’m going to write some critical things about him now, so I want to add the disclaimer that I have no feelings about this kid, personally, except as a tennis player. A certain kind of human machine, if you will, that exists apart from the substance of his character. Hail, he seems like a nice enough kid, but he’s a disaster as a tennis player (remember, we’re talking about high-level tennis here). In a way, he’s my ideal anti-tennis player.



Gasquet is an extremely gifted player, but Baby Federer? Not in this lifetime, or any other. Not in any way, shape, or form. I’m amazed that so many of our Federer KADs think so highly of him, for he is everything The Mighty Fed is not: unmodulated, full of meretricious flourishes, lacking in heft, both in his game and, more importantly, as a competitor.



We saw that last night, when he performed the usual magic tricks with his racquet precisely until the first set, and ultimately, the match, hung in the balance. At that point, he retreated into Fish and Feli land, that strange territory where the inexplicable errors flow like the winners once did, and the derring-do morphs into no-can-do.



In another context, this is interesting stuff, and it’s always fun to have a Gasquet around: He plays like a daredevil, bewitching the crowd until his prop – the high-wire, the trapeze, the jump-ramp, take your pick – breaks under the stress. But today I’m here to talk about the theoretical Perfect Player, and I see him in the physical container of Novak Djokovic.




He’s an emotional guy, but somehow it never corrupts his stroke work, or finds expression as a poor decision, a hasty decision or a puzzling decision – which is the problem faced by guys like Gasquet.



I noticed watching Gasquet that his feet are very busy, sometimes working like flippers as he hits the ball. I thought it telling that Djoker’s feet are active as well, yet it’s always a critical, split-second later than in a guy like Gasquet. That is, Djoker buys an extra, useful moment of stillness while his swing is still in progress, and that enables him to whack the kitten with a shade more power and accuracy.



evo, izdvojila sam ti delove o Gaskeu.

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14 hours ago, Keira said:



Basilasvili mu je 25x, za ostale tacno.

malo kasnije postavim listing svih spasenih/propustenih mec-lopti

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