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"Čitav teniski svet je bio emotivan zbog jučerašnje pobede Endija Marija" kažu u studiju ES :classic_biggrin:

Edited by alcesta
Posted (edited)
Ana otkrila pojam "teniski novinar" :lol_2: , pa se dala u analizu: :classic_biggrin:

FWIW, I found this news article (as opposed to analysis or opinion piece) mostly fair. But if were using it as an exercise in a critical thinking or media literacy course, close-reading students could find plenty to underline & question.





Add to this, a later tweet by the article’s author (who has a blue check & a not-insignificant number of followers, including other journalists). Is a “falsehood” (singular, not plural or possessive) the same as an “error” or “inaccuracy”? Is the key Q really the gov’t’s *right*?


I’m well aware that, as someone who taught writing, logic, & ethics (among other things) at the university level before turning to tennis a decade ago, I care far more about, e.g., diction than most. But this sort of thing goes to the trust between author & reader.


One more example: here’s a detail from a recent commentary in the Guardian. Minor? Yes. But clearly important enough to have been included. The man quoted here was *acting* PM for four (4) full days in March 2003 after the sitting PM, Zoran Djindjić, was assassinated.



zar nije Zoran Zivnovic preuzeo ulogu Premijera kad je DJindjic ubijen? :smiley24:


Upwards of 90% of the Guardian’s sports readership are not going to notice a mistake like this (which, in my restraint, I’ll opt not to call a “falsehood” or worse). So, their trust in the author’s credibility may not be undermined by it. But for those of us who do notice?


We are left to wonder not only about the relevance of this particular example (why is a man who is reportedly now a basketball executive being quoted?) but also about 1) the process by which the writer gathered & checked his material & 2) the judgment involved in publishing it.


Even without knowing anything about Serbian politics, readers can assess things like word choice & tone, amount & quality of evidence used to support claims, & overall accuracy & fairness of descriptions. Why, e.g., quote a 2016 comment that’s arguably outdated to make this point?




ovo je izvucena iz konteksta recenica izrecena tokom mastersa u IW.


This unrelated—& likely incorrect—statement about Djoković’s assault on equal pay leads me to the following, tentative hypothesis: for some in sports journalism, accuracy is not nearly as important to their work as calling out players with whom (they think) they disagree.


To end on a personal note: I think journalism is a noble profession. As an American, I am deeply grateful to both our 1A freedoms and the excellent work of many journalists who inform readers on matters small & large, investigate important stories, & hold the powerful to account.

As it happens, I’m also the daughter of a print journalist and the sister of a radio journalist who counts many in the profession among my friends and colleagues (even if I don’t consider myself one of them). So, it pains me to observe the state of far too much journalism today.


Edited by wwww

Ali posebno ovo "a man who has done more than any leading player". Nema veze što je takvu izjavu dao i Nadal, a sličnu svojevremeno i Mari, današnja ikona feminizma :classic_rolleyes: 

Pri čemu je i dalje šta neko kaže bitnije od onoga što radi, ako nama to odgovara.

11 minutes ago, alcesta said:

Ali posebno ovo "a man who has done more than any leading player". Nema veze što je takvu izjavu dao i Nadal, a sličnu svojevremeno i Mari, današnja ikona feminizma :classic_rolleyes: 

Pri čemu je i dalje šta neko kaže bitnije od onoga što radi, ako nama to odgovara.

ma secas se te izjave tokom IW, kada je tadasnji direktor turnira (pre Haasa) na nekom dorucku s novinarima rekao nesto u stilu da WTA uopste nece da se angazuje i pomogne turnirima oko promocije ili sta vec, vec da jasu na uspehu Fedala (ne secam se sad da li je bio i NOvak ukljucen), pa je onda Ben (a ko drugi :classic_rolleyes: ) madao dreku u medijima, pa je ovaj posle izgubio posao. Pa su onda pitali Novaka o svemu tome, a on krenuo kao i obicno nasiroko i nadugacno da prica (pri cemu se cesto ne izrazi dovoljno precizno, vec je njegova izjava podlozna interpretaciji ako se neka recenica izvuce iz konteksta).

Endi je svojevremeno imao gadniju izjavu o koleginicama (a Janko i jos gadniju), no Nadal je bas bio bezobrazan opravdavajuci sve time sto je poredio zenske i muske modele i ko koliko zaradjuje...

Na isti nacin (u teletabis maniru) je i odgovorio na pitanje o Osaki tokom proslog RG. Dok sad  vrli "teniski i sportski novinari" pripisuju Novaku da je bio bezobrazan i da je rekao da Osaka ima da ispunjava svoje radne obaveze inace ce biti kaznjena (sto je zapravo Nadal rekao). Novak je, naprotiv, rekao da razume Osaku jer je i sam bio na meti novinara (mada Osaka nikada nije bila na meti novinara, vec je oduvek njihova ljubimica), pa je jos pominjao da zbog brata poznaje problem depresije. I jos je Osaka njega kao jedinog tenisera apostrofirala kad je nekom USA casopisu dala intervju (ili sta vec) i navela koje poznate licnosti su je kontaktirale i ponudile podrsku.

A evo sta je Osaka sada rekla u vezi Novaka:



5 minutes ago, wwww said:

ma secas se te izjave tokom IW, kada je tadasnji direktor turnira (pre Haasa) na nekom dorucku s novinarima rekao nesto u stilu da WTA uopste nece da se angazuje i pomogne turnirima oko promocije ili sta vec, vec da jasu na uspehu Fedala (ne secam se sad da li je bio i NOvak ukljucen), pa je onda Ben (a ko drugi :classic_rolleyes: ) madao dreku u medijima, pa je ovaj posle izgubio posao. Pa su onda pitali Novaka o svemu tome, a on krenuo kao i obicno nasiroko i nadugacno da prica (pri cemu se cesto ne izrazi dovoljno precizno, vec je njegova izjava podlozna interpretaciji ako se neka recenica izvuce iz konteksta).

Endi je svojevremeno imao gadniju izjavu o koleginicama (a Janko i jos gadniju), no Nadal je bas bio bezobrazan opravdavajuci sve time sto je poredio zenske i muske modele i ko koliko zaradjuje...

Pa ja sam to isto i napisala, odlično se sećam i te izjave a i ovih drugih :classic_ninja:

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, wwww said:

ma znam, ali ovih dana cesto imamo "goste" :classic_biggrin: koji ne znaju sve ove detalje, pa reko'  da rekapituliram. :classic_biggrin:

Ja samo da kazem da je@Losmi17
sve u pravu za odredjenog lijevorukog gospodina ! 😁

A ti “gosti”..bar su nabili postova (na ponos @Borko)..a tebi @wwwwsvaki moguci naklon sto imas snage da stvari istjeras i zadrzis objektivnost. 🙂 Takvim “gostima” to nece znaciti nista ali nek’ ostane upisano. 

Edited by Gistro Bančo
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World number 1 Novak Djokovic, who refuses to be vaccinated, has bought 80% of Danish biotech QuantBioRes, which is developing a treatment against Covid-19.


According to Ivan Loncarevic, managing director of the company, Djokovic's investment dates from June 2020, a few months after the start of the pandemic.


obratiti paznju kako u prvom twitu pominje vakcinaciju, ali mu ne pada na pamet da pomene kad je firma kupljena, to ostavlja za 2. twit, koji najveci deo konzumenata njegovih twitova ni ne primeti.


ovo je novinar koji je inicijalno plasirao "vest" kako je Novak kritikovao Simone tokom OI (pressure is privilage) a koju su milioni preuzeli i uzeli za istinitu, pa se posle par dana kao izvinjavao za gresku i korigovao (ali je to videlo nekih par hiljada, a primilo k znanju jos manje... )


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Posted (edited)



Novak Djokovic was deported from Australia in part due to the ‘media portrayal’ of his choice not to be vaccinated, the judges have confirmed.

A week-long saga came to an end on the eve of the Australian Open with Djokovic failing in his bid to have a court rule a Ministerial order to deport him was unreasonable.

Minister for Immigration Alex Hawke cancelled Djokovic’s visa on the grounds his presence in Australia unvaccinated could fuel ant-vaccination sentiment in the country.

However, despite conceding there was ‘no evidence’ that Novak Djokovic has never ‘fostered anti-vaccination sentiment,’ the judges ruled Hawke had grounds for his decision based upon the media and public perception of the Serbian’s decision not to take the vaccine.



The ruling states: “That he had a reason not to have a vaccination at the time of the decision in January 2022, apparently having contracted COVID-19 on or about 16 December 2021, did not say anything as to the position for the many months from the availability of vaccines to December 2021.

“It was plainly open to the Minister to infer that Mr Djokovic had chosen not to be vaccinated because he was opposed to vaccination or did not wish to be vaccinated.

“Whilst the Minister had not asked Mr Djokovic about his present attitude to vaccines, that only meant that there was no express statement to the contrary of what could be inferred to be his attitude up to January 2022.

“Mr Djokovic had not volunteered any information when interviewed at the airport by officers of the Department of Home Affairs. He did not give evidence of any apparent change of attitude.


“It was also open to the Minister to infer that the public would view his attitude as the media had portrayed: that he was unwilling to be vaccinated.

“The central proposition of Mr Djokovic’s argument was that the Minister lacked any evidence and cited none that his presence may “foster anti-vaccination sentiment”.

“There was no evidence, it was submitted, that he had urged people not to be vaccinated. Nor was there any evidence that in the past his circumstances had fostered such a sentiment in other countries.

“However, it was open to infer that it was perceived by the public that Mr Djokovic was not in favour of vaccinations. It was known or at least perceived by the public that he had chosen not to be vaccinated.”






Edited by wwww


ma nije valjda! :classic_ohmy:  ko bi rekao?!?!?

jos kad bi sledio sopstveni savet kad krene u twitovanje sveg i svaceg. no vajda je to u redu jer je u ime ispravnih nacela... :classic_dry:


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Ceronja Igine reci "I'm pumped up" prevodi doslovce kao "Napumpana sam"..:classic_ninja::lol_2: Sto,ne treba posebno napominjati,na nasem jeziku zaista ima vise nego diskutabilno znacenje..

Kakvi kretenoidi rade na ES Srbija,ovo je strasno. :frusty:

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