Radoye Posted August 23, 2023 Posted August 23, 2023 Nakon letnje pauze nastavlja se ovogodisnji svetski sampionat F1 u kome je ostalo jos samo da saznamo da li ce RBR (pre svih Maks) pobediti na svim preostalim trkama i tako postaviti novi rekord u dominaciji. Posto je F1 bila na odmoru nema nesto previse vesti osim one o Masinoj tuzbi u pokusaju da retroaktivno preokrene rezultat sezone 2008, a tokom pauze vozaci su se zabavljali svaki na svoj nacin - Botas recimo ovako: Ovaj vikend ce biti normalan, bez "sprinta", bez eksperimentisanja sa obaveznim alokacijama guma u kvalifikacijama. Pireli donosi smese C1, C2 i C3. Tokom FP1 cemo umesto Sainsa u Ferariju gledati rezervu Roberta Svarcmana. Satnica vikenda ovde:https://www.formula1.com/en/racing/2023/Netherlands.html 2
Radoye Posted August 25, 2023 Author Posted August 25, 2023 FP1, Maks ispred Alonsa: FP2, Noris ispred Maksa: Udes Pjastrija i Rokarda, Rikardo u bolnici zbog povrede sake: https://racer.com/2023/08/25/ricciardo-hospitalized-with-possible-hand-injury-following-crash-in-practice/ Quote Daniel Ricciardo has been taken to a local hospital for checks on his hand after crashing during practice for the Dutch Grand Prix. The AlphaTauri driver went straight on into the wall at the banked Turn 3 corner, appearing to be distracted by Oscar Piastri’s crash at the same corner just ahead of him that left the McLaren partly on the racing line. Ricciardo took to team radio to say that he had hurt his hand, and immediately took his left glove off before gingerly climbing out. Ricciardo also signaled to a marshal that he had a problem with his left hand as he sat on the side of his car, shaking his head in frustration before being taken to the medical center. The Australian was then pictured leaving the medical center with his arm in a sling, and the FIA confirmed he has been taken to a local hospital for checks. Should Ricciardo be unfit to race, Red Bull reserve driver Liam Lawson is on-site at Zandvoort and would need to take part in at least qualifying to be able to start Sunday’s grand prix. AlphaTauri can also still call on Nyck de Vries if required, having replaced the Dutchman with Ricciardo ahead of the Hungarian Grand Prix. Novotarije na bolidima: https://racer.com/2023/08/25/technical-updates-2023-dutch-grand-prix/ Quote Aston Martin has brought the most significant update to the Dutch Grand Prix, with floor and diffuser changes as it targets second place in the constructors’ championship. Quote Red Bull has a new beam wing this weekend as its only upgrade, but Mercedes continues its own push with tweaks to the floor edge, sidepod inlet — specifically the mirror stays to improve airflow and performance of the rear wing — and beam wing. Quote Haas is aiming to solve its race pace woes with some new parts that include a new front wing and nose assembly, while there is a circuit-specific change to the rear brake ducts for cooling purposes. Quote At AlphaTauri there are new rear wing endplates which increases efficiency, while McLaren has a rear wing and beam wing tweak that is specific to the demands of Zandvoort.
Radoye Posted August 25, 2023 Author Posted August 25, 2023 Rikardo slomio ruku, potvrdjeno da nece moci da vozi. Umesto njega Liam Loson: https://www.racefans.net/2023/08/25/ricciardo-out-of-dutch-gp-with-broken-arm-lawson-to-make-f1-debut/ Quote Daniel Ricciardo will miss the Dutch Grand Prix after suffering a broken arm in a crash during practice today. RaceFans understands AlphaTauri reserve driver Liam Lawson will make his Formula 1 debut in place of Ricciardo.
Drago Posted August 26, 2023 Posted August 26, 2023 Najdosadniji "Silly Season" od kada pamtim. Savršeno se uklapa u ovu dosadnu sezonu. Jedina silly vest je da će Strol možda u tenisere... U jučerašnjim kvalifikacijama za F2 su isticali crvene zastave za svako izletanje sa staze pa čak i kada je vozač samo očešao ogradu (poslednja crvena zastava i kraj kvalifikacija). Mučeni Hauger je čak tri puta bio na najbržem krugu da zauzme Pol ali je svaki krug prekidan crvenim. Ne znam da li je ovo nova praksa ali biće cirkusa u F1 kvalifikacijama ako kriterijum sa zastavama bude isti.
MC Thunder 2 Posted August 26, 2023 Posted August 26, 2023 Univerzum bas zeli da poruci Rikardu da ga ne zeli u F1. Prvo guzenje od strane Zhoua na VN Madjarske u 1.krugu, potom obrisano vreme u Q1 u Spa, a sad ovo. Horner kaze da postoji sansa da se vrati za Singapur, tj da prekoci "samo" Moncu 😑 In other (live) news, bravo za Logana. Oba Williamsa u Q3. Albon je kralj midfield/lowfield timova i savrsen da tu overachievuje. P.s. zao mi je sto je Botas postao cirkuzant Formule 1. Kao da se uopste vise ne trudi na stazi.
MC Thunder 2 Posted August 26, 2023 Posted August 26, 2023 (edited) Bolje da ja ne hvalim vise nikoga 😬 Mada bi bilo sjajno da se zavrse kval. sada i Williams krene iz prvog reda 😁 Edited August 26, 2023 by Alex_Serbia
JPM Posted August 26, 2023 Posted August 26, 2023 Jebote, Charlie je bas uspeo da obori rekord izletanja za jedan vikend.
Nicklord Posted August 26, 2023 Posted August 26, 2023 Kako ih je upropastio Maks sve opet, jeste RB najjači ali nije ovoliko 😄
MC Thunder 2 Posted August 26, 2023 Posted August 26, 2023 (edited) 4 minutes ago, Nicklord said: Kako ih je upropastio Maks sve opet, jeste RB najjači ali nije ovoliko 😄 Jeste Ali i Max je mnogo bolji od prvog sledeceg, nema sta. Bravo za Albona. Edited August 26, 2023 by Alex_Serbia
alberto.ascari Posted August 26, 2023 Posted August 26, 2023 21 minutes ago, John Terry said: Jebote, Charlie je bas uspeo da obori rekord izletanja za jedan vikend. Bolid totalni understeer. Dobar za pravac 😁
Radoye Posted August 26, 2023 Author Posted August 26, 2023 6 razlicitih bolida u top 6, neverovatno!
Radoye Posted August 27, 2023 Author Posted August 27, 2023 Quote Ferrari and driver Carlos Sainz Jnr have both received minor punishments following an incident between the driver and Oscar Piastri during qualifying at Zandvoort. Sainz forced Piastri onto the grass on the approach to turn two after leaving the pits in front of the McLaren driver. He has received a driving reprimand and Ferrari have been fined €5,000 (£4,290). https://www.racefans.net/2023/08/26/sainz-reprimanded-ferrari-fined-e5000-for-potentially-dangerous-piastri-clash/ Quote Yuki Tsunoda has been hit with a three-place grid drop for the Dutch Grand Prix after the stewards found he impeded Lewis Hamilton in qualifying. However, Lance Stroll was cleared of the same offence by the stewards and will not face any penalties for Sunday’s race. https://www.racefans.net/2023/08/26/tsunoda-hit-with-three-place-grid-drop-for-impeding-hamilton-stroll-cleared/
Drago Posted August 27, 2023 Posted August 27, 2023 Za ovo guranje Gaslija sa staze Max mora da dobije kaznu.
Drago Posted August 27, 2023 Posted August 27, 2023 Red Bul zove Maxa u box pre Čeka i poklanja mu lidersku poziciju. Čisto da još jednom potvrde Perezu gde mu je mesto... 1
JPM Posted August 27, 2023 Posted August 27, 2023 1 minute ago, Drago said: Red Bul zove Maxa u box pre Čeka i poklanja mu lidersku poziciju. Čisto da još jednom potvrde Perezu gde mu je mesto... I onda ide "Did Max undercut us?" Mislim, ok timske naredbe ali jebote... Mclaren ima strasan auto, verovatno odmah iza RB ali sve dzaba, taktike bez. Safety car.
Miki28 Teoljub Posted August 27, 2023 Posted August 27, 2023 (edited) 3 minutes ago, Drago said: Red Bul zove Maxa u box pre Čeka i poklanja mu lidersku poziciju. Čisto da još jednom potvrde Perezu gde mu je mesto... A nema veze sto je Ceko prvi mijenjao gume i dosao do liderske pozicije? Odakle je startovao? Da nije sa 7 mjesta. Isto tako, nemq veze sto muMax skinuo 10 sekundi ko iz pi... i na istim gumama prije zamjene Edited August 27, 2023 by Miki28 typo
Alek The Great Posted August 27, 2023 Posted August 27, 2023 I kod prvog stajanja su Pereza prvo pozvali iako je bio iza kolege. Iz drugih razloga razume se, ali ipak...Sent from my RMX3301 using Tapatalk
Drago Posted August 27, 2023 Posted August 27, 2023 Taj prvi stop je bio haotičan i videli smo da su se sve ekipe pogubile. Drugi stop je bio dobro isplaniran.
Xpert Posted August 27, 2023 Posted August 27, 2023 (edited) 5 minutes ago, Drago said: Red Bul zove Maxa u box pre Čeka i poklanja mu lidersku poziciju. Čisto da još jednom potvrde Perezu gde mu je mesto... On jako dobro zna gde mu je mesto. Dopustio je timskom kolegi da anulira 12-13s prednosti za 5-6 krugova. Da je vozio Maxovim tempom, nikakav undercut ne bi pomogao. Edited August 27, 2023 by Xpert 4
JPM Posted August 27, 2023 Posted August 27, 2023 Zao mi je Logana ali on je sledeci van formule 1. 1
Radoye Posted August 27, 2023 Author Posted August 27, 2023 (edited) Trka je na ovaj fazon: 3 minutes ago, John Terry said: Zao mi je Logana ali on je sledeci van formule 1. Pa bio je plan da Meklaren ubaci Palua umesto njega cim se zavrsi Indikar sezona, ali ovaj sad hoce da ostane kod Ganasija koliko se prosle godine otimao da dodje u Meklaren... Edited August 27, 2023 by Radoye 2
Drago Posted August 27, 2023 Posted August 27, 2023 3 minutes ago, Xpert said: On jako dobro zna gde mu je mesto. Dopustio je timskom kolegi da anulira 12-13s prednosti za 5-6 krugova. Da je vozio Maxovim tempom, nikakav undercut ne bi pomogao. Ali su ovako izbegli duel na stazi. Iako je Max brži ipak nije zaslužio da mu ekipa poklanja liderstvo u trci.
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