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A long time ago in a Galaxy far,far away... (Star Wars)

Drug Crni

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Prosto je neverovatno da ništa iz gomile napisanih knjiga neće da pretvore u serije i filmove, samo ceđenje suve slame iz prva tri snimljena filma, ja nemam racionalno objašnjenje da se na tom nivou para nešto tako dešava. Ili sam možda mator, ko zna. Ali čemu snimanje serija o Bobi Fetu i Obiju, super su oni onakvi kakve ih znamo, šta će sad još da nam prikazuju.


Imaju Džedaje i Sitove, nemoguće da iz toga ništa više ne može da se ekranizuje, zašto se već više ne odvoje od "originalne" trilogije, mislim, ne razumem.

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38 minutes ago, stray_cat said:

Prosto je neverovatno da ništa iz gomile napisanih knjiga neće da pretvore u serije i filmove, samo ceđenje suve slame iz prva tri snimljena filma, ja nemam racionalno objašnjenje da se na tom nivou para nešto tako dešava. Ili sam možda mator, ko zna. Ali čemu snimanje serija o Bobi Fetu i Obiju, super su oni onakvi kakve ih znamo, šta će sad još da nam prikazuju.


Imaju Džedaje i Sitove, nemoguće da iz toga ništa više ne može da se ekranizuje, zašto se već više ne odvoje od "originalne" trilogije, mislim, ne razumem.


Jbg, sve napisano pre 2014. je Dizni otpisao i vise nije kanon, bukvalno su rekli "boli nas uvo, we will take it from here".

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3 minutes ago, Prijatelj Mitar said:


Jbg, sve napisano pre 2014. je Dizni otpisao i vise nije kanon, bukvalno su rekli "boli nas uvo, we will take it from here".


Pa OK (mislim, znam za to), ali ako nema dovoljnog profita, a nema ga, nek' pogaze to što su rekli, nek' izmisle neku vremensko-prostornu zavrzlamu, pa da gledamo ekranizovane knjige posle, a one što su pre, to ne smeta snimljenom đubretu od nastavaka.


Ili nek' plate Rajanu Džonsonu i Džej Džej Abramsu da naprave seriju o, recimo krizi srednjih godina Rej Skajvoker, al' obavezno, recimo prvi da režira parne a drugi neparne epizode, takvu šizofreniju bih čak i gledao,  

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44 minutes ago, stray_cat said:


Pa OK (mislim, znam za to), ali ako nema dovoljnog profita, a nema ga, nek' pogaze to što su rekli, nek' izmisle neku vremensko-prostornu zavrzlamu, pa da gledamo ekranizovane knjige posle, a one što su pre, to ne smeta snimljenom đubretu od nastavaka.


Ili nek' plate Rajanu Džonsonu i Džej Džej Abramsu da naprave seriju o, recimo krizi srednjih godina Rej Skajvoker, al' obavezno, recimo prvi da režira parne a drugi neparne epizode, takvu šizofreniju bih čak i gledao,  

Malo li je fransiza koje JJ Abrams nije zasrao?

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Danas je odrzan online Disney+ dan.


Ovo nisu fotke iz same serije (ili jesu,ali nisu tato zvanicno prikazane) vec je na dogadjaju isao nekakav behind the scenes clip koji je isao kao promo materijal,pa su procurele neke fotografije, koje bi u najmanju ruku mogle da posvedoce o poznatim i novim "lokacijama" predstojece Obi-Wan Kenobi serije.


Ceka se prvi trailer/teaser. 

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Mandalore might not be as “cursed” as we thought.


THE MANDALORIAN has always been the story of a loner. Even as Din Djarin accrued friends and allies, the Star Wars series makes one thing clear: Mando is part of a dying breed. But a fresh leak from the set of Mandalorian Season 3 reveals the show may be getting ready to change that perception by revealing just how many Mandalorians are still around in the post-Empire era. (Warning! Possible spoilers ahead for Mando Season 3.)

According to MakingStarWars, which accurately leaked much of the plot of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and has recently set its sights on The Mandalorian Season 3, Lucasfilm is currently filming what sounds like the show’s most epic scene yet. The report describes a sequence featuring roughly 75 Mandalorians all assembled together, which is far more than we’ve ever seen in the Disney+ series.

In The Mandalorian Season 1, we see Din Djarin briefly hang out with a handful of Mandalorians in an underground covert on Nevarro. In Season 2, he encountered another small group led by Bo-Katan. But in both cases, we were dealing with small numbers of Mandalorians at most, not 75. The series has also made it clear that these small Mando clusters are few and far between.


The fact that 75 Mandalorians even exist at this point in Star Wars history is a bit of a shock. The Mandalorian Season 2 reveals that the Empire pretty much wiped out the people and their planet, apparently turning Mandalore into “glass.” At the time the show is set, many people believe the entire planet is cursed.

If 75 Mandalorians are going to assemble in one place, it could signal a new era for Din Djarin’s adopted people. Then again, it could also draw the attention of Moff Gideon and the remains of the Empire — or even the Emperor himself.


Beyond simply forcing us to reconsider how many Mandalorians are out there during the show, this leak has big implications. 75 Mandalorians is basically the equivalent of an army, considering their fighting prowess.

Of course, this raises yet another question. If there were 75 Mandalorians during the time of the show, what happened to them after Season 3? Where were they when the First Order rose up and Palpatine returned? Maybe the Mandalorians simply didn’t want to get involved in galactic conflict after what happened the last time, but then again, maybe The Mandalorian Season 3 is headed for a darker ending than anything we’ve seen from the series so far.


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