gggggggg Posted June 23, 2022 Author Posted June 23, 2022 23 minutes ago, uini said: ako dovedu OGja, sve je moguce. inace, zasto je OG dostupan? slabo je to i dalje, cak i sa anunobyjem. jedan igrac se jos mozda i moze sakraiti ali dva tesko. a tu jos racunamo da je centar iznadprosecni defanzivac...
Magia Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 4 minutes ago, gggggggg said: slabo je to i dalje, cak i sa anunobyjem. jedan igrac se jos mozda i moze sakraiti ali dva tesko. a tu jos racunamo da je centar iznadprosecni defanzivac... Koja 2 ako u startnoj petorci imas OG, Harta i Granta? Meni to zvuci kao potencijalno brutalna odbrana. 6
LordOfTerror Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 Zasto Portland ne bi napao Aytona? Mozda neki S+T Nurkica + #7 za ozaloscenu pumu? Nekako mi je Anunobi nedefinisan.
didžej hel Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 plus sto og moze da cuva od 1 do 4, pa i neku small ball 5icu a grant makar 3 i 4
gggggggg Posted June 23, 2022 Author Posted June 23, 2022 fritrou je pricao o bealu pa sam njega uracunao. ako anunoby umesto njega onda mozda i ne bude lose. opet racunamo da nurkic ostaje i da bude zdrav i koristan. kao i hart, koji jos nije siguran da ostaje isto. ja bih stavio granta na centra i da jure neko krilo. 2
didžej hel Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 1 minute ago, LordOfTerror said: Nekako mi je Anunobi nedefinisan. ti si nedefinisan 😱 1 5
LordOfTerror Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 1 minute ago, uini said: ti si nedefinisan 😱 Gde 7 pik da daju za onu mimi oru glavudzu koja je kotrlja po terenu. 4
Radalek Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 1 hour ago, uini said: ako dovedu OGja, sve je moguce. inace, zasto je OG dostupan? Najvise zbog toga sto je Scottie Barnes monstrum u najavi a Siakam se vratio u formu. Siakam je bolji igrac a Barnes je all nba potencijal i oni ce im igrati na 3 i 4. Pritom ne mogu da ih plate sve kad dodje vreme a OG nikad nece imati vecu vrednost nego sada. 1 1
zastotako Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 Sve kladionice stavili Banchero na 1. To znaci Hou kupuje prvi pick, OKC uzima Jabari, ORL Cheta. Interesantno.
Chaos Is Me Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 Nisam puno gledao Banchera ali ono što sam gledao pre smrdi na Anthony Bennetta/Jabari Parkera nego na nekog generacijskog talenta. 1
freethrow Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 2 hours ago, freethrow said: Beal (prvi strelac pretprošle sezone beše?), niko ne provaljuje moja suptilna zaprcavanja... 🤔 1
Miki28 Teoljub Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 10 minutes ago, freethrow said: niko ne provaljuje moja suptilna zaprcavanja... 🤔 Kurcenje level max😀 1
DameTime Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 Ne treba nam BB kad je tu Dame koji je i glavni trpač i lopta je najviše kod njega. Imam utisak da to ne bi bio nikakav superioran backcourt kao što zvuči na osnovu njihovih statsa u napadu. Više sam za nekog lowkey igrača na SG, pogotovo jer Dame odbranu ne pipa. 1
freethrow Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 True that, Dejmu bi najbolje legao neki Dort ili PatBev... 1
didžej hel Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 nisam siguran da postoji i jedan jedini igrač u ligi koji može da bude usamljeni trpač i da mu ekipa dogura daleko. luka je verovatno stigao najdalje što se može (uz pomoć brunsona i stelarnog šutiranja DFSa) ali bih rekao da ti treba još jedan ortać koji redovno gets buckets.
DameTime Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 I agree, ali ne sa potrošnjom jednakom njegovoj, jer smo već imali Dame-CJ duo i nije baš upalilo... @freethrow Dort, Dort!
freethrow Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 Portlandu bi legao i jedan Toskano Anderson, strašan momak, a ako nije dobio minute u ovom plejofu, teško da će dobijati tokom sezone u eri Kuminge i Vasjmana.
didžej hel Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 6 od 10 pop-eksperata mock drafta tvrdi da knicksi uzimaju aj griffina ako ostanu oko 11e pozicije Spoiler Griffin shot 44.7% from the 3 point line last season and it doesn’t seem fluky due to the fact that he also shot 79.2% from the free throw line (usually a good indicator of how good a shooter someone is). Griffin has a lot of rotation on his shot and would do well as a catch-and-shoot guy in the league as he always seems to be ready to shoot when spotting up. Waiting for your shot as a catch and shoot guy can be hard for a lot of players and it isn’t for everyone. You can find yourself getting out of rhythm for zoning out of the game mentally but he showed that he is not only capable of this but is very good in this role. Griffin was utilized as a spot up shooter in 46.2% of his possessions at Duke and often found himself camping out in the corners to create space for his teammates. His comfort and effectiveness in this role should do wonders in earning himself playing time early on. The freshman forward isn’t just a stand-still spot-up shooter either. College basketball fans got to see Griffin make threes in transition, on the move and even some step back threes, albeit to a lesser degree. His form is very compact and regardless of the type of shot he is taking, he tends to be very consistent and balanced on his shots, which could lead to him becoming a good shooter on the move or off the dribble as well. He’s most likely become very good at being on balance due to his body control and his physique, another thing that has scouts excited. The 6’6” guard was listed at 222lbs in college and he looked like it. Unlike some freshmen, Griffin had an NBA-ready body from day one and utilized it very well on both sides of the ball. When he wasn’t spotting up, Griffin often strung together dribble moves to get by his defender and even if they stayed with him, he often did a good job of initiating the contact and finishing through it. He’s by no means an elite finisher, but his strength and body control, combined with his above average athleticism made him a good finisher, even in traffic. Griffin’s upside is not only linked to his potential as a three-level scorer, but also because of his defense. Griffin can guard multiple positions because of his size and athleticism. While he may not have top tier quickness, he should be athletic and quick enough to defend most guards and his ridiculous 7’ wingspan and aforementioned strength should help him defend a lot of bigger players as well. The good news for whoever drafts Griffin is that it isn’t just the physical tools either. Over the course of his freshman season, Griffin seemed to really take pride in defending. Seeing a player that not only is capable of defending but enjoys it should be something to take note of, especially today, where so much of the game revolves around offense. But like any other prospect, there are concerns surrounding Griffin and his weaknesses. The biggest one being his injury history. Griffin has dealt with a dislocated knee and multiple knee sprains among other things and whenever you are deciding who to pick in the lottery, these things can definitely raise a red flag. Those who watched Griffin at Duke also saw him disappear and had some lackluster games at times, most notably his last game against UNC. He sometimes seemed to struggle with staying aggressive and finding a way to impact the game on the offensive end when he wasn’t getting spot up attempts. Duke had a lot of talented players which led to easier looks for him thus benefitting him but the overabundance of talented offensive players forced him out of picture at times as well. The one argument is that he was asked to play in the system and an uptick in usage and an increased role could lead to him showcasing more than what he was able to at Duke. Players can often work on their skillset, but changing a player’s mentality and or aggressiveness can be difficult so seeing how engaged he can stay on the offensive end will be something to keep an eye on when in the league. Aside from the injuries, and aggressiveness, Griffin has a few other weaknesses. Despite being able to drive to the rim in college, he still lacks a great handle and while he is somewhat quick, he doesn’t seem to have the most elite first step. There were times when Griffin would drive side to side instead of playing north to south, which lead to tough shots or an inability to get past his defender. When going against some of the best athletes and defenders in the world, this may hinder him and limit his ability to truly become an all-around scorer who can consistently get his own shots. Overall, despite his weaknesses and concerns, Griffin is already a solid player with a pretty high floor. He is a prospect that can come in and contribute to an NBA team immediately due to his ability to space the floor and defend multiple positions. He could slot in and be a mix of a Robert Covington and Sadiq Bey. But unlike some other role players with the ability to defend and shoot, Griffin has the physical tool and potential to be even more than that. If he can stay healthy and work on his handles, he absolutely has the potential to be more than just a 3 and D role player. If the Knicks were to take him, they’d get a guy that can create more space for Julius Randle (assuming he stays) and RJ Barrett, while providing Tom Thibodeau with some wing depth and a very good wing defender to pair with Barrett and Reddish. The Knicks already have multiple Duke players, will they add another by bringing in Griffin, a White Plains native? ne bih imao apsolutno ništa protiv ovakvog izbora ali mi po napisanom ne bi bilo iznenađenje da ode sa nekog 6 - 11 mesta, tj malo mi je 11o za njega wishful thinking, pošto nije neki lud draft.
Dracarys Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 Mogu da pojačaju odbranu koliko god žele, ali ako Grent ostane druga skorerska opcija, mogu da računaju najviše na prvu rundu plej ofa. Lepo je imati odbranu, ali od napada se živi. Da ne pominjem koliko je bitno imati jake ballhandlere za plej of, pogotovo u današnjoj eri kada se prave strašni pritisci na van linije za 3. Čini mi se da bi Dejm i Sajmons bili nedovoljni. Jedino ako računaju da je Sajmons izrastao u jednog vrhunskog skorera kao što je delimično pokazao u aktuelnoj sezoni. 1
LordOfTerror Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 2 hours ago, zastotako said: Sve kladionice stavili Banchero na 1. To znaci Hou kupuje prvi pick, OKC uzima Jabari, ORL Cheta. Interesantno. Zasto bi Hou kupovao prvi pik kada bi im Banchero verovatno zapao i sa 3. pozicije?
Dracarys Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 Inače, pominjao se trejd D. Mareja u Atlantu za Kolinsa. Baš bih voleo da se to dogodi, jer kada sam gledao Atlantu u ovom plej ofu, video sam koliko su Janga uništili u prenosu lopte, pogotovo što je Majami jedna od najboljih ekipa u ligi što se tiče odbrane šuta za 3. Marej bi debelo rasteretio Janga.
Dracarys Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 Trajku je u ovoj sezoni mnogo napredovao šut za 3, sada ima 38% Ne smem ni da zamislim šta će biti kada stigne još jedna ozbiljna zverka u Atlantu i naprave jaku ekipu.
LordOfTerror Posted June 23, 2022 Posted June 23, 2022 Low-key Od kad su Duncan,Manu i Tony otisli u penziju Spursi su najgore vodjenja fransiza u ligi, kakvi Kingsi, Minesota,Sarlot i ostali... Zadnjih 30 poteza im nema nikakve veze sa zivotom. Od draftovanja do FA potpisa... 1
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