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Svi su postali neubjedljivi, prije bih rekao nestabilni. Svakako doprinosi umor zbog ubitačnog tempa igranja, ali glavni razlog je prevelika važnost šuta za tri. Kad ulazi bijela tehnika sve je sjajno, bajno, kad se trguje građevinskim materijalom - drži gaće. :kece: Dalas je najočitiji primjer, ako ih ne posluži šut u nastavku vrlo je moguć kraj serije. 

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Posted (edited)

Kakav je ovo cirkus...


Kad sam vec ostao budan reko daj da ogledam malo Bjelicu, ulazi se u 4/4 sa +29 za Dallas.


Kad ono posle 4 minuta petorka Poole,Lee,Moody,Kuminga i Bjelica skresu razliku na 16 😄


Kidd prvo vratio sve startere pa sad i Doncica, naravno Kerru na pamet da vraca bilo koga.


Edit: 11 na 4 minuta do kraja 😄


Edit: -8 na 3.22 do kraja :Hail: Sipaja trojke Moody i Kuminga.

Edited by LordOfTerror
Posted (edited)

Izdrza nekako Dalas, vratio Ker startere zadnja 3 minuta :s_d:


Inace znajuci njega uopste se ne bih zacudio da Bjelica dobija neke znacajne minute u sledecoj utakmici jer je odigrao fenomenalno. Za razliku od Greena sa lakocom resava ove situacije ako ga pustis jer nece da doda nikome samo ce da ih pregazi i polozi loptu.


Takodje ne reaguje na ove finte glavom i pogledom strica Brunsona, samo sacekao budalu da se izvrti 10 puta oko svoje ose spreman da ga vrati dandarom u midgetland kod JJ Baree...

Edited by LordOfTerror
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au jebote, tek sad vidim da je neki klinja porokao gomilu dece


kerrov pre-game govor



I’m not going to talk about basketball. Nothing’s happened with our team in the last six hours. We’re going to start the same way tonight. Any basketball questions don’t matter.


Since we left shootaround, 14 children were killed 400 miles from here, and a teacher. In the last 10 days, we’ve had elderly Black people killed in a supermarket in Buffalo, we’ve had Asian churchgoers killed in Southern California, now we have children murdered at school. When are we going to do something? I’m tired. I’m so tired of getting up here and offering condolences to the devastated families that are out there. I’m so tired. Excuse me. I’m sorry. I’m tired of the moments of silence. Enough.


There’s 50 Senators right now who refuse to vote on HR8, which is a background check rule that the House passed a couple years ago. It’s been sitting there for two years. There’s a reason they won’t vote on it: to hold onto power. I ask you, Mitch McConnell, all of you Senators who refuse to do anything about the violence, school shootings, supermarket shootings, I ask you: Are you going to put your own desire for power ahead of the lives of our children and our elderly and our churchgoers? Because that’s what it looks like. That’s what we do every week. So I’m fed up. I’ve had enough.


We’re going to play the game tonight. But I want every person here, every person listening to this, to think about your own child or grandchild, mother or father, sister, brother. How would you feel if this happened to you today? We can’t get numb to this. We can’t sit here and just read about it and go, well, let’s have a moment of silence. Go Dubs. C’mon, Mavs, let’s go.


That’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to go play a basketball game. 50 Senators in Washington are going to hold us hostage. Do you realize that 90 percent of Americans, regardless of political party, want background checks, universal background checks? 90% of us. We are being held hostage by 50 Senators in Washington who refuse to even put it to a vote, despite what we the American people want. They won’t vote on it because they want to hold onto their own power.

It’s pathetic. I’ve had enough.



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11 minutes ago, uini said:

au jebote, tek sad vidim da je neki klinja porokao gomilu dece


kerrov pre-game govor

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I’m not going to talk about basketball. Nothing’s happened with our team in the last six hours. We’re going to start the same way tonight. Any basketball questions don’t matter.


Since we left shootaround, 14 children were killed 400 miles from here, and a teacher. In the last 10 days, we’ve had elderly Black people killed in a supermarket in Buffalo, we’ve had Asian churchgoers killed in Southern California, now we have children murdered at school. When are we going to do something? I’m tired. I’m so tired of getting up here and offering condolences to the devastated families that are out there. I’m so tired. Excuse me. I’m sorry. I’m tired of the moments of silence. Enough.


There’s 50 Senators right now who refuse to vote on HR8, which is a background check rule that the House passed a couple years ago. It’s been sitting there for two years. There’s a reason they won’t vote on it: to hold onto power. I ask you, Mitch McConnell, all of you Senators who refuse to do anything about the violence, school shootings, supermarket shootings, I ask you: Are you going to put your own desire for power ahead of the lives of our children and our elderly and our churchgoers? Because that’s what it looks like. That’s what we do every week. So I’m fed up. I’ve had enough.


We’re going to play the game tonight. But I want every person here, every person listening to this, to think about your own child or grandchild, mother or father, sister, brother. How would you feel if this happened to you today? We can’t get numb to this. We can’t sit here and just read about it and go, well, let’s have a moment of silence. Go Dubs. C’mon, Mavs, let’s go.


That’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to go play a basketball game. 50 Senators in Washington are going to hold us hostage. Do you realize that 90 percent of Americans, regardless of political party, want background checks, universal background checks? 90% of us. We are being held hostage by 50 Senators in Washington who refuse to even put it to a vote, despite what we the American people want. They won’t vote on it because they want to hold onto their own power.

It’s pathetic. I’ve had enough.





kakva bolest od zemlje jbt

19 minutes ago, uini said:

au jebote, tek sad vidim da je neki klinja porokao gomilu dece


kerrov pre-game govor

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I’m not going to talk about basketball. Nothing’s happened with our team in the last six hours. We’re going to start the same way tonight. Any basketball questions don’t matter.


Since we left shootaround, 14 children were killed 400 miles from here, and a teacher. In the last 10 days, we’ve had elderly Black people killed in a supermarket in Buffalo, we’ve had Asian churchgoers killed in Southern California, now we have children murdered at school. When are we going to do something? I’m tired. I’m so tired of getting up here and offering condolences to the devastated families that are out there. I’m so tired. Excuse me. I’m sorry. I’m tired of the moments of silence. Enough.


There’s 50 Senators right now who refuse to vote on HR8, which is a background check rule that the House passed a couple years ago. It’s been sitting there for two years. There’s a reason they won’t vote on it: to hold onto power. I ask you, Mitch McConnell, all of you Senators who refuse to do anything about the violence, school shootings, supermarket shootings, I ask you: Are you going to put your own desire for power ahead of the lives of our children and our elderly and our churchgoers? Because that’s what it looks like. That’s what we do every week. So I’m fed up. I’ve had enough.


We’re going to play the game tonight. But I want every person here, every person listening to this, to think about your own child or grandchild, mother or father, sister, brother. How would you feel if this happened to you today? We can’t get numb to this. We can’t sit here and just read about it and go, well, let’s have a moment of silence. Go Dubs. C’mon, Mavs, let’s go.


That’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to go play a basketball game. 50 Senators in Washington are going to hold us hostage. Do you realize that 90 percent of Americans, regardless of political party, want background checks, universal background checks? 90% of us. We are being held hostage by 50 Senators in Washington who refuse to even put it to a vote, despite what we the American people want. They won’t vote on it because they want to hold onto their own power.

It’s pathetic. I’ve had enough.




Sjajan lik, svaka čast za govor. Kad bi još samo doprlo do ušiju onih koji treba da čuju...

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ocekivano jedna za mavse, resavaju dubsi tu u sledecoj


listajuci neke draft teme jutros, skontam da OKC ima 21 1st round pick i ukupno 34 picka do 2028

bice zanimljivo videti sta ce presti da uradi sa svim tim

negde u pozadini to isto znaci da poku nema bas jos mnogo vremena da pokaze da li legit nba igrac

sl. sezona mu je presudna

inace dolaze brzi, mladji, bolji

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3 minutes ago, NikadProtivKaline said:

negde u pozadini to isto znaci da poku nema bas jos mnogo vremena da pokaze da li legit nba igrac


mislim da je poku pokazao da ima mesta u nba, njegov progres iz sezone 1 u sezonu 2 je vidljiv golim okom.

svakako je pitanje, upravo zbog tih brda pikova, da li thundersi računaju na njega ili ga vide kao primamljiv deo nekog trejd-paketa.


sve je moguće na temu ali mislim da poku ostaje u nba.

1 hour ago, uini said:

au jebote, tek sad vidim da je neki klinja porokao gomilu dece

Jebi ga, ni prvi a sigurno ni poslednji (zadnji veliki masakr dece bio je Sandy Hook). Kada svaka budala može da kupi pištolj, nije ni čudo. Vredi ponovo postaviti Jim-a:




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Kerr je sjajan čovek. Nažalost, i lično ga verovatno ovakve stvari više pogađaju nego običnog građanina jer je i njegov otac na sličan način ubijen u Bejrutu gde je bio predsednik Američkog univerziteta u Bejrutu (inače fenomenalan kampus na moru, imao sam priliku da ga lično posetim). 

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11 minutes ago, Darko said:

Jebi ga, ni prvi a sigurno ni poslednji (zadnji veliki masakr dece bio je Sandy Hook). Kada svaka budala može da kupi pištolj, nije ni čudo. Vredi ponovo postaviti Jim-a:





Jedan od najboljih stend ap segmenata svih vremena.

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